Il 11/04/2009 15.15, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
BTW, what if we'd extend our current trace API with an
option (controlled by envvar HB_TR_WINOUTDBG=yes|no|only)
to push or also push message via OutputDebugString()?
This function can be used then, instead of hb_tooutdebug():
We could also add timestamp to trace messages. What other
features may be missing from HB_TRACESTRING() which
are present and important in HB_TOOUTDEBUG()?
What I need is a function that permits a syntax like sprintf (but
possibly on prg level adding possibility to have any type transformed to
a string) limited to a part of code, without to have to enable tracing
for every HB_TRACE() calls. And possibly to show result in a separate
window that I can have opened side-by-side with application I want to
trace. And, on Windows, if it uses dbgview (that I found a real useful
utility already ready to use) it will be good.
And this has to be present either on prg than on c level possibly with
same syntax.
Now if you want to call it hb_TraceString() or any other name for me it
is not important.
Last addition I found useful (that I have in my own implementation) is a
flag that when is active add stack trace on every function display (like
TraceLog() function in xharbour that has the limit to not handle
sprintf() syntax).
Actually if I write:
hb_ToOutDebug( "This is a number = %i, string = %s or any other type of
sprintf or prg = %s\n\r", 30, "a string", { "an", "array" } )
I get in dbgview:
# Time Debug Print
33 23.43.25 [5856] This is a number = 30, string = a string or any
other type of sprintf or prg = A
MyFunction(10) in test.prg
Main(2) in test.prg
Another interesting addition can be to add a flag that permits to have
defined where output have to be sent (like EXTERNAL WINDOW | FILE |
BOTH, where EXTERNAL WINDOW can be dbgview in windows or a text file
showed in a separate window) so I can have same tracing information sent
both on dbgview than in a file.
The needs is to add some debugging / tracing functions to handle
debugging of applications.
I don't know how you work, but I don't think that you debug your
application only with ? or printf() and if yes if them are enough.
Also internal debug it's not enough in some occasions (like MT
applications AFAIK).
Hope I'm clear.
Best regards,
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