Re: [Harbour] hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-19 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Pritpal, in "The Origin" this sentence: "Francesco: suggested to integrate "Eclipse" which he thought, and others supported, is a great tool, but also expressed that he has no knowledge, so far, how it can be integrated with Harbour." AFAIR has to be attributed to Lorenzo. I never used Ecl

Re: [Harbour] Close to our Polish colleagues

2010-04-10 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
I have seen now news from online newspapers after read messages in the list. I'm deeply sorry too. Best wishes to Polish friends. Best regards, Francesco Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: I am deeply sorry to hear the news. I am close to our Polish colleagues and I hope the best for their beautiful

Re: [Harbour] Happy Easter

2010-04-04 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Happy Easter to all also from me! Best Regards, Francesco Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Same from me to everyone. [ plus this year, it's also my 'special day' ] Brgds, Viktor On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Fernando Athayde>> wrote: Happey Easter to

[Harbour] Happy New Year

2009-12-31 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
After two months of difficulties due to serious problems of health of my mother, that now seems finally to be on the road of the recovery, I took again to read the mailing list and I saw the release of version 2.0. For this I want to thanks and give compliments to Viktor, to Przemek and to all o

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12785] trunk/harbour

2009-10-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 29/10/2009 15.17, ha scritto: 2009-10-29 15:17 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ + harbour/doc/xhb-diff.txt Excellent work, thank you for sharing it. :-) Best Regards, Francesco ___ H

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12784] trunk/harbour

2009-10-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 29/10/2009 12.01, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: ChangeLog -> CHANGES.txt COPYING -> COPYING.txt INSTALL -> INSTALL.txt TODO -> TODO.txt Why not keep ChangeLog and COPYING files for historical reasons and put inside the sentence "Please look at file" ? About names are ok for me a

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12784] trunk/harbour

2009-10-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 29/10/2009 12.01, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: ChangeLog -> CHANGES.txt COPYING -> COPYING.txt INSTALL -> INSTALL.txt TODO -> TODO.txt Why not keep ChangeLog and COPYING files for historical reasons and put inside the sentence "Please look at file" ? About names are ok for me

[Harbour] test, please ignore

2009-10-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12730] trunk/harbour

2009-10-20 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 19/10/2009 22.12, ha scritto: Revision: 12730 Author: druzus Date: 2009-10-19 20:12:36 + (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) Log Message: --- 2009-10-19 22:12 U

Re: [Harbour] datetime conversion functions request

2009-10-19 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 19/10/2009 21.23, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: [snip] So, sorry to jump in, but we have functions to convert time to any user supplied format, plus now we have function to strip date part from timestamp which seems to cover nicely all formatting needs. I don't agree to add new "help

Re: [Harbour] datetime conversion functions request

2009-10-19 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 19/10/2009 14.34, Przemysław Czerpak ha scritto: [snip] Pleas note that you requested about sth what depends on local preferences rather then universal functionality. You want to extract time from timestamp value as string in format "hh:mm:ss". I would preffer numeric value compa

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12727] trunk/harbour

2009-10-19 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 19/10/2009 14.54, ha scritto: Revision: 12727 Author: druzus Date: 2009-10-19 12:54:46 + (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) * harbour/src/rtl/dateshb.c + added H

Re: [Harbour] datetime conversion functions request

2009-10-19 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 19/10/2009 9.49, Przemysław Czerpak ha scritto: On Sun, 18 Oct 2009, Francesco Saverio Giudice wrote: Hi, could you kindly add these functions ? HB_TTOD( tTimeStamp ) -> dDate I'll add it though it's interesting to know why you need it. You can you tTimeSta

[Harbour] datetime conversion functions request

2009-10-18 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, could you kindly add these functions ? HB_TTOD( tTimeStamp ) -> dDate HB_TTOT( tTimeStamp ) -> cTime Now if I have a timestamp value I need to make: CTOD( HB_DTOC( tTimeStamp ) ) -> dDate or better: STOD( HB_TTOS( tTimeStamp ) ) -> dDate and HB_TTOC( tTimeStamp, "", "HH:MM:SS" ) -> c

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12694] trunk/harbour

2009-10-12 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 13/10/2009 0.32, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Thank you very much. You are welcome. Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12692] trunk/harbour

2009-10-12 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 12/10/2009 23.01, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, wrote: Hi, 2009-10-12 22:28 UTC+0200 Francesco Saverio Giudice (info/at/ + Added new hb_IniString() funtion hb_IniString( cData, lKeyCaseSens

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12692] trunk/harbour

2009-10-12 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Sure Best regards, Francesco Il 12/10/2009 22.39, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Thank you Francesco. Could you add the new function to Brgds, Viktor ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] freeimage harbour conflicts with hwgui

2009-10-03 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Fernando, Il 03/10/2009 20.51, Fernando Athayde ha scritto: i'm testing freeimage in gui mode and I've a problem with funciona fi_ (cause GPF) in hwgui don't have the same parameters, and don't have all functions is there any way, to pass this problem? could you kindly post some details an

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12626] trunk/harbour

2009-09-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 29/09/2009 15.59, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, It seems it can't find cl.exe. Is it in the PATH? I'd suggest to let it autodetect, instead of forcing HB_COMPILER value manually. You, as usual, are right! I forgot to start my setvc.bat that adds MSVC path. Sorry fo

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12626] trunk/harbour

2009-09-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 29/09/2009 12.44, ha scritto: Revision: 12626 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-09-29 10:44:14 + (Tue, 29 Sep 2009) with last SVN and building on Window

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12603] trunk/harbour

2009-09-22 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 22/09/2009 22.09, ha scritto: Revision: 12603 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-09-22 20:09:15 + (Tue, 22 Sep 2009) Thank you. Best Regards, Francesco __

[Harbour] Error building last SVN

2009-09-22 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, I get this error building last SVN with mingw (msys + mingw on Vista) 2009-09-22 18:51 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 ! Building Harbour 2.0.0beta3 from source - ! MAKE: make 3.81 /bin/sh clean install ! HB_USER_CFLAGS: -DHB_LEGACY_OFF -

Re: [Harbour] Error using OLE

2009-09-15 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Enrico, Il 15/09/2009 11.23, Enrico Maria Giordano ha scritto: The following sample FUNCTION MAIN() LOCAL oWord oWord = CREATEOBJECT( "Word.Application" ) oWord:Documents:Add() oWord:Visible = .T. RETURN NIL stops with Error TOleAuto/65535 : TOLEAUTO:NEW Called from TH

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12480] trunk/harbour

2009-09-12 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 12/09/2009 9.43, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi, This is the error: --- gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -I/usr/include -ofi_winfu.o -c ../../../fi_winfu.c gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -I/usr/include -ofi_wrp.o -c ../../../fi_wrp.c In file

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12480] trunk/harbour

2009-09-11 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 11/09/2009 21.49, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, Whole Harbour needs to be changed. There is a type collision between freeimage headers and Harbour's legacy types :( Maybe it's possible to fix it locally, you may give it a go. what error do you have with freeimage ?

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12480] trunk/harbour

2009-09-11 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, thank you. After this changelog SVN builds again. Tell me what I have to change (how translate current typedef) and I will do. Best regards, Francesco Il 11/09/2009 19.35, ha scritto: Revision: 12480

Re: [Harbour] building httpadv.prg in tip tests using ssl support

2009-09-05 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
is same problem finding ssleay32 that not has lib on front) and the result is that httpadv.prg is working (excellent work, thank you). There are some parts to update, could you check them ? Best Regards, Francesco Il 06/09/2009 0.37, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto: Hi Viktor, Il 05/09

Re: [Harbour] building httpadv.prg in tip tests using ssl support

2009-09-05 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 05/09/2009 1.46, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, These things are already in SVN since then. I'm trying but without success. Now I have downloaded last openssl and I'm rebuilding last SVN again, but I get some missing exported openssl functions. I will mail some inf

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12391] trunk/harbour

2009-09-02 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
on 02/09/2009 14.44 Alex Strickland wrote: wrote: AFAIR it was the last unintentional incompatibility with Clipper. A real milestone! Congratulations! +1 Thank you. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[12382] trunk/harbour

2009-08-31 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 01/09/2009 0.56, ha scritto: + added new library: HBNETIO. [snip] Have a fun with this new toy ;-) Wow! Another great piece of code! No words again apart a *big thank you*! Best Regards, Francesco __

Re: [Harbour] building httpadv.prg in tip tests using ssl support

2009-08-31 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 29/08/2009 1.30, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: In a recent ChangeLog I've linked an OpenSSL binary package for Windows, you can also find it from (they're finally offering such thing). Personally I used to build OpenSSL from source in static mode, so I don't have any expe

[Harbour] building httpadv.prg in tip tests using ssl support

2009-08-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, as in subject. I'm trying to build it but I got that ssl lib is not found. I'm using mingw but I see that there is no libssl.a, what I have to download to add it ? this is trace of hbmk2: J:\cvs\harbourSVN_trunk\contrib\hbtip\tests>hbmk2 httpadv.prg hbmkssl.hbm -trace hbmk2: Pro

[Harbour] Error in HB_INETSERVER() parameters

2009-08-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, there is an error in parameters handling, because inet.txt doc says that: hb_InetServer( port [, cBindAddr [, nListenLimit]] ) --> SOCKET but internally function will check only 2 params and 2nd parameter as socket that it could reuse. so I have changed line 994 in source\rtl\hbinet.c f

Re: [Harbour] Error building demowvg.prg

2009-08-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 28/08/2009 13.39, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi, It's lib ordering problem, regression after deleting lib grouping from link commands all over Harbour. I'll try to do a fix, or maybe I'll just readd grouping if I can't solve it. Brgds, Viktor I confirm it works after your Revi

Re: [Harbour] Error building demowvg.prg

2009-08-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
28/08/2009 12.47, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto: Hi All, I have an error building demowvg. environment is mingw / windows vista current SVN with clean rebuild built with hbmk2 demowvg.prg -trace > a.log 2>&1 The a.log contains: hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk

[Harbour] Error building demowvg.prg

2009-08-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi All, I have an error building demowvg. environment is mingw / windows vista current SVN with clean rebuild built with hbmk2 demowvg.prg -trace > a.log 2>&1 The a.log contains: hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm hbmk2: Processing configuration: j:\cvs\harbour_mingw\bin\hbmk.cfg

[Harbour] offline notice

2009-08-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
I will be offline (reading list when possible) until 25th of August. Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-31 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, Il 31/07/2009 3.16, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Such version also catch QUIT event's and it's safe for recursive calls. perfect thank you, I will update it Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list http://

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
on 31/07/2009 2.14 Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote: One fix to the code I've sent. I forgot to add header terminator striped by hb_InetRecvEndBlock(). Please change: /* receive query */ #ifdef USE_HB_INET cRequest := hb_InetRecvEndBlock( hSocket, CR_LF + CR_LF, @nLen ) #else to:

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, on 31/07/2009 1.41 Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote: In above code you do not check for additional CONTENT-LENGTH data. [I have already seen your following message) The non inet code was the original I didn't use and I forgot to change. But I will check better your code and I will change httpsrv.

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, on 30/07/2009 20.29 Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote: BTW why did you use different stop condtions in current readRequest() code instead of exact replication of above socket_*() code, i.e: cRequest := "" nLen := 1 cBuf := Space( 4096 ) DO WHILE AT( CR_LF + CR_LF,

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, Il 30/07/2009 16.54, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Above suggests for me that for some reasons you may not use cleanly compiled Harbour code. it's very strange because I did everytime a clean rebuild and I did also this morning before I wrote the mail. Now I did a new one and the result

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 30/07/2009 14.32, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Francesco please make quick test with Harbour code after: 2009-07-29 05:19 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ or better simply take today CVS. I did this morning before writing email and the behavior is that I

Re: [Harbour] New write access

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 30/07/2009 14.18, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi All, I'd like to add Jose Luis Capel to our developer team. Welcome Jose! Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11937] trunk/harbour

2009-07-30 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 30/07/2009 12.01, ha scritto: * examples/httpsrv/uhttpd.prg * examples/httpsrv/uhttpd.hbp * examples/httpsrv/readme.txt % Given less focus on the socket selection issue. Now the only difference is .prg level API and local API is fully

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 28/07/2009 22.09, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: The above is not true. This functions is implemented in the worst possible way for performance. It calls recv() to extract single byte. It means that the cost of switching between user and kernel space is horrible huge and can kill

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, Il 28/07/2009 18.27, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Thanks, please try after: 2009-07-28 18:21 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ The error is still there, but I need to make a deep check. Now I downloading your last update to check again. It should work as before a

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 28/07/2009 17.21, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: Looking at old hb_InetRecvLine() I see that it can return 0, NIL, "" or character buffer and current code makes the same. Of course I can (and I think I should) change it to always return "" or errors but it's the question why the problem was

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 28/07/2009 10.49, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: We should make also real application tests. It's possible that I made some typos which should be located and fixed so I'm very interested in information about existing applications using HB_INET*() functions or HBTIP library. te

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11892] trunk/harbour

2009-07-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 27/07/2009 23.43, ha scritto: Revision: 11892 + harbour/source/rtl/hbsocket.c Thank you very much for this code, I will try it in real application ASAP. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list H

Re: [xHarbour-developers] [Harbour] Remote rdd

2009-07-28 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice .. are you sure? 2009/7/27 Francesco Saverio Giudice : Massimo, when you paste from other threads please be carefully and complete. As I can saw in that message the original sender was Tony Bretado (Tony Bretado ) to whom Ron replies

Re: [xHarbour-developers] [Harbour] Remote rdd

2009-07-27 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Massimo, when you paste from other threads please be carefully and complete. As I can saw in that message the original sender was Tony Bretado (Tony Bretado ) to whom Ron replies. So I don't think that Przemek was out, but Tony Bretado. Il 27/07/2009 17.23, Massimo Belgrano ha scritto: Przem

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11889] trunk/harbour

2009-07-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 24/07/2009 9.42, ha scritto: Revision: 11889 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-07-24 07:42:15 + (Fri, 24 Jul 2009) Log Message: --- 2009-07-24 09:40

Re: [Harbour] Przemek as Project Admin

2009-07-22 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 23/07/2009 0.07, Teo Fonrouge ha scritto: Hello Phil, I just want to thank you for your invaluable contribution, be it on your invested time or resources, to this project. Personally I believe that your thrust has made this project what is: the true heir of the old Clipper. Also I wan

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11815] trunk/harbour

2009-07-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Viktor, Il 16/07/2009 15.47, ha scritto: Revision: 11815 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-07-16 13:47:17 + (Thu, 16 Jul 2009) Log Message: --- 2009-07-16 15:45 U

Re: [Harbour] hbvm to enable HB_TASK_THREAD

2009-07-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, ok I read (thank you for reposting in explicit way to Przemek), so I will do some tests and propose a solution. Best Regards, Francesco Il 16/07/2009 14.34, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Okay thank you, I understand now. For ST mode background tasks we should then resort to the HB_I

Re: [Harbour] Background tasks (Francesco)

2009-07-14 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 14/07/2009 23.21, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, There was no change in build or hbmk2 which should cause such problem. BTW, I'm getting the same, also with beta1 (r11287) regardless of compiler. I'm not sure how was this working before, I too remember it that hb_thre

Re: [Harbour] Background tasks (Francesco)

2009-07-14 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
t> --- instead if I build using: hbmk2 mttest04 -mt test works correctly Best Regards, Francesco Il 14/07/2009 21.55, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Thank you Francesco. Brgds, Viktor On 2009.07.14., at 8:44, Francesco Saverio Giudice wrote: Hi Viktor, Il 14/07/2009 18.57, Vi

Re: [Harbour] Background tasks (Francesco)

2009-07-14 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 14/07/2009 18.57, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, Do you have your MT version of background processes to be contributed? Now Harbour has MT support even in DOS, we could simply use the MT versions on all platforms, without the need of any hooks and extra VM stuff. I h

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11614] trunk/harbour

2009-07-03 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 03/07/2009 8.29, ha scritto: Revision: 11614 Have a fun with new toy ;-) Great! Thank you very much Best regards Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Re: uhttpd v0.2

2009-06-15 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 15/06/2009 18.00, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Well, maybe simply uhttpd1 and uhttpd2? Opininons? Maybe HttpSrv ? I think it's a very valuable addition, so in no case would I want to remove it. Thank you. Best regards, Francesco ___

Re: [Harbour] Re: uhttpd v0.2

2009-06-15 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, All we need to find is a name, because we already have uhttpd, we can rename existing one, or rename your new one, but which and to what name? as Mindaugas proposed uhttpd name, surely he must mantain the name. So it will be enough rename existing with another name (I don't have o

Re: [Harbour] Harbour forum tryout

2009-06-12 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Vailton, Il 12/06/2009 19.56, Vailton Renato ha scritto: Here at home the works correctly. Adjust some details in the forum and I want to comment on the sections created because even if we change the URI can build a structure similar to that found today.

Re: [Harbour] Re: Harbour forum tryout

2009-06-11 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 11/06/2009 17.20, Alexander S.Kresin ha scritto: Opinions from others? We need something more than silence :) I vote for this Sourecforge based phpBB forum. PhpBB is, IMO, a very good engine, convenient to use. We shouldn't occupy the comp.lang.clipper, it is intended for other issues and

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11191] trunk/harbour

2009-06-02 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
esco Saverio Giudice) ; TODO: Adapt to Harbour: MT mode, Set() replacement, attach it to VM possibly without modifying the VM itself. I have a background tasks version that works in ST (using my original work, that is what you have ported also if I didn't already

Re: [Harbour] A single question about hbmk2 X uhttpd

2009-05-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Vailton, Il 29/05/2009 19.45, Vailton Renato ha scritto: PS: remember to update crew list in harbour site with my name, please. I ask one thousand apologies, I passed unnoticed this detail. It's done now... please just confirm the text of your comments. Sorry for the delay . No problem,

Re: [Harbour] A single question about hbmk2 X uhttpd

2009-05-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, just seen your SVN update, thank you. Best regards, Francesco Il 29/05/2009 19.08, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Francesco, it was an hbmk2 problem, it's okay now, don't spend time on this. Brgds, Viktor ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@ha

Re: [Harbour] A single question about hbmk2 X uhttpd

2009-05-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Vailton, Il 29/05/2009 3.36, Vailton Renato ha scritto: I'm trying to compile uhttp modules with hbmk2 and i got this errors: I will check ASAP. Best regards, Francesco PS: remember to update crew list in harbour site with my name, please. ___ H

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11144] trunk/harbour

2009-05-29 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 27/05/2009 2.07, ha scritto: Revision: 11144 Author: vszakats Date: 2009-05-27 00:07:09 + (Wed, 27 May 2009) Log Message: --- * source/rdd/u

Re: [Harbour] Error

2009-05-25 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Enrico, it should be fixed adding at line #8676 macro HB_STACK_TLS_PRELOAD so: BOOL hb_xvmSwitchGet( PHB_ITEM * pSwitchPtr ) { HB_STACK_TLS_PRELOAD HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_xvmSwitchGet(%p)", pSwitchPtr)); * pSwitchPtr = hb_vmSwitchGet(); HB_XVM_RETURN } To me in this way it

Re: [Harbour] Errors with 11032

2009-05-18 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Mindaugas, Il 18/05/2009 23.13, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas ha scritto: Hi Francesco, in the past I've wrote some code to "include Internet Explorer window into my dialogs as a separate control". Using some sample on the internet I've implemented: IOleInPlaceFrame, IOleClientSite, IOleInPlaceS

Re: [Harbour] Errors with 11032

2009-05-18 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Mindaugas, Pritpal, I was just writing about and Mindaugas sent this mail, great! I was thinking about adding a separate handling for ActiveX code to leave isolate as Ole code we already have, so it will be enough (!) to add an upper layer where ActiveX can attach itself without needs of gt

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11065] trunk/harbour

2009-05-17 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 17/05/2009 17.27, ha scritto: 2009-05-17 17:35 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ * harbour/source/vm/classes.c ! fixed compilation in MT mode and HB_HASH_MSG_ITEMS macro Thank you Best Regards, Francesco ___

Re: [Harbour] Mailing list slowness

2009-05-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 16/05/2009 18.43, Phil Barnett ha scritto: Ok, I have the mailing list slowness fixed and the speed should be back to normal. Thank you. Best regards Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists.harbour-project.or

Re: [Harbour] hbmk2: any features still missing?

2009-05-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 12/05/2009 15.56, toni...@fwi ha scritto: Thank you very much for your herculean efforts. +1, +2 Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11013] trunk/harbour

2009-05-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, I have received this mail only today (Phil please help us). Il 11/05/2009 15.12, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: On Fri, 08 May 2009, Francesco Saverio Giudice wrote: Hi, thank you. Your diff is better than mine ;-) I haven't seen your patch but if you think it'

[Harbour] error building current SVN

2009-05-16 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, I got below error building SVN with mingw: make -C vmmt install _HB_BLD=yes make[3]: Entering directory `/j/cvs/harbourSVN_trunk/source/vm/vmmt' make[4]: Entering directory `/j/cvs/harbourSVN_trunk/source/vm/vmmt/win/mingw' gcc -I. -I../../../../../include -Wall -W -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[11013] trunk/harbour

2009-05-08 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, thank you. Your diff is better than mine ;-) Best Regards Francesco Il 08/05/2009 14.27, ha scritto: Revision: 11013 Author: druzus Date: 2009-05-08 12:27:40

Re: [Harbour] Error with DumpVar

2009-05-07 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, I have my version ho dumpvar for harbour, but I have modified internals to access objects. I will post a diff here ASAP to see if my changes can be added to svn. Best regards Francesco Il 07/05/2009 14.19, Szakáts Viktor ha scritto: Hi Rossine, I will fix one of these errors, but

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-05-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi. Il 06/05/2009 18.13, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas ha scritto: Fixed. Thank you. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Alternate line colors for tbrowse

2009-04-25 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Why not an hb_Tbrowse class that subclass original class adding extensions ? Best Regards, Francesco Il 25/04/2009 23.08, Szakáts Viktor ha scritto: We need to find a way to add non Clipper compatible extensions to classes in a clean way. So far my only idea here is to subclass and add extensio

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-04-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Mindaugas, Il 25/04/2009 1.21, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto: No problem, Now I will try new updates. Perfect! Now it seems to works well also with WITH OBJECT version. Just a small error: ? :Birthday := CToD( "23/05/2006" ) Returns NIL, instead it should returns ass

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-04-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, Il 25/04/2009 1.11, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas ha scritto: I have tested sample I sent previous time but I get: Error BASE/3012 Argument error: GETNAMESPACE Called from HB_OLEAUTO:GETNAMESPACE(0) Called from MAIN(37) Hi, I have the same error on my side. I've fixed it (it appeared after I'v

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-04-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi, Il 25/04/2009 0.07, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto: Hi Mindaugas, Il 25/04/2009 0.04, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas ha scritto: Hi, Francesco, ... Do we have any FOR EACH sample code for OLE? attached an example, also with datetime fields. Can you look if FOR EACH and TIMESTAMP

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-04-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Mindaugas, Il 25/04/2009 0.04, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas ha scritto: Hi, Francesco, ... Do we have any FOR EACH sample code for OLE? attached an example, also with datetime fields. Can you look if FOR EACH and TIMESTAMP support works for you? sure, I will check ASAP. Best Regards, Fr

Re: [Harbour] hb_ProcessIsRunning() request (to Przemek)

2009-04-24 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek and Mindaugas, Il 24/04/2009 13.34, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto: But I think that for final application you need sth different and the above request is result of some current behavior misunderstanding. thank you for explanation and for tests, but I was too fast in writing and I

Re: [Harbour] hb_ProcessIsRunning() request (to Przemek)

2009-04-23 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, Il 24/04/2009 0.15, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto: is it possible to add below function ? hb_ProcessIsRunning( hProc, nTimeoutMsecs ) -> lIsRunning I have tested code and, apart for two typos for returning values, it works. Correct code is: PROC Main() LOCAL h

[Harbour] hb_ProcessIsRunning() request (to Przemek)

2009-04-23 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Przemek, is it possible to add below function ? hb_ProcessIsRunning( hProc, nTimeoutMsecs ) -> lIsRunning to check if a process started with hb_ProcessOpen() is currently running so I can have: PROC Main() LOCAL hOut LOCAL hProc := hb_ProcessOpen( "test.exe",, @hOut, @hOut, .T. ) LO

[Harbour] tset

2009-04-18 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
please ignore Best Regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10828] trunk/harbour

2009-04-11 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Il 11/04/2009 15.15, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: BTW, what if we'd extend our current trace API with an option (controlled by envvar HB_TR_WINOUTDBG=yes|no|only) to push or also push message via OutputDebugString()? This function can be used then, instead of hb_tooutdebug(): HB_TRACESTRING()

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10828] trunk/harbour

2009-04-11 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 11/04/2009 9.21, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: [ Sorry for such heavy e-mail on a Saturday morning :o] :-) see other mail in reply to your next. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list http://lists

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10828] trunk/harbour

2009-04-10 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 10/04/2009 18.12, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: > hb_logSetFilename() (default hb_log.txt ?) > hb_logEnable() > hb_logEvent() > hb_logForceClose() > > This would add new lines to a text file on disk. > This is nice alternative but I do not need

Re: [Harbour] error in hbwin ole with msvc

2009-04-08 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Mindaugas, I've looked to hbwin OLE code. Each object uses ::pOleEnumerator to store enumerator. It is not very good solution, since we can have a few FOR EACH loops inside each other for the same object. I'll try to find a better way of implementation. Do we have any FOR EACH sample code f

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10798] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Massimo, I have tested it again and here it builds correctly. Do you did what I wrote before ? Best regards, Francesco Il 07/04/2009 0.38, Massimo Belgrano ha scritto: hbmk2 demoqt -gui -Lc:\devl\Qt\2009.01\qt\lib C:\Users\MBELGR~1\AppData\Local\Temp/cczFA35n.o:demoqt.c:(.data+0x258): undefine

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10798] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, * contrib/hbqt/generator/rebuild_hbqt.bat * Added errorlevel checking after hbmk2 call. ! Removed HB_COMPILER check. excellent solution. Thank you. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list htt

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10792] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Viktor, Il 06/04/2009 21.43, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: Hi Francesco, set HB_COMPILER=mingw (or what compiler I need) set path=j:\cvs\harbour_%HB_COMPILER%\bin;%PATH% and my ..\..\..\bin folder contains only SVN files. I thought to put ..\..\..\tools\hbmk2\%HB_ARCHITECTU

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10792] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
thought to put ..\..\..\tools\hbmk2\%HB_ARCHITECTURE%\%HB_COMPILER%\hbmk2 that surely exists, but we lost HB_ARCHITECTURE as needed var. Is there any other suggestion ? Otherwise I will revert that changes. Best Regards, Francesco Il 06/04/2009 18.30, Francesco Saverio Giudice ha scritto

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10791] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Massimo, please update with last SVN, rebuild all, then check if you need to remove ..\..\..\bin\ from line 8 of rebuild_hbqt.bat (see my other message). Here it works correctly with mingw, also test demoqt Best Regards, Francesco Il 06/04/2009 19.47, Massimo Belgrano ha scritto: Thanks bu

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[10792] trunk/harbour

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
* contrib/hbqt/generator/rebuild_hbqt.bat * Added hbmk2 dir. thanks Viktor. Best regards, Francesco ___ Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Error building hbqt

2009-04-06 Thread Francesco Saverio Giudice
Hi Pritpal, Viktor, rebuilding hbqt with mingw (from SVN root make_gnu) I get: make[2]: Entering directory `/j/cvs/harbourSVN_trunk/contrib/hbqt' make[3]: Entering directory `/j/cvs/harbourSVN_trunk/contrib/hbqt/win/mingw' ../../Makefile:54: Makefile_gen: No such file or directory make[3]: *** N

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