El 01/11/2021 a las 15:31, Bart via lazarus escribió:
The target in *Windows classes is to mimic the old fashion CMD masks,
and CMD masks does not have ranges or sets.
OK, this is by design.
Since that is however not backwards compatible (the old mask
implementation supported sets out of the bo
El 31/10/2021 a las 17:12, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Hi José,
In TWindowsMask.Compile (as in your TMaskUTF8Windows class) you do a
call to EscapeSpecialChars on the modified mask.
This will escape a.o. any '[' and ']' character, so ranges and sets
are not possible to use in the mask anymore.
El 27/10/2021 a las 20:57, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Applied in #63847a62.
FWIW: having a proper patchfile makes this a lot easier.
Do you have git installed or TortoiseGit?
I know, I'm using it, but set
El 27/10/2021 a las 13:35, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 1:28 PM José Mejuto via lazarus
"]" must be escaped in all cases, with ranges and with sets or it will
be interpreted as a premature closing (ranges).
Actually I did not think of that.
Could yo
El 27/10/2021 a las 13:38, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 1:28 PM José Mejuto via lazarus
This is a side effect of the found bug, in ranges the only valid syntax
(without sets enabled) is "char-char".
So, without [mocSet] [a-dqx] would be invalid?
El 26/10/2021 a las 19:01, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 6:48 PM Bart wrote:
Point 2 would need (probably a minor) change to the CompileRange method.
Attached diff might do what I intended.
@José: does it in fact allow ? in a range as a literal, without side effects.
I d
El 26/10/2021 a las 18:48, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 1:38 PM José Mejuto via lazarus
You found a bug,
3. '-' if it is NOT the first char (or the first after the negating
!), it is then the indicator for a range
This is a side effect of
El 24/10/2021 a las 15:48, Bart via lazarus escribió:
It looks like escaping does not work as advertised?
Seems like escaping is NOT supported in ranges or sets, but only outside them?
If that is the case (and by design) then, with [mocRange] enabled, you
can only have '-' in a range if the ran
El 24/10/2021 a las 15:48, Bart via lazarus escribió:
It looks like escaping does not work as advertised?
Seems like escaping is NOT supported in ranges or sets, but only outside them?
If that is the case (and by design) then, with [mocRange] enabled, you
can only have '-' in a range if the ran
El 23/10/2021 a las 22:18, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Q2: @José: the TMaskOpCode enums are indexed, and there is a gap in
the index. Is the index necessary for the code to work?
Is the gap necessary?
In the Add() method, the enum is cast to a byte, this should also work
if no indices are used (a
El 23/10/2021 a las 12:02, Bart via lazarus escribió:
I can understand why having [a-e] is good (and better than [abcde]).
I was just confused by the fact that these had different names.
Because in the code each syntax piece can be enabled and disabled, even
"*" and "?" can be disable
El 23/10/2021 a las 12:22, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:02 PM Bart wrote:
since we are still looking for a better (?) name for the
eMaskOpcodeOptionalChar enum:
This brings me to another point, and please, please, please don't see
this as criticism of feel offended b
El 20/10/2021 a las 22:59, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Range syntax: [a-z]
Set syntax: [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]
What would be the effective difference between [a-e] and [abcde] then?
I did understand that both meant: a single charcter being either 'a',
'b', 'c', 'd', or 'e'?
El 20/10/2021 a las 11:34, Bart via lazarus escribió:
There are IMHO two front lines, one is the "replace" of TMask in
internal LCL functions, exposed or not to the user, and in this case all
options that allow mimic the old behaviour should be disabled. The other
one is the TMask itself which c
El 19/10/2021 a las 16:32, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Thanks for explaining that.
Sounds to me like you should not enable both of them, unless you want
something to match 'a'..'f' or '+' or '-' [a-f+\-] ?
There are IMHO two front lines, one is the "replace" of TMask in
internal LCL fu
El 18/10/2021 a las 22:39, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Most people are familiar with ranges "[a-z]", optional chars use the
same "[" syntax but without the dash "-", so "[abcde]" matches one
position with any of those chars or if you negate the set "[!abcde]" it
will match any char *except* any o
El 17/10/2021 a las 9:08, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
What does eMaskOpcodeOptionalChar do?
It's not very clear to me from the comments in the code.
Good question. It is the one syntax I don't fully understand yet.
Below is an explanation from José himself. I will study this sy
El 02/03/2021 a las 15:22, Bart via lazarus escribió:
First we will fork Lazarus 2.2
Then work in mask unit can proceed.
The advantage of this is that the new implementation is not hindered
by the old implementation.
So, no need to implement TMask.MatchesWindowsMask in the new impleme
El 25/02/2021 a las 15:21, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
Ok, true.
Escaping special characters would be very handy. A pity.
I've uploaded last TMask* code to my github, this way its easier to
track changes.
Have a nice day!.
El 25/02/2021 a las 10:39, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
UTF8 is also Unicode, one of its encodings.
The name UnicodeString is misleading. It should be UTF16String.
Please remember our Unicode solution uses UTF-8. It is done by changing
the default encoding of AnsiString and trigg
El 24/02/2021 a las 21:53, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
I am interested in how well your TMask version compares with Delphi's
Does it match the speed or even surpass it?
Not tested because in my code strings are allways UTF8 stored so for
Delphi comparison I must conv
El 24/02/2021 a las 22:36, Bart via lazarus escribió:
Match must be true
That sucks big time.
A ? is supposed to match EXACTLY 1 character (not optional).
Bloody @#$%$#@#$ Micro$uck,
This quirk has its explanation which is 8.3 backwards compatibil
El 24/02/2021 a las 13:31, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
I was thinking in import the NTFS (the filesystem) case comparison
tables which are 128 KB "only".
That is not necessary.
LazUTF8 has functions like UTF8CompareText(), UTF8CompareTextP() and the
The code was origin
El 24/02/2021 a las 11:58, Bart via lazarus escribió:
In my code there is non 100% unicode compatibility when using the
"CaseInsensitive" mode as as it uses lowercase mask and lowercase string
to perform the test which is wrong by definition
Currently Masks unit does the same.
Yes, b
El 24/02/2021 a las 11:47, Bart via lazarus escribió:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 10:02 AM Bart wrote:
Of course that is NOT a reason not to improve it: O(n^4) is just terrible.
To put this discussion in a little perspective.
Given a string S (UTF8 encoded) with Utf8Length=1000.
El 24/02/2021 a las 10:31, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
José Mejuto's code is a major rewrite for Masks. It supports Unicode in
masks, too.
I try to make it compatible by changing some class and method names, and
then run the unit tests.
In my code there is non 100% unicode com
El 23/02/2021 a las 10:41, Juha Manninen via lazarus escribió:
> Masks in LazUtils has a slow implementation.
> I planned to optimize it but now I realize we may have overlapping code.
> Q: Are Masks (LazUtils) and FPMasks (fpindexer) compatible?
> If they are, we should dump the LazUtils Masks
El 15/05/2019 a las 20:35, Anthony Walter via lazarus escribió:
I just looked at you MP3 decoder source. It looks like it mimics the
mpg123 API which is perfect. The only question I have is what is the
best way to seek to a time in an MP3 memory buffer for use with
your pdmp3_feed and pdmp3_rea
El 07/05/2019 a las 22:30, Anthony Walter escribió:
Thank you for the suggestion. I've used both BASS and FMOD extensively
in the past. Those library are for playing sounds from files or streams
using their abstracted concepts of channels. What I am looking for is
something a bit more p
El 07/05/2019 a las 17:49, Anthony Walter via lazarus escribió:
In my current thread on the subject of "Next tutoring project" I believe
I've nailed down my idea. The project will be a node based sound and
effect generation program where students can create functions that
either create tones o
El 28/02/2019 a las 10:56, Bo Berglund via lazarus escribió:
Yes, I had googled for the function and thought about ffmpeg too but
when I located a stackoverflow post about cutting video it turns out
to work the opposite way!
It could be done thinking opposite... :-)
Thanks for the of
El 28/02/2019 a las 10:12, Bo Berglund via lazarus escribió:
I am looking for a way to edit mp4 video files by cutting away parts
of the file.
So I am not looking for a way to view and edit the video visually,
rather a file cutting tool where I can use times into the video to cut
away parts betwe
El 30/03/2018 a las 22:45, duilio foschi escribió:
Hi Jose',
doubting a configuration error, I uninstalled Lazarus, then installed
it again (current version is 1.8.2).
Unfortunately I could not get rid of the error on TLibHandle.
Then I found out that this type (TLibHandle) is not declared in
El 28/03/2018 a las 22:48, duilio foschi via Lazarus escribió:
if I run devmgmt.msc on W7 I get this info on screen:
Is there a Winows API I can call from my Lazarus program and get the same info ?
My aim is to detect which COM number was assigned to the USB device
"MSP Application UART1"
El 13/03/2018 a las 9:21, Mark Morgan Lloyd via Lazarus escribió:
Yes, the modal form appears while the mouse button is held down (for
both GTK2 and Qt).
So, yes, seem that grid expects mouseup
Is there a portable way this can be sent? Otherwise I presume I could
fudge it with something li
El 12/03/2018 a las 18:25, Mark Morgan Lloyd via Lazarus escribió:
Running on (Debian) Linux on AMD64 or ARM, Lazarus 1.6.4 and FPC 3.0.2,
I'm seeing different behaviour depending on whether a program uses Qt or
GTK2. The program changes the hardware configuration of a mouse
(Logitech G600) usi
El 25/02/2018 a las 9:03, Gabor Boros via Lazarus escribió:
For me the good order is the real order independently from the other
widgetsets. For example at form maximize, the form moved to 0,0
coordinates then it's size increased. At form restore, form's size
decreased then moved to the correc
El 18/02/2018 a las 0:52, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
On 2018-02-17 16:59, Gabor Boros via Lazarus wrote:
to answer your question I'm hoping that effort translates well to
LCL-fpGUI too.
I was talking about LCL-fpGUI with reation to other LCL based platforms.
As I do n
El 17/02/2018 a las 17:59, Gabor Boros via Lazarus escribió:
2018. 02. 17. 17:26 keltezéssel, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus írta:
event orders and LCL was a nightmare - to the point that we moved to a
completely different solution/toolkit.
Is that nightmare exists with LCL-fpGUI also?
El 10/02/2018 a las 18:51, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
function Screen_dpi: integer;
LCL-fpGUI probably only needs the last one. I don't believe non-X11
platforms (eg: Windows) support varying dpi on the x and y axis.
Yes that's the needed value, is the binding whi
El 03/02/2018 a las 23:53, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
After a while it came to me, the IO error is probably a permission issue
for my logged in user. So I switched to root user on my FreeBSD system
and ran my test project again. It switched to fullscreen Console mode
and gave erro
El 03/02/2018 a las 10:37, AlexeyT via Lazarus escribió:
>But I assume you have to create several .cur files (one file for every
resolution you want to support)
I don't know how to make .cur file for bigger DPI. It is bitmap with big
size? it will paint same way too.
Not tested bu
I'm in the process of updating LCL-fpGUI widgetset and I found a problem
that I was unable to solve:
There is a main menu with one item, when I set Visible:=false for this
item the whole menu is hidden (tested using Win32 widgetset) and the
components in the form are "automagically" m
El 27/11/2017 a las 19:59, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
Then my I suggest you take a look at the LCL-fpGUI widgetset. It has all
the basic components working (except for TLabel), and many of the other
Windows like API's and dialogs etc. It desperately needs a maintainer -
I don't ha
El 16/11/2017 a las 11:25, Torsten Bonde Christiansen via Lazarus escribió:
Hi List.
I am reading some text of some .csv files, but the encoding of the files
is not always the same. In fact it may vary greatly from a lot of
european encodings, UTF8 and asian encoding.
Some years ag
El 18/06/2017 a las 22:44, el es via Lazarus escribió:
Hence the object, would have to have ITS callback routine be something
like a TNotifyEvent ( procedure(AObject: TSomeObject) of object, or
something), and the flag set is set when the callback returns to the
object context like
Can Postfix master ban ? All "Gabor Boros" (I know he is
not responsible) spam comes from that mail server (DNS name does not
match IP, only reverse resolution) and it looks like a Fiber/DSL user in
The IP is listed in at least 15 spam blacklists.
El 22/04/2017 a las 13:11, Alexey via Lazarus escribió:
I cannot find info about $IF for CPUs, e.g. compile code only if its x64
or ARM or ARM64.
Page don't help here-
El 09/03/2017 a las 17:11, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
Except for the fact that VM's suffer from corrupt hard drive file
problem. All your files are stored in a file, which is extremely
dangerous compared to having files stored as separate files. If one
little bit is f**ked in that hard drive di
El 09/03/2017 a las 17:05, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
TPicture has several width properties in all sorts of places, for example:
var p: TPicture;
Are any of these pure duplicates that are exactly the same thing, or do
some of them have
I need help with bitmaps as my tests results in unexpected/random behavior.
I need to get current glyph from a BitBtn, clone it to another bitmap
(to be stored in memory), then process the image content and finally
write the result to the BitBtn.
In my tests I clone the bitmap using T
El 02/03/2017 a las 17:05, Bernd via Lazarus escribió:
2017-03-02 15:44 GMT+01:00 Landmesser John via Lazarus
I think that looks ugly?!
This looks exactly like everything else on Windows XP looks like too,
its native Windows XP widgetset.
That's Windows XP *without* themes (Windo
El 27/02/2017 a las 15:15, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
2) I have a 4 core system with hyper threading (ie: 4 cores and 4
virtual cores). Your sample application maxed out all 8 cores at
100% CPU load. Not really acceptable behaviour for a desktop
application I would think. ;
El 27/02/2017 a las 23:49, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus escribió:
Instead of Repaint it should use Invalidate.
Invalidate queues a paint but repaint calls an inmediate repaint do not?
In other words, in Windows world Invalidate uses PostMessage and Repaint
uses SendMessage, or am I w
El 27/02/2017 a las 22:52, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus escribió:
published code its value is 1, but it should be 15, but in Windows
difference between 15 and 1 is zero, in Linux you can set timers with
1 ms. precision which is terrible overkill).
I put it on 30, but as with Graeme, the CPU
El 27/02/2017 a las 15:15, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
The sample program runs and all animations (except "Alpha bend this
form" functionality) works. Two points though:
I don't know of the alpha blend form is possible in Linux and using you
windows manager.
1) The FPS
El 27/02/2017 a las 14:50, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:
uanimationcontrol.pas(619,11) Error: identifier idents no member "Width"
uanimationcontrol.pas(620,11) Error: identifier idents no member "Height"
{$ifdef Windows}
TRect = Windows.TR
In the last days I was working in something like an animation library
that allows me to perform flashing messages, collapsable panels, and
other simple animation effects.
The pre-requisites are no threading involved, it must be able to animate
anything (abstraction) and life cycle mus
El 12/01/2017 a las 20:58, Alexey via Lazarus escribió:
Also posted the pch to the same Mantis.
and the other one? No full date on exit ?
Too fast :) Thank you.
Lazarus mailing list
El 12/01/2017 a las 9:33, Alexey via Lazarus escribió:
I posted the pch to Mantis, which addresses this issue.
to check against "" on exit and set date to "NullDate" value. Is
current behavior expected ?
Thank you, but and the other one? No full date on exit ? Is it expected
to wo
I have two questions about TDateEdit.
1) This control when created in the form the "Date" property is
"NullDate", but as soon as I try to enter something (like a "1") and
then erase it I can not recover the "NullDate" value (AKA zero). For my
needs I subclassed it to check against "" o
El 08/01/2017 a las 16:56, Bart via Lazarus escribió:
In D7 TForm.ActiveChanged is not fired if I change the focus with the
mouse, but it is if I change focus with Tab.
Just for the record I get the same effect as Screen if I override:
function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl):
El 08/01/2017 a las 16:56, Bart via Lazarus escribió:
On 1/8/17, José Mejuto via Lazarus wrote:
Is this behaviour intented ? I'm testing in Windows 7 with SVN fpc and
Lazarus. I do not know how Delphi works.
In D7 TForm.ActiveChanged is not fired if I change the focus with the
El 08/01/2017 a las 2:21, Darius Blaszyk via Lazarus escribió:
a separate tool or script to merge the translation strings into my .po
file? Or did I setup my project wrong?
In general, should the "force update" setting not force an update of the
.po file in any circumstance (compile
El 27/12/2016 a las 12:26, Chavoux Luyt via Lazarus escribió:
I wrote a small program for Linux in a previous version of Lazarus which
compiled and ran without problems before. I have now updated to fpc
3.0.0 and Lazarus 1.6 (backports version for Debian X86_64 Jessie). The
code still compil
El 24/10/2016 a las 2:19, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
Those are some interesting reads. It confirms my gut instinct to choose
chromium embedded (CEF) for development, instead of mozilla embedded, as
chromium embedded seems more designed for embedding at this stage than the
more immature firefox c
El 22/10/2016 a las 5:10, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
Isn't there a new xulrunner architecutre they created to replace it..
that's what I remember reading. I will find a link to the page and report
back here soon if I find it.
Someone says t
El 22/10/2016 a las 5:10, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
As promised, links:
Someone says that there is now something called a Firefox SDK or Gecko SDK
instead of xulrunner...
I wonder if it replaces it or is more complicated/difficult to use
El 21/10/2016 a las 13:23, Lars via Lazarus escribió:
When you dabbed with firefox embedded, was it a lazarus component? Or did
you make calls directly to an API without using a component?
Embeded Firefox is not possible anymore via XulRunner as embedded
support has been dropped by Mo
El 25/09/2016 a las 21:05, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara via Lazarus escribió:
The problem was simply the name. Changed executable name from
UpdateInflationHistory to GetInflationHistory and worked
Sharing here so others do not spend precious hours with such issue
UAC is launched in pro
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