Firstly happy new year everybody.
As I had said several times I'd like to go on promoting the LFS project. That's
why I imagine to print it in order to get a book on paper. I wonder if it is
possible, according to the license and the will of the LFS team, to publish the
translation I did o
BTW, my initramfs implementation SUCKS, but is complete, works for just
about everything, and can easily be reversed engineered as a learning
I know how to do it better now, but it is good enough as it is and serves my
immediate purposes.
Maybe someday I'll clean it out and make it sma
I'm looking at possible users for sqlite3. In the book, qt-3.3.8b
has sqlite as an optional external dependency. But, the current
version appears NOT to be able to use a 'system' sqlite3. It says
it finds sqlite, but that by default it is not enabled. So, I added
'-plugin-sql-sqlite' to the co
I believe I have a fairly "neutral" Package Management implementation.
I hope somebody swings by
and gives me an opinion...
DJ Lucas writes:
> DJ Lucas wrote:
>> Gordon Schumacher wrote:
>>> Indeed, I'm not even attempting to address that yet