Hi Victor:
i'm not sure if the problem is the Treport.prg
but the next code... in clipper generate FF chr(12) chars after each page
in harbour the FF chars not appear in list.txt
best regards
local i
local aDbf := {}
AADD(aDbf, { "Name", "C", 10, 0 })
AADD(aDbf, { "Address", "C", 20, 0 })
AADD(aDbf, { "Phone", "N", 13, 0 })
DBCREATE("People", aDbf)
Use People
for i:= 1 to 200
append blank
replace name with str(i)
replace address with str(i+1)
replace phone with i+2
next i
set printer to list.txt
report form cvc to print
set printer to
******************////// (3 columns name 10, address 20 phone 13 )
http://sistemascvc.tripod.com (la casa del clip2win y nodosimp / the no2imp and
clip2win home )
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