I purchased my original set of plans from Ken Rand himself at his office in
Huntington Beach in '76. I since took over a project complete with plans. I
spoke with Jenette Rand at the last gathering and about a month ago I got
around to transferring the registration of the plans I got wi
There Plans I have and even the original set had Full size inboard & outboard
plywood rib dwgs plus a full size bulk head drawing plus a few other of some
lesser metal parts. Those full size plywood rib & firewall drawings are
indispensable as you can accurately trace them to piece of pa
As with anything you do there are many ways to "Skin the Cat" and many ways ave
been used to get to the end result depending onwhat tools, materials, methods
and skills you have available and many different approaches have been used . I
suggest that you use the KRnet fvenue and review th
Ron & Netters:
If they have estate auctions in your area check a few of them out, They
generally sell them off early in the day unless they are really old.
- Original Message -
From: "Ron Butterfiel
I can be wrong but I'm sure that it did happen and I think it led to the P-38
Lightning.-- Maybe a check on Lockheeds development of the P-38
- Original Message -
From: "Lee Van Dyke"
To: "KRne
I would say that your proposed use of a turbo charger is its best use but
personally have flown C-172s to 13,000 & C-182s to over 15000' for short
periods but view 12,500 ft about the limit for sustained operation by a
non-smoking pilot or passenger without Oxygen. I believe the craft
of a mountain range.
> I have never gotten anything naturally aspirated to 10k. Perhaps
> I did not have the time to wait (or the distance)..
> jg
> Gotta get high fast..
> On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 21:42 -0500, D Lively w
Did not see it.
Don Lively
- Original Message -
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 8:28 AM
Subject: KR> Test
> Sent a message to the net yesterday. Have not seen it or the one to F
You are correct on vinyl ester resins and it can also be used on many of the
foams that polyester resins will attack. Chemical Compatability is very
importent when using composites.
Don Lively
- Orig
That is near the sea level rate of climb for a Cessna 150 "Spam Can" @
1600lbs gross ..
- Original Message -
From: "Jaco Swanepoel"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:35 AM
Subject: KR> Turbo
>I am running a VW 2.4 Liter Turbo and I am extremely happy with the
> performan
H.B. Fuller mahes a lot of chemical resisting coatings. I used their products
at Aerojet in Sacramento to protect or resist the attack on concrete by N2O4(
Nitrogen Tetroxide) that forms Red Fuming Nitric acid when exposed to moisture
in the air and Unsymetrical Di-methyl Hydrazine(UD
I'll look it over
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:16 PM
Subject: KR> Diehl nosewheel strut brace.
>I highly recommend beefing up yo
Thats ok as hanging out much above 12.500 for long without oxygen is not such a
redhot idea anyway and what would the density altitude be for the 15,500 ft
alt. on a hot summerday in the SW be anyway.
You were also very close to the birds service ceing anyway which generally
given as 10
I plan on retro-fitting wing tanks in the the project I took over with 5" OD x
0.052 wall irrigation tube as you describe but have found the max length to be
something a little over 5'-0" because of the spars taperas you move to the tip.
It appears that such a tank would have a capaci
Thanks Ron that is worth knowing and makes thing simpler since a 5 ft long tube
holds just under 5 gallons.
Don Lively
- Original Message -
From: "Ronald Wright"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, May 27,
I went to the net RE; the discussion about the Tubular spar used as a fuel tank
in the American Yankee as designed by Jim Bede, below is what I found.
See the link:
Don Lively
Burlington IA
Didn't some one say 41# per wing on here in the recent past? I didn't weigh
minebut 40# to 50# sure seems about right for mine.No Tanks yet and with
would add at least 10#+ each.
- Origina
That may well be true but a fabricated tank can be made to conform to the
interior void space of the wing and is most likely least difficult to secure.
My reason for fabricating tanks from tubing is that I think they can be
retrofitted without tearing my finished wings apart. There wil
Was your KR2 one with the 20 ft. 8 inch or the 23 ft. wing span?
- Original Message -
From: "Randy Smith"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: KR> 28# wings
I e-mailed you off net & your E-mail bounced
Don Lively
Burlington IA
- Original Message -
From: "Lee Van Dyke"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 7:52 PM
Subject: KR> Fw: 1835 VW for sale
yep: All that stuff comes from oil!
- Original Message -
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Re: KR> Carbon fibre cloth
> Larry is absolutely correct, except that I think it is now 5 times more
> expensive, for no gain.
> From: Larry&Sallie Fl
Test Came Through
Don Lively
Burlington IA
- Original Message -
From: "Allen Wiesner"
To: "KR Net"
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 2:03 AM
Subject: KR> Test
> Seeing if this goes through. I've tried to send a post on fuselage length
> twice with no show.
> Al
For those that don't know, "AIG" stans for "Aetna Insurance Group"!
Don Lively
- Original Message -
From: "Ed Janssen"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: KR> insurance - saving with AIG
> This isn't a plug for AIG, but I recently changed my au
Came through Fine.
Don Lively
- Original Message -
From: "Bob Glidden"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:43 PM
Subject: KR> bounced emails
> Just testing,I've had a couple emails to the list bounce back undelivered.
> Bob Glidden
> Eminence,Indiana
> KR2S N181FW (build
I had a maple tree in my yard cut down yesterday and had friend ask me if I was
building a nest. I responded that the resulting debris was not good enough for
the bird (KR) under costruction in my garage.
Don Lively
What is a MAC servo?
- Original Message -
From: "Ronald Wright"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: KR> MAC servo
> Anyone have a new MAC servo system they want to sell
I have been attempting to figure out for ahile and still can't be sure!
Do the spars extend all the way to composite tips on the "S" wings? the
reflection of the spar through the fibergalss on the project I took ovet seems
to stop at where the std wing span should be. and I do not ha
I have been attempting to figure out for ahile and still can't be sure!
Do the spars extend all the way to composite tips on the "S" wings? the
reflection of the spar through the fibergalss on the project I took ovet seems
to stop at where the std wing span should be. and I do not ha
Thanks for your reply, you are the only one so far.
The plans that came with my project are for the the std. KR2 and since the
wings are done I really want to know that they are built the way they should be
and there is know way to tell.
What do you mean by "Foam Ply"? Is that mearly
Your welder is probably correct as all air contains moisture so the air
contained inside the tube will condense when it gets cold and it is a safe bet
that there will likely be some porosity somewhere that will allow ambient air
in & out(Nothing is perfect). Drain holes @ the low points s
I was assuming the holes were already there or had been put there after the
powder coating as a means of covering the resulting bare metal.
D. Lively
- Original Message -
To: "
I bought a folding trailer from "Harbor Fright" with 12 inch wheels ($239.95)
and took "Stud Length"( 92-3/4")
2x4's, bolted them across the "Tilting Frame" and decked it with 5/8" CDX .
Then I covered the with the
4' x 8' "John Hardie" cement siding.
I purchased my KR fro a gent
I vaguely remember something like that but think that it was something under
study at his death but not sure>
- Original Message -
From: "Randolph R. Clark"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: KR> Amphibious A/C
>I remember a pic many years ago of an airplane
This is what I sent Bobby. I think a removable soft top & sides could be
fashioned and with the ingenuity endemic to most KR builders I am sure you
could use the storage wheel ass'ys that come with the trailers and retain the
folding function but the castors would that come with it are
Could the death of Ken Rand have prevented this from going fwd. If this were
late '78 and you add a year plus the not so unusual delays of such things it
would not be hard to assume that his death killed the project.
Don Lively
Burlington IA
I made that suggestion but my thoughts on this were to have sides with
craddles to hold the wings with "Notch-Outs" to clear the wing stubs when
pivoted up to the vertical. This would not be easy to accomplish because of
the dynamic conditions encountered while pulling the trailer.
Myron & Kieth:
You are correct but is it not true that in many places you are limited to an
* ft vehicle width with out a permit. In those cases getting (2) wall
thicknesses and any practical clearance would be tough in the 9" remaining
and even in the 21 inches at a 9 ft vehicle width is clo
Does any one know or can anyone tell me what the cable travel is "lock-to-lock"
of the aileron cable on the as designed "Center Stick" KR2?
Don Lively
Burlington IA
Does anyone know William Rivers, Formerly of 68 Beachview Ave, Malden Mass.
He was the original owner of the plans of my KR and i am trying to track him
down. He purch. the plans in '78.
I recently rec'd this information in a response to my Fax to Jeanette Rand.
Many thanks to Jeane
Have you ever considered having your lettering cut inreverse from adhesive
backed vinyl and placing it on the inside of your canopy so it can be read from
the outside, somewhat like they do when they make stencils for painting
graphics on vehicles. Some plotters have the capability of us
se this have anything to do with masking the canopy for painting??
> - Original Message -
> From: "D Lively"
> To: "KRnet"
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:27 AM
> Subject: Re: KR> Canopy coating
>> Lee:
>> H
On the subject of low-wing float planes, it seems tome I have seen a few of the
Piper "Spam-Cans" fitted with floats but most that I have seen are mid-wing
craft or high wing Cessna types. It probably could be done but I would worry
about the wood parts of the KR as well as the lig
ay 05, 2007 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: KR> floats for a Kr-2
> What about a Zenith 601 on floats?
> On 5/6/07, D Lively wrote:
>> KR-netters:
>> On the subject of low-wing float planes, it seems tome I hav
What Brian says is the way to go as ther are no moving parts to bind or
stick. Just make sure the terminals & adj. devices are accessible in case
you must re calibrate it for that you may need to do from time to time.
Don Lively
Burlington IA
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Kr
ED & David:
That is probably true.
- Original Message -
From: "Ed Janssen"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: KR> LSA Certified ?
> David,
> There is at least one significant advantage to registering your plane as
> an
> E-LSA. If you should sell
I have just ordered 5 inch OD x .052 inch wall aluminum irrigation tubing from
Hastings Pipe & Tube in Hastings NE. They have a web Site that can be found
by looking for "irrigation tubing, aluminum" on your browser.
I ordered 20 lf cut into 5 ft lengths for shiping UPS which should
At the last gathering one of the attendees had used tubes or Plastic Pipe as
tanks to retrofit tanks into wings. I would like to exchange some methodology
on how and ask you some questions. It seems as though she was from Florida.
Don Lively
Burlington IA
Thanks Larry.
I have ordered 5" OD x .052 wall Alum. Tube. ^0" long tubes have a
capacity of around 4.8 Gallons. The gal @ the gathering used plastic pipe
for hers but said she was able to use th pipe to cut through the foam ribs
and then only needed small access oles to secure the t
You may be right on this flat bar idea but a tube is very strong compared to a
flat and one rolled to an arch would be even stronger when loaded
normal(Perpendicular) to the out side of the bend and the round side would not
have an edge to cut into the ground like a shovel. I also thi
Do not take my word for this but this is the way I see things & am willing
to bet you will find much agreement here from the "Old Farts" among us.
Oil will be more viscous when cold than when hot and will suffer a pressure
drop when it warms though much less so with multi-Viscosity oils.
The key yrom my understanding is that it operate within the "Sport Plane"
requirements and that you should be prepared to satisfy to the inspector that
it within the requirements at the time of the inspection.
1) Max. level flight speed 138 mph
2) Max Stall Speed, clean, 51 mph
3) Fixed
Many have reported that the fixed conv. gear configurations are slightly
faster than the retract version. They speculate that it is because the
wheel do not fully retract therefore making the airflow more disrupted than
the fixed cov. geared version.
This has bee n talked about at leng
EAA Chapter 700 meeting discussing the construction of Sonex's & Glassaires.
Don Lively
Burlington IA 52601
- Original Message -
From: "Lee Van Dyke"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 10:3
The maximum level flight speed at maximum continuous power can be easily
controlled by engine and prop selection. The bigger problem is the 51
mph(44kt.) max permisable stall speed without flaps. With the KR2S wings and
the RAF48 airfoil it looks like that limits the permissible gross
This is in line with what the FAA folks told me in Kansas City so the
biggest issues for the KR Aircraft are the speed requirements as well as the
fixed gear. The fixed gear is not much of an issue for most as most are
that way or coverted after the 1st gear collapse.
- Original
Look close as it could be a "Carpenter Ant" . They are both large but ants &
and termites have different body shapes.
Both are not good!
Don Lively
Burlington IA
- Original Message -
From: "Clá
++ P L++ E- w-- N+++ o-- K- w O- M--
> V-- PS+ PE- Y++ PGP++ t+ 5- X-- R* tv b++ DI++ D++
> G e* h--- r- y+++*
>>From: "D Lively"
>>Reply-To: KRnet
>>To: "KRnet"
>>Subject: KR>
As a suggestion go "On-Line" and locate the "Material Safety Data Sheets" from
a supplier like "Aircraft Spruce", "Wicks" or better yet the manufacturer.
They should tell you all of the hazards, campatabilities and safe handling
methods as well as the non-proprietary components.
You can slow the cruise down by going with a fixed tri-gear, engine choice and
prop selection but the real challenge is getting the stall under the 51 mph
clean stall requirement. I think it can only be done with "2S" or Diehl
wings. The RAF48 airfoil with the "2S" wing at a gross wt NT
I have the same tires on mine as does Mark but no landings yet as I am still
under construction. I have experienced one of them going flat and so suspected
the valve core assy or tube. What I found was that it was likely is tubes
valve seat or core and cured it by installing a metal val
Rick Human is not alone! I may know what they are but by a different name.
- Original Message -
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Backer Boots
> Uh - may
Has any one attempted to coat Styro or PVC foams with clear "Satin Urethane"
to seal it and then "Glass" over it. -- Non Structural areas of course.
Don Lively
Burlington IA 52601
KR Netters:
I have bee perplexed for som time on how to make a 3-gallon header tank but I
think I have a solution that uses the pre-molded F/G tank for a mold.
Simply use PVC Foam Bead-Board to fabricate dams in the pre-molded tank in
accord with the volume desired and line the cavity with sar
I have looked at Lowe's and Menard's and found that if you get lucky you can
find some that will meet grain requirements but you have to look in through the
"Clear" material carefully and you have to get lucky and find the pieces that
happened to have been in the 1/4 sawn orientation. Probably
That is why you must pay careful attention to the ASTM specs for A/C spruce,
They are Tough.
- Original Message -
From: "Brant Hollensbe"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:34
I spoke with Steve at GPAS and his comment was that the lowest rpm rduction of
their PSRU would likely require to long of a prop to work with a KR2 for ground
clearance reasons but my desire was to stick with the 3400 rpm max and not push
the rpm up to 4400 rpm max. I do intend water co
I am not at all sure what the impact of the change on the loading of the engine
mount "Force Couple" to the firewall migkt be but I have the "GPAS" 5-pt mount
and the "Thrust Line" would certainly move up to or above the Pt. of
attachment line of the (3) upper motor-mount attatch points
I did a metal spinning demonstration for my "Processes of Industry" course in
(4) importent things are:
1) Select an aluminum that does not work harden or plan on anealing the in
process work many times or it will spring back and in the end work harden and
2) Wood
I have a GP 5 pt mount on my ship that I purchased be fore I found out about
the wood prop requirement. I am considering the possibility of adding their
front drive PSRU so I can use a "Warp Drive" composite Ground adjustable prop
What is your opinion? The PSRU raised th
KR Netters & Randy:
Still seeking an answer to the thrust-line question.
Don Lively
- Original Message -
From: "Randy Smith"
To: "KR net"
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 6:42 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Raising
Thanks John,
I have sent them an E-mail and I am concerned about lowering it 5" because a
motor mount diagonal may interfere. The thrust line relative to the tail
fethers is to an exxtent importent but do not know how importent and mods to
the cowl & Fwd. deck would have to be made and I am no
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