El 27/11/2017 a las 19:59, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus escribió:

Then my I suggest you take a look at the LCL-fpGUI widgetset. It has all the basic components working (except for TLabel), and many of the other Windows like API's and dialogs etc. It desperately needs a maintainer - I don't have the time, and rather spend my time improving fpGUI directly, than maintain a LCL widgetset.


I can spend some time, again, improving LCL-fpGUI but I need the help of somebody expert in fpGUI, as I'm not a fpGUI user at all, and one with good skills in the LCL widget bindings internals, because the last update was stopped because I found unsolvable (by myself alone) problems trying to implement maybe TLabel (I can not remember).

When I say help I mean a way to communicate quite fast (maybe direct email) as waiting 2 or 3 days for an answer is frustrating when working with a widgetset as quite sure that missing knowledge is stopping the code write completely.

If somebody wish to help I would try again to implement more controls.


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