Re: KR> KRnet Digest, Vol 9, Issue 36

2021-02-14 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
John, I have a RayJay turbo on my Kr-2 (N54PB 1835 VW), sorry, I do NOT have a waste Gate on the setup. The individual who built the engine, along with help from his Toyota auto engineers who worked for him, sized the turbo housing to eliminate the over boosting problem. I keep an eye on the

Re: KR> KRnet Digest, Vol 9, Issue 17

2021-01-24 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Mark; I have had to remove my force one hub on my 1835 Turbo VW a couple of times in the past. I built a puller out of .25 inch steal that had the prop hub bolt pattern on one end and a hole in the center large enough for the hydraulic jack ram to fit against the hub bolt. I bolted the puller

Re: KR> KR Landing in Tacoma Washington

2019-08-03 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
I noticed that it appears that his engine, indeed, was dead ie the prop was not turning in the video as the officer was facing the aircraft on approach. Under the circumstances, I think the pilot did an excellent job avoiding a crash and the cars on the road. Notice in the video how he avoided

Re: KR> Stick & Rudder

2019-04-23 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
For all those who do NOT believe in the Bernoulli theory, I would suggest you try this simple experiment: take an ordinary teaspoon and dangle it from the handle so that the curved surface just comes in contact with a stream of running water and watch what happens. Yes water is much more dense

Re: KR> Green Foam Board

2019-04-11 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Ken; Just cut a piece off and compare the outside color to the middle of the same piece, the sun would not have gotten to the inside of the foam. I would NOT be afraid of using the foam because again it is NOT intended to be structural only to hold the shape as a mold for the fiberglass. Parl

Re: KR> Green Foam Board

2019-04-08 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
That is normal for the green foam used on the KR-2, it sands super easy, it is brittle and it should be fine. The only thing that will cause it to deteriorate is if it has been left out in the direct sunlight, which will cause it to change color. The strength is in the fiberglass, the foam ju

Re: KR> I have this green foam board...

2019-04-07 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Virgil; That foam is Urethane foam and was what most early KRs were made with. The wing ribs as well as the surface are formed from this easily sanded foam. One caution I would advise anyone who uses this type of foam is to be SURE AND WEAR a face mask to keep the sanding foam out of YOUR LU

Re: KR> airport selection

2019-02-22 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
I would NOT use a short narrow strip for my first flight in the KR-2. First: this is a NEW aircraft and possibly an inexperienced KR pilot couple those two factors with the good possibilities of something mechanically going wrong and you are setting yourself up for a disaster which may cost yo

Re: KR> Got motre training done yesterday

2019-01-20 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Craig; I noticed the same thing, I am wondering if most KR-s have this problem, I know mine did. I just finished modifying mine hopefully to solve the out of center ball, by moving the vertical stabilizer leading edge spar slightly to the starboard side. Before taking this modification on, I

Re: KR> Fixed lending gear.

2019-01-14 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
I changed out the 3/4 inch spring bar and installed a 1 inch spring bar on my kr2 after hearing about the hard landings putting the wheels up through the top of the wings on some other KRs with retracts. My kr2 is actually a 1.5 bird since I made it a single seat version due to the gross weight

Re: KR> dashboard question

2018-10-04 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
My canopy is hinged on the front edge of the canopy and the fuel tank. I used a piano hinge and then made my canopy frame come right down on top of the instrument panel. The canopy is supported by a gas cylinder on the right side of the fuselage. The canopy is simple to remove by pulling th

Re: KR> aileron balancing

2017-12-15 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Dec.15,2017 Subject: Lead aileron castings To whom it may concern; I calculated the size/weight needed then made a mold using plaster paris of that calculation. I heated the mold in the oven to prevent steam explosions prior to pouring the liquified lead into the mold. Once the mold was heate

Re: KR> 4" Prop extension for my KR2S with a Revmaster 2100D engine

2017-10-26 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Date: Wednesday; Oct.25,2017 Subject: Prop extension Luis; I have a prop extension. Mine measures 4.25 inches from flange face to prop side but I am not sure it will fit a RevMaster hub. I understand that there are two different bolt patterns used on VW engines and I think that the Revmaster

Re: KR> fiber glassed fuselage

2017-03-10 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Robert; Yes, there have been a lot of Krs that have had fiberglass covered over the fuselage. Mine, N54PB is one of them, I covered mine so as to aid in the finish paint as well as to seal and protect the wood. Yes, it does add some weight but my plane flies just fine and I made it into a KR2

Re: KR> books

2017-03-03 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Bob R. Why do all of us on the KRnet need to know this? Please do not use up our valuable time and the bandwidth/memory of this net by posting these useless comments. Thank you. On Mar 2, 2017, at 16:46, Robert Russell via KRnet wrote: > I received my 3 Tony Bingelis books today . > Happy

Re: KR> Melting lead

2017-01-28 Thread Parley T Byington via KRnet
Date: Saturday, Jan.28,2017 Subject: Melting lead and safety precautions When making my counter weights, I built some molds out of plaster of Paris to shape then used the female mold to pour melted lead into. ONE VERY IMPORTANT POINT HERE; that is heat the mold (plaster) in the oven to a hig