Hi all:

I did build contrib gtwvg and try to make the sample dmowvg.prg

and I obtain.....

C:\borland\BCC55\BIN\ILINK32.EXE -Gn -Tpe -aa -LC:\borland\BCC55\LIB @_2008013138542$Script.ld
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmPushNumInt' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_w32_tone' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_w32_setClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_w32_getClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|gtwvg Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gtGetScrChar' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|wvtcore Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gtPutScrChar' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|wvtcore Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gtGetCurrColor' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\HARBOUR\LIB\B32\GTWVG.LIB|wvtcore

what library I  missed?

best regards

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