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Martin Vogel
Neckarstraße 28
69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 06201/182410
Fax: 06201/182410
Mobil: 0171/4505008
Email: m-vo...@gmx.net
Chen Kedem wrote:
> Martin wrote:
>> You guys may want to update Harbour's entry on freshmeat,
>> on the FSF software list etc
> I wrote a few times in the past about this:
> http://lists.harbour-project.org/pipermail/harbour/2009-March/016556.html
> But no one had step in to update all these
> Besides actively participating on Harbour dev...
Thank you for your kind words, Viktor!
> are you welcome
> You have also good Xbase++ experiences
> Can you help us in refiniing hbxbp/hbide?
Most probably not, Massimo, I'm sorry. I'm one of those submarine guys
in the harbour, just popping
Hi Viktor, all,
pretty cool, congratulations!
You guys may want to update Harbour's entry on freshmeat, on the FSF
software list etc. If I remember correctly, it's still announced as
version 0.44 there...
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi All,
> It's been one month since we released
Hi Przemek, all,
it probably is not that important, but this might be an explanation:
In the xbase++ forums, you can often see people writing about "harbour",
but what they mean is the commercial release of xHarbour. And the latter
IS a competitor to xbase++...
And I do not know how much the con