Re: [issues] "Female Hackers Battle Sexism [...]"

2000-06-12 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
der issues of a society losing half of its potential. I wonder if Raymond's analysis isn't too broad, and so, meaningless. I haven't read CAB in its entirety, so I'll get back to you before I say more. abs -- Alexander Sendzimir "You're a person, not a us

Re: [issues] At what point is it sexism...

2000-06-13 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
while handing them screws and letting > them install your new ethernet card. /I'd/ like to know the difference between cat5 and 10baseT (while you're on the subject). This isn't an "issue", so, please respond personally. Thanks. abs -- Alexander Sendzimir

Re: [issues] Anyone know any more about this study?

2000-08-07 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
Deirdre Saoirse wrote: > The fact is that women PENALIZE THEMSELVES and that it is, to a large > degree, a choice. The context of your statement is subtle. Would you please expand on this? Thanks -- Alexander Sendzimir "You're a person, not a user." Digi

Re: [issues] Anyone know any more about this study?

2000-08-07 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
of my depth and told me why they had hired me, and lots of hard to > describe things about self development and pushing myself forward, and > being proactive etc. Stuff that helps me still now.)... I would be interested to hear more of this experience. If you wouldn't mind. a

Re: [issues] Anyone know any more about this study?

2000-08-09 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
s. The primary reason this occurs, I /think/, is because two people agree to it. There is little support from most work environments for fathers to be fathers. Working mothers, likewise. This is the first time I've really thought about this, so please be gentle when correcting facts and rec

Re: [issues] RE: issues digest, Vol 1 #53 - 4 msgs

2000-08-11 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
"Rockwell, Christi" wrote: > I've found in certain forums it's helpful to have ambiguous names. People > tend to make assumptions about your background or beliefs based on gender. > I remember one person on alt.abortion trying desperately to figure out > whether I was male or female. > > My kids

Re: [issues] obscuring gender

2000-08-11 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
survival of the fittest, and 'our' animal instinct, I feel quite strongly that, inevitably, if we wish, the gray matter between our ears also provides us the means to transcend ourselves. This is my most important point: we can trancend ourself if we wish [with difficultly for most--I have mys

Re: [issues] Query: Linux Certification

2000-10-11 Thread Alexander Sendzimir
e think of this? What is meant by "employment guarantee"? -- Alexander Sendzimir "You're a person, not a user." Digitally Inclined [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 203 263 7405 | Woodbury, CT 06798-3017 ___ issues mailing list [E