Interesting discussion. And, being primarily a user and not (really) a
developer, I hardly can wait to see where this will lead to. But I will be
The way I see it: The ideal case would be if a lilypond score that is
converted to musicXML and then imported to some other music scoring
software (Finale, Sibelius) the printed result would be identical.
I don't think this ideal situation will ever exist.
1. My lilypond scores even don't give the exact same printed result when
processed with different versions of Lilypond (for example 2.12.x vs
2.15.x). So what will happen when converted to MusicXML ?
2. Finale's and Sibelius' MusicXML import isn't 100% perfect either. Yes,
when Finale exports a MusicXML file and then imports the same MusicXML
file the result will be quite good. But I would not be surprised if
importing MusicXML from other programs is much less perfect. Even if
MusicXML was invented exactly to make that possible.
But even with shortcomings, MusicXML would make it easier to
convert/import Lilypond created scores to other programs. Post-editing may
still be needed, but will much less work than when using MIDI
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