> > Yes, I agree. I can remove these (except test.txt
> > which is needed by the test program).
> Oops I didn't check it. I think it's better to use famous "Lorem
> Ipsum" for text samples.
> Actually it seems a "messy license" text.
I'll do that.
> > For the SVN that is, for a distributed
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Yes, I agree. I can remove these (except test.txt
> which is needed by the test program).
Oops I didn't check it. I think it's better to use famous "Lorem
Ipsum" for text samples.
Actually it seems a "messy license" text.
> These also see
> - if we shouldn't remove:
> contrib/hbct/ctflist.txt
> contrib/hbct/readme.txt
> contrib/hbpgsql/readme.txt
> contrib/hbgd/readme.txt
> contrib/odbc/readme.txt
> contrib/hbvpdf/readme.txt
> contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files/test.txt
> most are outdated and without any important information inside. The
Looking inside actual tree I wonder:
- if we shouldn't remove:
most are outdated and without any important infor