midi2ly continued

2009-09-20 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
ove or correct it, and then take it to the git ? -- Martin Tarenskeen #!/usr/bin/python # # midi2ly.py -- LilyPond midi import script # # source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter # # (c) 1998--2009 Han-Wen Nienhuys # Jan Nieuwenhuizen ''' TODO:

dutch translation error

2009-09-24 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Has someone fixed this little typo in the dutch translation yet: "kan wellicht geen goede waardestreephelling kunnen vinden" should be "kan wellicht geen goede waardestreephelling vinden" -- Martin Tarenskeen

Dutch translation lilypond-2.13.5

2009-10-09 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
e git. My previous attempts to post my corrections failed for various reasons. -- Martin Tarenskeen--- nl.po.orig 2009-10-09 10:06:51.932038256 +0200 +++ nl.po 2009-10-09 10:05:37.496033088 +0200 @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ # nl.po -- GNU LilyPond's dutch language file # Copyright (C) 1998,

end of Python2

2019-09-23 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, This has been discussed here before but https://pythonclock.org/ made me wonder in which direction LilyPond and Frescobaldi are currently going. Is there anything I have to worry about? With Lilypond Python2.4 is still bundled, without a bundled Python I have an already installed Python

Re: lilyglyphs: Python 2 deprecation

2019-11-11 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 12 Nov 2019, Werner LEMBERG wrote: If you are the maintainer of any of these packages, and still are using Python2, please try to update to Python3 as soon as possible. ... lilyglyphs/ py2 only lilyglyphs/lily-glyph-commands.py lilyglyphs/lily-image-commands.py

Re: lilyglyphs: Python 2 deprecation

2019-11-11 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 12 Nov 2019, Werner LEMBERG wrote: If you are the maintainer of any of these packages, and still are using Python2, please try to update to Python3 as soon as possible. ... lilyglyphs/ py2 only lilyglyphs/lily-glyph-commands.py lilyglyphs/lily-image-commands.py

Re: \epsfile

2019-11-15 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Related issue: When using frescobaldi the syntax help and autocompletion balloon gives "\eps-file" instead of "\epsfile". A little bug? Reported it on github. https://github.com/frescobaldi/frescobaldi/issues/1213

Re: [Fwd: TP: lilypond-2.13.10.nl.po [REJECTED]: missing license line]

2010-01-03 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hoi Jan, Is het de bedoeling dat ik nog iets verander of regel jij dat. Behalve die "missing licence line" wordt ook nog niet overeenstemmend versie nummer (2.13.4) gemeld dat aangepast moet worden. Martin ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypo

Re: Midi: Stereo Position

2010-03-17 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 17 Mar 2010, David Kastrup wrote: Is there any way to achieve this (besides manual editing of the midi-Output)? Midi offers panning? Yes. MIDI Control Change number 10. -- Martin ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.or


2010-04-16 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, I noticed that ( unlike "r" ) "R" and the new "q" are not yet recognized as possible notes for syntax higlighting in Vim. Can someone add "R" and "q" to the file lilypond-words.vim , in the secti

Re: documentation size

2010-04-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, James Bailey wrote: I realize that downloading and reading the documentation offline is not for everyone, but is there a way to make a documentation for download that isn't so large? Looking at it, the size increased more than 30 MB between 2.13.1 and 2.13.2. I don't kno

random music

2010-07-20 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, I'm thinking of writing a little fun application based on "Mozart's Musikalisches Wuerfelspiel". The idea is to compose a 16-bar Waltz using a pair of (virtual) dice and a table of musical fragments. I already wrote such a game for Mup ( I you have Mup, go to http://linux.martintarenskee

Re: random music

2010-07-21 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Graham Percival wrote: On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 06:17:51PM +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: But thinking about this little project I was wondering: Would it be possible to write a lilypond input file, using just pure Lilypond syntax and some Scheme magick, that would


2010-07-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, I never quite liked the way a MIDI instrument is assigned to a staff or voice in Lilypond. You are forced to use the exact names for the midiInstrument property that are hardcoded in midi.scm Why is this a problem: 1. I can't remember the names without the manual. My brains are getting o

cross-staff beams

2010-12-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Please try the following example, which is rendered less than optimal using 2.13.40. Do you agree Lilypond should be able to do better than this ? Is it worth a bug report ? %-8<- \version "2.13.40" upper = \relative c' { \clef treble \ti

Re: Stable release.

2012-06-26 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Just want to say that a thread like this shows clearly: 1. Lilypond is a very advanced and complicated project 2. Several people - even if we always can use more of them - are actively working on it and care about the quality of the project. 3. Humans make mistakes. Having said that I th

version 2.16

2012-08-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, If I have a newer \version in my lilypond score than the LilyPond I am using I am getting a "Fatal Error" message, but my score compiles just fine, giving a perfect PDF or MIDI. I would expect a "Warning", not a "Fatal error" message ? Using lilypond-2.15.95 In my testfile using: \ver

Re: Waltrop meeting outline

2012-08-23 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi guys, I wish you a lot of fun and inspiration at the Waltrop LilyPond meeting! -- MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel

contributor's guide 10.2.8 Python

2012-08-26 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, 10.2.8 of the contributors guide says "Python is used for XML2ly and is building the documentation and the website" Sounds a bit incomplete to me. XML2ly is musicxml2ly I guess. And what about midi2ly, lilypond-book, abc2ly, convert-ly? Also I was hoping to find info about the require

pitch spelling

2012-10-02 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, I found this interesting document: http://www.titanmusic.com/papers/public/meredith-dphil-final.pdf It's about pitch spelling algorithms: how to automatically determine if a note should be called C# or Db for example. Maybe it can inspire someone to use such advanced methods as dscribed

Re: [proposal] easy triplets and tuplets - Draft 3

2012-10-08 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 8 Oct 2012, Trevor Daniels wrote: David Kastrup wrote Monday, October 08, 2012 10:45 PM Thomas Morley writes: [...] So, i believe that LilyPond shouldn't always follow her users' intuition, even if they are professional musicians. In this case, i think that \tuplet 2/3 is bett

Re: [proposal] easy triplets and tuplets - Draft 3

2012-10-09 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 8 Oct 2012, Keith OHara wrote: Martin Tarenskeen zonnet.nl> writes: I am not in favour of allowing different commands \times 2/3 and \tuplet3/2 to do the same job. My voice would go to: just keep \times x/y the wayit is. I can't see what makes 3/2 easier than 2/3. And ha

Re: [proposal] easy triplets and tuplets - Draft 3

2012-10-09 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 9 Oct 2012, Graham Percival wrote: On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 09:45:09AM +0200, Francisco Vila wrote: So, \tuplet y/x with the exact meaning of \times x/y is less confusing because it's not "times" vs "time" anymore, and the straightforward fraction is just "music without the maths". So,

Re: lilypond pdf error/warning messages from Evince

2011-12-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 14 Dec 2011, Francisco Vila wrote: 2011/12/14 Martin Tarenskeen : Hi, When I load a Lilypond-created pdf file in Evince I see a lot of error/warning messages in my console. The PDF looks and prints fine though. Anything to worry about ? I am working on Linux Fedora 16, using

lilypond pdf error/warning messages from Evince

2011-12-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, When I load a Lilypond-created pdf file in Evince I see a lot of error/warning messages in my console. The PDF looks and prints fine though. Anything to worry about ? I am working on Linux Fedora 16, using lilypond 2.15.21 evince-3.2.1 ghostscript-9.04 Attached: the output from my co

Re: lilypond pdf error/warning messages from Evince

2011-12-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 14 Dec 2011, Francisco Vila wrote: 2011/12/14 Martin Tarenskeen : That does not seem the problem here. I still see these messages. You can produce a minimal PDF from { c' } %END and try launching it into evince. If it shows messages, send it to me. OK. done - My console

Re: lilypond pdf error/warning messages from Evince

2011-12-16 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Thu, 15 Dec 2011, Francisco Vila wrote: 2011/12/15 Francisco Vila : Entity: line 5: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF

the word "LilyPond"

2012-02-09 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Everyone who knows a bit about TeX/LaTeX knows what the result looks like when you use \LaTeX or \TeX in your source text. Wouldn't it be nice to have something like that for the word "LilyPond" ? A standard way to display "LilyPond" in documents and for example in the default lilypond

articulate not working ?

2012-02-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, it seems to me nothing is wrong with this example: \include "articulate.ly" \score { \unfoldRepeats \articulate << \context Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument="clarinet" \relative c' { \time 4/4 \tempo 4=100 c4-. c4( d e | f\trill) g\turn a b |

Re: Lilypond SVG output

2012-02-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 22 Feb 2012, Felix Kugel wrote: 3) The PDF output has lots of metadata, is this documented somewhere? I think this is done by ghostscript ? I have experiemced that Evince gives lots of warning/error messages about these metadata. Don't know if Evince is wrong or the PDF files. But

tabloid papersize

2012-02-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, In NR 4.1.2 I read: "Common paper sizes are available, including a4, letter, legal, and 11x17 (also known as tabloid)." It is "known", but lilypond does not allow to use it! #(set-default-paper-size "tabloid") It's quite easy (even for me) to add this line: ("tabloid"


2012-04-08 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, There have been many requests from several people for Lilypond-to-MusicXML conversion. I am not going to repeat that question. We do have a musicxml2ly script. I have tried it with many example xml and mxl files from here: http://www.makemusic.com/musicxml/music/example-set and here:

Re: musicxml2ly

2012-05-11 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Sun, 8 Apr 2012, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: The good news is that in many cases only a little editing of the .ly file is required to turn a bad conversion into a good one. For example, all lead sheets from Wikifonia that I have tried have the Chords printed below instead of above the staff

Re: musicxml2ly

2012-05-16 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Sun, 8 Apr 2012, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: The good news is that in many cases only a little editing of the .ly file is required to turn a bad conversion into a good one. For example, all lead sheets from Wikifonia that I have tried have the Chords printed below instead of above the

midi2ly error

2011-03-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: Martin Tarenskeen schreef op ma 14-03-2011 om 13:10 [+0100]: Which reminds me: midi2ly still needs a lot of work. In short: it is quite useless. Have a look at the latest version. It's starting to work. Great, it is already much bett

Re: GOP-PROP 1: python formatting

2011-06-05 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Graham Percival wrote: * never max tabs and spaces max = mix ? -- MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel

Re: GOP-PROP 1: python formatting

2011-06-06 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
that unlike C++ or scheme, indentation in python is the way that one indicates code blocks. (this makes mixing tabs and spaces particularly horrible!) Recently I tried to convert some python 2.7 code that I wrote for a little personal project to python 3.2 using the 2to3 tool. Then I disc

Re: GOP-PROP 1: python formatting - probable decision

2011-06-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, Graham Percival wrote: Mixing indentation styles is not a great idea, and in my experience of python code documentation and examples online, the 4-space indent rule from PEP-8 is almost universally followed. Implementation notes Not that I contribute much python code to

Re: GOP-PROP 1: python formatting - probable decision

2011-06-15 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, Federico Bruni wrote: How can I change this behaviour, so that automatically 4-space indentation is used. Can/should I change something in my .vimrc file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/234564/tab-key-4-spaces-and-auto-indent -after-curly-braces-in-vim http://vim.wik

Re: Converting ly to musicxml

2011-07-10 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, cab wrote: This is something I proposed to the French users list earlier this year and it got a lukewarm response from the community (save several well-thought-out responses from Scheme and/or musicxml and/or accessibility enthusiasts). I have started some sketches for

Re: MusicXML exporter (was Re: Lilypond lobbying?)

2011-08-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Interesting discussion. And, being primarily a user and not (really) a developer, I hardly can wait to see where this will lead to. But I will be patient. The way I see it: The ideal case would be if a lilypond score that is converted to musicXML and then imported to some other music scoring

Re: MusicXML exporter (was Re: Lilypond lobbying?)

2011-08-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: But even with shortcomings, MusicXML would make it easier to convert/import Lilypond created scores to other programs. Post-editing may still be needed, but will much less work than when using MIDI export/import. I meant: will BE much less work

where is 2.17.95

2013-11-04 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, where is 2.17.95? all download links for binaries and sources are "Not Found". -- MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel

Re: where is 2.17.95

2013-11-04 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 4 Nov 2013, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Hi, where is 2.17.95? all download links for binaries and sources are "Not Found". Question and answer were sent simultaneously :-) MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu

musicxml2ly output indentation style

2013-11-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, The lilypond output that is produced from musicxml2ly uses another indentation style than I see in my own scores when using for example Vim or Frescobaldi, or in all examples in the Lilypond documentation. for example: %commonly used style music = \relative c' { a b c d } %musicxml2l

Re: musicxml2ly output indentation style

2013-11-17 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Sat, 16 Nov 2013, Peter Bjuhr wrote: On 11/14/2013 09:16 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Hi, The lilypond output that is produced from musicxml2ly uses another indentation style than I see in my own scores when using for example Vim or Frescobaldi, or in all examples in the Lilypond


2013-11-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Usage manual, 4.4 says Inserting LilyPond output into OpenOffice.org LilyPond notation can be added to OpenOffice.org with OOoLilyPond. Maybe these days it should be "OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice" -- MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypon


2013-12-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, in lilypond-2.18.0/vim/lilypond-ftplugin.vim I see: " view ps with ghostview map :!gv --watch "%<.ps" & This will not work, and hasn't for some time, because Lilypond's default output is pdf these days and the ps file is only temporary. So now it should be: " view ps with ghostvi

Re: lilypond-ftplugin.vim

2013-12-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Mon, 30 Dec 2013, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: " view ps with ghostview map :!gv --watch "%<.pdf" & the comment should be fixed also :-) : " view pdf with ghostview (Personally I would choose another PDF viewer, but tha

Re: musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter

2015-05-12 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 12 May 2015, pls wrote: For example what happened with the Philomenos musixcml2ly-dev fork? Yes, Philomelos is still alive and I’m about to update the musicxml2ly-dev Github repo.  Over at least three years I have written almost 100 bug reports  and many test cases for

ly musicxml export

2015-09-28 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, It seems python-ly musicxml export does not support the \relative {c' d e f} syntax correctly: It is pitched one octave too high. \relative c' { c d e f } is converted correctly to MusicXML. Maybe this is not the correct place to report python-ly issues. But I guess one

Re: Fwd: ly musicxml export

2015-09-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
On Tue, 29 Sep 2015, Simon Albrecht wrote: Hello Martin, there might be more right addressees for this at the frescobaldi mailing list. Forwarding. Thanks. I have reported the issue on GitHub https://github.com/wbsoft/python-ly/issues/46 -- MT __

pythonly musicxml export error

2016-09-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, Anyone here who can comment on this issue? https://github.com/wbsoft/python-ly/issues/75 -- MT ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel