Sharon said;

> Mary, you are _too_ cool!

<Mary blushes, as social conditioning has trained her to balk
at compliments ... then her free will kicks in...> Thanks!  

> Thank you, Mary, for recognizing that it is possible to do the 
> housewife thing without doing the whole submissive thing 
> I know you meant only to clarify the earlier part of your post, 
> but I really appreciate the clarification.

And thank you for the recognition.  I've found in my little
lifetime here among the Earthlings that stereotypes do exist (one
need not be a stay-at-home-mom or even female to be a helpless,
submissive housewife personality).  It's when we start pinning 
them on groups based on looks versus individuals based on actions 
that we get into trouble.  For that reason, my sisters are always 
eager to tell me Jewish American Princess jokes, only instead of 
J.A.P., it's "Spoiled Chrysler Executive's Daughter," making *me* 
the blunt end of the joke. Trouble is, it usually fits!

- Mary Wood.  Who's favorite wine is "I wanna go to Florida!!!"

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