Subject: Thanks - Wings and Wheels 2009
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 23:50:19 -0400
Thanks to everyone who helped make Wings ans Wheels 2009 a great success !!!!
There was a very good turnout for breakfast, both Saturday and Sunday.
We had approximately 40 planes fly in on Sataurday. Taylorcrafts, Eurocoupe,
Stearman, Kitfox, Army L-19, several Robinson R-22 heliocopters, two
Pietenpols, numerous Cessnas (150, 172's, 182 Skyhawk), Fleet bi-plane, Waco 9,
an Afford-a-plane, Piper Cherokee 235, several Zenith 601's (one was Corvair
powered), several RV-4's, Cherokee 140, Stinson, Citabria, Varga, Maule, and
some I can't remember.
We also had ten of the nicest restored Corvair cars on display on Saturday,
thanks to the local Corvair club.
Thanks to those who drove long hours to be part of our fly-in. (Allan, Terry,
Jeff, Roy). Good info and discussions about Corvairs.
Hope everyone enjoyed the informal seminar as much as I did.
Each year our Wings and Wheels gets a little bigger and better. This year the
weather cooperated and the turn out was great. It just doesn't get any better.
Pete Klapp
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