> >
> > it's the fact that to BECOME competant you often have to spend lots of
> > time not having a social life, and often neglecting such things as
> > friends, clothes, makeup, proms, classes... er... anyway, just
> > being somewhat isolated and obsessive, which is not as accepta
>FWIW, I don't wear makeup either, except perhaps a little
>mascara/lipstick to the same events I wear the black velvet dress. And
>before you think that this is some huge feminist statement or something,
>it's not. I just can't stand having that crap on my face. I'm more
>than a little obsessi
Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> it's the fact that to BECOME competant you often have to spend lots of
> time not having a social life, and often neglecting such things as
> friends, clothes, makeup, proms, classes... er... anyway, just generally
> being somewhat isolated and obsessive, which is no
Doug Vogt wrote:
> My fear is that temporal myopia (the propensity not to see trends from
> the past to extrapolate into the future) would combine with
> intimidations now. I think that women who are competent with computers
> perceive disdain from others and also see in others the high levels
On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Terri Oda wrote:
> However, I've been told *many* times that I shouldn't even consider going
> to a job interview in anything less than a skirt or dress. Anyone else get
> that?
i haven't gotten it but i live in boston. i grew up in atlanta, and from
what i saw growing up t
Hi, Terri
> The most "corporate" I've had to dress is "business-casual" -- those
> clothes don't bother me, since they include pants.
That is about what we have here, and I wear slacks most days. Some women
(including another female network engineer, and a good one) prefer skirts
or dresses.
Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> I *always* go to interviews in pants. However, in CA, women are not
> allowed to be discriminated against for wearing pants (yay). So, even when
> I wear a suit, it's with pants.
I own one dress, no skirts. My dress is a floor-length simple
black-velvet affair which I
Rock on! :)
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On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote: