On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Martin Tarenskeen schreef op ma 14-03-2011 om 13:10 [+0100]:

Which reminds me: midi2ly still needs a lot of work. In short: it is quite

Have a look at the latest version.  It's starting to work.

Great, it is already much better! I must admit I had not tried it since a long time ago.

But please try the attached example (testmidi.mid).

If I do
        midi2ly -d 16 testmidi.mid

something strange happens. The first note of the tune should be e'''16 but "16" is missing:

An excerpt from the resulting testmidi-midi.ly:

trackBchannelA = \relative c {
  e''' d fis,8 gis
  | % 2
  cis16 b d,8 e
  | % 3

I am quite sure the midi file is OK. It is read and converted perfectly by other programs like musescore and mtm (=mup to midi). If I change e''' to e'''16 manually, everything is fine.



Attachment: testmidi.mid
Description: MIDI audio

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