Hi Peter,
EasySMF has a 30 day trial, which you could use for an initial look at
the data.
You can download it from:
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
On 16/12/2018 2:56 pm, Peter wrote:
Does anyone have a sample Job to generate
d date.
The amount of code that depends on this means that it is effectively
impossible to change. However, if the value returned by STCK needs to be
adjusted by leap seconds before STCKCONV to give what is commonly
accepted as the time of day, that should be in the documentat
il if you want to try it.
I do! I think it's one of the most usable ways to access the manuals IBM
has provided in a long time.
It's helped by the browser convention of showing visited links in a
different color, so it is very fast and easy to spot the links to the
manuals I use.
times the cost to print that page.
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Black Hill Software
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with relative links to the PDF.
It works much better than most bookshelf lists, basically due to the
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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could postulate that the technologies that have met with most
resistance on the mainframe (e.g. z/OS Unix, Java) are those that came
along after the switch to softcopy manuals, so people never had the
opportunity to read and learn from h
On 2/03/2019 5:59 am, Gord Tomlin wrote:
On 2019-02-28 17:53, Andrew Rowley wrote:
> Even one tiny blue underline on a page might make it 5 times the
cost > to print that page.
The ability to print in grayscale is pretty universal these days.
Yes, but it's a checkbox that is e
between the lines the changes sound
significant enough to make backporting unlikely.)
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ust assume that if someone can read the database, they will be able to
crack at least some passwords. And you don't know which userids they
will be.
Andrew Rowley
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mmand needs to run
in the same address space that obtained the enqueue.
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ocation: 100 members/second
SMF also suggests cp for some reason opens and closes the PDS twice for
each member. I wrote a small Java program to perform the copy using the
JZOS classes, this coped about 200 members/second.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
vs once in
the Java program.
One thing I am convinced of is that open and close in the unix
filesystem is much faster than open and close of MVS datasets. Even more
so when you factor in enqueues.
I'll see if I can put together some SMF reports.
Andrew R
very nice.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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command - but it gives you data in git that is mergable and mostly
readable as text.
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et name, obviously.)
The destination must be a PDS/E.
Andrew Rowley
On 12/06/2019 1:48 pm, Jake Anderson wrote:
Cross posted
I am trying to copy a java load module JVMLDMxx using TSO ISHELL copy
function to a preallocated dataset with the attribute(library type,
information in SMF.
EasySMF has Allocation Failures and Non-VSAM Statistics reports which
probably have the information you are looking for.
SMF is very useful for systems programmers trying to solve problems -
it's not just about capacity planning and performance.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Sof
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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Rexx very limiting.
I'm not convinced an awk solution would be easier to understand than Sort
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Black Hill Software
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r backups, or a misconfigured program properties
table (NOPASS). RACF is excellent, but you cannot assume it'll always be
fully on guard.
Isn't RACF also required to protect the keys? What stops something else
IPLed on the system from accessing the keys using the same interfaces
using SMF data, and just wrote it up here:
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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tly cheaper in CPU time?
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ed STC06731 and STC06733.
If the BPXAS is unused for a period of time (30 minutes?) it is shutdown
and a new one will need to be created next time.
Unix is sending everything through an imaginary teletypewriter, is there
a difference? :-)
Andrew Rowley
It might be common for the server admin to generate the client
certificates and keys because the alternative is hard to implement and
manage, but it is roughly equivalent to sending passwords that the
client is not allowed to change.
Andrew R
support for this question.
You could use the EasySMF 30 day trial to find the address spaces.
Andrew Rowley
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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88 /eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.zosmfsysplexmanagement.help.doc/doc.zip
82 s/com.ibm.zosmfcore.resourceprovrespoolmessages.help.doc/doc.zip
... more
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
at Dallas so it's hard for me to raise an issue, but if someone
with a proper support contract wants to raise an issue with IBM I'm
happy to work with them.
Andrew Rowley
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
s it unnecessarily complex to decipher. From the documentation I
can't tell whether uploading RECFM U data results in the same data you
started with. At a minimum there must be complications to end up with
the real/correct DCB attributes.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill
e RDW. (However there
might be people uploading data who haven't discovered the resulting data
is unusable.)
I have been working with SMF data myself for many years, and this
problem with FTP causes a LOT of customer confusion and frustration.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hil
length records.
You need the RDW.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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format data, optionally in a gzip or zip file, and process it correctly.
It will also recognize SMF data with no RDW and tell you what is wrong.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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- The compiler might even swap the order of inner/outer loops, so that
part of the calling code ends up inside a loop in the inlined section of
These would be very difficult to reflect in a compiler listing (and are
the reasons debugging optimized code is problematic).
Andrew Rowley
r that was
intended seems to be confused.
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itself for each call.
Is it possible to recreate the assembler program functionality in Java?
That is definitely more maintainable than JNI + Assembler, and might be
easier - depending on the function.
Andrew Rowley
public String getJobname() { return jobname; }
public LocalDateTime getSmfDateTime() { return smfDateTime; }
private String system;
private String event;
private String dataset;
private String jobname;
private LocalDateTime smfDateTime;
o be aware that my code needs to run
in an environment with much less capacity.
With CPU power in such abundance everywhere else, it makes perfect sense
to spend CPU time to save developer time. A computing platform where CPU
capacity is so constrained becomes hard to justify.
Andrew Ro
everything, not that it exists.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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e Rexx etc gain
an advantage for small programs.
The Achilles heel for Java on z/OS seems to be dataset I/O. It's
adequate, but feels like it should be faster. (I haven't actually done
direct comparisons with other languages.)
Andrew R
So the overhead to start Java looked to be around 1 second elapsed, and
1/4 second of CPU time. After the startup, Java was as fast as C++ in
this test.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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small systems for far to long.
It's ridiculous that mainframes require software designed for such small
systems. We might enjoy the challenge, but it's just killing the platform.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
n git that represents the exact code
that a customer is running.
There is much more overhead and opportunity for error shipping
individual components than full replacement. With the bandwidth etc.
available now full replacement makes much more sense.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hil
en more so now with JPMS, which is complex
enough just building a jar file.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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SMP/E environment of course.
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x27;t have to be repeated.
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Black Hill Software
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me, because "rack off" is a (Australian?) way to
somewhat rudely tell someone to go away. So, "I tried to log on, but
RACF told me to rack off."
It's an accidentally great name for a security product.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
Java code using e.g. JMH (which provides warmups etc. to trigger JIT
optimizations) and try to build the equivalent the other language.
Benchmarks have their pitfalls, but it's probably still better than
trying to compare the native code.
Andrew R
so by specification calculations create
a new object for every intermediate value. Hopefully the compiler can
optimize away most of them, if you require maximum performance.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
just a guess
that do forever is more likely than do never...
Personally, I prefer something like:
while (TRUE)
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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sting it in the HTTP client. I would expect
that CICS Liberty would be able to do this. zOSMF Liberty certainly does.
Liberty will use zEDC if available (zEDC doesn't work with Java 11 yet,
only Java 8).
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
red no-one would have
additional issues with PDSE.
Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean you are not vulnerable to
data corruption with the right set of circumstances.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
On 1/03/2023 9:01 am, Andrew Rowley wrote:
The Achilles heel for Java on z/OS seems to be dataset I/O. It's
adequate, but feels like it should be faster. (I haven't actually done
direct comparisons with other languages.)
Following up an old post of my own here, because I did actual
ng ddname) throws IOException
writer = RecordWriter.newWriterForDD(ddname);
int count = 0;
RecordWriter writer;
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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for the supplied ddname
writer = RecordWriter.newWriterForDD(ddname);
int count = 0;
RecordWriter writer;
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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something modified locally.
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really happening!
It's happening a lot!
Andrew Rowley
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Import and Add to the SMPE KeyRing.
I wonder whether certificates can be exported from the Java keystore on
z/OS for import into RACF?
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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ing systems. Customers could select whether or not the standard CA
certificates were installed.
That would make life much easier for customers who just want to use TLS
for internet connections, and leave vetting CAs to their operating
en updated to include new root
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It depends what you mean by a client I guess, whether Java support
counts or if you are looking for a pre-built product.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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m Recovery Boost seem to be a
kludge to work around the dire lack of processing capacity in these
systems anyway. (zIIP does benefit me because I write Java, but I can
still see it's a bad solution.)
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
uld be
greatly improved. Having looked at the SMF data from z/OSMF startup, I
suspect the startup time could be cut by 90%+ with a bit of tweaking...)
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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were to compare it
to e.g. my laptop, my money would be on the laptop.
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ing 20 MSU of a 200 MSU system, it's an expensive system
hugely underutilized, and maybe people start asking what work can be
moved there, how to make better use of the data it contains etc?
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
nd had kept up with the performance
and price improvements in the rest of the industry.
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Black Hill Software
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mainframe for job failures using the
Twilio Java API.
These will hopefully give some ideas about how it might be used.
Andrew Rowley
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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frame or
other platforms.
The Java API can also convert SMF data to JSON format, so you can use
any of the JSON reporting tools for queries, charts etc.
eg: https://github.com/BlackHillSoftware/easysmf-samples/tree/main/smf2json
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Sof
bvious but possibly wrong answer would be to checkout in git as UTF8
and tag the files.
If you encode as ISO8859-1, what happens to e.g. literals with
characters not in ISO8859-1? An obvious one would be the Euro character,
but I'm sure there are more.
Either way, sourceEncoding=UTF8 seems like a good answer to why you
might want to actually have the files encoded in UTF8. Anything else
would seem to be courting unpredictable errors.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
conversion issues to/from git... you just have to be careful editing on
other platforms.
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Black Hill Software
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any further.
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Black Hill Software
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Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
ou do) you can add another
filter step:
.filter(r15 -> r15.smfjfcb1().jfcnew())
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This aligns with the IBM SMF macros.
There is a Smf15Record class, but it just extends the Smf14Record class
without adding anything. It's basically so you can create a Smf15Record
object when you have a type 15 record, but the field names are still the
smf14... names.
Andrew Rowley
uires a component set up on z/OS, but the advantage is
it uses https connections.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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.g. "Which users have a
.ssh/authorized_keys file?" much harder to answer.
A filesystem per user is basically equivalent to a SMS storage group and
catalog per user. You get isolation between users, but at the expense of
much more difficult management.
Andrew Rowley
s fine if the
filesystems are all instantly available. If you have a few thousand that
need to be recalled from HSM...
Does HSM release unused space from the filesystem when it is migrated
and recalled, or do you need enough DASD to allocate all the empty space
in all the filesystems?
HSM recalls are the big problem with that. And authorized_keys is the
sort of question where auditors might require you to be poking around in
users' business.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
On 1/08/2023 12:16 am, Rick Troth wrote:
But, again, an automount per user does not necessarily mean a
filesystem per user.
Agree... but I was specifically talking about a filesystem per user as a
bad thing. This seems to have become a common thing on z/OS.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill
ndividual filesystems are
supposed to solve are actually a result of having individual
filesystems. They don't have to be solved on other platforms because
they didn't create them in the first place (or there is a better
solution e.g. qu
the system, data security on other platforms etc.
There is some irony in the contradiction between "z/OS because of its
I/O capabilities" and "100GB! Whoa! Be reasonable!"
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
On 14/08/2023 3:30 pm, Jon Perryman wrote:
> On Monday, August 7, 2023 at 04:33:24 PM PDT, Andrew Rowley
It comes back to the question I asked earlier - how much space is it
reasonable to use *to do your job* before you have to get the storage
admin involved?
Since you put it t
d to stop what they are doing and set up a meeting with the storage
admin group.
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hey logged on and updated .sh_history? Or worse - can
the filesystem change indicator tell the difference between a data
update and a metadata (e.g. last accessed date) change?
I'm not saying everything is equal, I'm just saying that freespace is a
lot cheaper than managing a lack of frees
There are a few changes I would make based on what I know now, but the
basics are there. There will be plenty of examples on the internet
showing how to add attachments to an email from Java.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
y find out that access is missing when you are
already dealing with a problem.
Not worth the risk, in my view (our security group disagreed!)
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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says a task should be given trusted, it's a stronger
statement than that.
I take it to mean that the task should never be denied access by the
security system, and any denial of access risks the stability or
operation of the system.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Sof
auto-complete and
syntax checking using VS Code to edit a Java file on z/OS?
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it look like in practice?
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he top end, but it becomes something the
customer can turn on and use without analysis.
The current situation sounds like SMT-2 should only be used if you
a) have a single zIIP
or b) are running your zIIPs consistently 100% busy
and for b) you need to turn it off when the workload reduces?
ing people to z/OSMF installation anyway,
it's worth considering.
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has, and parallelize work onto N-1
threads. It's a bit antisocial on z/OS I know, but that's what WLM is
for. That would definitely drive zIIPs to 100%, potentially for extended
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
Is the situation worse now?
There were a lot of things we had to do that went against the
conventional wisdom for WLM at the time - the conventional wisdon did
NOT work well at 100% or on a single CPU.
Andrew Rowley
etc. is probably not significant
compared to everyday workload.
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e there is a specification for what
must be included in each Java version.
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aying that workloads like Java in
particular can and will easily drive zIIP to 100%. I would have expected
that WLM would be able to manage dispatching priorities to avoid
impacting DB2. That might require e.g. the Java work running in a
discretionary service class.
Is that not the case?
hit a "how do I..." question
you will be fine.
Inheritance and interfaces help immensely, because many classes have
common interfaces so you only really need to learn them if you need
their particular specialization.
Andrew Rowley
ting. Obviously what is considered "high" and "low" will
depend on your environment. Martin's question about a WLM reset also
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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On 20/09/2023 8:37 am, Charles Mills wrote:
Does anyone know of a server URL that will present a revoked certificate (for
my testing purposes)?
Can you create a certificate for your own test site with Lets Encrypt,
then revoke it?
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
that would run a
mainframe. Especially when you consider limited market size etc.
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Black Hill Software
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tdin and stdout
use ASCII<->EBCDIC translation, so anything sending binary data is broken.
I think you can override that, but not conveniently.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
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to a local
repository the mainframe can reach, and clone that from z/OS. That's the
advantage of git.
You would then periodically fetch the changes from Github into the local
repository as required to keep up to date.
Andrew Rowley
Black Hil
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