Re: Latest version in Ubuntu

2005-11-14 Thread Gauvain Pocentek
Cyprien Gay a écrit : >Gauvain Pocentek a écrit : > > > >>It's a dependency trouble. Tetex-bin has been removed from >>dependencies but is still needed by the dpkg preinstallation script >>(kpsewhich is included i this package). >>Installing tetex-bin before installing Lily is the fastest soluti

Re: Partial measure moment

2005-11-14 Thread Michael Welsh Duggan
Gilles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> >> - Partial bars: >> You probably don't want to use \partial in the middle of a piece. In your >> example, it tends to destroy the bar numbering. I think it's a better idea >> to >> set Timing.measureLength directly. >> One thing that might be easier is

Re: lily in agnula ? lily in live distro ?

2005-11-14 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Does anyone know if there is any momentum to include lilypond on the upcoming version of dynebolic? Josiah Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote: There is something called Studio to Go British Expensive Lilypond is integrated with Rosegarden I found it to be a to

Re: : Unbound variable:

2005-11-14 Thread joeyc (sent by
I found it was a bad apostrophe ...  fixed now Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Chord Chart - no lines

2005-11-14 Thread joeyc (sent by
This example from the docs does what I want... It prints a chord chart with just Bar Lines, and the chord symbols...  but I would like to modify it... 1.)  I would like to add a bar line at the beginning measure 2.)  How can I add more than one chord per measure 3.)  How would I add the measure r

Undefined control sequence. \embeddedps

2005-11-14 Thread jim smith
I am running Lilypond 2.2.2 on FreeBSD. It was running fine, then I had to upgrade the tex system to gain some added functionality for LyX. Since upgrade teTeX, lilypond [actually, LaTeX] is now broken. On FreeBSD, tex-latex2e is deprecated for teTeX-texmf. While I know this is mostly a LaTeX pr

What's the best version for FreeBSD?

2005-11-14 Thread Gordon Gilbert
Hi! I have been using 2.5.29 for some time now, and liking it just fine. But my son the computer genius has been messing with my machine (P-5, with oodles of ram and storage, using FreeBSD 5.3), and Lilypond no longer works. My question: which version should I download and install for this

Re: Partial measure moment

2005-11-14 Thread Gilles
Hi. The problem is presented in the following: I thought that it might be a bug but: > > > > - Partial bars: > > You probably don't want to use \partial in the middle of a piece. In your > > example, it tends to destroy t

Re: Why not a forum?

2005-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Johann Petrak wrote: I am pretty new to lilypond and this list, but I wonder if it would be possible to create a discussion forum on the lilypond website? My experience is that forums are much more convenient to discuss problems. One of the advantages is that one can make different forums for

Re: Custom page size in LaTeX causes lilypond-book to produce bad output.

2005-11-14 Thread Michael Haynie
As requested, attached are 4 files: two source files representing a broken and working example (nearly identical, as a diff will show, and the resulting output. Both files were built using lilypond-book -f latex --psfonts followed by invocations of latex, dvips, etc. Like this: lilyp

Re: lily in agnula ? lily in live distro ?

2005-11-14 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence
There is something called Studio to Go British Expensive Lilypond is integrated with Rosegarden I found it to be a total pain and the version of Lily is 2.2 which isn't really adequate anymore. Jay Cyprien Gay wrote: Hello, I was wondering whether lilypond is par

: Unbound variable:

2005-11-14 Thread joeyc (sent by
Hi, What does this error mean? Parsing...: In _expression_ ?bar-size: : Unbound variable: ?bar-size I get it when I try to compile the following \new ChordNames \with { \override BarLine #?bar-size = #4 voltaOnThisStaff = ##t \consists Bar_engraver \consists "Volta_engraver" } \repeat vo

Re: PDFLaTeX support (WAS: windows user of lilybook (wanted for help))

2005-11-14 Thread Markian Hlynka
there is interest from me as well... but neither the time to do it myself nor the money to sponsor, so this is just a statement of interest for now. Markian On Nov 13, 2005, at 17:01, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: D Josiah Boothby wrote: If there is interest, PDFLaTeX support for lilypond-book

Re: Non-latin scripts howto?

2005-11-14 Thread Richard Schoeller
I can't comment on why it works for me and not for you. When it was announced that the Unicode support was in there, I tried it and it worked. As to entering Hebrew in gedit, I use 3 different techniques. If I can find the name of the song or a similar already entered on the web, I copy and past

Why not a forum?

2005-11-14 Thread Johann Petrak
I am pretty new to lilypond and this list, but I wonder if it would be possible to create a discussion forum on the lilypond website? My experience is that forums are much more convenient to discuss problems. One of the advantages is that one can make different forums for different areas of discus

lily in agnula ? lily in live distro ?

2005-11-14 Thread Cyprien Gay
Hello, I was wondering whether lilypond is part of agnula. (it seems not). Also, is there any live-cd with lilypond on it ? If not, would that not be a great thing to have, for the spreading lilypond ? Cyprien. -- Cyprien Gay. Qu'est-ce qu'un adhésif ?

Re: Latest version in Ubuntu

2005-11-14 Thread Cyprien Gay
Gauvain Pocentek a écrit : > It's a dependency trouble. Tetex-bin has been removed from > dependencies but is still needed by the dpkg preinstallation script > (kpsewhich is included i this package). > Installing tetex-bin before installing Lily is the fastest solution Just did it. It worked ! (2

Re: why not two lists ?

2005-11-14 Thread Cyprien Gay
Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit : > Trevor Bača wrote: > >>> Just a quick question : >>> I've been listening to this list for a few weeks >>> and noticed that threads on installation >>> and threads on writing music are totally mixed. >>> Would it not be useful to have two different lists ? >>> (just a s

RE: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-11-14 Thread Fairchild
I find in 2.6 but not 2.4. Anyway, with only one coordinate set, it seems 'positions can only move the entire slur without changing tilt or shape? -Original Message- From: Han-Wen Nienhuys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:40 PM To: Fairchild Cc:

Re: why not two lists ?

2005-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Trevor Bača wrote: Just a quick question : I've been listening to this list for a few weeks and noticed that threads on installation and threads on writing music are totally mixed. Would it not be useful to have two different lists ? (just a suggestion). I couldn't agree more. There's little

Re: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Fairchild wrote: Tried: \override Slur #'positions = #'(stem . head) \override Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Score.Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Voice.Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Slur #'positions = #'(( 13.0 . -13.0 )

RE: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-11-14 Thread Fairchild
Tried: \override Slur #'positions = #'(stem . head) \override Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Score.Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Voice.Slur #'positions = #'( 13.0 . -13.0 ) \override Slur #'positions = #'(( 13.0 . -13.0 ) ( 4.0 . 4.0 )) to n

Re: why not two lists ?

2005-11-14 Thread Trevor Bača
On 11/13/05, Cyprien Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi, > > I am new to Lilypond, and eager to get hands on it ! > I do choir practice / sometimes directing. > I've been using LaTeX for many years (research in physics). > As for OSes, I haven't used Windows for about three years. > > Just a qui

Re: Building lilypond assumes .pyc instead of .pyo

2005-11-14 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Jonatan Liljedahl writes: > but on some distros PYTHONOPTIMIZE is set Wow, that's really broken, but nevertheless thanks for the report, this is fixed in CVS. Jan. -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter |

Re: Vertical staff height

2005-11-14 Thread uunail (sent by
Thank you for the message which unfortunately didn't help. By coincidence you answered another question today that gave the decisive hint. My problem was not the staff height, it was the empty space between the staves in the first line. With an \override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove

Re: Upgrading to 2.6 Help

2005-11-14 Thread Tim Sawyer
Excellent, thanks that works! Tim. On Monday 14 Nov 2005 01:04, Graham Percival wrote: > On 13-Nov-05, at 2:16 PM, Tim Sawyer wrote: > > Thanks! That now gets me a dvi I can preview. Unfortunately, it has > > font > > trouble - I appear to be missing note heads and the time sig is in > > the w

Re: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Fairchild wrote: Sure do miss the "\override Slur #'attachment = " feature in v 2.4.6. Using "\override Slur #'control-points = " as a workaround is tedious. Don't want to upgrade beyond 2.4.6 yet. Is there a better workaround or a way to patch in the missing Scheme code? why don't you use #

formatting for tabloid size paper

2005-11-14 Thread Stephen Corey
Hello, New to Lilypond and loving it. I'd greatly appreciate any help I could get formatting an orchestral score correctly so it will fit properly on tabloid size paper in landscape format. There is plenty of vertical room for 11 staves to fit okay. But the default settings (set-default-paper-s

RE: Does what: \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)

2005-11-14 Thread Fairchild
Sure do miss the "\override Slur #'attachment = " feature in v 2.4.6. Using "\override Slur #'control-points = " as a workaround is tedious. Don't want to upgrade beyond 2.4.6 yet. Is there a better workaround or a way to patch in the missing Scheme code? - Bruce -

Re: Building lilypond assumes .pyc instead of .pyo

2005-11-14 Thread Jonatan Liljedahl
On Sun, 13 Nov 2005 14:38:29 -0200 Jonatan Liljedahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The lilypond installation procedure assumes that the build part did > produce some .pyc (python bytecode files) but on some distros > PYTHONOPTIMIZE is set so that .pyo files are created instead of .pyc, > resulting

[Fwd: formatting for tabloid size paper]

2005-11-14 Thread Stephen Corey
sorry, forgot one of those cardinal rules - using Lilypond 2.6.3 with jEdit 2.4 on Suse 10.0 64 bit. Steve --- Begin Message --- Hello, New to Lilypond and loving it. I'd greatly appreciate any help I could get formatting an orchestral score correctly so it will fit properly on tabloid size pa

formatting for tabloid size paper

2005-11-14 Thread Stephen Corey
Hello, New to Lilypond and loving it. I'd greatly appreciate any help I could get formatting an orchestral score correctly so it will fit properly on tabloid size paper in landscape format. There is plenty of vertical room for 11 staves to fit okay. But the default settings (set-default-paper-s

Re: Non-latin scripts howto?

2005-11-14 Thread Gilles
Hi. > > I've had little luck edit Hebrew (actually Yiddish) in emacs. I do all > of the editing of Lilypond except for the right-to-left markup in emacs. > Then I use gedit with great success for the Yiddish markup. It seems to > keep the directionality things right and saves properly in UTF-8.

Partial measure moment

2005-11-14 Thread Gilles
Hi. > > - Partial bars: > You probably don't want to use \partial in the middle of a piece. In your > example, it tends to destroy the bar numbering. I think it's a better idea to > set Timing.measureLength directly. > I found this in the manual: measurePosition (moment) How much of the

Re: using convert-ly in version 2.6.4 in Windows

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you run convert-ly -e the file "" will be updated and the old version is saved in "". Did you check if anything happened to your .ly file. Note also that convert-ly for version 2.6.4 will not do anything if the old file had version 2.6.0 or newer. /Mats Edua

Re: The limits of StaffGroup nesting

2005-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Erik Sandberg wrote: Then, how does this make it possible to drop InnerXX contexts? There must still be one individual StaffGroup-ish context definition for each level of context nesting? What's the point in context nesting, except for being able to nest brackets? -- Han-Wen Nienhuys - [E

Re: Guitar: clef for classical Guitar notation / barr guitar chords

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Did you look in the section on Clefs in the manual? /Mats Kai Gorlich wrote: Hi all, first of all many thanks for this great software. In classcial guitar notation the clef C bears an 8 directly attached to it to show that the instrument is noted an octave lower than it sounds. Is there

Re: putting bracket above fingering instruction

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Do you mean something similar to what's described in "8.5.6 Analysis brackets" or maybe ^\downbow described in "6.5.1 Articulations"? /Mats Rob van den Berg wrote: I mainly use lilypond for writing/arranging educational music for my keyboard and piano students. In the books we use it is commo

Re: Creating image files with Lilypond?

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
To change directory from C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen to C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen\skrivebord, do chdir skrivebord or cd skrivebord See for example for more information. Also,

Re: Creating image files with Lilypond?

2005-11-14 Thread Jannik Jeppesen
Hi again... perhaps a stupid question... hope not. when I start cmd.exe and type "cd" nothing happends it still says: C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen> i want to go to C:\dokuments and settings\jannik jeppesen\skrivebord> How is that possible? and when i try to open lilypond it simpl

Re: Creating image files with Lilypond?

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you download the latest 2.6.4 version from, you can simply start a command prompt (Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt), use the command 'cd' to change to the relevant directory and run lilypond -whateverflag /Mats Jannik Jeppesen wrote:

Re: What is "{ s1 }" for?

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It's a spacer rest, see "2.16 Single staff polyphony" in the Tutorial. The purpose here is to keep the context "alive" until the actual lyrics begins. /Mats Eduardo Vieira wrote: Hello users, I am still struggling to learn the syntax for scores with lyrics. In the manual (as well as in o

Re: Language of error messages / jEdit

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Check what the command 'locale' says about the value of the different localization related properties on your system. 'man 3 gettext" will also provide some information. /Mats Thomas Scharkowski wrote: LC_ALL is unset, so what could I try next? Thank you for your patience. Thomas Mayb

Re: Newbie, lyrics and vertical spacing.

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: On 11/14/05, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Please always keep the discussion on the mailing list, oops, excuse me, I didn't realize that the From: filed of the mail had the personal emain and not the list's. I hope you know that you have inc

Guitar: clef for classical Guitar notation / barr guitar chords

2005-11-14 Thread Kai Gorlich
Hi all, first of all many thanks for this great software. In classcial guitar notation the clef C bears an 8 directly attached to it to show that the instrument is noted an octave lower than it sounds. Is there a clef in the repository? I managed to work out the fingering but is there a way t

putting bracket above fingering instruction

2005-11-14 Thread Rob van den Berg
I mainly use lilypond for writing/arranging educational music for my keyboard and piano students. In the books we use it is common practice to put a small brack (┌┐) above a fingering instruction when the hand has to change position on the keyboard. How can I achieve this with lilypond and if it ca

using convert-ly in version 2.6.4 in Windows

2005-11-14 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Hello friends,   I've upgraded from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (Windows native) and midi2ly works fine, but convert-ly doesn't. It gives me some output if I use the option -e: a .ly~ file is the output (with the same contents as the original). Otherwise ,when I run it the windows pops up, processes the d

Re: Non-latin scripts howto?

2005-11-14 Thread Richard Schoeller
I did a little more experimenting after last night's message. It seems that different fonts behave somewhat differently with combining characters. All of the following reflects the behaviors of the fonts that come with xorg-x11 on fc4. David font combines correctly but the tropes are slightly to

Re: [SPAM] Re: Getting started in OS X terminal

2005-11-14 Thread andrea valle
Fink put sw/bin at the head of your path, and all its packages in sw/bin. So you will have lily working but maybe other programs not working anymore... Better use and the wonderful dmg. -a- On 13 Nov 2005, at 21:46, Thomas Evdokimoff wrote: you might try using the fink package

What is "{ s1 }" for?

2005-11-14 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Hello users,   I am still struggling to learn the syntax for scores with lyrics. In the manual (as well as in other examples) I have seen this in the templates for vocal ensembles: \context Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }   What does the { s1 } stand for? What is its use?   Best regards,   Eduardo _

Re: Creating image files with Lilypond?

2005-11-14 Thread Jannik Jeppesen
I have read it i´m using winXp. And I cant figure it out. I doesn´t have a command line?? Jannik - Original Message - From: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "P B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:09 AM Subject: Re: Creating image files with

Re: The limits of StaffGroup nesting

2005-11-14 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 14 November 2005 02.10, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Erik Sandberg wrote: > >>On 11/12/05, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >>>Trevor Bača wrote: > So, both for ease of implementation -- and because actual composers > seem to bar and bracket things quite arbitrarily -- m

Re: Changing every grob's color in a staff

2005-11-14 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Thanks a lot for your suggestions, Han-Wen. I finally managed to get what I wanted. I post my solution here: \version "2.6.4" #(define (override-color-for-all-grobs color) (lambda (context) (let loop ((x all-grob-descriptio

Re: Upgrading to 2.6 Help

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
You have already received an answer, but why not take a quick look in the manual corresponding to your version before sending the question to the mailing list? /Mats Tim Sawyer wrote: Thanks! That now gets me a dvi I can preview. Unfortunately, it has font trouble - I appear to be missing

Re: Language of error messages / jEdit

2005-11-14 Thread Thomas Scharkowski
LC_ALL is unset, so what could I try next? Thank you for your patience. Thomas > Maybe you have LC_ALL set to german, then it will override LC_MESSAGES > (which in turn overrides LANG). > >/Mats > > Thomas Scharkowski wrote: > > >Hi list, > >I think this is more a linux than a lilypond qu

Re: Custom page size in LaTeX causes lilypond-book to produce bad output.

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I cannot repeat the problem. Could you please send a small but complete example file that illustrates the problem to the mailing list? Personally, I have always used the geometry package to get custom page sizes in LaTeX. Also, if the only purpose of using lilypond-book is to get the page size,

Re: Newbie, lyrics and vertical spacing.

2005-11-14 Thread Rodolfo Zitellini
On 11/14/05, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Please always keep the discussion on the mailing list, oops, excuse me, I didn't realize that the From: filed of the mail had the personal emain and not the list's. > I hope you know that you have increased the default space occupied by > e

Re: Language of error messages / jEdit

2005-11-14 Thread Bertalan Fodor
A more flexible solution would be for LilyPond to use error codes, like (E001) This is an error. (W003) Achtung, warnung. This also would make it possible to handle the different errors/warnings differently. Bert Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> írta: > Hi list, > I think this is more

Re: Language of error messages / jEdit

2005-11-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Maybe you have LC_ALL set to german, then it will override LC_MESSAGES (which in turn overrides LANG). /Mats Thomas Scharkowski wrote: Hi list, I think this is more a linux than a lilypond question, but I dare to ask: How do I change the language of lilypond messages? They are now in german,

Language of error messages / jEdit

2005-11-14 Thread Thomas Scharkowski
Hi list, I think this is more a linux than a lilypond question, but I dare to ask: How do I change the language of lilypond messages? They are now in german, so jEdit doesn't recognize them and doesn't display them in its error list. I have had this problem some time ago, when I tried LilyPond on

Re: Non-latin scripts howto?

2005-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Richard Schoeller wrote: I just did a little experiment with gedit and it actually handles trope and vowels on the same consonants. Like the following: זָקֵף־קָט֔ן group גֵ֜רֶשׁ & רְבִיעִ֗י groups סֶגוֹל֒ group Interestingly, this must be built into the gnome text widget, because Evolution han

Re: Creating image files with Lilypond?

2005-11-14 Thread Graham Percival
On 13-Nov-05, at 5:19 PM, P B wrote: I want to create small fragments of music that are then exported (or just created) as image files, .gif or .jpg or .tiff doesn't matter. How do I go about doing that? You read the "invoking lilypond" section of the manual to create .png images. - Grah