
- How can I deliver a message to a mail box where cyrus-imapd denies
  delivery because it's over quota?

- Is there a maximum limit to the quota size? I.e. will cyrus-imap
  properly accept a quota of 500MB (500,000kB)?

- What is the 'cyradm' command to remove a quota and allow an unlimited
  sized mailbox?

- How can I limit the sendmail mail queue for queued mail because of over
  quota email? We regulary send and receive large email attachments so
  limiting email size is only part of the solution.

I've been reading through the mailing list regarding quotas. A taumatic
experience, thought this would be easier :)

Most of my questions were answered by previous messages, however, I
couldn't find any definite answers to what I asked above. I can't find any
further information in the cyrus-imap docs either.



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