[Harbour] congratulations

2008-08-13 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi to all harbour team. congratulations with this fantastic release best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull ) _

[Harbour] problem in a function

2008-09-01 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
hi all: this program don't work ok if the file is hide cFile:=FILESEEK("C:\autoexec.bat") ? cfile DO WHILE .NOT. EMPTY(cFile) ? cFile,FILEATTR() cFile:=FILESEEK() ENDDO quit best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2

Re: [Harbour] problem in a function

2008-09-01 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
bill robertson escribió: Hi Ciro, You need to add the attribute flag to fileseek( file, flag ) 0 Normal 1 Read only 2 Hidden 4 System 8 Volume 16 Directory 32 Archived Thanks Bill, now work ok. best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa


2008-09-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: if I use a mixed mode application that use GT_GUI and GT_WVG drivers at the same time. how can I activate both at the same time in my init program? I'm try in this way... In windows GUI setting PROCEDURE HB_GTSYS() // ; Override default Harbour HB_GTSYS REQUEST HB_GT_GUI //

[Harbour] st printer to diferences between harbour and xharbour

2008-09-29 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: with the next code using an HP USB pcl printer I obtain a valid print test but in harbour I obtain a file named (printer name) plus ".prn" why is the concept diference ? wich is correct ? regards Ciro clear ?? 'Print test' ? '-' ? SET(_SET_DEVICE)

Re: [Harbour] st printer to diferences between harbour and xharbour

2008-09-30 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Massimo Belgrano escribió: I am not sure but I have done something of similar: G_PORTA=GetDefaultPrinter() G_PORTA =PrinterPortToName(G_PORTA) set printer to &G_PORTA thanks Massimo, I will test. best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip

Re: [Harbour] Respuesta automática

2008-10-23 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
[EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: This is an automatic response... I think that an admin must be delete this account if the user will not use again. regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Or

[Harbour] about letodb build

2008-10-25 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I didn't build rddleto from current cvs. MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland C:\c2w\BCC55\BIN\BCC32.EXE -c -O2 -tW -M -IC:\c2w\BCC55\INCLUDE;C:\c2w\harbour\INCLUDE;C:\minioop\INCLUDE;C:\letodb\source\client;C:\letodb\source\client;C:\letodb\source\common;C:\letodb\inc

[Harbour] problems generating demowvg

2008-10-29 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: i'm try to test demowvg from last svn and obtain this C:\harbour\harbour\contrib\gtwvg\tests>bld_b32 demowvg demowvg.c: Error: Unresolved external '_hb_ToOutDebug' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARB IB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_TOOUTDEBUG' referenced fr

Re: [Harbour] problems generating demowvg

2008-10-29 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Ciro Thanks Pritpall best regards Ciro Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote: C:\harbour\harbour\contrib\gtwvg\tests>bld_b32 demowvg demowvg.c: Error: Unresolved external '_hb_ToOutDebug' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARB IB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unreso

Re: [Harbour] Which "standard" GUI for Harbour

2008-10-31 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
S I am interested in your findings. GTWVG is in use with my production applns well over few years and I have not heard anything "crashing with clicks" so far. Can you please enlighten me how it can be reproduced? I would like it to be perfect in all senses. -- I'm very happy with GTWVG, the

[Harbour] abour EJECT in CLASS TREPORT

2008-11-10 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
HI all: I found a little thing that I don't undesrtand. in TREPORT.prg I found this IF lPrinter // To the printer ::lFormFeeds := .T. ELSE ::lFormFeeds := .F. ENDIF in other words if I send the report to a file the EJECTS are not triggered. and if I

Re: [Harbour] abour EJECT in CLASS TREPORT

2008-11-10 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi Victor: i'm not sure if the problem is the Treport.prg but the next code... in clipper generate FF chr(12) chars after each page in harbour the FF chars not appear in list.txt best regards Ciro local i local aDbf := {} AADD(aDbf, { "Name", "C", 10, 0 }) AADD(aDbf, { "Address", "C", 20, 0

[Harbour] the FRM

2008-11-10 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
hi Victor: the Frm goes to you best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull ) cvc.frm Description: Binary data _

[Harbour] big window in gtwvg

2008-11-11 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: how can I resize my gtwvg window to the max size by CODE (program), not by resize with mouse. regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powe

Re: [Harbour] 2008-11-11 12:08 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)

2008-11-11 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: 2008-11-11 12:08 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu) * source/rtl/console.c ! Fixed __EJECT() writing an EJECT only if output device was "PRINTER". This fixes problem reported by Ciro, and also a very old TOFIX which was removed very long ag

Re: [Harbour] big window in gtwvg

2008-11-15 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Ciro Was it your question? that at some point window gets black... No Pritpal , I no have questions, all it is ok. Best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object

Re: [Harbour] big window in gtwvg

2008-11-15 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hi how can I resize my gtwvg window to the max size by CODE (program), not by resize with mouse. Implemented. hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_SPEC, HB_GTS_WNDSTATE, HB_GTS_WS_MAXIMIZE ) Please refer to hbgtinfo.ch for more window states. Regards Pritpal Bedi thanks Pritpal Bes

[Harbour] about close in gtwvg

2008-12-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: if I don't want close the program clicking on close button(upper right). What can I do? regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull )

[Harbour] about GTXWC

2008-12-07 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I need a working sample (prg) (in linux ) in order to test gtxwc. anybody can I help me? TIA Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull )

Re: [Harbour] about GTXWC

2008-12-07 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió: hbmk -n -w -es2 tst.prg -gtxwc && ./tst very thanks!!! I think that I missing any I'm trying but obtain... [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/harbour/tests# hbmk -n -es2 hello.prg -gtxwc && ./hello Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9969) Copyright (c) 1999-2008, http://www.harb

Re: [Harbour] about GTXWC

2008-12-07 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Ciro Vargas Clemow escribió: Przemyslaw Czerpak escribió: hbmk -n -w -es2 tst.prg -gtxwc && ./tst very thanks!!! resolved !!! best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org

Re: [Harbour] about GTXWC

2008-12-07 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Bill Smith escribió: On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 14:07 -0500, Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote: Ciro Vargas Clemow escribió: resolved !!! What is the magic? you must uncomment in harbour hbsetup.h stdmain /* #define HB_MAIN_STD */ #define HB_MAIN_STD regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com

Re: [Harbour] about GTXWC

2008-12-07 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Bill Smith escribió: On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 14:07 -0500, Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote: Ciro Vargas Clemow escribió: resolved !!! What is the magic? uncomment and make again harbour regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home

[Harbour] printing problem

2008-12-11 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I try this .prg over an epson lx300 on lpt1 test.prg set print on ? "hello world",hb_version() set print off quit end I no obtain any print result but if I try test.prg set printer to prn set print on ? "hello world",hb_version() set print off quit end I obtain a

[Harbour] problems in ADORDD

2008-01-16 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I test the example access2.prg from the samples of adordd the program runs and diplay the browse, but if I press ENTER over any field I obtain the next error: Date: 12/30/07 Time: 10:27:49 Error BASE/1073 Argument error: < Called from ADO_ORDINFO(499) Called from ORDKEY(0) Called fr

[Harbour] what about this problem ?

2008-01-30 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I test the example access2.prg from the samples of adordd the program runs and diplay the browse, but if I press ENTER over any field I obtain the next error: Date: 12/30/07 Time: 10:27:49 Error BASE/1073 Argument error: < Called from ADO_ORDINFO(499) Called from ORDKEY(0) Called fr

[Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-01-31 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: I did build contrib gtwvg and try to make the sample dmowvg.prg and I obtain. C:\borland\BCC55\BIN\ILINK32.EXE -Gn -Tpe -aa -LC:\borland\BCC55\LIB @_2008013138542$Script.ld Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmPushNumInt

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-01-31 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hello Wait to get Harbour stable on changing folder structure. I can review only after that. Pritpal thanks Pritpal I will wait regards Ciro Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote: C:\borland\BCC55\BIN\ILINK32.EXE -Gn -Tpe -aa -LC:\borland\BCC55\LIB @_2008013138542$Script.ld

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-01 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: Hi Ciro, You'll need to update your local make script according to the recent lib name changes. Hi Victor: I already updated to new structure, I use actual SVN. the error is the same. ==> Linking to make C:\harbour\harbour\contrib\gtwvg\tests\demowvg.EXE ...

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-01 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: Hi Ciro, Seems that hbrtl.lib is not amongst the linked libraries. Question: What is exactly in the file '_2008020152925$Script.ld' ? Or, what is the script you use to build this executable? Hi Victor: I am using QAC. I added hbrtl.lib and now only obtain one error

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Jorge A. Giraldo escribió: Ciro, hbvm.lib thanks Jorge best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del no2imp / the no2imp home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull ) ___ Harbour m

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: You seem to be missing hbvm.lib. thanks Victor bestt regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del no2imp / the no2imp home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull )

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Ciro Vargas Clemow escribió: Finally the sample works ok. Is a very good work Pritpal, excellent. I need a little help again. when I click the option menu "dialog one" I obtain this error. Error BASE/1132 Bound error:array access called from CFGMYBROWSE(989) called from MYDIAL

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-02 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hello Ciro Vargas Clemow wrote: Finally the sample works ok. Is a very good work Pritpal, excellent. Hi Pritpal: I don't found this files, may you sendme tbrowse and tbcolumn fix to my private email.? I'm very interesting in your contribution. best re

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-04 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hi I don't found this files, may you sendme tbrowse and tbcolumn fix to my private email.? Download from here: http://www.nabble.com/file/p13965086/tbrowse.zip Thanks Pritpal, I already added this sources to my proyect, now I obtain... Error: Unresolved external '_H

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-04 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Ciro Vargas Clemow escribió: Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hi I don't found this files, may you sendme tbrowse and tbcolumn fix to my private email.? Download from here: http://www.nabble.com/file/p13965086/tbrowse.zip Thanks Pritpal, I already added this sources to my proyect, now I o

Re: [Harbour] problem testing samples gtwvg

2008-02-04 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi again Pritpal: I added the tbrowse.prg and tbcolumn.prg from http://www.nabble.com/file/p13965086/tbrowse.zip to my project but the error reported persist the problem is here in demowvg.prg for i := 1 to len( aFields ) bBlock := VouBlockField( aFields[ i ] ) oBrowse:AddColumn( T

[Harbour] about gtwvg

2008-02-12 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi Pritpal: I'm interesting in add submenus to mainmenu it's posible? if yes , may you give me an example? my mainmenu is: FUNCTION CreateMainMenu() LOCAL oMenu, g_oMenuBar := wvtMenu():new():create() oMenu := WvtMenu():new():create() oMenu:Caption:= "Primer menu" oMenu:AddItem

Re: [Harbour] about gtwvg

2008-02-12 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Sorry very thanks Pritpal !!! works ok. it's posible add a toolbar in the main screen without create another dialog.? A little example if possible. two buttons is ok form me. I apreciatte very much your help. TIA Ciro http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del no2im

Re: [Harbour] about gtwvg

2008-02-12 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Ciro Just to let you know, this group is not to teach programming concepts, is a compiler specific board. If you need programming help, which I am sure will not be extended, you can always drop a personal mail. Sorry but I think that the contributions are part of the pro

[Harbour] wvtgui xvtgui

2008-06-08 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: Any similiar contribution like wvtgui (but for linux) xvtgui ? best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull ) __

[Harbour] problem in report form

2008-07-25 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Hi all: in hbreport class CREATE CLASS HBReportForm VAR aReportDataAS ARRAY INIT {} VAR aReportTotals AS ARRAY INIT {} VAR aGroupTotals AS ARRAY INIT {} areportdata is init as array but in line 417 // Clean up and leave ::aReportData := NIL // Recover the

[Harbour] problem in memoedit

2008-07-29 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
hi all: in this sample cls request dbfntx use segu002p memoedit(ult_doc,10,10,20,70,.t.) quit the cursor disappear and it's very difficult modify the text, because I don't know where is the cursor. Another thing is that when I press ESC the text (abort (y/n)?) is showed. best regards Cir

Re: [Harbour] Release 1.0.0 Final #1

2008-07-30 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: Hi Victor: Wich Batch file must be use to build harbour for pelles C ? best regards Ciro Hi all, I'd like to ask everyone to try as many kinds of builds as possible and report any results on the list, so that we can clear up problems before tagging 1.0.0. Passed:

[Harbour] about memoediting

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
hi all: When I'm editing a text with memoedit, the cursor dissapear... Is very dificult write a text without a visible cursor. regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour

Re: [Harbour] about memoediting

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: Hi Ciro, Can you send a working example which demonstrates this problem? Doing a quick test using a simple MemoEdit() call with not other fuss, using GTWIN, the cursor is properly visible. sorry Victor, I missed say that I use GTWVG. best regards Ciro http://sistem

Re: [Harbour] about memoediting

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Pritpal Bedi escribió: Hello All I can confirm is that it also works with GTWVT. From this point it seems a GTWVG contrib issue. Though GTWVG is almost identical with GTWVT on I/O levels, I suspect something else is responsible. I will look into this issue today evening. Thanks Pritpal

Re: R: [Harbour] about memoediting

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Massimo Belgrano escribió: memoedit work in mysample with gtwvg Massimo you may post your sample in order to test in my system. best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented H

Re: [Harbour] about memoediting

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
Szakáts Viktor escribió: Hi Ciro, It would still be useful, if you'd post your reduced working example to demonstrate the problem. I was testing with little sample and work ok. But in my big aplication the problem persist. I don't found the problem in my code yet. what kind of code could hi

[Harbour] about memo fixed

2008-08-06 Thread Ciro Vargas Clemow
hi all: sorry with this "problem" I found the problem in my code. best regards Ciro -- http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and clip2win home ) http://www.oohg.org ( Object Oriented Harbour GUI, more simple, more powerfull ) __