Where are you in East TN? There is an aerobatic instructor in Abingdon VA who
has a Citerbia and a Pitts.
Jack Cooper
Chuckey TN.
- Original Message -
From: "Andy Mckevitz"
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 4:57:08 PM
Subject: KR> Tailwheel Checkout w
I think I have been blinded by the glow of the paint. Beautiful job.
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:40:16 PM
Subject: KR> Herbert Furle's KR2SL
For those who haven't seen it, check out German Herbert Furle's
With a little engineering you could use a motor from a car mirror and make it
adjustable for taxi and landing.
Jack Cooper
Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to krnet-le.
I sent the following email.
Jack Cooper
This message went to over 500 people who know and respect Mark Langfords
opinion and have now decided not to consider your system for lack of customer
support. Mark likes your system and his opinion carries a lot of weight with me
and others
Try a local marine supply.
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Saturday, October 9, 2010 6:25:51 AM
Subject: KR> Vinyl Ester
Anyone know where I can buy VE, other than AS? As usual, the only thing
that I really need right now is the VE, and the
I have never used a ratio for mixing micro. Just keep adding micro until you
have a very thick, almost like peanut butter consistency. The mixing stick
should be able to stand up in it. A slury will run unless its a flat surface.
Even with the peanut butter consistency it will run on a
Made it home today about 2:00 PM with help of a good tail wind. I had a great
time at the gathering seeing old friends and meeting some new ones, and even
flying with some of you. Hope everyone has had a safe trip home. Just happened
to think that we did not pass the hat for contributions for
Here in Chuckey TN we are shrouded in a heavy fog. Sun is trying to break
through but it may be a while for a VFR takeoff. I'm ready to go but for the
Jack Cooper
For those of us who don't have a KR to fly yet, a flying Mac Truck spam can
(Piper Cherokee 140) is better than a driving there in Porsche of even a
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KR Net"
Sent: Sunday, September 5, 2010 5:40:13 PM
What is it the regs say about drinking and smoking. - no drinking within 50
feet of an aircraft and no smoking eight hours before flight??? Glad I'm a
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2010 5:54:30 PM
KR Netters
My friend Reg backed out of coming to the gathering so I have an open seat in
the Cherokee. I will be leaving NE Tennessee flying to the gathering on
Thursday and returning on Sunday weather premitting. If anyone in the vicinity
would like a ride and willing to share gas, drop me
I'm planning on arriving sometime Thursday in a Cherokee 140. If anyone needs a
BFR I'll be glad to accomidate.
Jack Cooper CFI
I have also seen airplanes trailered tail first and wondered why. I trailered
mine nose first and had the controls blocked with no trouble. See
Jack Cooper
Chuckey TN.
Larry Ragan wrote.
I've seen projects being trailered and a lot
Try pulling the pin and waxing it with a good paste wax. I use Johnson wax, no
oily mess to mar your finish.
Jack Cooper
Chuckey TN.
- Original Message -
From: "smwood"
Sent: Friday, July 2, 2010 10:00:26 AM
Subject: KR> Hinge Lubrication
What is the pr
Peter Leonard wrote
You must be careful with wing extensions as they increase the bending moment
at the wing root significantly. Also consider the extra load it will put on
the wing attachment fittings.
Aren't the Diehl skin wings longer than the stock plan wings? Guess I could
look it
Just checked mine with a digital level and also got 2 on the right wing and 1.8
on the left. Is that close enough for KR work. Maybe I should consider aileron
trim. Naw, not until it flies.
Jack Cooper
Chuckey TN.
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wedn
The weather forcast still calling for 30% chance of rain and t-storms but
looking going outside today I see blue sky wirh a broken layer higher than
Viking mountain which is 4880 so I'm guessing that the broken layer is at least
5000 MSL. Hope to see some of you here today.
CTAF 122.9
Well tomorrow is the day weather or not. Right now the wx is high broken layer
with some blue sky and a lower scattered layer that is obscuting the 4880 ft
mountain peak just to our south but the wearher forcast for tomorrow is not
good and I have had some flyins cancel already. Some are drivi
Only 1 week until the flyin at the Cooper home. Come join the fun, fly in or
drive in, all are welcome. Flying in 04tn or if not on your database use GCY
then go 5 miles east CTAF 122.9. Driving in Kitty Hawk Dr is not on the
mapquest or GPS database so use Mitchell Rd. Chuckey TN. 37641. On M
I may be wrong but I don't think there is any federal requirement to have
insurance but your local authorities may require you to show proof of insurance
to use their facilities. Our airpark requires owners to have X$ liability on
their aircraft but guests who fly in are not required
Two weeks to the KR/Corvaircraft flyin at the Cooper home in East Tennessee.
If flying in use 04TN but if not on your GPS database use GCY. We are 5 miles
east of GCY. Hensley Airpark CTAF is 122.9, I will have my handheld on. If
driving in, my address is 101 Kitty Hawk Dr. Chuckey TN 37641.
This morning I'm thinking more clearly and my decision is to have the flyin as
planned. I understand that some of you may prefer to go to the Virginia
Festival of Flight and thats OK, but I will be here and have the hangar doors
open, hope you can come. The invitation to stopover for the nig
This morning I'm thinking more clearly and my decision is to have the flyin as
planned. I understand that some of you may prefer to go to the Virginia
Festival of Flight and thats OK, but I will be here and have the hangar doors
open, hope you can come. The invitation to stopover for the nig
Thanks for posting the information again Mark.
I had intended to post something again today but have been wondering what to
do. I didn't know I had scheduled on the same date as a major east coast event.
So far response to the flyin has been very light, so I'm still trying to decide
if I s
Oops, I forgot to say what day. Flyin day is Saturday May 22nd. Early arrivers
come on Friday 21st
A reminder that the KR and Corvair flyin is less than a month away. This is
another opportunity to get together with old friends whom we see only one or
two times a year and to meet so
A reminder that the KR and Corvair flyin is less than a month away. This is
another opportunity to get together with old friends whom we see only one or
two times a year and to meet some new friends. There is no agenda, just get
together and have fun talking and looking at airplanes. The fly
OOPs, sorry guys, I thought that last message was going directly to Dan. Guess
I should look at the address before I hit reply.
- Original Message -
From: "jack.cooper2009"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2010 10:28:24 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada East
Ky - I39
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
KR netters
Sending out a reminder of the KR fly-in I'm having in east Tennessee on May 22,
2010. I would like to get a feel for who and how many plan to attend so I will
know how to plan. For those who are planing on coming please respond to me off
net at . I would li
When I read your email the first time I thought you flew back on the new engine
but after rereading I see the new engine is waiting in the shop. Do you plan on
installing the corvair engine anytime soon?
Jack cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
To: "KRnet"
I was wondering where others have mounted their power sulpplies for the
strobes. I have a set of aeroflash as seen at . I think its
best to locate the power supply near the strobe to cut down on interference so
I'm thinking of
But with 280K I figure that worked out to about 4500 hours. try to get that
out of an
aircraft pump...
Fred Johnson
Reno, NV
I think you need to double the hour estimate. My 03 Silverado has 142600 miles
and another feature of the odometer is an hour meter and it has 4120 hours
Did this pump run continously or on demand? If its on demand it may not last
very long runninc continously.
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Fred Johnson"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:08:11 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: KR>Vacuum
Congratulations on the new job.
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "Jeff York"
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 1:44:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: KR> Good News, Great News, "OK its not open Friday"
I just wanted to pass along some
The picture shown in this ad looks like Bill Capps KR
- Original Message -
From: "Dann Johnson"
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2010 4:23:37 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: KR> kr2 model on ebay
Maybe this is old news, but i stumbled a cross a mdodel
I have had questions about motels, camping and meals so here goes. There are
motels in Greeneville , I haven't checked their rates yet but you can check on
line. I will provide transportation to motels for those who fly in. As for
camping you can use the back yard and the vacant lot next to me,
Kr netheads
Sitting at the computer while ago I heard an airplane overhead preforming
aerobatics so I went outside with a lawn chair and binoculars and watches the
airshow. Yes, I love being retired and living in an air park. I also began
thinking about having a KR fly in here at my hom
I flew a Cherokee from NE Tennessee to SW Tennessee the day after Christmas
with a 45 K Headwind. I was indicating 105 knots With a true o f 110 and the
garmin was saying 65 knots ground speed at 6500. Flew the last 1.7 hours at
2000 ft at about 95 knot ground speed and in turbulance that made
Just got my new plastic license yesterday.
Jack cooper
Chuckey TN.
- Original Message -
From: "joe kr2s builder"
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2010 9:54:16 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: KR> paper pilot certificate
Hey Guys,
Mark and Dan
Thanks, How much force and travel? I'm thinking 12" travel and 150# force? Did
you also order the wiring kit or make up your own How about a switch, does it
come with athe wiring kit?
Jack Cooper
I'm looking for a linear actuator for my KR for the belly board. I know some
are using Vans flap motor but I'm trying to avoid paying $380 for an actuator.
I was wondering what some others are using and what the travel time is on them.
I have been looking on ebay and there are some there very
A friend and I are planning our first visit to Oshkosh and hope to meet you
there. If your travels take you through upper East Tennessee please plan on
dropping in to Hensley Airpark for a visit. I have plenty of room to put you up
for a day or a week and would be honored to have you as
For $30 it will save a lot of work. I have used mine on wood and all kinds of
sanding. Wore one out on a KR.
Jack Cooper
If I were building a new work table I would consider Advanteck which is a
particle board type of subflooring. Its very heavy, tongue and groove and makes
a good smooth surface for a floor and I think it would make a good tabletop.
Jack Cooper
Chuckey Tn.
When Gene Byrd crashed his KR2S a few years ago his harness was attached to the
rear fuselage, I'm not sure exactly where or how but he walked away from the
crash with a small cut to the forehead and bruses across his sholders caused by
the belts. There is no way to say what the results would
I plan to have a survival knife aid a few other items in my airplane. Maybe it
should be labeles survivak kit because if I'm searched on an airport it may
cause some problems. Like you said, this country is going plain stupid.
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: mfreem...@indy.
I was flying yesterday and monitering 122.9 and thought for sure I heard 56
Mike Lima. Could it have been you???
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet" , "Corvair engines for homebuilt aircraft"
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:06:52 PM GMT -05:00 US
Thanks for your service to our country. Glad you returned home safely and are
back in the air.
Jack Cooper
U.S. Army Retired
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 7:50:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
I also found a Great Planes aircraft strobe kit. Sells for 32.95 + Shipping.
$20 includes shipping.
Jack Cooper
While organizing my hangar I came across three parts for a Stromberg carb. I no
longer have that carb, I sold it to someone but I don't remember who. If you
will remind me I'll send them to you. Otherwise the first who emails me that
they want them gets them, no charge.The parts are
P/N 07-0
Just to let everyone know, Jcak Cooper and Reg Corkum arrived home at Hensley
Airpark at 6:30 PM eastern Saturday after a 3.5 hr flight.Only had very slight
deviations from course near home to dodge some rain showers and had to change
altitude tow times to maintain cloud clearance. Hope everyo
Can you video that un-rain dance and put it on the net so we all can do it. I
flew 1.5 hrs today and had a few drops of rain on the windshield as we made out
final traffic pattern th Hensley Airpark. Forcast says rain all week so I hope
we can work our way around the rain thursday afternoon.
Just a reminder to those who expressed a desire to take a BFR at the gathering,
Bring your logbook.
Jack Cooper
This is where I get metar. You can select raw format or translated. Are you
going to stop by on the way to the gathering? Overnight invitation is still
open, even though I won't be leaving to the gathering until late afternoon.I
enjoyed your pict
I should get LONGEST FLIGHT for flying there in a Cherokee. Just kidding but my
friend coming with me has an appointment on Thursday so it will be a mid
afternoon launch for us arriving probably around 6:00 PM or later. We will need
a ride to the Holiday Inn. I'm sure we will find a ride aroun
Dan Heath wrote.
Think about it, you drive by the airport on your way to
work every day, or you could, and there is an airplane waiting there for
you. It is yours and all you have to do is pull it out, fire it up and take
off. Oh, how cool is that.
If only I had a flyable KR I
I'm flying a Cherokee 140 that does not have EGT but does have a CHT. The gauge
has a a star sy mbol on it but I dont reallly know what it means. One day while
I was leaning the CHT went above the star so I richened the mixture back below
it. Is CHT an effective instrument for leaning? There a
You may be thinnking of Goo Gone. It is for removing glue residue left from
removing labels and such.
Jack Cooper
- Original Message -
From: "pshows"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:33:25 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: KR> Goof Off
There was
For those who are interested in getting a biannual review at the gathering, be
sure to bring your logbook. It requires an endorsement.
Jack Cooper
You did maintain 2000 feet horizontal clearance from these clouds coming down
didn't you. I took my CFI re-certification check ride today and yes I passed.
Seems like it was a lot harder to pass than the first time I took a CFI ck
ride. My last CFI ticket expired in 1973 so things have
In Army flight school after a course in altitude physiology, we went into an
altitude chamber. I don't remember what altitude we were at but our assignment
was to write our name over and over and to put our mask on when we felt
hypoxia's. I remember thinking I should put a mask on then thought
Dan Freeman said-
"I flew a Maule yesterday and it wore me out."
I flew a Cherokee 140 yesterday for 1.5 hrs. with a friend who is a designated
examiner as a phase check for renewing my CFI. My altitude control was
atrocious, my maneuvers were about as bad. I was also wore out. Got a new
I have never been to Oshkosh but I do intend to go some day/year. I have been
to Sun-N-Fun several times and will continue to go, maybe not every year but I
will return because aviation, to me, is much more than just a KR. 2009 will be
my 10th year coming to the KR gathering. My KR is not y et
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9:01:13 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: KR> New house update
Jack, you are talking 2010 right not 2009
Mike Turner
Edgewood NM
- Original Message -
From: jack.cooper2009
To: KRnet
Sent: Monday
20, 2009 12:21:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: KR> New house update
When is the fly-in? You built it we will come..
--- On Wed, 7/8/09, jack.cooper2009 wrote:
From: jack.cooper2009
Subject: KR> New house update
To: "KRnet"
As promised I have finally gotten around to doing my last New house update. You
can view it at
I have been thinking of a KR fly-in and would like some feedback from you KR
netheads. When would be a good time for it and who would plan on attend
Mark Jones, you make me jealous, a week on a beautiful lake with fish and
airplanes, then come home to fly a KR. I spent the week working on hangar
doors and moving boxes. I did get in a couple of hours of flying one working on
getting a CFI renewed and another flying with a friend so I guess
Glad to hear you will be at the gathering, we missed you last year. Also very
good to know you are in the KR business, I hope you do well with it. It would
be good if you could sell plans even if you had to mark up the price a few
bucks for your shipping and handling cost. I think mos
You may want to try a micromesh kit. You should be able to get it from Wicks or
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 6:52:46 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: KR> Plexiglas Spray Lat Removal
I'm receiving no email from KR net. I'm sure its not that slow so it must be my
Well I have been in the new home for about 2 weeks now so today I moved the KR
into its new hangar. Unfortunately it is having to share the hangar with a lot
of boxes that haven't been unpacked so there still isn't too much working room.
It had been in a neighbors hangar across the runway for
71 matches
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