2000-04-12 Thread Andrew Plumb
k to lurk mode I go... :-) Andrew. -- Andrew Plumb, VE3SLG mailto://andrew(at)plumb(dot)org spk2_0.0.2: ___ issues mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [issues] Conversation monopolization

2001-03-26 Thread Andrew Plumb
on our hard-core math profs, but the dialog happening between us and them was such that we never let them get away with it - they were forgivable politically-incorrect oops-offenses because they were never attacking someone's intellect, just choosing words or annecdotes poorl

Re: [issues] FAQ: Answer request

2000-03-01 Thread Andrew Plumb
a women's group on campus wrote a letter to the editor saying that women hadn't done anything wrong. Maybe *men* should be escorted in large groups around campus... ...Just a little food for thought. Andrew. -- Andrew Plumb, VE3SLG mailto://andrew(at)plumb(dot)org http://www.plumb.or