El miércoles, 03-payares-2010 a les 15:58 +0100, Andre Schnabel
> So your tests showed that the current terminolgy file is not very usefull
> at least for German and French (and I agree for German :) ). In turn:
> I'm going to remove it (or replace it with a very basic file) when we move
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> Hi,
> permissions granted :)
Thanks! :-)
> Can you just add the information to
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams
> so that other people know, who is maintaining the translations?
I added Korean language to the page.
Am 03.11.2010 17:16, schrieb Martin Srebotnjak:
So, do we have a string freeze for LO-build-XY.po files for LO3.3 in place?
just briefly discussed this in the SC-call. We might need to intruduce
one or two dialoges (we are still looking for a solution for the online
Genreal stri
Hi folks,
there's something I wanted to let you know. :)
One of the areas where Pootle can make our lives a bit easier is input
of special characters (see
http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/4665/pootlespecialchars.png for an
example). For a few locales (e.g. Chinese), Pootle authors have
On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 17:16 +0100, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> So, do we have a string freeze for LO-build-XY.po files for LO3.3 in
> place?
I don't think we've hit the string freeze yet, though I don't have the
exact date of string freeze...
Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, C
El dc 03 de 11 de 2010 a les 20:45 +0200, en/na Rimas Kudelis va
> 2010.11.03 20:05, Rimas Kudelis rašė:
> > Hi Pau,
> >
> > your file is now in place! You should be able to edit it from now on.
> And the upload problem has now been solved too.
Great! Many thanks!
E-mail to
2010.11.03 20:05, Rimas Kudelis rašė:
Hi Pau,
your file is now in place! You should be able to edit it from now on.
And the upload problem has now been solved too.
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List archives are available at http://www.l
2010.11.03 20:05, Jesús Corrius rašė:
Hi Andre, labas Rimas,
Can my user (jcorrius) get administrative rights for the Catalan
language in Pootle?
Many thanks / labai aciu
Of course. Enjoy! :)
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org for instructions on how to unsubscribe
List archives
Hi Pau,
your file is now in place! You should be able to edit it from now on.
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org for instructions on how to unsubscribe
List archives are available at http://www.libreoffice.org/lists/l10n/
All messages you send to this list will be publicly archived a
Hi Andre, labas Rimas,
Can my user (jcorrius) get administrative rights for the Catalan
language in Pootle?
Many thanks / labai aciu
Jesús Corrius
Document Foundation founding member
Skype: jcorrius | Twitter: @jcorrius
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org for instructions on how to unsu
Den 03-11-2010 09:50, Volker Merschmann skrev:
> Hi Leif, Lars-Steen,
> (although I can read danish, prefering a quick answer in english)
> the danish mailing-lists for LibreOffice are in position, see here:
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Local_Mailing_Lists#Danish
The Danish lists are
Hi Sophie,
Le 03/11/10 14:58, Sophie Gautier a écrit :
> Hi Alex
> I'll grant you the rights as soon as I've access to the server (i'm on a
> smartphone currently).
> Concerning terminology it's just a test because we have a glossary that i'm
> maintaining and i'll upload it on my server once up
So, do we have a string freeze for LO-build-XY.po files for LO3.3 in place?
Lp, m.
2010/11/3 Kohei Yoshida
> On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 16:04 +0100, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > Von: Kohei Yoshida
> > > Gesendet: 03.11.10 14:45 Uhr
> >
> > >
> > > I've found some inconsistent English stri
On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 16:04 +0100, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> Hi,
> > Von: Kohei Yoshida
> > Gesendet: 03.11.10 14:45 Uhr
> >
> > I've found some inconsistent English strings that I'd like to fix. But
> > I thought I would ask here first since I don't really know how our
> > translation framewo
2010.11.03 17:04, Andre Schnabel rašė:
I've found some inconsistent English strings that I'd like to fix. But
I thought I would ask here first since I don't really know how our
translation framework works.
fine with me, as long as it affects the lo-bild.po files only.
If we speak about strings
> Von: Kohei Yoshida
> Gesendet: 03.11.10 14:45 Uhr
> I've found some inconsistent English strings that I'd like to fix. But
> I thought I would ask here first since I don't really know how our
> translation framework works.
fine with me, as long as it affects the lo-bild.po files only.
Hi Alex,
> Hmm OK. My thoughts on the matter would be why have these files then, or
> rather why make them available on the server,
Well - we are about *testing* the pootle installation. So we are just doing
test if it is usefull to have the terminology strings in place.
Any languge ad
2010.11.03 16:55, Pau Iranzo rašė:
Hi Rimas,
It seems you either did not attach the file or it got stripped by the
mailing list software without any additional notification.
It seems it got stripped by the mailing list. Here it is:
OK, I think I know
Hi Rimas,
El dc 03 de 11 de 2010 a les 16:45 +0200, en/na Rimas Kudelis va
> It seems you either did not attach the file or it got stripped by the
> mailing list software without any additional notification.
It seems it got stripped by the mailing list. Here it is:
Hi Pau,
2010.11.03 16:22, Pau Iranzo rašė:
Hi André,
El dc 03 de 11 de 2010 a les 09:43 +0100, en/na Andre Schnabel va
How can I upload the files? On
http://pootle.documentfoundation.org/pootle/ca_XV I can't see the
"projects" (Is it me who has to create them? How?). There is no pag
Hi André,
El dc 03 de 11 de 2010 a les 09:43 +0100, en/na Andre Schnabel va
> >
> > How can I upload the files? On
> > http://pootle.documentfoundation.org/pootle/ca_XV I can't see the
> > "projects" (Is it me who has to create them? How?). There is no page
> > like http://pootle.docum
Hi Sophie,
2010.11.03 15:58, Sophie Gautier rašė:
Hi Alex
I'll grant you the rights as soon as I've access to the server (i'm on a
smartphone currently).
Concerning terminology it's just a test because we have a glossary that i'm
maintaining and i'll upload it on my server once updated with LibO
Hi Alex
I'll grant you the rights as soon as I've access to the server (i'm on a
smartphone currently).
Concerning terminology it's just a test because we have a glossary that i'm
maintaining and i'll upload it on my server once updated with LibO.
Kind regards
Le 3 nov. 2010 14:15, "Alexand
Hi there,
I've found some inconsistent English strings that I'd like to fix. But
I thought I would ask here first since I don't really know how our
translation framework works.
Is it okay to just go ahead and fix those strings, or do I need to
notify someone in case the original English strings
2010.11.03 15:14, Alexander Thurgood rašė:
Hi Andre,
Le 03/11/10 13:45, Andre Schnabel a écrit :
This might be done by asking here .. or the language maintainers as
listed at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams
OK, so consider this a request for editing permissions. A long time
Hi Andre,
Le 03/11/10 13:45, Andre Schnabel a écrit :
> This might be done by asking here .. or the language maintainers as
> listed at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams
OK, so consider this a request for editing permissions. A long time ago,
I worked with Sophie on translating
2010/11/3 Alexander Thurgood :
> Hi Modestas,
> Le 03/11/10 13:45, Modestas Rimkus a écrit :
>> I guess you should click on the Submit button instead of the
>> Next/Previous arrows. Does that help?
> Thanks for the hint, usually that is precisely the kind of button I
> would have looked for
Hi Modestas,
Le 03/11/10 13:45, Modestas Rimkus a écrit :
> I guess you should click on the Submit button instead of the
> Next/Previous arrows. Does that help?
Thanks for the hint, usually that is precisely the kind of button I
would have looked for in the first place, but unfortunately I don'
Hi Alexander,
> Von: Alexander Thurgood
> Gesendet: 03.11.10 13:37 Uhr
> I'm just wondering how one acquires editing rights on the staging Pootle
> server that's been setup.
This might be done by asking here .. or the language maintainers as
listed at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Langu
2010/11/3 Alexander Thurgood :
> I'm just wondering how one acquires editing rights on the staging Pootle
> server that's been setup. I've signed up, confirmed and activated my
> account, but although I can see the webform view of the words and
> apparently change/correct them, when I click on
Hi all,
I'm just wondering how one acquires editing rights on the staging Pootle
server that's been setup. I've signed up, confirmed and activated my
account, but although I can see the webform view of the words and
apparently change/correct them, when I click on next, or go elsewhere,
my changes
just a short update. I've been asked to change the name
(URI) of the server to something which is representing
the task it is used for (instead of the tool we are using).
So, the translation server is now also available as
It's the same thing, jus
> Von: droui...@drouizig.org
> Andre I am very sorry : I tried to give some rights to Alan and I lost my
> own admin rights. Bloomer !
> Is it possible to get it again ?
Done :)
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org for instructions on how to unsubscribe
List archives are available a
Thank you Cedric for the commit :)
Andre I am very sorry : I tried to give some rights to Alan and I lost my
own admin rights. Bloomer !
Is it possible to get it again ?
Sorry again,
Denis Arnaud
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org for instructions on how to unsubscribe
List arch
Hi Leif, Lars-Steen,
(although I can read danish, prefering a quick answer in english)
the danish mailing-lists for LibreOffice are in position, see here:
You should avoid to discuss LibreOffice on the OpenOffice.org-lists,
this will
permissions granted :)
Can you just add the information to
so that other people know, who is maintaining the translations?
thanks and regards,
> - Ursprüngliche Nachricht -
> Von: Jeongkyu Kim
> Gesendet: 03.11.10 09:42 Uhr
> Von: Pau Iranzo
> I see the name of the language shown is "Catalan (Valencia)" when
> actually it is "Catalan (Valencian)" (note the 'n' at the end).
> How can I upload the files? On
> http://pootle.documentfoundation.org/pootle/ca_XV I can't see the
> "projects" (Is it me w
2010/11/1 André Schnabel :
> Hi all,
> short update - server is ready for testing at
> http://pootle.documentfoundation.org/
> you may register yourself, but need to ask here for admin or language
> admistration permission.
Would you grant me admin right for Korean language? My ac
Hej Lars Steen,
Vi er ikke flyttet over til de nye lister endnu, så du skal tilmelde dig
dansk-listen på da.openoffice.org. Send en mail til
dansk-subscr...@da.openoffice.org (følg instrukserne).
Derefter skal du oprette dig på vores Pootle-server. Instrukser kan du finde
her: http://da.openoffice
Hi Lars,
> Von: Lars Steen
> How do I sign up for the danish translation of LibreOffice?
Leif Lodal is currently maintaining Danish translations.
You might either coordinate here or at the danish language lists:
Þann þri 2.nóv 2010 11:51, skrifaði Helen russian:
Yesterday we (with Aidsoid) tested the granting of various permissions
on Pootle. Every item of the permissions list has been checked (except
“Can commit to version control” and “Can overwrite translations on
uploading files”).
Hi guys,
How do I sign up for the danish translation of LibreOffice?
Best regards
Lars Steen
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List archives are available at http://www.libreoffice.org/lists/l10n/
All messages you send to this list will be publicly ar
El dc 03 de 11 de 2010 a les 08:12 +0100, en/na André Schnabel va
> Language code created and permissions granted. You should be able to
> download CAtaln translateion, rename and upload it again.
I see the name of the language shown is "Catalan (Valencia)" when
actually it is
Am 02.11.2010 21:30, schrieb Pau Iranzo:
what is currently missing, is the lo-build-ca-XV.po file for the
additional LibreOffice specific strings.
I think, we can create an empty one (or should we start with a copy of
the catalan translations?)
It's better to start with a copy of the Ca
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