Harbour trunk of a couple of days ago, compiled with bcc 5.5

Using hb_sendmail(....) I get in the mail server log:
2009-11-19 23:09:57 SMTP connection from [XXXXX] (TCP/IP connection count = 1)
2009-11-19 23:09:58 SMTP protocol synchronization error (input sent
without waiting for greeting): rejected connection from H=YYYYYY
[XXXXXX] input="EHLO tipClientSMTP\r\nQUIT\r\n"

This means that hb_sendmail->TipClientSMTP -> TipClient are sending
bytes before the server introduces itself with a 220 message that I
believe is mandatory ! The server can be out of service and can
announce itself with a 5xx error....

So it looks like there is a missing ::GetOk() in OpenSecure and
Open....  Something like:

   IF ! ::super:Open( cUrl )
      RETURN .F.

   IF ! ::GetOk()  // Wait for the inital banner from the server
      RETURN .F.


If I set timeouts to 10 seconds (1 second is way to low as a default,
btw) add this code to Open and OpenSecure everythings seems to

But looking at some debug output I put in the code, there is something

In OpenSecure:
00000081        196.01771545    [428] InetSendAll: EHLO tipClientSMTP   
00000082        196.04241943    [428] GetOk: 250-YYYY Hello XXX [XXX]   
00000083        196.04264832    [428] GetOk: 250-SIZE 33554432  
00000084        196.04287720    [428] GetOk: 250-PIPELINING     
00000085        196.04298401    [428] GetOk: 250 HELP

"250-" means that there are more 250 codes coming
"250 " means it is the last one...

00000086        206.04336548    [428] GetOk:    
00000087        216.04341125    [428] GetOk:    

A couple of GetOk that end in timeout... 20 seconds later...
00000088        216.04345703    [428] InetSendAll: QUIT         

Then in Open:

00000092        217.12054443    [428] InetSendAll: HELO tipClientSMTP   
00000093        217.14497375    [428] GetOk: 250 mail.tours.it Hello
adsl203-144-114.mclink.it []
The server answers immediately but the program waits 10 seconds (the
timeout) in another GetOk....  which one !?

00000094        227.16149902    [428] GetOk:    
00000095        227.16178894    [428] InetSendAll: MAIL FROM: <fatt...@xxx>     
00000096        227.18704224    [428] GetOk: 250 OK     
00000097        227.18734741    [428] InetSendAll: RCPT TO: <sen...@xxxx>       
00000098        227.21192932    [428] GetOk: 250 Accepted       

Here it seems to be ok, also after the DATA part....

So I added:
            ELSEIF "PLAIN" $ oInMail:cReply
               lAuthPlain := .T.
#if defined( HB_HAS_OPENSSL )
            ELSEIF "STARTTLS" $ oInMail:cReply
               lAuthTLS := .T.
            ELSEIF Left( oInMail:cReply, 4 ) == "250 "

Some rows later, I remmed this loop since it does nothing... and
GetOk() is already called in Open()... It works OK as a proof of
concept but here the server is responding to a HELO message and there
MAY be multiline 250 messages, like for EHLO message...

      // DO WHILE .T.
      //    IF ! oInMail:GetOk()
      //       EXIT
      //    ENDIF
      //    IF oInMail:cReply == NIL
      //       EXIT
      //    ENDIF
      // ENDDO

It's too late this evening, tomorrow I will change this part to a loop
that checks for "250 " starting to check from tha already filled
cReply (for one line 250....)

FINALLY: there are some small problems in hb_sendmail
implementation... and the first one that started my review should
create problems to almost every user that connect to a non-local mail
- it doesn't fully respect handling return codes (it doesn't
understand when there are no more replies to wait for)
- it's said that User/Password/pop3 server are mandatory but I didn't
specifieed them (I don't need them!)
- I believe lAuth default value should be set depending on the
presence of User/password... but I should study the code a bit

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