Cyrus Home Page:
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> If I set "defaultdomain:", the full hostname of my machine
> "" gets used as the default of domain. Likewise, if
> I set "defaultdomain:", then "" is the
> default domain (as expanded in my database query using the %r
> variable).
> Does this work:
> purgetrashcmd="ipurge -d 7 -f *.Trash" at=0300
I adapted it to my particular situation and ran it from command line as
user cyrus:
./bin/ipurge -b 10 -X -f *.junkmail
This works. It also processes nested folders:
./bin/ipurge -b 10 -X -f *.junkmail
> > This almost answers the same question I had.
> >
> > On Sun, 10 Oct 2004, Bob Tito wrote:
> > > purgetrashcmd="ipurge -d 7 -f user/%/Trash" at=0200
> >
> > Does this also remove old message from anything below user/%/Trash, like
> > user/%/Trash/SPAM and user/%/Trash/Virus?
> The above
I can use cyradm and delete multiple users just like this:
localhost.localdomain> setacl [EMAIL PROTECTED] cyrus d
localhost.localdomain> dm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
However, I cannot do the same thing when I connect to the imap port:
telnet localhost imap
> Please tell me what you will find out. I think it's important to have a
> recent cyrus version.
I am using Debian/Sarge but built cyrus-imap-2.2.8 from source.
> Probably adding "Post" for "anonymous" to the folder gets you further.
Yes, that was the missing link.
Looking at folder permission
Is there any configuration parameter to enable [EMAIL PROTECTED] delivery
directly into a subfolder in cyrus-imap? I am using postfix and I am
delivering direct via a lmtp socket. From the log it looks like postfix
lmtp delivers the '+spam' part but imapd doesn't seem to care about it.
Oct 26
With virtdomains turned on, can I delete a virtual domain and all of its
users with one command?
I am modifying postfixadmin to work with cyrus-imap. Creating accounts and
setting quotas is working. But I have not tackled deleting accounts yet.
Cyrus Home Page:
Is it possible to have a global sieve script, like /etc/procmailrc, which
is run before any users sieve scripts? If so, where does it live?
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Has someone written up some good user documentation on how to use email
services? I am looking for a bunch of html pages I can refer users to on
how to setup POP3/IMAP and SMTP AUTH on mail clients. Something on
websieve would also be good.
Obviously can I roll my own but it would be nice if I cou
> I have another solution to solve the problem, but not sure right or not.
> Since only user in default domain can't use domain name as their login
> name, I changed defaultdomain to "localhost".
> Now all other domains are treated as non-default domain.
> Surely all users in non-default domains ar
> What is the proper multiplier to go from MB to the number I have to send
> to imap via the SETQUOTA command?
My apologies for the noise. Found the answer in the list archive:
> Its documented in RFC 2087, as groups of 1024 octets (or KBytes).
> Its also documented in doc/install-admin-m
What is the proper multiplier to go from MB to the number I have to send
to imap via the SETQUOTA command?
Is this kB?
Cyrus Home P
Hi Bruce,
I did as you suggested and the situation didn't change. And I had another
idea which solved the puzzle. I suspect the defaultdomain parameter is
meant for migration of a mail system from single domain to virtual domain.
Not quite what I had in mind.
In scenario 2, with 'virtdomains: use
> > I am having great difficulties getting postfix to use lmtp.
> > Things are working if I use deliver:
> Pardon my asking, but I'm just now learning how to use Cyrus and am
> about to set Postfix to send to it. If it is working to use deliver,
> why do you want to use lmtp? Is there some adva
Ok, this is weird. I finally have things working alright on my
Debian/Sarge box. The only thing I built from source is cyrus-imapd-2.2.8,
everything else are Debian packages. I am using pam-mysql and saslauthd
(with -r) to authenticate users.
Scenario 1:
My imapd.conf has virtdomains configured
Is it possible to configure cyrus-imap to automatically create a mailbox
if a delivery attempt via lmtp is made? I have 'autocreatequota: 1'
but this requires that the user logs in via imap and creates the mailbox.
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cy
I have a large scale cyrus-imap deployment with /var/spool/imap as a
seperate disk partition but that means configdirectory is on a different
For another installation I ould like to keep both, databases and
mailboxes, in a seperate partition. What should this look like? A
partition mou
> Then the problem is really that debian's postfix packages don't include
> postfix's SMTP AUTH/sasl patch, right? I've done a lot of postfix builds
> in the past and they're really nothing to be afraid of. Even on the
> machines where I run debian, I still build postfix from source to gain
> acc
> Why don't you use Debian packages for cyrus-sasl, cyrus-imapd and postfix?
> While not being a Debian user I'm quite sure those packages exist and will
> prevent from such mess.
I am only interested in plain password authentication, with encrypted
passwords kept in some database (trying mysql).
> My first guess was, and now again is, that you have a mix of sasl1 and
> sasl2 on your system. Postfix was a bit of a problem because you couldn't
> have it support LDAP and SASL2 at the same time when your OpenLDAP was
> using SASL1. You may ldd check your postfix binaries.
Your are probably ri
> Other than using prefork=1, I'm set up using lmtp with the same postfix/cyrus
> config as you, so I think you can eliminate that as an issue. Could it
> possibly be a permissions problem with the socket? Also, check to see that
> the cyrus lmtpd is executable by the cyrus master program.
I fi
I am building a mailsystem that uses postfix as MTA. I am having great
difficulties getting postfix to use lmtp. Things are working if I use
cyrus unix - n n - - pipe
flags= user=cyrus argv=/usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver -r ${sender} -m
When I start the master process I get this message in the log file:
Oct 17 12:17:05 yoda master[25460]: setrlimit: Unable to set file
descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted
Is this something I need to attend to or is it safe to ignore
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu
I managed to figure out how to get thing to build with the Debian libdb4.2
package. I am still working on getting things configured, so how knows,
maybe I'll into more issues later. But this is how I built cyrus-sasl and
cyrus-imap on Debian/Sarge.
First a patch war required to force configure to
I am having problems getting cyrus-imap to build on Debian/Sarge. During
configure cyrus-imap complains about the lack of a db_create function in
-ldb-4.2. However, the /usr/lib/ file does exist.
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.and
> Don't know if others have replied to you directly already...
> > On Sun, 10 Oct 2004, Bob Tito wrote:
> > > purgetrashcmd="ipurge -d 7 -f user/%/Trash" at=0200
> >
> > Does this also remove old message from anything below user/%/Trash, like
> > user/%/Trash/SPAM and user/%/Trash/Vir
Are there any complete mail server solutions available that are based on a
cyrus-imap backend? I am looking for either a comprehensive guide or a
complete solution for a mail server that can handle a few user accounts
for multiple domains. It should include cyrus-imap mail store, MTA,
Hi John,
You are correct in that the myNewUser attribute is optional. Therefore I
configured /etc/saslauth.dconf like this:
ldap_auth_method: bind
ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_search_base: ou=people,dc=example,dc=ca
ldap_use_sasl: no
ldap_filter: (&(uid=%u)(|(!(myNew
I am using saslauthd to control access to a mail server running SMATP
AUTH. Can I check for the existance or lack of existance of a ldap
attribute using saslauthd?
Here is what I have in /etc/saslauthd.conf now:
ldap_auth_method: bind
ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_search_base: ou=p
> Use the Sendmail socket daemon (smmapd) which comes with Cyrus. You'll
> need either Sendmail 8.13 or the patch for 8.12
> (
Great! Time to go googling for more information on smmapd and how to
configure it... :)
> This will check for over q
I have yet another annoying little detail I ran into. I am using ldap
routing with sendmail to direct mail (in the future) to multiple
cyrus-imapd mail stores. When the cyrus-imapd box generates a bounce email
it reports the email failed address as the mail stores address (i.e.
> > How can I configure cyrus-imapd to refuse over quota mail instead of
> > having sendmail generate a bounce message. Is this possible?
> Enable lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure in imapd.conf
I did that. Now it no longer queues over quota messages but generates a
bounce message to the sender th
How can I configure cyrus-imapd to refuse over quota mail instead of
having sendmail generate a bounce message. Is this possible?
Cyrus Home Page:
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> IIRC the 'quota -f' also generated something like 'too many open files'. A
> second run of 'quota -f' has then finished without problems.
When I tested migrating users from server A to server B I only used a
copied a small number of users (about 30) only with less than 200MB of
mail. Instead o
I am running cyrus-imapd 2.2.5 on a server with 17,000 user accounts and a
131GB mail spool. The mail accounts were recently moved from a server
running an older version. During the move quota infomration was lost. When
I run "quota -f" it dies with segmentation fault after the last user ha
I have cyrus-imapd setup to work with sendmail-8.12.10. These are the
cyrus related things I added to the mc file:
define(`CYRUSV2_MAILER_ARGS', `FILE /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp')dnl
I can deliver
> You can use 'ipurge' in a cron script. I have my users put their spam in
> a "Spam" folder then have a nightly cron job run 'sa-learn' on it followed
> by:
> su cyrus -c '/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ipurge -f -d 10 user/dwight/Spam'
> This deletes anything over 10 days old.
What is 'sa-learn'?
> On my old cyrus-imapd server the seen database is in /var/imap/user. The
> format of the file is like this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] imap]# cat /var/imap/user/a/adilinden.seen
> 00de43903fddebc61 0 0 1083101107 1:6
> 0136b4953d89df311 1063223744 4 1032458249 1:4
> 01ae95b23baa6abf
Is it possible to have cyrus-imap automatically expire messages in a
subfolder for every user of the system? I would like to deliver messages
identified as SPAM to a particular folder, INBOX.spam. Further it would be
nice if the number of messages in this folder could be limited, not by a
On my old cyrus-imapd server the seen database is in /var/imap/user. The
format of the file is like this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] imap]# cat /var/imap/user/a/adilinden.seen
00de43903fddebc61 0 0 1083101107 1:6
0136b4953d89df311 1063223744 4 1032458249 1:4
01ae95b23baa6abf1 1069
Is it possible to reconstruct from just the files in /var/spool/imap/user
and a text dump of the /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db file?
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
List Archives/Info:
> > I am upgrading a cyrus-imapd server from 2.0.13 to 2.2.3. Actually, I
> > built a new server with cyrus-imapd-2.2.3 installed and I am now trying
> > move users mailboxes from the old to the new server.
> >
> > I copied the files in /var/spool/imap/user/adilinden to the same location
> > in
I am upgrading a cyrus-imapd server from 2.0.13 to 2.2.3. Actually, I
built a new server with cyrus-imapd-2.2.3 installed and I am now trying
move users mailboxes from the old to the new server.
I copied the files in /var/spool/imap/user/adilinden to the same location
in the new server. I
> Ah, now I see.
> RedHat has taken my cyrus-imapd src rpms and included it in Fedora Core 2
> beta. Unfortunately they 'optimized' it in a way that breaks it on other
> older RedHat distributions. My originial package builds fine on every
> RedHat distribution from 6.2 to current. You can find
> > Ok, I have my previous problem solved. But things still don't want to
> > cooperate. I run:
I commented LDFLAGS="-pie". I have no idea what that is for but with it
configure found strlcpy and strlcat even though they don't appear to
> using my rpms or derivative work of it. Then the
Ok, I have my previous problem solved. But things still don't want to
cooperate. I run:
followed by:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpms]# /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master -D
fatal error: can't read mailboxes file
ctl_cyrusdb: unable to archive environment
I am following up to my own message, I figured out that I can run
cyrus-master -D. When I do this I get:
ctl_cyrusdb: relocation error: ctl_cyrusdb: undefined symbol: strlcpy
imapd: relocation error: imapd: undefined symbol: strlcpy
pop3d: relocation error: pop3d: undefined symbol: strlcpy
I get these log messages when I startup cyrus:
Apr 6 10:50:39 mailstore master[31118]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/imapd
Apr 6 10:50:39 mailstore master[31119]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/imapd
Apr 6 10:50:39 mailstore master[31120]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/pop3d
> > I have to move the cyrus-imap mailstore from RedHat 7 running
> > cyrus-imapd-2.0.13 to RedHat AS3.0 running cyrus-imapd-2.1.18.
> There isn't a 2.1.18 at the moment, so you may want to be sure the sources
> you have are valid.
Ooops, I am sorry. 2.1.18 is the cyrus-sasl version. I am going
> I guess you did not read the link I provided earlier. ;(
Yes I did... actually read it before posting anything here. But I couldn't
make sense out of it as far as how to accomplish my specific needs.
> The example above does exactly that. saslauthd will find DN for 'someone'
> and it will us
> > I attempting to authenticate using saslauthd and ldap. Somehow this isn't
> > working. How do I need to configure saslauthd.conf to have saslauthd bind
> > to the ldap server with the username and password of the user to
> > authenticate?
> ldap_servers: ldapi:///
> ldap_auth_method: bind
I have to move the cyrus-imap mailstore from RedHat 7 running
cyrus-imapd-2.0.13 to RedHat AS3.0 running cyrus-imapd-2.1.18.
Can I simply copy the /var/spool/imap/user directory from on server to the
other and then user reconstruct an quota to rebuild all the databases?
I attempting to authenticate using saslauthd and ldap. Somehow this isn't
working. How do I need to configure saslauthd.conf to have saslauthd bind
to the ldap server with the username and password of the user to
Home Page:
> > By default sendmail accepts message to overquoted account, and
> > after LMTP delivery failure, it puts into local spool.
> >
> > How can I configure sendmail+Cyrus, to make sendmail answer
> > "4.2.2 Over quota" in SMTP dialog with remote host, and do not
> > garbage my local spool?
> i
> Cyrus supports server-side filtering via Sieve. This includes filing
> messages into folders, vacation responses, and more. Read the docs for
> details. There are a handful of Web interfaces (eg, Websieve) for
> managing scripts.
Ok, but what about spam detection tools that rely on procmai
> > - How can I limit the sendmail mail queue for queued mail because of over
> > quota email? We regulary send and receive large email attachments so
> > limiting email size is only part of the solution.
> Check the mailing list for a post from Larry Greenfield on how to set up
> two queues
Our mail server currently uses the sendmail MTA and cyrus-imap. Sendmail
passes mail for local delivery to /var/imap/socket/lmtp
I need to be able to filter mail. Is there a way to patch procmail into
the process to use it to filter mail?
Are there any other means to use filtering with cyrus-im
Hi Ken,
Thank you for the quick and informative response, answered all my
questions :)
For debugging I am logging imap message. Is there a performance hit for
that? Would it make sense to turn off logging and if so, how?
- How can I deliver a message to a mail box where cyrus-imapd denies
delivery because it's over quota?
- Is there a maximum limit to the quota size? I.e. will cyrus-imap
properly accept a quota of 500MB (500,000kB)?
- What is the 'cyradm' command to remove a quota and allow an unlimited
I am looking at enabling quotas for user accounts. I understand that if I
set a quota for user.username it applies as a total for all the users
mailboxes combined.
If I set a quota for user, does this imply a total quota available for all
users combined?
I had the same problem as you did. I dropped the pam idea and used the
mysql_ldap patch instead.
On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, David Wright wrote:
> Does ANYONE have the following configuration working?
> cyrus-imapd-2.0.x authenticating via LDAP using sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM
> and t
me other program or a human with a telnet connection to port 143.
> Michael
> Adi Linden wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > What commands are available to administer cyrus-imap via connection on the
> > imap port instead of using cyradm?
> >
> > TTYL,
> > Adi
Your problem sounds familiar. Not being an experienced C programmer I
didn't attempt to understand and locate the problem. Instead I dropped
the pam_ldap authentication and instead applied the mysql_ldap patch. I
don't have the link for the patch handy, but I have source rpms and RedHat
Hi Devdas,
I am assuming you're keeping all your userdata in LDAP then. How do you
manage the LDAP data?
On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Prune spewed into the ether:
> > when di you run the script ?
> > how often ?
> > how ? (cron ?)
> Everytime yo
fetchmail is a nice tool that is capable of retrieving mail from pop3 and
delivery to the local machine.
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Scott Rixon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am fairly new to Linux so I am sorry if I am asking silly questions...
> I have setup my IMAP server, I have a logi
m or a human with a telnet connection
> > to port 143.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> > Adi Linden wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> What commands are available to administer cyrus-imap via connection on
> >> the imap port instead of using cyradm
What commands are available to administer cyrus-imap via connection on the
imap port instead of using cyradm?
I am certainly interested. Doing German/English translation is no problem.
On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Norbert Sendetzky wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 06 July 2001 20:04, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Has there been any work done to build a web admi
-tried with a proper password I was able
to connect just fine.
I've since given up (lack of my debugging knowledge) and switched to the
ldap_mysql patch. I am still interested in the solution of this problem,
Adi Linden
On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. wrote:
Has there been any work done to build a web administration frontend to
Cyrus IMAP with LDAP authentication?
I am working on such an animal but would prefer not to reinvent it if
there's something I can adapt and contribute to.
Adi Linden
Adi Linden
Network Operati
I've had very little success using sasl and PAM LDAP for password
authentication. Instead I patched cyrus-sasl with the ldap_mysql patch.
This seems to be working flawless.
On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to authenticate using PAM
I am configuring a Cyrus-imap mail system with sendmail and ldap for user
authentication. I am running into 2 problem, I cannot get mail delivered
into top level mailboxes, i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the aliases in
the '/etc/aliases' file are now ignored...
I am running sendmail-8.11.2, cyru
74 matches
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