I finnaly had the ok to complete the port from a clipper application
to a more modern compiler.
In these last years I ported the application to xHarbour using hbmake
and now I think I have to move to hbmk2.
where can I find some infos about hbmk2 file syntax ? I created some
basic .hbm files b
Thank you very much to everybody.
I'm reading your answers.
I will do some testing now with bcc because I have it installed now. I
also have different versions of MSVC installed in the several pc I
use... I should settle on one version... or switch to mingw that I
already installed once, some time
Viktor, a couple of questions, if possible.
Is it possible to read some documentation about hbm / hbp files ?
Is it possible to specify to call another instance of hbmk2 to, for
example, create a library if it not present ?
I can't understand if hbmk2 actually works like a unix make, comparing
>> Is it possible to read some documentation about hbm / hbp files ?
> BTW few days ago I listed few places where docs is scattered (INSTALL,
> RELNOTES, ChangeLog, hbmk2 --help was the list AFAIR)
In the meantime I read the --help and is very complete... Sorry to
have asked. I will look for in
Ok, compiled and linked the main program, 148 files in 12
sub-directories, plus 2 libraries for a total of other 28 files
I needed to add hbwin (for win32prn) and xhb for txmldocument
I will test the executable tomorrow
Thank you everybody for your nice help !
>> Ok, this is good... from a message I found on google, it is not
>> possible to put a mylib2.hbp in myapp.hbp
> This is true. You must use separate .hbp files for each
> target binaries. However, you can move common parts to
> either a .hbm or .hbc file, and include this file into all of
> your
One more question: is it possible to specify dependencies ?
screen.prg includes screen.ch... if screen.ch changes screen.prg
should be recompiled...
Harbour mailing list
I just joined the harbour community after a long time in xHarbour (and hwgui)...
I'm willing to contribute in some ways but I don't know where to post
code snippets/howto and other stuff
For example I'm going to install mingw one of these days and I may
create a small how-to with updated info
Well, it compiles and it works... but there are some strangeness in the code
Start with this code snippet:
#ifdef __XPP__
METHOD tPdf:SetLPI(_nLpi)
local cLpi := alltrim(str(_nLpi))
cLpi := iif(cLpi$"1;2;3;4;6;8;12;16;24;48",cLpi
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Hi
> francesco perillo-2 wrote:
>> So, after a couple of days spent on this library that looked
>> interesting, I think I will give up it may have some other
>> "hidden" feature
> hbvpdf is outdated beyond repair.
But it seems to be the only library that can be used on linux...
there may be others I don't know,,, of course
> Try hbhpdf.
Thanks, but I'm going back to PdfCreator at the moment Code was
90% ready
Really good news indeed ! Ok, I now agree with you, hbvpdf may be
removed if nobody actually use it
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I use Mercurial as my versioning tool... I'm trying to convert trunk
from svn to hg but it seems to last forever... Is a mercurial
repository available ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I had to rem this line in config\win\global.mk to compile succesfully in bcc 5.5
# SYSLIBS += kernel32 user32 ws2_32 advapi32 gdi32
bcc has no kernel32.lib and the other ones
I know that I should not use bcc (features and speed) but it's listed
as supported...
Viktor, you are right as usual
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> I had to rem this line in config\win\global.mk to compile succesfully in bcc
>> 5.5
>> # SYSLIBS += kernel32 user32 ws2_32 advapi32 gdi32
>> bcc has no kernel32.lib and the other ones
> This is
I have an OLE object (PdfCreator, a pdf printer driver for windows)
that among other methods has the followings:
Public Property Get cOption(ByVal PropertyName As String) As Variant
Public Property Let cOption(ByVal PropertyName As String, ByVal Value
As Variant)
Public Property Get cVisible() As
>> I now added -L"...\psdk" and works
> Yes, this is the key.
> Upgrade to latest SVN and PSDK dir is added automatically
> by the build process.
I'm at the tip
Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 12877)
I only set
(since I have a couple others installed)
I know that this list is perhaps not the correct one I hope you
will forgive me :-)
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Here it is, save it as sample.prg, compiling is with these lines (the
first one doesn't compile...)
Comments and error messages in the code...
hbmk2 sample.prg xhb.lib hbwin.lib -ofirst1 -dFIRST1
hbmk2 sample.prg xhb.lib hbwin.lib -ofirst2 -dFIRST2
hbmk2 sample.prg xhb.lib hbwin.lib -osecond -dSEC
Why not Eclipse ? I had a half day introductionary course last week
and it seems to be a great tool I saw the Java setting and it was
terrific.. !
>> 0) Availability on OS X, Linux and Windows x86 and x64.
>> 1) Very good editor with block editing capability, syntax
>> highlighting, po
> Question: Does anybody have some experiences on language
> integration into Eclipse?
Unfortunately I don't have such experience. I'm going to attend a
couple of other courses in the next weeks about basic java programming
and we are going to use Eclipse. The teacher (a university teacher) is
a r
> This can be solved by using "_" in front of method to force
> oPdfApp:_cOption( "UseAutoSave" , 1 )
> do the job.
Yes, it does. Thank you !
I still have problems with 100% cpu load when I call ::cClose() but
I'm investigating on this
> I still have problems with 100% cpu load when I call ::cClose() but
> I'm investigating on this
It seems that I have this problem only in the demo program... I will
investigate i f possible...
Harbour mailing list (attachment size
I also would like to compile and test Qt support... any doc ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Harbour trunk of a couple of days ago, compiled with bcc 5.5
Using hb_sendmail() I get in the mail server log:
2009-11-19 23:09:57 SMTP connection from [X] (TCP/IP connection count = 1)
2009-11-19 23:09:58 SMTP protocol synchronization error (input sent
without waiting for greeting): rejec
I was told that hbide will integrate support for svn...
Since I'm an user of Mercurial I'd like to talk with you to cooperate
to add support for this dvcs...
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Is anybody using hb_sendmail() ? I already said that it is not fully
smtp protocol compliant and my tests (trunk compiled with bcc)
didn't worked at all due to this incoorect protocol implementation
So, if you are using this patch and it works ok for you, please tell me !
If it works for
Hi Bruno,
thank you for your reply.
I have some ideas ...
can you please show me how do you call hb_sendmail() ?
can you please compile and run contrib/hbtip/tests/gmail.prg (after
changing the data inside) and run it ?
Which are your operating system and compiler used ?
Thank you
> I am not using SSL
> I use it in windows in an OOHG aplication , and compiled using Mingw
> hb_sendmail('200.xxx.xxx.xxx',,'f...@domain',{'adre...@domain','adre...@domain'},,,cuerpo,'Cierre
> de caja')
Is it possible to have (in private mail) the IP of the server and an
address I can send
gmail only supports SSL mail or TLS on port 25... in my bcc setup I
don't have openssl so I can't connect to gmail (at the moment)
Do you have a server you connect without authentication on port 25 for
mail delivery ? Does it work for you ?
Standard timeout is 1 second... gmail is quick but..
At the moment I tried hb_sendmail against exim without any form of
authentication, just plain old clear-text smtp I will try Qmail
and other servers this evening but I have to remove the patch first...
The "problem" is that hb_sendmail() sends the EHLO or HELO command
without waiting for the 2
Viktor, I DID try to just raise timeouts and I did some more tests.
My MTA is exim and it is very "strict" on the protocol.
Try to issue this command:
telnet 25
and you will get a
"220 message"
and ONLY IN THIS MOMENT you can issue commands !
Exim doesn't accept any command before the 220 is se
I have to understand how to compile hbide (with Qt) before .
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I'd like to point out that the following text present in testprn.prg is false:
oPrinter:TextOut("Notice: UNDERLINE only prints correctly if
there is a blank line after",.T.)
oPrinter:TextOut("it. This is because of ::LineHeight
and the next line",.T.)
Probably "Harbour internals" is a better title
Unfortunately there are only 24 hours per day... and if Przemek writes
the book, he can't work of getting Harbour better and better :-)
Do you have an idea of how many people are currently using harbour for
producing software that is "on sale
I'm doing some refactoring on really old old code. I have some 1
letter, no meaning, confusing variable names...
I'd like to know if there is a "cost" associated with using longer
variable names in PUBLIC, PRIVATE and LOCAL.
PS: I know the cost in negligible nowadays... just curious
> If you are asking about runtime speed overhead caused by longer variable
> names then there is no difference if you are using shorter or smaller
> variables names. LOCAL variable names are not stored in final binaries
> at all (with the exception to code emitted for debugger with -b switch)
Thank you very much for your clarification.
Part of my code dates back to dBaseIII+ fully interpreted code...
I'm thinking about a particular case... I will test it and in case I
will ask you again...
thank you again
Harbour mailing l
You can find it under examples directory.
I want to tell you that hbvpdf works but has some "little problems"...
for example only A3 form size is supported, pdf is not compressed and
in clear-text and some other code strangeness...
Look for a message from me dated 12 november...
Sorry, I wanted to say "LETTER" instead of A3.
If you go in the source code you will see that if you specify a paper
size differe from LEGAL or LETTER you will get LETTER.
local nSize, aSize := { { "LETTER",8.50, 11.00 }, ;
{ "LEGAL" ,8.50, 14.00 }, ;
> But I probably know where is the problem: you're trying to use the
> "class way" ( hbvpdft.prg ).
Yes, I am using the class... When I found the first "problem" in the
class code I went to the procedural and found the same "problem"... I
didn't check every specific issue I had...
> That file h
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Fernando Athayde
> and change fonts,
> sizes
> spacing, ...
> i solve in a moment, i copied hbvpdf fonts into my project, but i don´t see
> why remove for contrib
What do you mean "copied hbvpdf fonts" ???
... sounds interesting...
> i copied hvpdf*.pdf and .ch into myproject
> and functions perfectly
now I understand... you copied the source files... not the fonts...
>> i solve in a moment, i copied hbvpdf fonts into my project, but i don´t
Harbour mailing list (at
as root user on
openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)
VERSION = 11.1
sh ./mpkg_rpm.sh
./bin/linux/gcc/hbrun --hb:gtcgi ./bin/postinst.prg
! Making /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg...
make: execvp: ./bin/postinst.sh: Permission denied
make: *** [install] Error 127
error: Bad exit status from /var
sorry, solved
/bin/postinst.sh had no x mode bit...
chmod a+x bin/*.sh solved...
is it normal that I have .sh files without x bit ? I'm getting files
from svn
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
or something like:
myclass():new( top => 10, left => 20; text => text to
print, enable =>.T. ), myclass():move( x => 5, y =>5 )
But how can the compiler or the runtime understand when you want to
pass a string (in your case) or a hash (in my case) ?
The positive on your side is that you can build
Massimo, mi spieghi cosa è hbxbp ?
Massimo, can you explain to me what's hbxbp ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I may try to build rpms for openSuse... I should have 3 or 4 opensuse
versions available to build harbour on...
I need to ask a question: if I install the mysql client and build
harbour to activate mysql integration, the user that install that rpm
must also have the mysql client installed ?
I just want to tell you that last 28 Dec I finally migrated a company
from a clipper 5.01 to a Harbour 2.0 application suite... the first
migration commit in the applications VCS is dated december 2005...
they kept postponing but I finally forced them to switch and
everything went smooth...
I want
Thank you, I will try to build the rpm later today.
Are these changed backported on the 2.0 branch ? Or I export the 2.0,
the tip and manually copy from tip to 2.0 ?
I'm not a svn user... (I usually use mercurial)
Harbour mailing list (att
I'm testing rpm builds on openSuse...
it seems that -static- rpm must be installed... is it mandatory ? if
yes, should it be included in the standard package ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
1) hbcplr in "static"
I installed all the requirements (except ADS) and built the rpm.
I installed the "lib" and the "base" package. If I try to compile a
simple test program I get:
# hbmk2 test.prg -trace
hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg
hbmk2: Harbour compiler command (embedded
I installed the "contrib" package where harupdf is but I got another error:
contrib/hbhpdf/tests # hbmk2 harupdf.prg
hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm
hbmk2: Processing configuration: /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg
Harbour 2.0.1dev (Rev. 13448)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-pro
I will start over later today.
I want just to say that I did not use HB_*_INSTALL overrides when
building rpm...
It is true that I used HB_*_INSTAL in a previous "make; make install"
style compilation that I used to check which files were compiled but
it was in another terminal session
The R
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Tamas TEVESZ wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2010, francesco perillo wrote:
> > harbour-static contains the .a libraries
> doesn't suse name these kinds of packages -devel, like any
> rpm system with good manners does?
Well, I will
-devel packages include files that permit to extend core functionalities...
python-devel: Include Files and Libraries Mandatory for Building Python Modules
I don't agree to have a harbour-devel.. .gcc doesn't have a -devel...
it has a "compiler package" taht includes almost everything...
>From wh
Hi Tamas,
I'm not offended since I'm not the original author of the .spec
files... I just wanted to help build the RPMs on Suse (both openSuse
and SLE[D|S]) since I have several running systems at work and at home
that I can use to do such builds.
I was trying to understand how these builds worked
> For those interested in problem-free fixing of bugs in last
> final release, 2.0.x branch was created at the time of the release,
> and such work shall be done there. Volunteers may start it right
> away by merging '[TOMERGE 2.0]' marked patches from trunk to
> 2.0.x branch. This will ensure that
Some months ago I put this message on xharbour newsgroup - it was for
xHarbour and I don't know if it is still valid... I was also fully
criticized on using hb_dynsymFindName but this function really did its
job also when loading/unloading DLLs...
At the end of Mar
the message was in the Xharbour mailing list, date november 2008,
referring to a message of March 2008... it has nothing to do with
Harbour... it was only to show that there should be a way not to use
TYPE() but to query the HVM...
I see now that in Harbour HB_ExecFromArray() uses other AP
In harupdf.ch the following line (701)
hb_retnl( ( long ) HPDF_Page_TextWidth( ( HPDF_Page ) hb_parptr( 1
), hb_parc( 2 ) ) );
should be changed in
hb_retnd( ( double ) HPDF_Page_TextWidth( ( HPDF_Page ) hb_parptr(
1 ), hb_parc( 2 ) ) );
since function definition in Haru library is:
> Log Message:
> ---
> 2010-01-17 10:34 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
> * contrib/hbhpdf/harupdf.c
> ! HPDF_Page_TextWidth() fixed to return double instead of long.
> As suggested by Francesco Perillo.
Thank you.
Shouldn't it be [T
I've integrated Harupdf in my program. Haru creates a file and I
wanted to open the satndard, system defined pdf viewer.
I opted to the simplest command:
run( ::pdfFileName )
This worked flawlessy in my XP pro development notebook, opening the
Acrobat Reader window while the Harbour program was
wapi won't work for sure in linux
In linux, to have a really detached process I usually do a:
at -f "/path/to/a/shell/script" now
In this way I'm sure stdout,stderr,stdin are "free"
at returns immediately and the daemon atq runs the detached job.
Another way is to use:
nohup /path/to/a/shell/scr
I got some complaints from users that mails were not delivered I
then went to smtp logs and found strange behaviours. I dug again the
code and found again that SMTP protocol is not implemented in the
code... everything is based on timeouts and the idea that the server
replies really really quic
I'm preparing to do merging in 2.0
Please try to isolate commits with [TOMERGE 2.0] so we don't have, in
a single commit, hunks that must be ported and hunks that shouldn't...
I cherry-picked the commits (about 32 up to now) that should be ported
and now I will try to expunge all the hunks tha
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Alex Strickland wrote:
> francesco perillo wrote:
>> I'm preparing to do merging in 2.0
> That is good of you.
> I noticed that there were a few bug fixes that did not appear to be marked
> with TOMERGE, did you notice
I proceeded with the merge work and I found some problems in the process...
1) hbtrace.c
only some changes to hbtrace are marked TOMERGE and so the marked
patches don't apply.
Can I use the TRUNK version ?
2) hbmk2.pt_BR.po
there are several commits for this file and for some of them the label
A quickly answer:
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi,
>> 1) hbtrace.c
>> only some changes to hbtrace are marked TOMERGE and so the marked
>> patches don't apply.
>> Can I use the TRUNK version ?
> I think you can't. Several features were added
> to this component, so
Ok I will try to manually merge all the revisions I listed in my message..
> You can merger all my commits. In practice the short answer is:
> merge everything except new type modifications (HB_SIZE, HB_ISIZ,
> HB_BOOL, ...)
Can't see the source files now, I will check later
>> For example in one of your patches (about unicode overflow protection)
>> there were changes to win_prn3 (TEXT(0)) not listed in the Changelog
>> and I can't know if they are needed or not... in anay case, they don't
>> apply..
> Which commit was that?
Sorry, my fault, it was ok
> 4) 2009-12-31 12:43 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak
> it doesn't apply, but I need to investigate better (probably due to
> some missing previous codepage patches)
> Should all codepage rfelated patches be MERGED ?
Only 2 hunks don't apply and they are the removal of cphr437 and
cpsl437, so this s
>> 3) 2010-01-05 18:48 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats
>> only in hbmk2.pt_BR.po, probably due to not applied patches at point 2.
> The hbmk2.prg -warn fix should go though, it's definitely
> a manual merge, since multiple changes were done in
> this one commit.
Ok, it was my fault, the patch should be:
I repost since I fear that attachments blocked the message.
Ok, this is the first try
big-patch-2.0.0.diff should cleanly apply to branch 2.0.0
trunk-changelog should be applied to Trunk, it contains the TOMERGE ->
MERGED changes
So, to power-users and power-coders, please review and apply the
As I said, I'm out and ingernet connection is worse than expected
at least today don't know next days.
Yes, I worked on linux and transformed the repository in a mercurial
repos... I will check the problems you report asap.
I can provide rpm for some suse releases... which one do you need ?
And which optional components do you need (since some of these servers
are production servers I can't install too much stuff on them)
Harbour mailing list (attachment s
> -Give the possibility of search two expression: for example i serc
> myarray and ,31
> serch myarray[1,31] or myarray[ a_pippo ,31]
That is a Regex search "myarray.*,31"
Regex is in the TODO list
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
I'm for Bacco style: a lot of different sample, easily buitable, that
deeply exploit all possibilities of an object. Are there 3 button
styles ? A demo of buttons with all three present in the form, or
three different forms
Harbour mailing list (attac
I'm sending this message for Maurizio.
Hi Viktor,
simply try to compile this code with and without wvt request:
#include "hbgtinfo.ch"
#include "wvtwin.ch"
procedure Main()
REQUEST HB_GT_WVT_DEFAULT // rem this to note the difference
I see Qt has lots of possibilities, is very powerfull and widely available...
There are lots of tutorials and sample code available (and demos in
the Qt package are terrific!) but they are for C++
Now the question: if I want to start using hbxpb/hbqt where should I
start ? Is hbide and demoxpb th
I'm collecting some infos at this stage because some aspects are
unknown or not clear to me.
> hbXBP is a class framework based on Xbase++ class documentation.
> It uses hbQT for GUI implementation.
> demoQT.prg in contrib/hbqt/tests is a pure hbQT based demo application.
Sorry, I missed it. F
Not only this little samples (I already wrote last week that little
"dedicated" samples are better that a monolithic source full of
But I also ask for Qt/harbour integration, or how to map harbour
object on Qt widgets and viceversa...
so, demoxpb shows that Qt is usable, hbide shows
> 2. Goto harbour/contrib/hbqt/gtqtc
It's in harbour/contrib/gtqtc so it didn't get my attention from
what I understand this is a GT module that interfaces with Qt using Qt
"text-mode", so that you can run a Qt program in text-mode is it
correct ? So pure, unmodified clipper source code
I spent just ten minutes with your code and I must say that I like it,
expecially the preprocessor part that is very smart !
The code looks promising... I will try to checkout tomorrow and read the docs.
Do you have a more comprehensive sample ?
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:25 PM, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> It is wrong to put it like this:
> so that you can run a Qt program in text-mode.
> Rather we should say:
> so that you can run a Clipper program in Qt environments.
ok... but which are the Qt environments where you can't use other
> I did experimented with my flagship application Vouch and it works.
> Will post a sample, or will include it in gtqtc/tests/demoqtc.prg soon.
> Right now implementing NG format oriented hbQT's help.
Ok, perfect !
Now I just ask you where may I start to get inf
Is this a way to have WHEN/VALID implementation ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
Thank you for your reply.
I still had no time to look at HbQtCommand documentation... I hope to
do it tomorrow
> VALUE "Initial Value"
> ONLOSTFOCUS myRoutineForValid()
What happens when myRoutineForValid() returns .F. ?
Or when myRoutineForValid() returns
Thank you for your sample.
I'm reading a book on Qt but it is C++ based. It's really interesting
what you can do with Qt.
In C++ you can easily subclass widgets to extend their
functionalities, add slots and signals... is it possible to do this
with hbqt/hbqtcommand ? in C++ or Harbour ?
In the debugger it is possible to see the CallStack and the variables
"active" in each stack level.
>From the debugger source code I see that the CallStack is passed to
__dbgEntry as a parameter and that parameter is built in C in funcyion
hb_dbgActivate( HB_DEBUGINFO *info ) where info is a pointe
Hi Alex,
thank you for your code but I was asking more in-depth informations.
The Debugger can show the variables "active" for each "n", so that
with the call stack you can display the parameter values and the local
variables values (anche if compiled with -b you should be able also to
display var
I'm trying to understand what does S means for VALTYPE... anyone ?
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
but in a function like this:
function fun( ff1, ff2, ff3 )
local l1
l1 := "L1"
? "FUN"
? TraceNow()
return .T.
and in TraceNow() I use __DBGVMVARLGET(level) to retrieve the local
variable at "fun" level I get:
Local1: C "f1"
Local2: C "f2"
Local3: U
Local4: C "L1"
Local5: S
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Bruno Luciani wrote:
> Where I can get , thisearly version ?
>From SVN, going to some revisions back. Try harbour 2.0.0 official
source code package...
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Only work If I hit enter in an empty file , but if I move cursor in an
> edited file
> the information don't change.
Probably you use isChanged signal. probably there is another
message or you have to capture event...
(just finished to read a manual on Qt can't be of more help...)
I have not read Przem message yet,
> The only thing I wonder is why all this is important
> for a normal user application...?
I'd like to print ALL the variables (private, public, local) in all
stack states, in order to have a complete HVM snapshot, while with
oError:args you have only the parame
libmysqlclient.a on SUSE LINUX 10.0 (i586) OSS
libmysqlclient.so.15 on Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)
libmysqlclient.so.15.0.0 on openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)
libmysqlclient.so.15.0.0 on SLES 9 sp1
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
How can I put them on sourceforge ?
> BCC is a joke these days.
ooops... I have a production site working with a bbc version of Harbour...
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> Hi Francesco,
> Pls give me your sf.net ID and I'll add you as dev member
> with file release rights.
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