I've had very little success using sasl and PAM LDAP for password
authentication. Instead I patched cyrus-sasl with the ldap_mysql patch.
This seems to be working flawless.
On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to authenticate using PAM LDAP. I use a debian system, with
> mostly debs from woody. However, I built Cyrus 2.0.14 from source,
> since the debian packages are horribly out of date.
> I set up SASL to use PAM in imapd.conf, but cyradm cannot use a user
> from LDAP for some reason. So, my question is, is NSS LDAP necessary to
> get all this working? I didn't want to use it, due to the large number
> of people saying how buggy it was, and I didn't see a need for it (I
> don't see myself needing to do any lookups other than uid and
> userPassword). But maybe I'm missing something.
> And does the user cyrus need to be in any special groups to authenticate
> via PAM against LDAP (though I've tried nearly everything at this
> point).
> Thanks for any and all info.
> --
> Kevin