KR> Smoke

2009-06-13 Thread
I was startled several times at MVN by running into clouds of cigarette smoke. I may be overstating things, but it seemed to my California nose that cigarette smoke was everywhere. There were gangs of smokers sitting at the tables around the ramp-side doors that entered into the terminal and to w

KR> Data plate

2009-06-13 Thread
> And yes!, be sure to re-weigh, for your own safety, as well as > curiosity. Don't assume anything about an aircraft you didn't build > yourself. Well Ed, it would be for curiosity. The new engine went in just under 700 hours ago. Mike _

KR> Sleep apnea

2009-06-13 Thread
For anybody with snoring problems or sleep apnea, there are some soft neoprene (I think) plugs with holes in them that work really well to keep the oxygen coming in when sleeping. The eBay seller is "theezebreather". They're a lot more comfortable than the adhesive nose strips they sell at the p

KR> KR2 or KR2S in Florida?

2009-06-13 Thread R. Lee Jarvis
I'm very interested in the KR2S, but would really like to try one on for size before I make a decision to purchase a set of plans. Anyone KR2 owners in Florida who would like to show me their airplanes? Regards, Lee

KR> FW: Thanks - Wings and Wheels 2009

2009-06-13 Thread Pete Klapp
From: Subject: Thanks - Wings and Wheels 2009 List-Post: Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 23:50:19 -0400 Thanks to everyone who helped make Wings ans Wheels 2009 a great success There was a very good turnout for breakfast, both Saturday and Sunday. We

KR> The dreaded medical exam.

2009-06-13 Thread
In a message dated 6/12/2009 3:18:42 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes: Mark, let me tell you about my nightmare Bill, I can definitely relate, about 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and even though there were no complications that would effe

KR> Valdosta crash - lessons to be learned....

2009-06-13 Thread Barry Kruyssen
The most important thing to I would like to know is if all the wiring was aviation quality. The investigation should be able to determine this? Automotive wiring burns easily. What about fuses/breakers. With a short they should have popped. Regards Barry Kruyssen http://www

KR> Data Plate Question

2009-06-13 Thread Ed Janssen
Mike, I think we've confused you a bit. Three things are required - the name IS necessary (original builder - not necessarily the current owner), the model, and the plane's serial number. Address not required or any other stuff. And yes!, be sure to re-weigh, for your own safety, as

KR> Kr2s plans

2009-06-13 Thread Tim
I'm curious about that, so will check. *side note, thinking of your email address 'RdRacer'.Last night, two teenagers (18yrs) were caught Drag Racing on our 3000' runway, in there big 4x4 P/U's (Oil Jobs) - Original Message - From: > how much can it cost to ship plans? > >

KR> Gathering

2009-06-13 Thread Lee Van Dyke
Netters, I Have to been to 4 Kr gatherings, all of which have been in Mt. Vernon. In my mind Mt. Vernon is a perfect place to have a Gathering. It has the lake for camping, bathrooms for showering, and a restaurant. Not to mention Chris who every year goes out of his way to help out. I have

KR> gathering

2009-06-13 Thread Lee Van Dyke

KR> Valdosta crash - lessons to be learned....

2009-06-13 Thread william Clapp
I was really surprised to find out from Cary's friend Tim (a pilot) that he smoked all the time while flying.  Cary had driven up to VA to pick up a plane  that Tim had purchased and ferried it down with Tim about two weeks before the accident.  On that flight (an airplane Cary had never flown be

KR> Valdosta crash - lessons to be learned....

2009-06-13 Thread Stephen Glover
I do remember Cary from the Gathering and do remember he was a smoker. If that was the case, I think we all agree that it is not a good idea to be smoking in any plane while flying. I can't believe he would be that lax on his first solo flight to be worrying about lighting up to smoke. Who knows