On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> francesco perillo-2 wrote:
>> So, after a couple of days spent on this library that looked
>> interesting, I think I will give up.... it may have some other
>> "hidden" features...
>> What's your idea ?
> Probably you never read about the origin of the library and its passage
> through this level. I suggest you to do so.

No, I didn't... It cames from a library that should be called pdf006....
I just went to the repository and checked the last few commits that
were just cosmetic....

> It is upto you to accept or discard. You just "looked" into it for two days
> and tired.......

I tried to include the library in my really-simple printing engine.
I already create pdf printing on PdfCreator but I was looking for a
way to simply create a pdf and saving it to a file without interacting
with the OLE interface of Pdfcreator.
I was committed to this library !

> I had spent many nights to give it a shape off a more
> cumbersome procedural code, surely I enjoyed all that time.

I thank you for your work ! It's important to have a pdf library that
is all in harbour code !!! It can work on linux too ! Haru is a lot of
c code and some seems to be very windows specific...
I'm not saying you did something wrong... the procedural code has the
same problems ! And probably you are in a country where LETTER paper
format is used....

> So the difference is in "constructive" vs "recreational" approach.

Allways constructive !  I was asking if somebody was using this code
in production software ! I'm going back to the PdfCreator way but if
it won't work as planned I have to switch back to hbv o hbp....  and I
personally prefer hbv because it can help me on the linux side......
What I fear is that I may clean up this code, these couple of
errors... but there may be some others ????

Is anybody using this library ?????

> Hope you understand what I mean.

Sorry if you thought this was an attack, it wasn't... it was more a
.... I don't know how to say in english... it was like the crying of a
children when his ice-cream fell off on the road... I really wanted to
use it ....

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