Re: make-engraver helper macro (issue 5672085)

2012-02-18 Thread dak
Reviewers:, Message: On 2012/02/18 16:19:35, Carl wrote: Looks excellent to me! Makes Scheme engravers much more accessible. Well, it is just syntactic sugar (or rather skimming). But it would appear that working with quoting and quasiquoting and unquoting and con

Re: Build: Remove .PRECIOUS flags. (issue 5688059)

2012-02-21 Thread dak
On 2012/02/21 10:36:08, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM. If David agrees, then I support pushing this to staging immediately. The claim is that declaring files as ".SECONDARY" is enough for not having them cleaned up unnecessarily (and likely in conflict with parallel makes). After reading the "m

Re: Add layout changing command \layout-from for getting context defs from music (issue 5686046)

2012-02-22 Thread dak
Reviewers: janek, File ly/ (right): ly/ to @code{'Voice}. On 2012/02/23 00:13:34, janek wrote: I don't

Re: Gets vertical skylines from grob stencils (issue 5626052)

2012-02-23 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Grob, simple_vertical_skylines_from_possibly_t

Re: Gets vertical skylines from grob stencils (issue 5626052)

2012-02-23 Thread dak
(Grob, simple_vertical_skylines_from_possibly_transparent_stencil, 1); On 2012/02/23 12:29:06, dak wrote: > Why do we need this? I think that a _transparent_ stencil is not supposed to > create a different skyline. That's the point of setting transparency rather > than just #f-i

Re: Gets vertical skylines from grob stencils (issue 5626052)

2012-02-23 Thread dak
On 2012/02/23 14:09:12, MikeSol wrote: On 2012/02/23 13:35:29, dak wrote: > On 2012/02/23 12:37:04, MikeSol wrote: > > > > File lily/ (right): > > > > > http://coder

Improving \harmonicBy... functions (issue 5695059)

2012-02-24 Thread dak File ly/ (right): ly/ (make-harmonic As each #{...#} carries a bit of overhead, ther

Re: Handling of open strings in tablature (issue 5695058)

2012-02-27 Thread dak
On 2012/02/27 00:17:05, Carl wrote: Looks like a good solution. I think I would prefer the name excludeOpenStrings to ignoreOpenStrings. I think "exclude" is a better word for what is happening than "ignore" I am actually not all too happy with either choice since, if I understand it corr

Re: Handling of open strings in tablature (issue 5695058)

2012-02-27 Thread dak
On 2012/02/27 10:51:25, marc wrote: I hope I corrected everything accordingly, because I screwed up my local branch ... :-( That's quite improbable to do thoroughly with git. Try git reflog and see whether a useful copy is sitting among the given references.

Re: Handling of open strings in tablature (issue 5695058)

2012-02-27 Thread dak
Instead of dontTreatOpenStringsSpecially, something like omitOpenStrings or skipOpenStrings looks less like an active special action for open strings, and maybe normalOpenStrings or fingerOpenStrings or fretOpenStrings suggests that the point is to include them in the normal calculations instead o

Re: Allow music with layout instructions in output definitions. (issue 5701049)

2012-02-27 Thread dak
Reviewers: janek, Message: On 2012/02/27 22:23:15, janek wrote: However, the following example doesn't work (it doesn't produce any warning, either): \score { \new Staff { b b } \layout { \override NoteHead #'color = #red } } Is this intended? I hoped that it would be possible to

Re: Fix crash when unknown grob name is passed to ly:engraver-make-grob (issue 5715053)

2012-03-01 Thread dak
On 2012/03/01 23:02:57, Pavel Roskin wrote: I've seen it many times that Lilypond would crash during my experiments with Scheme code. This time I decided to track it down. It's my first ever fix to the C++ code in Lilypond, so please check my coding style. How is that a fix? You return a

AU: Updated CLI preview option for lilypond (issue 5716056)

2012-03-02 Thread dak File Documentation/usage/running.itely (right): Documentation/usage/running.itely:282: variable @option{print-all-headers

Re: Doc: simplify example for unpure-pure containers (issue 5623044)

2012-03-02 Thread dak
On 2012/02/03 15:38:16, Pavel Roskin wrote: To be honest, there are many things I don't understand. In fact, I reduced the example to understand it better. Why is horizontal spacing affected even though the purity affects the Y-axis only? Why do stems fix the spacing? Why doesn't this c

Re: Fix crash when unknown grob name is passed to ly:engraver-make-grob (issue 5715053)

2012-03-02 Thread dak
On 2012/03/03 04:38:36, Pavel Roskin wrote: I'm not getting any interesting information: ... [/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.15.32/ly/] [/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.15.32/ly/]] [] Interpreting music... [/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.15.32/fonts/otf/

Re: Uses derived_mark to avoid segfault (issue 5729051)

2012-03-03 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ axis_groups_ = scm_cons (scm_cons (i.grob ()->se

Allows seconds to merge (issue 5729057)

2012-03-04 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ min_downs = min (min_ups, dps[i][X_AXIS]); min (min_ups, ... Seriously? And it is n

Re: Uses derived_mark to avoid segfault (issue 5729051)

2012-03-06 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ if (!scm_is_pair (axis_groups_) || !scm_is_pair

Re: Issue 2376: Automatic footnotes on \null markups causes unexpected results (issue 5755058)

2012-03-06 Thread dak
Reviewers: MikeSol, File lily/ (right): lily/ } On 2012/03/07 07:30:42, MikeSol wrote: Just a C++ question - do

Re: Issue 2376: Automatic footnotes on \null markups causes unexpected results (issue 5755058)

2012-03-07 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ return footnote_separator; Uh, Mike? You call a Scheme function

Fix make error in regression tests coming from midi2ly (issue 5777053)

2012-03-10 Thread dak File make/midi-rules.make (right): make/midi-rules.make:12: (echo '\header {'; for f in $(HEADER_FIELDS); do echo $$f'="'; cat $(outdir)/$*.$$f; echo '"';

Doc: NR add predefined paper sizes to appendix (issue 5783075)

2012-03-11 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/notation-appendices.itely (right): Documentation/notation/notation-ap

Re: Adds epsilon to Bezier range calculations. (issue 4820048)

2012-03-12 Thread dak
On 2011/10/01 06:02:54, Keith wrote: Mike, this could make sense *if* it is normal to ask where the Bezier curve touches the left or right side of its bounding box. A Bezier curve stays within the convex hull formed by the end points and the control points. If the x (or y) coordinates of the

Re: Turns off TupletBracket collision avoidance if Script avoids slur (issue 5821051)

2012-03-15 Thread dak
On 2012/03/14 20:35:34, MikeSol wrote: Meh...not my best work, but it is a first step towards fixing this problem. To me it looks more like an attempt to hide the problem's symptoms. It does not appear to have any relation with line-breaking which is the context in which the problem manifested

Re: Fix crash when unknown grob name is passed to ly:engraver-make-grob (issue 5715053)

2012-03-20 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ programming_error ("cannot create grob"); This gives no helpful indication o

Re: Axis group interface ignores column rank for pure-from-neighbor-interface (issue 5843063)

2012-03-21 Thread dak File scm/output-lib.scm (right): scm/output-lib.scm:437: (let* ((height (ly:grob-pure-height grob grob 0 1000)) On 2012/03/21 07:05:50, MikeSol wrote: O

Re: Autobeaming works properly with tuplet recheck (Issue 2408) (issue 5844052)

2012-03-21 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ } On 2012/03/21 10:51:29, MikeSol wrote: My comment has nothing to do wit

Re: Don't reload initialization files when processing multiple files (issue 5874044)

2012-03-22 Thread dak
Reviewers: Graham Percival, Message: On 2012/03/22 03:43:47, Graham Percival wrote: This feels like a dangerous change. Obviously we don't /want/ "bleed-through" of parameters or memory from one file to the next, but I would be shocked if we don't have any of that right now. Don't overest

Re: Add an example implementation of cross-staff stems (issue 5882053)

2012-03-23 Thread dak File input/regression/ (right): input/regression/stem-cross-staff-eng

Re: Add an example implementation of cross-staff stems (issue 5882053)

2012-03-23 Thread dak
On 2012/03/23 13:04:19, Pavel Roskin wrote: This is also the first use of a scheme engraver in input/regression. Apart from,, and ___ lilyp

Change all occurences of "echo -n" to "printf" for portability (issue 5903046)

2012-03-23 Thread dak File scripts/build/ (right): scripts/build/ printf "$name: Writing index: $index

Re: Change all occurences of "echo -n" to "printf" for portability (issue 5903046)

2012-03-23 Thread dak File (right): printf $AUTOGEN_INPUT_CHECKSUM > $CHECKSUM_FILE On 2012/03/24 06:00:52, dak wrote: I'd pr

Re: Add an example implementation of cross-staff stems (issue 5882053)

2012-03-24 Thread dak
On 2012/03/23 21:46:41, Pavel Roskin wrote: OK, I'll use make-engraver in the next revision. I guess I'll need to strip all Lilypond 2.14 compatibility stuff if this snippet is to be a part of the Lilypond documentation. In LilyPond itself, it makes sense to document the latest version. I

Re: Change all occurences of "echo -n" to "printf" for portability (issue 5903046)

2012-03-24 Thread dak File (right): printf "%s" $AUTOGEN_INPUT_CHECKSUM > $CHECKSUM_FILE Remove trailing space in this line before pushing.

Re: Directs to stderr (issue 5905052)

2012-03-25 Thread dak File Documentation/snippets/ (right): Documentation/snippets/displ

Re: Directs to stderr (issue 5905052)

2012-03-25 Thread dak
On 2012/03/25 18:36:26, Keith wrote: LGTM Just for clarity for patch-tracking, the 'silly' comment refers to the existing code, not the change from patch. On 2012/03/25 14:01:37, dak wrote: > That's silly. While the existing code calls format a whole lot, it does

Re: Change all occurences of "echo -n" to "printf" for portability (issue 5903046)

2012-03-26 Thread dak
On 2012/03/26 06:02:09, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM, I think this could be pushed immediately? I would be surprised if there was any part in it that could still benefit from further review/countdown. ___ lilypo

Re: rall. and accel stopped working in articulate. (issue 5927044)

2012-03-26 Thread dak
On 2012/03/27 03:49:18, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM. You can send this to James for pushing whenever you want, provided that it passes Patchy test-patches. You might prefer to wait a day or two in case any scheme person has some good ideas to make it better; partly to increase the patch q

Re: Corrected comments and a function check_meshing_chords divided in two. (issue 5975054)

2012-04-14 Thread dak
Without wanting to rain on your parade: what is all this about? I actually had been planning to fix this collision stuff: there are several fundamental shortcomings. The code can't deal sensibly with different noteheads (harmonics, mixed duration chords which are required for some string music)

Re: Corrected comments and a function check_meshing_chords divided in two. (issue 5975054)

2012-04-14 Thread dak
On 2012/04/14 15:21:26, Milimetr88 wrote: > I didn't expected so long reply. The whole patch is about adding some comments to the code, splitting *one* function in two But you split the function in two at an arbitrary point in the middle, package all of its local variables from the first half i

Re: Corrected comments and a function check_meshing_chords divided in two. (issue 5975054)

2012-04-14 Thread dak
On 2012/04/14 19:12:01, Keith wrote: Splitting the function in two doesn't make it any easier for me to understand, but I had figured it out before. On 2012/03/21 18:56:08, Milimetr88 wrote: > What I was taught at the university is to write short > and simple functions that do only one thing

Re: Place on staff lines; issue 2468 (issue 6035053)

2012-04-15 Thread dak
On 2012/04/15 15:20:13, Graham Percival wrote: wow, looks very nice and simple. I vote for pushing immediately, but please wait for at least one other such vote (or a countdown). if max/min trigger, rint is applied to some rest_max_pos. It would appear that it should rather apply only to th

Re: Part_combine_iterator::derived_mark: don't abort marking prematurely. (issue 6057044)

2012-04-17 Thread dak
Reviewers: Graham Percival, Message: On 2012/04/17 20:21:14, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM and can be pushed right now. But for my general ignorance: why not just hard-code 4? I suppose that using the sizeof() trick makes it a bit safer in case somebody adds something to ptrs, but is there

Re: Part_combine_iterator::derived_mark: don't abort marking prematurely. (issue 6057044)

2012-04-17 Thread dak
On 2012/04/18 04:39:20, dak wrote: One could instead use a static array with pointers-to-member (basically offsets), and then dereference them. In that case, a 0 entry would indeed work as an ending mark. But for 4 entries? To illustrate: static Stream_event * Part_combine_iterator

Re: Part_combine_iterator::derived_mark: don't abort marking prematurely. (issue 6057044)

2012-04-17 Thread dak
On 2012/04/18 05:49:01, dak wrote: On 2012/04/18 04:39:20, dak wrote: > One could instead use a static array with pointers-to-member (basically > offsets), and then dereference them. In that case, a 0 entry would indeed work > as an ending mark. > > But for 4 entries?

Re: Part_combine_iterator::derived_mark: don't abort marking prematurely. (issue 6057044)

2012-04-18 Thread dak
Short of any protests, I think I'll be going with void Part_combine_iterator::derived_mark () const { if (first_iter_) scm_gc_mark (first_iter_->self_scm ()); if (second_iter_) scm_gc_mark (second_iter_->self_scm ()); if (unisono_event_) scm_gc_mark (unisono_event_->self_scm ())

Re: 30 day webathon for kickstarter support (issue 6068045)

2012-04-20 Thread dak
On 2012/04/19 22:25:17, wrote: The real-estate value of the upper right corner of is huge. Currently it is unexploited property, just sitting there. If there are people who can offer LilyPond-friendly exchanges for it that fulfill the criteria of

Re: Place on staff lines; issue 2468 (issue 6035053)

2012-04-21 Thread dak
On 2012/04/15 20:06:55, Keith wrote: On 2012/04/15 16:45:54, Keith wrote: > > An improvement would be to round-to-larger Done, along with other cleanup following the similar function rest_collision_callback() The "cleanup" would seem to break layout totally.

Doc: LM - Use Homophonic instead of Monophonic (issue 6107045)

2012-04-22 Thread dak File Documentation/learning/fundamental.itely (right): Documentation/learning/fundamental.itely:1045: % The foll

Re: Document "fingerings" being frets rather than fingers for fretted instruments. (issue 6099046)

2012-04-22 Thread dak
Reviewers: Trevor Daniels,, File Documentation/notation/fretted-strings.itely (right):

Re: Let rhythmic-engraver make its articulation-or-event decision based on current listeners (issue 6098050)

2012-04-22 Thread dak
Reviewers: Graham Percival, J_lowe, File Documentation/changes.tely (right): Documentation/changes.tely:170: Another consequence is th

Re: Change \bendAfter and \rightHandFinger into event functions (issue 6102045)

2012-04-23 Thread dak
Reviewers: Graham Percival, File Documentation/notation/fretted-strings.itely (right): Documentation/no

Re: hideNotes should hide also TabNoteHead (issue 2480). (issue 6105049)

2012-04-23 Thread dak
On 2012/04/23 12:03:41, Neil Puttock wrote: On 2012/04/23 04:50:21, Keith wrote: > I need an > \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t > here or else I get a warning (either before or after this patch). I mention > this only because I broke the doc build not too long ago by causing

Re: Macro for(UP_and_DOWN) and 3 similar. (issue 2491) (issue 6109046)

2012-04-25 Thread dak
It would appear that you ignored , , the end of and

Move add-grob-definition from a snippet to scm/translation-functions.scm (issue 6128048)

2012-04-27 Thread dak
It is not the "official" way to create a new grob definition, but a hack from Mike done without understanding the implementation of \grobdefinitions. It is not just tampering with a global variable (session-wide instead of parser-wide) to add stuff to all-grob-descriptions, it is also inefficient

Re: Move add-grob-definition from a snippet to scm/translation-functions.scm (issue 6128048)

2012-04-27 Thread dak
Carl Sorensen writes: On 4/27/12 4:00 PM, "" wrote: Instead, one can just add a single context mod adding the new grob definition to the Score context definition. It would make more sense to revert the respective commit creating the snippet completely. http://coderevi

Re: Move add-grob-definition from a snippet to scm/translation-functions.scm (issue 6128048)

2012-04-27 Thread dak
On 2012/04/28 03:08:13, Pavel Roskin wrote: OK, the problem I wanted to address is to have a documented way to define new grobs. I hoped that moving add-grob-definition to a "public place" would be a good start. If it's not, sorry for the noise. contains a lot of co

Re: Fix MIDI output for Kievan (issue 6193043)

2012-05-04 Thread dak File ly/ (right): ly/ \consists "Dynamic_performer" On 2012/05/04 02:59:06, Carl wrote: Again, don't the performers

Re: Fix MIDI output for Kievan (issue 6193043)

2012-05-04 Thread dak
On 2012/05/04 16:48:11, aleksandr.andreev wrote: On 2012/05/04 15:34:17, dak wrote: > Aliases are only relevant for properties, I think. The initial values get > inherited, and any use of context property setting commands in the music or > context mods will accept changes for V

Re: Doc: NR clarified \footnote command as a TextScript (issue 6137050)

2012-05-04 Thread dak
Ok, everybody will love me for my late thinking again. But here we go: we have two cases of footnotes: one that will attach itself to whatever happens at a given point of time, being an independent event. Those footnotes, having a natural duration of 0, come (unless they are in simultaneous musi

Re: Doc: mention empty chords; avoid using zero-duration spacers in examples (issue 6197068)

2012-05-10 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right): Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:89: r4 e8( g <

Re: Allows lyrics to slide under TimeSignature when OctaveEight present. (issue 6201068)

2012-05-11 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ in_same_column (Grob *g1, Grob *g2

Re: Doc: mention empty chords; avoid using zero-duration spacers in examples (issue 6197068)

2012-05-11 Thread dak
On 2012/05/11 07:55:48, Trevor Daniels wrote: Houston, we have a problem. File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right):

Re: Doc: NR clarified \footnote command as a TextScript (issue 6137050)

2012-05-12 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right): Documentation/notation/input.itely:1050: is to be attached but in t

Re: Add mail aliases for Carl, Colin, Janek, and Pál, for the sake of git shortlog (issue 6206057)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
Reviewers: Graham Percival, Message: On 2012/05/12 17:08:25, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM, I think this can be pushed immediately to staging. Willdo. Description: Add mail aliases for Carl, Colin, Janek, and Pál, for the sake of git shortlog Please review this at

Re: Doc: NR clarified \footnote command as a TextScript (issue 6137050)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
On 2012/05/12 18:36:56, Keith wrote: File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right): Documentation/notation/inp

Re: Doc: NR clarified \footnote command as a TextScript (issue 6137050)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
On 2012/05/12 19:11:44, dak wrote: On 2012/05/12 18:36:56, Keith wrote: > > File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right): > >

Re: Doc: NR clarified \footnote command as a TextScript (issue 6137050)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
On 2012/05/12 19:25:34, dak wrote: On 2012/05/12 19:11:44, dak wrote: > On 2012/05/12 18:36:56, Keith wrote: > > > > > File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right): > > > > >

Re: Fix ukulele tunings (issue 6206060)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
On 2012/05/13 02:29:54, choan.galvez wrote: tenor-ukulele-tuning and baritone-ukulele-tuning fixed, the string order was reversed. In the user group, a more extensive change was/is discussed that could also be worthwhile. This patch here, in contrast, is just a bug fix. As such, applying it

Re: Use fractions rather than Scheme pairs for \scaleDuration, timeSignatureFraction et al (issue 6200068)

2012-05-12 Thread dak
Reviewers: Keith, File Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely (right): Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely:331: a4*

Re: Add mail aliases for Carl, Colin, Janek, and Pál, for the sake of git shortlog (issue 6206057)

2012-05-13 Thread dak File .mailmap (right): .mailmap:5: Benkő Pál On 2012/05/13 07:13:08, janek wrote: It seems that this document is in the format , so here it should be Pál Benkő (unless i'm he

Re: Add mail aliases for Carl, Colin, Janek, and Pál, for the sake of git shortlog (issue 6206057)

2012-05-13 Thread dak
On 2012/05/13 07:59:25, benko.pal wrote: I don't have a strong preference either way: on one hand I like to find myself under B rather than P; on the other hand I like people not confusing my given name and surname. It makes it easier to find your mail address this way. I don't think that

Re: Doc: mention empty chords; avoid using zero-duration spacers in examples (issue 6197068)

2012-05-13 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely (right): Documentation/notation/changing-defaults

Re: Doc: mention empty chords; avoid using zero-duration spacers in examples (issue 6197068)

2012-05-14 Thread dak
"instrumentCueName" = "flute" } On 2012/05/14 06:55:08, Keith wrote: On 2012/05/13 19:06:43, dak wrote: > Perhaps we should instead let \cueDuring accept an optional context > modification argument. Xavier requested this optional argument to \cueDuring, but Trevor has had a \cue

Re: Use fractions rather than Scheme pairs for \scaleDuration, timeSignatureFraction et al (issue 6200068)

2012-05-14 Thread dak File lily/lexer.ll (right): lily/lexer.ll:487: {FRACTION} { On 2012/05/13 02:43:23, Keith wrote: Stupid question, but I can't figure it out. Can we remove th

Re: Use fractions rather than Scheme pairs for \scaleDuration, timeSignatureFraction et al (issue 6200068)

2012-05-14 Thread dak
On 2012/05/14 10:32:11, dak wrote: So the answer to this question is: no. Maybe it has to do with the starting state specific UNSIGNED rules firing with priority then. I'll try moving the FRACTION rule up, but am sceptical that this will work out better, so just let's keep the

Re: Make \footnote a post-event (issue 6203044)

2012-05-14 Thread dak
Reviewers: Keith, Graham Percival, Message: As you can see, this draft comment did not get out in time but was forgotten. Looks like changing the version to 2.15.34 is now in your ballpark. File input/regress

Re: Make \footnote work via \tweak (issue 6195098)

2012-05-17 Thread dak
Reviewers: J_lowe, File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right): Documentation/notation/input.itely:1077: On 2012/

Re: Make \footnote work via \tweak (issue 6195098)

2012-05-17 Thread dak
On 2012/05/17 18:57:11, Carl wrote: I think it's much clearer than it was, which is a definite improvement. I also think some simple rearranging could make it even more accessible for the user. No argument here. The current distinction is rather artificial since automatic/manual is just t

Re: Make \footnote work via \tweak (issue 6195098)

2012-05-17 Thread dak
On 2012/05/17 21:36:53, Carl wrote: On 2012/05/17 19:28:49, dak wrote: > I think that I pretty much got the possibilities covered in the current text. I > still have to hunt down warnings/programming errors, so I would focus on the > code and be perfectly glad if somebody else i

Re: Make \footnote work via \tweak (issue 6195098)

2012-05-17 Thread dak
On 2012/05/17 22:28:19, J_lowe wrote: Carl, Go for it. Just bear in mind that when someone like (Father Gilbert for instance) is confronted with: "Like with @code{\tweak}, if your @code{\footnote} is applied to a post-event or articulation, it will itself have to be preceded with @co

Re: Make \footnote work via \tweak (issue 6195098)

2012-05-18 Thread dak
On 2012/05/18 21:02:49, Graham Percival wrote: There are a few questionable things in the docs, but I gather that the main point of this patch is the code change, so maybe it's ok to push this patch anyway and fix the docs later. I would like to let Carl field this if possible. This is sor

Re: Allow tweaks in Lyrics. (issue 6221046)

2012-05-21 Thread dak
Reviewers: Keith, Message: On 2012/05/21 06:25:13, Keith wrote: I'm having difficulty demonstrating that this works. \layout { \context { \Lyrics \consists "Tweak_engraver" }} \relative c' {c d e f } \addlyrics { ut \tweak #'color #'red re mi fa } ? This "\consists" has the same effect as t

Re: Allow tweaks in Lyrics. (issue 6221046)

2012-05-21 Thread dak
On 2012/05/21 14:47:41, janek wrote: Cool! So for example will work without having to do something in \layout block. Well, it is not exactly like the rest of the snippet is easy-peasy. I love changes like this! I have the strong suspicion that the

web: news about cancelled rc (issue 6223054)

2012-05-21 Thread dak File Documentation/web/news-front.itexi (right): Documentation/web/news-front.itexi:21: @strong{Update (@emph{May 12, 2012)}:}

Re: web: news about cancelled rc (issue 6223054)

2012-05-21 Thread dak
On 2012/05/21 18:22:45, janek wrote: New version. On 2012/05/21 17:51:11, Graham Percival wrote: > I hate to be a mao, but I believe I suggested a new news item? I thought that it was a non-obligatory suggestion. > Think of each news item as a tweet or something like that. > We have a ne

Re: CG tweak: some extra info on make doc and doc build times. (issue 6206071)

2012-05-30 Thread dak
[copy of message posted to devel list] On 2012/05/30 21:45:58, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote: Please enter a valid google tracker issue number (or enter nothing to create a new issue): 6206071 That's not the Google tracker issue number, but the Rietveld issue number. The Google tracker num

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-01 Thread dak
Reviewers: Ian Hulin (gmail), File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right): Documentation/notat

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-01 Thread dak
On 2012/06/01 22:21:46, Keith wrote: The issue was that s1*0 can affect the default duration of the next note, while <> does not, but the solution of <> was tempered by opinions that <> is cryptic. This implies that this patch is trying to solve the issue. It doesn't. It merely provides the

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-01 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right): Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:86: du

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-02 Thread dak
On 2012/06/02 07:28:37, dak wrote: > music = \relative c'' { e16 d c d } > { f'4 <>\marcato \music r <>^"smorz." \mp \> \music <>\! } Incidentally, something like atLast = #(define-music-function (parser location post music) (ly:eve

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-02 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right): Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:89: (f

End the concurrent slurs created by partcombine; issue 2584 (issue 6272046)

2012-06-03 Thread dak File input/regression/ (right): input/regression/ \relative c'' { If you want a different te

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-03 Thread dak File Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely (right): Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:94: \r

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-04 Thread dak
Documentation/notation/simultaneous.itely:94: \repeat unfold 4 { c4 e } c1\f On 2012/06/03 12:53:24, dak wrote: > On 2012/06/02 19:29:26, Keith wrote: > > That example gives me a headache. > Compared to yours? I think either yours or mine would be fine, actually. They are pre

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-04 Thread dak
We'll likely take months to get the documentation connected with this delicate issue into a state where it would empower the gentle reader to make an educated choice himself. File Documentation/notation/si

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-04 Thread dak
On 2012/06/04 15:39:10, wrote: Hi David (et al.), >> should be a comma here, not a semicolon. > > Well, we have two separate complete sentences, and joined with a comma > the reader is easily confused into reading "attempts" as a verb, even > though admittedly

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-04 Thread dak
On 2012/06/04 16:00:14, Graham Percival wrote: Exactly. I have no clue why (I never learned grammar), but either of those options are how I'd expect to read it. Or maybe change it to ", but any attempts". That sounds like the best option grammatically, but it lends an absolute flavor to a st

Re: Narrowly target warnings for multiple slurs; Issue 1967 (issue 6272046)

2012-06-05 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ bool ended = false; Moving this out of the loop is simply wrong. This will get a

Re: Document <> and improve other simultanous music documentation. (issue 6248080)

2012-06-05 Thread dak
On 2012/06/04 14:50:54, Graham Percival wrote: LGTM, pending a serious discussion of this stuff in GLISS. The topic of GLISS is not how useful we allow the documentation for existing syntax and functionality to get. According to its acronym, it is about standardizing syntax, not its documenta

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