> OK. Did you actually do benchmarking or similar?
No. I was talking theoretically. However, precompiling LilyPondTool would not
make much gain on startup speed: it mainly uses other libraries.
lilypond-user mailing list
Then, well, who can help me??
2006/12/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme coding for LilyPond. Please
always keep the discussion on the mailing list, for the
benefit of yourself since you get access to the collected
expertise on the list an
-- Forwarded message --
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 déc. 2006 15:31
Subject: Re: How to use ^markup in a scheme function?
To: Frédéric Chiasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm certainly not any expert in Scheme coding for LilyPond. Please
always keep the discussion
Morten Lemvigh escreveu:
> I'm trying to get at piece to have alternative endings using:
> \repeat volta 5 { ... }
> \alternative {
> }
> But instead of having the first part repeatet 4 times I would like to
> have the repeat pattern to be [1,3,4,5] and [2] - the 1st,
On Tuesday 12 December 2006 15:53, Bertalan Fodor wrote:
> Certainly not. Actually the java code is compiled to machine code at
> runtime. This is slower than precompiling, but the compiled code can run
> faster than its precompiled counterpart, because the runtime machine
> will have information a
Mats Bengtsson escreveu:
> Luc wrote:
>> I also checked .../share/emacs/site-lisp/lilypond-words.el quickly and
>> noticed that e.g. indent, poet, wordwrap and others are missing in
>> this file.
> Yes, no titling fields or markup commands are included.
> Now that I check how the fil
I'm trying to get at piece to have alternative endings using:
\repeat volta 5 { ... }
\alternative {
But instead of having the first part repeatet 4 times I would like to
have the repeat pattern to be [1,3,4,5] and [2] - the 1st, 3td, 4th and
5th verse are the same and the 2
> But never in the examples a tie ends behind a note head. [...]
> so I guess it is a bug.
I think so, too.
> I am not sure if you got the same result, so I attach the output
> image.
Please provide the smallest possible example to get the incorrect
behaviour and send it to the bug-lilypond mai
David Gippner wrote:
Hello list!
I'm sorry about the error. This is on my provider's account and can be
resolved by simply reloading the site.
The specific questions I had are as follows:
- the episems don't show. Does anybody know some trick which I could use?
As far as I can see, this
> "Geoff" == Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Are you really trying to put two pages on one sheet? If so, I find
>> LaTeX understands it better if I just tell geometry what size the
>> "page" is, and then use pdfnup to put two pages on one sheet.
Geoff> That is ind
On 12/5/06, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Trevor Bača escreveu:
> \relative c' {
> \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
> \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 8 50)
> \override Score.PaperColumn #'used = ##t
Hello list!
I'm sorry about the error. This is on my provider's account and can be
resolved by simply reloading the site.
The specific questions I had are as follows:
- the episems don't show. Does anybody know some trick which I could use?
- when typing stemless notes, I want to put two notes
I get
*Warning*: getmypid() has been disabled for security reasons in
on line *231
*when trying to access the file.
You may also want to remind us about your specific questions.
David Gippner wrot
As I have said before, if you think something is a bug, then please
send the example to bug-lilypond. Try to make it as clear as possible
exactly what you think is a bug.
Syepi wrote:
Please see the regression tests, for example this:
Hello List!
I've put the pictures in the internal section of my homepage
go to login,
insert username: lilypond, password lily
then you can see the pictures of my little problem.
Please see the regression tests, for example this:
Ties *never* end after a note head in the tests, with the exception if there
is also a note head on the opposite side of the stem, which is fine in my
opinion. Also, ties tend to
Are you really trying to put two pages on one sheet? If so, I find
LaTeX understands it better if I just tell geometry what size the
"page" is, and then use pdfnup to put two pages on one sheet.
That is indeed what I'm doing. For now, Mats' fix works without my
having to learn about a new LaTeX
I hope you remember to add the flag
dvips -t landscape
Thanks! That fixed it, though it wasn't a case of remembering to add
the flag--I'd never seen it before. I'll send Graham a documentation
addition on that.
lilypond-user mailing list
> "Geoff" == Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Geoff> Can you try it again in landscape mode, please? Your example and mine
Geoff> both work in portrait and both fail in landscape.
Are you really trying to put two pages on one sheet? If so, I find
LaTeX understands it better i
Syepi wrote:
Please see how it is assymetrical - ties in the middle generally tend to be
shortened, and this one is extended, and only on one side.
You mean that the left end should be shortened?
Please search the mailing list archives (also for
I tried to change the first line to
and couldn't notice any problems. If you use dvips and ps2pdf,
I hope you remember to add the flag
dvips -t landscape
I prefer to use pdflatex (with lilypond-book --pdf ... ) where you don't
have to bother ab
> Both the middle and the bottom ties end before the stem, which seems
> reasonable to me. I don't remember exactly what it looked like in
> version 2.6. However, if you compare the first example of
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/Documentation/user/lilypond/Ties.html#Ties
> with the corresponding
Can you try it again in landscape mode, please? Your example and mine
both work in portrait and both fail in landscape.
On 12/15/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The following example works without problems with LilyPond 2.10 over here:
Both the middle and the bottom ties end before the stem, which seems
reasonable to me. I don't remember exactly what it looked like in
version 2.6. However, if you compare the first example of
with the corresponding example in
I was browsing through the 2.11.2 docs today looking for documentation for
two-pass line/page breaking. Unfortunately, all I found was a reference to a
regression test that I didn't quite understand.
What I'd like to do is take the line breaks from a score processed with
Here is an example file:
\score {
\time 4/4
\new PianoStaff {
\clef bass
2~ 2
2~ 2
2~ 2
2~ 2
2~ 2
\layout { papersize = "a4" }
The middle tie poi
The line
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
calls a Scheme function that is executed when LilyPond reads the file.
Apparently, it sets the fonts in some way. This means that you need to have
that line at the top of the file, before the make-pango-font-tree line.
For example
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
Before posting on the debug list
I would like to know if some of you experienced this.
When I try to extract a piece from a midi file which is in f major (1 flat) I do
midi2ly --key=-1 "myfile.mid"
the resulting file have indeed a nice \key f \major printed on top but
all the 'bes' are noted as
The following example works without problems with LilyPond 2.10 over here:
\repeat unfold 10 { c' d' e' f' }
\repeat unfold
For example, the script that generates the
file looks for markup commands at the wrong place and several of the
at the end of the lilypond-words.el file are completely outdated.
I'd like to note, that LilyPondTool has an up to date word list in the
modes directory of the downloadable zi
The reason is exactly the same as the reason that you cannot do
mynote = c
\score{{\mynote ^"text" }}
See the section on "Adding articulation to notes (example)" for more
information on how to solve the problem.
Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
I tried to program a function to put a slash
I tried to program a function to put a slash at a given offset on a note,
but the line with the ^\markup doesn't work.
Here is the code :
Slash = #(define-music-function (parser location xy note)
(pair? ly:music?)
\once \override TextScript #'extra-of
Luc wrote:
I also checked .../share/emacs/site-lisp/lilypond-words.el quickly and noticed
that e.g. indent, poet, wordwrap and others are missing in this file.
Yes, no titling fields or markup commands are included.
Now that I check how the file is generated, I notice that this hasn't been
Note, though that you have to put the actual music first in the \score
{ c' d' e' f' }
\header {
piece = "Miniature"
opus = "Igor Stravinsky"
see "How LilyPond files work".
Gilles Sadowski wrote:
Try this:
\score {
\header {
piece = "Mi
34 matches
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