Hi Przemek and Mindaugas,
Il 24/04/2009 13.34, Przemyslaw Czerpak ha scritto:
But I think that for final application you need sth different and the
above request is result of some current behavior misunderstanding.
thank you for explanation and for tests, but I was too fast in writing
and I did few tests so I didn't saw that hOut PIPE is using blocking IO.
What I need is to run an application and kill it if it uses more time
than necessary or hangs.
I'm writing an application that has to run on some PCs in an unattended
way and it has to run some external applications to make some upgrades.
Because I don't know the state of these PCs there is the possibility
that some of those applications will not complete themselves or will use
too much time and I need to kill them.
In MT mode I think that I have found a correct solution as I implemented
in uhttpd (but if you have time please check me looking at CGIExec /
CGIKill functions), but some of those PCs have Win 9x installed and MT
is not supported (application built on Vista give error probably due to
some missing dependency in Win9x and I would like to have same
executable for all platforms) so I thought to try using ST mode.
But I miss blocking IO (I thought that was not blocking) and also wrote
some errors in code I posted.
Now I have done more extensive tests (I hope enough) and I have seen
that I cannot use FRead() version because if application doesn't write
something (in case it write anything or hangs) it will wait forever.
So the code should be (I have modified your sample):
proc main(x)
local hOut, hProc, cData, nLen
LOCAL nStart
if x == nil
? "starting process"
hProc := hb_ProcessOpen( hb_progname() + " X",,,, .T. )
if hProc != -1
? "process open"
nStart := hb_milliseconds()
while .t.
? "Checking application status: "
IF hb_ProcessIsRunning( hProc, 1000 )
?? " Process is running"
IF ( hb_milliseconds() - nStart ) > 10 * 1000
? "Killing process"
HB_ProcessClose( hProc )
?? " Process is NOT running"
? "process finished with exit code: "
?? HB_ProcessValue( hProc )
for nLen := 1 to 5
outstd( "line " + hb_ntos( nLen ) )
hb_idleSleep( 3 )
outstd( "EOF" )
errorlevel( 57 )
and in this case result is:
starting process
process open
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Checking application status: Process is running
Killing process
process finished with exit code: 0
where hb_ProcessIsRunning() I have changed to:
FUNCTION hb_ProcessIsRunning( hProc, nTimeout )
LOCAL lIsRunning := ( HB_ProcessValue( hProc, .f. ) == -1 )
IF HB_ISNUMERIC( nTimeout ) .AND. nTimeout > 0
hb_idleSleep( nTimeout / 1000 )
RETURN lIsRunning
I hope this mail could be useful to others.
Thank you for your time and I will appreciate if you will tell me if it
is correct or there are other ways to implement it in ST mode.
Best Regards,
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