Re: Fwd: 3 aging IT specialties that just won't retire

2018-12-02 Thread David Spiegel
Yeah, NetView for example, but, not the BCP, RACF etc. On 2018-12-02 17:37, R.S. wrote: > W dniu 2018-12-02 o 19:10, David Spiegel pisze: >> In the article, it says: "... the now-obsolete Assembly programming >> language. ..." >> Really?! ... How else does o

Re: Examples of roll your own "LIKE()" for data sets?

2018-12-04 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Kirk, File 112 ... the VTOC Command. Regards, David On 2018-12-04 12:41, Kirk Wolf wrote: > I need to be able to reverse engineer the allocation of cataloged DSORG=PS > data sets by looking at the DSCBs and catalog. > > To be specific, I would like to generate BPXWDYN allocation keywords for a

Re: Breaking text file at position 72?

2018-12-10 Thread David Spiegel
Short Rexx program. On 2018-12-10 11:37, Charles Mills wrote: > This is not truly a mainframe question but I am sure everyone can see the > mainframe relevance and why it is a mainframe problem for me. Some of you > mainframers may have encountered the same problem. > > I have a text file on Windo

Re: Thanks For All the Fish

2018-12-12 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bob, "... Ditto ..." Is that pun intended? (I.e. greeting an IBM person with the name of an IBM product.) Regards, David On 2018-12-12 09:40, Richards, Robert B. wrote: > John, > > Ditto to all that others have mentioned! > > IBM-Main is going to take a knowledge hit in your absence. Who do we

Re: Thanks For All the Fish

2018-12-12 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Dejan, I think that King Solomon said a few millennia before George Harrison. Regards, David On 2018-12-12 10:34, Dejan Stamatovic wrote: > Hi John: > > As George Harrison once said "All things must pass" > > Enjoy your retirement and thank you for your contributions to the z/OS > community.

Re: SMP/E question

2018-12-14 Thread David Spiegel
Other than doing backups, I would also do a SMP/e BUILDMCS. Here is an example: SET BDY(FROMDLB) /* DLIB zone where HMP1E00 is installed */. BUILDMCS /* Build the MCS and JCLIN */ FORFMID(HMP1E00) /* for the FMID HMP1E00 */.

Dancing around RMM

2018-12-20 Thread David Spiegel
Hi, Has anyone tried running TAPEMAP (and coding BLP)? (CBT File 299 or 171). Regards, David -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAI

Re: IBM Mapping macro for ISPF statistics in PDS Directory entries?

2018-12-29 Thread David Spiegel
Hi David, Please see the PDS Command Processor (CBT Tape File 182). It's not IBM, but, It works and allows users to modify fields of directory entries. Regards, David On 2018-12-28 17:40, David Cole wrote: > Hi, > > I'm looking for an IBM written mapping macro for the ISPF statistics > found in

Re: Crosshair cursor

2018-12-30 Thread David Spiegel
R'Shmuel, It probably means PGF. Regards, David On 2018-12-30 15:49, Seymour J Metz wrote: > What are "GDDM graphics"? GDDM supports two very different 3270 for graphics. > > > -- > Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz >

Re: Zowe?

2019-01-07 Thread David Spiegel
... and source for JES2. On 2019-01-07 22:39, scott Ford wrote: > Matt, > > Yep I remembered the days we had source for CICS modules and VM. > Scott > > On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 9:34 PM Matt Hogstrom wrote: > >> You are correct David, thanks. I was the proud recipient of a kidney >> stone Sunday n

Re: Generic query on Region allocation failure

2019-01-09 Thread David Spiegel
... Or, they could build  a new LNKLST dynamically (instead of doing an IPL). On 2019-01-09 08:47, Allan Staller wrote: > This looks more like the linklst dataset has taken an extent for some reason. > > Try compressing the dataset containing CEEBINIT, followed by F LLA,REFRESH > IF that does not

Re: Unreadable code (Was: Concurrent Server Task Dispatch issue multitasking issue)

2019-01-11 Thread David Spiegel
VM CLIST?! ... No! ... EXEC and EXEC2 On 2019-01-11 07:56, scott Ford wrote: > You can argue anything is or isn’t , I think what matters is ease of usage > , platform interchangeability , I.E., Linux and windows for Oorexx. > The advent of rexx, I started on VM/SP 3 , I think, was a huge improveme

Re: Unreadable code (Was: Concurrent Server Task Dispatch issue multitasking issue)

2019-01-11 Thread David Spiegel
R'Shmuel, Can you please explain what you mean by "... TSO stack mechanism ..." and where the documentation is? (I've never encountered a TSO stack (outside of Rexx) in my 43 years of using TSO.) Thanks and regards, David On 2019-01-11 15:17, Seymour J Metz wrote: > REXX was certainly a great i

Re: Unreadable code (Was: Concurrent Server Task Dispatch issue multitasking issue)

2019-01-11 Thread David Spiegel
Hi R'Shmuel, "... signal is not a goto ..." ?! It is also true that Signal has other operands, but, in its most basic form it is EXACTLY a goto. Regards, David On 2019-01-11 15:32, Seymour J Metz wrote: > A lot of the syntax comes from PL/I, although not the use of a continuation > character an

Re: HCD question

2019-01-14 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Tony, You could use IDCAMS with DEFINE RECATALOG (before invoking HCD). Regards, David On 2019-01-14 07:52, Tony Thigpen wrote: > Thanks, Sounds like EXPORT/IMPORT is the best way. I was hoping for > some 'trick' with the panels, but I guess not. > > Tony Thigpen > > Gadi Ben-Avi wrote on 1/1

Re: IARV64 - why ABEND rather than return with reason code?

2019-01-28 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Jim, You said: "... It is unfortunate that IBM does not make PL/X (which has object-oriented capabilities) available to ISVs. ..." It is also unfortunate that PL/X was not made available to customers, just like there is no free z/OS (and z/VM, z/VSE) Download for students and other non-commer

Re: Newbie SMP/E questions

2019-01-29 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bob, 2) Yes for the current situation. If, however, PTFs between base and your new PTFs are ACCEPTd, no. Regards, David On 2019-01-29 11:06, Bob Bridges wrote: > I'm the Top-Secret admin for a client whose system programmer retired a > couple years ago. The client tapped another employee to

Re: How can I get reports in the Output Queue in SDSF to print

2019-02-03 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Wayne, Instead of "ISFEXEC ST", I would've used "ISFEXEC DA OJOB" or ISFEXEC "DA OSTC" (depending upon whether CICS is a Job or Started Task). The reason is that ST shows running Jobs/STCs and already ended Job/STCs (that haven't been Purged). Regards, David On 2019-02-03 19:20, Wayne Bicker

Re: Dump Datasets

2019-02-08 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Shmuel, Yes ... instead of DO 10 I=1,50 they coded DO 10 I=1.50 and the rocket was never seen again. Regards, David On 2019-02-08 14:42, Seymour J Metz wrote: > Wasn't there a classic NASA failure due to a missing comma in a Fortran DO > statement? > > > -- > Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz > https:

Re: MQ7 on a Z14

2019-02-15 Thread David Spiegel
How about MQ V7 is no longer supported? On 2019-02-15 11:43, Joe Monk wrote: > Isnt MQ7 restricted to z/os 1.x? The z14 only runs z/os 2.x and above ... > so you'd have to goto MQ8 or MQ9... > > Joe > > On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 10:28 AM Meehan, Cheryl wrote: > >> Hello- >> >> We are about to embar

Re: Where does ISPF determine how to repsond to "Attention" function?

2019-02-19 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Peter, Using PA1 as "reshow" is not stock; PA2 is designated as  "reshow" since PCOMM V1 in the 90s. Also, in TSO (or ISPF) Attention is effectively PA1 natively (provided the user has control of the keyboard). Regards, David On 2019-02-19 09:56, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote: > Thanks Timothy.


2019-02-19 Thread David Spiegel
Jim et al, $TOFFLOAD is a command which only works in the JES2 Environment. It is NOT a TSO Command. Regards, David On 2019-02-19 12:56, Chip Grantham wrote: > Here’s an example of how I might do it. > > /* REXX */ > arg ofile > ofile = Strip(ofile,"B","'") > ocmd = '$TOFFLOAD1,DSN='||ofi

Re: SMP/e REDO FMID clarification

2019-03-07 Thread David Spiegel
How about GROUPEXTEND (GEXT)? On 2019-03-07 13:08, Jake Anderson wrote: > Hi > > I am in process of reapplying a a product base FMID with SMPE control card > Keyword REDO. I understand to APPLY REDO I also have to select all the PTF > which were already applied to the target zone . > > The challen

Re: Writing the Definitive Systems Programmer Resume

2019-03-11 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Joe, Please send me the presentation. Thanks and regards, David Spiegel On 2019-03-11 13:40, Joe Gallaher wrote: > I would like to invite anyone attending this week's SHARE conference in > Phoenix to come to my session entitled "Writing the Definitive Systems > Programm

Re: Mainframe OS's 1999-2019

2019-03-12 Thread David Spiegel
z/OS - USS (aka OMVS) On 2019-03-12 16:47, Rip Van Winkle wrote: > Career Mainframers: > > I fell asleep with regards to z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE since working with them in > the late 90's by their earlier names. > > Besides 64-bit & hardware, what would you say are the top 5 or more > element, feature &

Re: cloning target and dlib zones

2019-03-14 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Carmen, You said: "... 1980's, that's what I came into all system catalogs were on the sysres, all uss HFS and ZFS were on the sysres ..." OMVS was not available until the mid '90s. Regards, David On 2019-03-14 09:00, Carmen Vitullo wrote: > One Global, two Targets, one DLIB, that's what I'v

Re: cloning target and dlib zones

2019-03-14 Thread David Spiegel
gwas more difficult than needed to be IMO. > > > "not that there's anything wrong with that" :) > > > Carmen Vitullo > > - Original Message - > > From: "David Spiegel" > To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU > Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2

Re: cloning target and dlib zones

2019-03-14 Thread David Spiegel
gwas more difficult than needed to be IMO. > > > "not that there's anything wrong with that" :) > > > Carmen Vitullo > > - Original Message - > > From: "David Spiegel" > To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU > Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2

Re: GIM69168E messages on COBOL V6.2 upgrade

2019-03-15 Thread David Spiegel
Maybe your /SYSX/usr/lpp is MOUNTYd as R/O? On 2019-03-15 08:29, Vinoth Meenakshi wrote: > Yes, i followed and created a directory /SYSX/usr/lpp/IBM/cobol/igyv6r2 and > changed the DDDEF as /SYSX/usr/lpp/IBM/cobol/igyv6r2 and ran the apply and > still face the same error. > > we are planning to

Re: System name change rexx?

2019-03-25 Thread David Spiegel
One thing to note: IMPORTANT: For CPPUPDTE and IPOUPDTE to work, each PDS to be searched M U S T contain a member named $$$COIBM. On 2019-03-25 15:24, Carmen Vitullo wrote: Actually CPPUPDTE is a great idea, the JCL is part of the ServerPac or CustomPac and is documented on it's use. Carmen V

Re: JCL for WTO

2019-04-07 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bill, This can be done via DFSMSdss (provided that you don't mind seeing AFDR111I in front of your message). Example: //DSSWTO01 JOB (ACCT), // '    ', // CLASS=A, // MSGCLASS=X, // MSGLEVEL=(1,1), // REGION=0M, // 

Re: Access to SMF logstreams

2019-04-29 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Gadi, I think that you meant "discrete" instead of "discreet". Shalom, David On 2019-04-29 01:34, Gadi Ben-Avi wrote: > Hi, > I would like to prevent a user from accessing the SMF log streams. > Class is active and there are discreet profiles for each of the SMF > logstreams. > The user in qu

Re: Upper case for ISPF and SDSF

2019-04-30 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Chris, Either the logo ... or ... IEE163I. Regards, David On 2019-04-30 09:42, Chris Hoelscher wrote: > Wow - I remember those - had the "screensaver" logo reverse burned into the > phosphorous layer for ever and ever amen > > Chris Hoelscher > Technology Architect, Database Infrastructure S

Re: Crazy concatenation mystery

2019-05-02 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Steve, You said: "... but the received wisdom is that all load libraries should have blksize=32K-8. ..." For optimal space usage, however, the BLKSIZE should be 27998 (i.e. half-track blocking). Regards, David On 2019-05-02 21:57, Steve Smith wrote: > Well, Greg Price explained why the blks

Re: Crazy concatenation mystery

2019-05-03 Thread David Spiegel
Price wrote: > On 2019-05-03 12:15 PM, David Spiegel wrote: >> Steve said: "... but the received wisdom is that all load libraries >> should >> have blksize=32K-8. ..." >> >> For optimal space usage, however, the BLKSIZE should be 27998 (i.e. >> half-t

Re: mainframe hacking "success stories"?

2019-05-05 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Itschak, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg (Pirate Bay founder) hacked Logica. One of the tricks he pulled was to offload the RACF Database to a PC and Dictionary Attack it. The Security Admin folks were inexperienced to say the least. (This is not to say that relatively secure site with seasoned veter

Re: Concatenating VB and FB ?

2019-05-13 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Skip, You said: "... Vendor distribution is usually FB--SMPE pretty much requires that ...". Can you prove that "SMPE pretty much requires that"? I think that this assertion is false. Regards. David On 2019-05-13 12:04, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote: > I've worked for several large, mature shops. La

Re: LE question

2019-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Jesse, Regards, David On 2019-05-15 11:13, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote: > I was banging away at a reply for JES2 Exit 5 when I realized that most > CANCEL commands are issued to MVS, not JE


2019-05-16 Thread David Spiegel
Hi John, Physical Backups are usually a bad idea when doing backup by dataset. If these are non-VSAM and non-SMS-managed, you can still do it for specific volumes by coding LIDD instead of INDD. The INDD/INDY is used to determine Logical vs. Physical. If coded, it's Physical, otherwise, it's Logi

Re: Activate SMS configuration in batch

2020-05-14 Thread David Spiegel
You said: "... you could do it with CONDOLE ..." Qu'est-ce que c'est "CONDOLE" (is he related to Bob Dole or Dole pineapple)? On 2020-05-14 14:52, Seymour J Metz wrote: If you just wanted to wait until the SETSMS command was comple you could do it with CONDOLE, but AFAIK SETSMS and SET SMS= han

Re: USS: su: User ID "SH" does not exist

2020-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Jon, Every line except for the last line needs a semicolon. Regards, David On 2020-05-15 08:10, Jon Bathmaker wrote: Hi Ed, Thanks for this!  How *did* you find out about the semicolons, I didn't see them anywhere in the doc. Best regards, *Jon Bathmaker,* SYS1 Consulting Inc. 519-577-96

Re: USS: su: User ID "SH" does not exist

2020-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi David, Yes, I am aware of that. That is *why* they are necessary. What is your point? Regards, David On 2020-05-15 08:47, David Crayford wrote: Nope. Semicolons are a continuation! On 2020-05-15 8:13 PM, David Spiegel wrote: Hi Jon, Every line except for the last line needs a semicolon

Re: USS: su: User ID "SH" does not exist

2020-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
U] on behalf of David Crayford [] Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 8:47 AM To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU Subject: Re: USS: su: User ID "SH" does not exist Nope. Semicolons are a continuation! On 2020-05-15 8:13 PM, David Spiegel wrote: Hi Jon, Every line except for the last line

Re: Does allocating an HFS or zFS erase all existing data?intervals formatted?

2020-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Mike, You said: "...  All VSAm Datasets including Linear are formatted when created ...". Is this true for ESDSs? Where is this documented? Thanks and regards, David All VSAM datasets including Linear are formatted when created On 2020-05-15 13:14, Mike Schwab wrote: All VSAM datasets inc

Re: DFSMS Move Dataset

2020-05-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Paul, A bit of advice (I've been using DFSMSdss for 30+ years). Unless not possible, ALWAYS obtain your list of Datasets to be processed, via Logical criteria. (Do not, unless you have to, use Physical criteria). The difference between them is that Physical criteria are generated by coding

Re: DFSMS Move Dataset

2020-05-16 Thread David Spiegel
LOGINDDNAME(DASD1) OUTDDNAME(DASD2) DELETE CATALOG /* . Would Anyone have an example of moving VSAM Datasets Do I specify the base cluster ? Do I specify the base cluster, data component, and index component ? An Example would be appreciated ? -- Original Message -- From: Dav

Re: How determine local time zone *name* in Rexx?

2020-05-18 Thread David Spiegel
OS/VS1 ... like CRJE and IEHIOSUP? On 2020-05-18 12:32, Seymour J Metz wrote: You would think that IBM's "Premiere OS" would be able to provide something this simple! :-)> Not when it's still missing features from OS/VS1 and z/VSE. -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz https://eur02.safelinks.protect

Re: Where do started PROC errors go?

2020-05-21 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Slivovitz drinkers, Which brand do you prefer? Regards, David On 2020-05-21 22:39, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote: It may not be echt, but I like my Slivowitz well iced. . . J.O.Skip Robinson Southern California Edison Company Electric Dragon Team Paddler SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager 323-715-0595 M

Re: Sort extracting values in PDS members

2020-05-27 Thread David Spiegel
Vie Haist Du, Esther? On 2020-05-27 18:02, Seymour J Metz wrote: Ob וְכַאֲשֶׁר אָבַדְתִּי, אָבָדְתִּי If they routinely lose programs, won't they also lose the ICEMAN and SuperC control statements? If it were me I'd do it in ISPF and keep a private copy of the source code for when they lose i

Re: Sort extracting values in PDS members

2020-05-27 Thread David Spiegel
Have you ever heard of the famous PDSLOAD Program from the CBT Tape? It can generate the control cards (IEBUPDTE-like) and even maintain ISPF Statistics. On 2020-05-27 21:39, Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Thu, 28 May 2020 11:13:26 +1000, Wayne Bickerdike wrote: I have used REXX to do this. One fl

Re: What is GRXBIMG

2020-06-04 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Ken, I had the same idea and 3.14d all of the relevant LNKLST and LPALST Datasets. It came up empty. Regards, David On 2020-06-04 09:13, Ken Smith wrote: Has someone searched SYS1.LINKLIB and the rest for a reference to GRBXBIMG? also, is it GRBXBIMG or GRXBIMG? On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:5

Re: What is GRXBIMG

2020-06-04 Thread David Spiegel
No and No. I've been using Rexx on TSO since the day it came out and have never coded this DDNAME. Regards, David On 2020-06-04 10:09, Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 09:27:59 -0400, David Spiegel wrote: Hi Ken, I had the same idea and 3.14d all of the relevant LNKLST and L

Re: COBOL Question

2020-06-05 Thread David Spiegel
+1 On 2020-06-05 16:47, Gibney, Dave wrote: The entire original confusion had to do with the fact that the 1st question involving HiGH-VALUE was not processed as expected because the AND took precedent over the OR. I don't remember exactly how COBOL does X = 'A' OR 'B', If NATURAL, this would

Re: COBOL Question

2020-06-09 Thread David Spiegel
+1 sleazy-freaking-trieve. (I used to support it, Panvalet and Librarian) On 2020-06-09 16:27, Joe Monk wrote: "Easytrieve plus" You mean sleazytrieve plus? :) There was also DYL280 and QUIKJOB. Joe On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 12:55 PM Mike Schwab wrote: 4GL - I've used Telon which takes a scr

Re: Separate SMPe environments for maintenance levels

2020-06-11 Thread David Spiegel
SMP/e ZONECOPY, UCLIN (to fix the DDDEFs), DFSMSDss to COPY and RENAME the Datasets On 2020-06-11 11:38, Bill Giannelli wrote: I want to setup separate SMPe environments, say 3 for different maintenance levels. One matching production then 2 others for maintenance levels "coming next". My ques

Re: SMPe Apply not working

2020-06-11 Thread David Spiegel
Maybe the Zone is set to an incorrect Zone. (i.e SET BDY(TZONE).) On 2020-06-11 13:17, Bill Giannelli wrote: I ran a GIMSUP download, unpack, receive which ran clean. I see the received ptfs in a LIST NOAPPLY. But when I run theAPPLY I get "NO SYSMODS SATISFIED THE OPERANDS SPECIFIED ON THE AP


2020-06-13 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Colleagues, Here is my solution ... 1) An Assembler program ... Does not to be APF Authorized, if ESM is RACF. (If ESM is ACF/2 or TSS, it needs APF Authorization). 2) A Rexx Exec RACROUTE TITLE 'RACROUTE STATUS=ACCESS' RACROUTE CSECT , RACROUTE AMODE 31 RACROUTE RMODE ANY SAVE  (14


2020-06-13 Thread David Spiegel
ually private. Regards, David On 2020-06-14 00:31, Arthur wrote: On 13 Jun 2020 21:22:07 -0700, in (Message-ID:) (David Spiegel) wrote: Here is my solution ... 1) An Assembler program ... Does not to be APF Authorized, if ESM is RACF. (If ESM is

Re: WP vs MS [was:: Quote style (was: ... Passive FTP ... )]

2020-06-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Peter, Printed Labels? ... I've done this at least 10 times using Avery labels and MS-Word. It's not that difficult. Regards, David On 2020-06-15 00:43, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote: And WP still exists and is still thriving, AFAICT. I run WP X8 on my home machines, and version X9 is out s

Re: z/OS Master Console Commands

2020-06-15 Thread David Spiegel
PA1 On 2020-06-15 13:51, Elaine Beal wrote: Isn't there a way to recall previous commands on the console? I can't find anything and it's killin me! Thanks, Elaine -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instruction

Re: [External] Re: z/OS 2.4 and SDSF question

2020-06-17 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Rex, It does not appear to be SDSF per se. I displayed the Job output with the (TSO) OUTPUT Command ... Same result as yours. Regards, David On 2020-06-17 17:37, Pommier, Rex wrote: Hi Lizette, I'm the OP. :-) My expectation is that when a job gets submitted with TYPRUN=COPY, I get a l

Re: Good FTP client for MVS data set access

2020-06-17 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Gil, I have painfully experienced instances where IND$FILE (on z/VM) mangled a Binary Upload from my MS-Windows 10 Pro workstation. It works every time I use FTP, though (via CLI or WinSCP). Regards, David On 2020-06-17 21:38, Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:29:08 -0500, Shawn

Re: z/OS Master Console Commands

2020-06-17 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Elaine. That probably depends upon which 3270 Emulation software you are using. Which one is it? Regards,. David On 2020-06-17 22:14, Elaine Beal wrote: so I don't know where my PA1 key is except in my TN3270 session keyboard what is it when I'm on the console? I can display and change the

Re: dfdss equivalent to fdr map

2020-06-18 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Brian, You may be interested in File 112 on the "CBT Tape" ( . I've been using it for more than 35 years and it has many filtering and print options. Regards, David On 2020-06-18 08:53, Brian France wrote:  I can't find a dfdss equivalent to fdr's map. I see the print command

Re: dfdss equivalent to fdr map

2020-06-18 Thread David Spiegel
Hi John, I am well aware of this capability, and I really do not want to appear to be overly chauvinistic, BUT, VTOC (File 112 on the CBT Tape) beats the pants off of your solution. Regards, David On 2020-06-18 09:36, John McKown wrote: On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 7:53 AM Brian France wrote:

Re: dfdss equivalent to fdr map

2020-06-18 Thread David Spiegel
batch. Regards, David On 2020-06-18 09:46, Brian France wrote: Howdy Dave,    I will have a look at it. Thanks... On 6/18/2020 9:01 AM, David Spiegel wrote: Hi Brian, You may be interested in File 112 on the "CBT Tape" ( . I've been using it for more than 35 years

Re: Installing Java

2020-06-30 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Gadi AMV"SH, If later PTFs are truly replacements, the hierarchy of PTFs should be that every new PTF should SUPersede any old one. This means that only the last one actually gets installed. Regards, David On 2020-06-30 03:14, Gadi Ben-Avi wrote: Hi, When I ordered z/OS v2.4, I only ordere

Re: RACF-SailPoint

2020-07-02 Thread David Spiegel
"... BREECH ..." Congratulations on the new baby! On 2020-07-02 09:19, Ron Wells wrote: That is what concerns me...too me it is a BREECH of security Want to stay off list.. my email is They only mentioned a exit/api needs to be installed >> bother me ... trying to get pros/c

Re: ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions

2020-07-07 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bob, "...  But if you want to know all the kinds of access you have, you'd need to ask the question three or four times, for read, update, execute and create. ..." This statement is not true. I published an Assembler program and a Rexx Exec here on June 14. My program has been placed on CBT

Re: SuperWylbur Users

2020-07-08 Thread David Spiegel
Hi R"Shmuel AMV"SH, Your first link didn't work. Regards, David On 2020-07-08 08:09, Seymour J Metz wrote: Of course SuperWylbur is not WYLBUR: Why do you say that? Ceertainly the wiki article [[ORVYL and WYLBUR# SuperWylbur™]] says no such thing. -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz https://nam11

Re: SuperWylbur Users

2020-07-08 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Joe, I GUNZIPd and UNTARd WYLBUR via CYGWIN on Windows 10 Pro. Regards, David On 2020-07-08 14:25, Joe Monk wrote: Here is some info from a while back ... There is definitely interest, but the UCLA version, instead of being offloaded on the mainframe in AWS or Transmit format, was converted

Re: SuperWylbur Users

2020-07-08 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Joe, Why is it useless? Thanks and regards, David On 2020-07-08 16:25, Joe Monk wrote: Yep. And its useless. Joe On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 1:39 PM David Spiegel wrote: Hi Joe, I GUNZIPd and UNTARd WYLBUR via CYGWIN on Windows 10 Pro. Regards, David On 2020-07-08 14:25, Joe Monk wrote

Re: ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions

2020-07-08 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bob, Here is my RACROUTE program from CBT File 836: RACROUTE TITLE 'RACROUTE STATUS=ACCESS' * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * *    Author:   David Spiegel * *    Update:   Sam Golob  - June 17, 2020 *  Return words inste

Re: SuperWylbur Users

2020-07-09 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Paul, Translating the Zohar into Sanskrit is not as strange as it sounds. Regards, David On 2020-07-08 23:58, Paul Gilmartin wrote: On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 17:28:17 -0700, Charles Mills wrote: Regarding 2: *if* it was a "round trip" translate table and *if* one could get a copy of the table the

Re: ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions

2020-07-09 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Skip, My program does it in one call. Regards, David On 2020-07-09 00:20, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote: My experience with RACF echoes Bob Bridges, as does the excellent code sample from David Spiegel. A single call directly to RACF returns a yes/no for the level of access queried in that call

Re: ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions

2020-07-09 Thread David Spiegel
-Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of David Spiegel Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:30 AM To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU Subject: (External):Re: ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions CAUTION EXTERNAL EMAIL Hi Skip, My program does it in one call. Regards, David On 2020-07

Re: potential catalog search error - shown by IGGCSI00 [EXTERNAL]

2020-07-10 Thread David Spiegel
Are the ALIASs blown? On 2020-07-10 11:22, Bruce Lightsey wrote: Slight (or major) correction Kirk - datasets cataloged in the master catalog return correctly. Any dataset in any user catalog is "not found". I can, for example, find the SYS1.CPU1.VTAMLST dataset that is cataloged in the maste

Re: Is /usr/lpp reserved solely for IBM products?

2020-07-12 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Israel AMV"SH, Shavua Tov! A side point ... If SYS1.PARMLIB is CATALOGd via a Symbolic (e.g. &SYSR1) your IPL will fail, however, for a successful it can be CATALOGd via VOL(*). Regards, David On 2020-07-12 04:50, Israel Wagshal wrote: On Sat, 11 Jul 2020 17:09:32 -0500, Al Ferguson wro

Re: OOBOL and English was Re: Still COBOL After All These Years?

2020-07-21 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Tom, Don't forget that Metric was foisted upon us (as was federal bilingualism) by Justin's father as a political move after he quelled the FLQ Crisis. It also was a sneaky way to get more tax revenue. That is, 1 penny/liter gasoline tax seems more palatable than an extra 4.5 cents/gallon.

Re: OOBOL and English was Re: Still COBOL After All These Years?

2020-07-21 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Tony, "... 100 knots is about 55mph ..." Assuming you meant Kilometers/Hour (based upon the context), it's actually 62.5 MPH. Regards, David On 2020-07-21 12:00, Tony Thigpen wrote: It's all perspective and how precise you need to be. And what we are measuring. The only thing I know that

Re: OOBOL and English was Re: Still COBOL After All These Years?

2020-07-22 Thread David Spiegel
Yeah, except that Fahrenheit degrees are smaller. For the same accuracy, you'd have to resort to digits to the right of the decimal point. Feh! On 2020-07-22 12:15, Bob Bridges wrote: Interesting; centigrade is the one system I use nowadays without having to think much about it. It's so easy:

Re: OOBOL and English was Re: Still COBOL After All These Years?

2020-07-22 Thread David Spiegel, cell 336 382-7313 /* It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it. -Sam Levenson */ -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of David Spiegel Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Re: Started task stopping immediately. No error messages.

2020-07-27 Thread David Spiegel
Hi, The start and stop happen because, another task is started, usually named FTPD1. To see it, you can issue (on the console or via SDSF/EJES): D A,FTPD1 As an aside, z/OS V2.5 will be the last release supporting IBM JES3. After that, you will be unsupported, convert to Phoenix's JES3 or conv

Re: Started task stopping immediately. No error messages.

2020-07-27 Thread David Spiegel
Hi R'Shmuel AMV"SH, Please see: Regards, David On 2020-07-27 11:31, Seymour J Metz wrote: It looks like you're using JES3. I thought thad SDSF didn't support it. CC 0 would have been a useful datum in the original question. It looks like

Re: Query ESM from REXX

2020-08-02 Thread David Spiegel
Shkoyach On 2020-08-02 07:25, Itschak Mugzach wrote: You need to use this or wright an assembler program to execute a third party check on the resource in question. Easier in rexx with irrxutil. בתאריך יום א׳, 2 באוג׳ 2020, 14:20, מאת Gadi Ben-Avi ‏: IRRXUTIL extracts information from the RAC

Re: [External] Re: OOBOL and English was Re: Still COBOL After All These Years?

2020-08-04 Thread David Spiegel
ement as presented. Tony Thigpen Pew, Curtis G wrote on 7/21/20 12:28 PM: On Jul 21, 2020, at 11:12 AM, David Spiegel wrote: "... 100 knots is about 55mph ..." Assuming you meant Kilometers/Hour (based upon the context), it's actually 62.5 MPH. Well, if the posted limit is 55 m

Re: Anybody still running a 3270 setup?

2020-08-07 Thread David Spiegel
4331/4341/4381 perhaps? On 2020-08-07 11:15, Stefan Skoglund wrote: lör 2020-08-01 klockan 21:14 + skrev Alexander Huemer: Hi Question about 3270, once again. As you might know, interest in 3270 hardware increased recently, due to the emerge of Andrew Kay's oec[0,1]. I have built the requi

Re: How to determine which SMP CSI is used

2020-08-19 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bill, Another idea in conjunction with Tom's below ... Using the PDS Comand Processor (CBT File 182), you can sort the member list by Link Edit Date. You could also display the HIStory of a given member which should show you the APARs/PTFs APPLYd. Regards, David On 2020-08-19 09:33, Tom Co

Re: MVS modify command capture

2020-08-26 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Peter, If you have SDSF, you can write a Rexx program to scan the SYSLOG (either active or offloaded) for messages output by your modify command. Regards, David On 2020-08-26 05:39, Peter wrote: I have a command F STARTEDTASK, STATUS it gives the output in SYSLOG but I would like to writ

Re: MVS modify command capture

2020-08-27 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Ed, Do EMCS messages not go to SYSLOG? If yes, please provide an example. Regards, David On 2020-08-26 23:55, Ed Jaffe wrote: On 8/26/2020 5:03 PM, Steve Beaver wrote: The only reason I can think of a case where the syslog is way behind. Syslog is not relevant here. This is an EMCS consol

Re: Architectural Level Sets

2020-09-01 Thread David Spiegel
Yes. I took care of VS1 1.7D with BPE (Basic Programming Extensions) on a 4341. On 2020-09-01 22:56, Mike Schwab wrote: Well, this is what confused me. OS/VS1 1.7 was released to run on the IBM 4300. VS2 is multiple address spaces, vs VS1 is a single 16MB address space, correct? https://nam0


2020-09-04 Thread David Spiegel
Hi, Does anyone here have experience with using GENXLT and EDCSUSNM Macros to do a "custom" translation? Briefly, I would like to know which Dataset(s) the ICONV Utility uses to load its tables. (Is it LNKLST or LPALST possibly?) Thanks and regards, David -

Re: PL/I integers

2020-09-07 Thread David Spiegel
... and the compile options On 2020-09-07 10:48, Bob Bridges wrote: All of this is really fascinating (and no, I'm not being facetious): A bunch of apparently knowledgeable PL/1 programmers cannot agree on a point that would seem to have a single indisputable answer. Rather than keep on saying

Re: Architectural Level Sets

2020-09-09 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Clark, Did you run MVS on a 4341? If yes, which version? Thanks and regards, David On 2020-09-09 19:12, Clark Morris wrote: [Default] On 9 Sep 2020 14:47:15 -0700, in (Seymour J Metz) wrote: In XA mode the problem is the SIO instruction. DOS.360, OS/360

Re: How get a user to use his own catalog rather than master?

2020-09-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Charles, I'd also make sure that you have a GAC Rule for user-owned Datasets (assuming that TSO Prefix=Userid) |RALTER GLOBAL DATASET ADDMEM('&RACUID.**'/ALTER) Regards, David | On 2020-09-15 18:20, Charles Mills wrote: I really apologize for the incredible newbie question. I am a develope

Re: EXTERNAL EMAIL: How get a user to use his own catalog rather than master?

2020-09-15 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Charles, I have a self-imposed rule: Always do it in Batch (rather than via TSO and/or ISPF). This has at least 2 benefits: 1) It's repeatable and a history is automatically kept (assuming that you save every Batch Job). 2) You get to learn the Utilities faster. Regards, David On 2020-09-

Re: SMPe holddata for previous apply run

2020-09-16 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Bill, Add CHECK and REDO. Regards, David On 2020-09-16 09:17, Bill Giannelli wrote: I have applied a round of maintenance a few months back but havent moved it into our "run time libraries" yet. Is there a way to run a SMPe report and get the HOLDDATA from that previous APPLY? thanks Bill


2020-09-16 Thread David Spiegel
Hi, I have been asked to investigate a number of JES2 Exits which are being used to support remnants of J/TIP. Does anyone here have J/TIP documentation or know where to find it? J/TIP is from University of Illinois in the '70s-'8-80s  and the acronym is short for JES2 TSO Interface Program.


2020-09-17 Thread David Spiegel
___ From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of David Spiegel Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 9:51 PM To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU Subject: J/TIP Hi, I have been asked to investigate a number of JES2 Exits which are being used to support remnants of J/TIP. Does anyone here have J/TIP

Re: ISPF temporary files

2019-05-28 Thread David Spiegel
Hi Gadi, You can modify ISPF settings via ISPCCONF: Set USE_PDFCUNIT_FOR_TEMP_ISPF_DATA_SETS to Yes and PDF_DEFAULT_UNIT to the (fake or real) UNIT that your ACS Routine will key on (e.g. ISPFTEMP). In your ACS Routine: IF &UNIT = 'ISPFTEMP' THEN DO SET &STORCLAS = 'ISPFTDSN'

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