> - if we shouldn't remove:
> contrib/hbct/ctflist.txt
> contrib/hbct/readme.txt
> contrib/hbpgsql/readme.txt
> contrib/hbgd/readme.txt
> contrib/odbc/readme.txt
> contrib/hbvpdf/readme.txt
> contrib/hbvpdf/tests/files/test.txt
> most are outdated and without any important information inside. They
> don't give an "healthy look" of the contribs.

Yes, I agree. I can remove these (except test.txt
which is needed by the test program).

These also seem outdated and redundant:

- move all contrib tests to the test dir
> today I have to download the svn tree or the sources to run the tests,
> while I should be able to run them only using a binary distribution.
> I should be able to simply do hbmk -n test1 -libxyx or better hbmk2
> test1.hbm without navigating the source tree.

Here I disagree, since IMO it's better to keep
everything belonging to one contrib inside one
subdir for separation of components. For the SVN
that is, for a distributed binary package, it would
be indeed very good to provide a subdir with all the
samples in it:

/samples/tests/*.* (from /tests/)
/samples/<example dirs>/*.* (from contrib/examples/)
/samples/<contrib name>/*.prg (from contrib/*/tests/)

(or something similar)

- I would also remove:
> ./contrib/hbodbc/tests/harbour.mdb
> I can't easily read it ( are there mdb odbc drivers for Linux or OSX?
> ) so it's better to not provide data we can't easily control.

I don't know, but last time this file didn't work for me
on Windows either (it said it's corrupted). Since the test program
is expecting this file to exist, it would be good to change it to
create its own test files automatically (possibly a format which
is portable).

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