[issues] Re: Filtering in schools and libraries

2001-01-02 Thread Wood, Mary
> Oh well... Sorry about this. Chalk up my long windedness > to me being pregnant. :) -sharon Oh, I'd call your post more like medium-winded ... and just fine by me. Good to have a place for healthy discussion like this, eh? Congrats on your newest lifeform!!! - Mary Wood

[issues] Re; modesty?

2001-01-25 Thread Wood, Mary
The only thing about the survey that surprises me is that there weren't a *higher* percentage of women to men lacking confidence. ***GENERALIZATION WARNING*** In a lot of ways, I feel that the biggest obstacle women have to overcome to achieve equal status is the female gender en masse. For ever

[issues] Re; modesty?

2001-01-25 Thread Wood, Mary
Vinnie pointed out; > That said, what I found really interesting about your > response was the assumption that women were doing something > wrong. Actually, it's because I was agreeing with the women-tend-to- understate view without connecting it to or addressing the men-tend-to-overstate is

[issues] Re; modesty?

2001-01-25 Thread Wood, Mary
Sharon said; > Mary, you are _too_ cool! Thanks! > Thank you, Mary, for recognizing that it is possible to do the > housewife thing without doing the whole submissive thing > I know you meant only to clarify the earlier part of your post, > but I really appreciate the clarification. And

[issues] Re; Filtering in schools and libraries

2000-12-27 Thread Wood, Mary
While I loathe the idea of kids viewing porn or hate sites on the Internet -- especially at school -- the question becomes, where does one draw the line? Thus is the consequence of free speech. While there are some sites out there that pretty much every sane, reasonable adult can agree is por