The following example works without problems with LilyPond 2.10 over here:

 \repeat unfold 10 { c' d' e' f' }
 \repeat unfold 10 { c' d' e' f' }


Geoff Horton wrote:
Has anyone tried to use lilypond-book with LaTeX and the twocolumn
option set in the documentclass statement? (e.g.,

The first column is taking up most of the page and shoving the second
column off the right-hand side. I don't know whether this is because I
need to tell lilypond-book something, or LaTeX something, or whether
the entire quest is completely hopeless. Oh, and I'm using the anysize
package to set margins.

If nobody knows how to make this work, I can keep experimenting
tomorrow, but I thought it worth asking in advance.

OSX 10.4, LilyPond 10.2, pdfeTeX 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5).


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