KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread Mac McConnell-Wood
eitag, 07. November 2003 04:32 To: Subject: Re: KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil Did you break your engine in with conventional 30 w oil? If not that's the problem you never broke it in. Mobil ones for me i was going to try the wal mart brand but after think about

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Mac, I did use a very expensive synthetic engine oil on the VW GPAS2180. (I thought that only the best is good enough for my airplane) After the first flight and loss of oil pressure I went back to the GPAS specification - never had a problem since, and the oil is a lot cheaper too. I learned my

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread VIRGIL N SALISBURY
You cured the symptom, now cu On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 17:18:54 +0100 Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA writes: > Mac, > I did use a very expensive synthetic engine oil on the VW > GPAS2180. > (I thought that only the best is good enough for my airplane) > After the first flight and loss of oil pre

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread VIRGIL N SALISBURY
You covered up the problem and cured the symptom. Now find out what the problem was and cure it, Virg On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 17:18:54 +0100 Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA writes: > Mac, > I did use a very expensive synthetic engine oil on the VW > GPAS2180. > (I thought that only the best is

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread
Did you break your engine in with conventional 30 w oil? If not that's the problem you never broke it in. Mobil ones for me i was going to try the wal mart brand but after think about it all stick with a winner although house brand is Pennzoil at $2.38 qt it is attractive Vs $5.00 m

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
;Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil Did you break your engine in with conventional 30 w oil? If not that's the problem you never broke it in. Mobil ones for me i was going to try the wal mart brand but after think about it all stick with a winner although house brand is Pennzoil at $2.