> [2] Maybe introducing a replacement term, "rotated"--which is
> unused in the GNU pic manual except to define "aligned"--would
> be a good idea [...]
I don't think this is a good idea. "aligned" in pic means
the direction of the text is aligned with the direction of
the object:
At 2024-06-28T15:19:49-0400, Douglas McIlroy wrote:
> Oops, my last post ascribed Runoff to the 15th century, "sixty
> decades" ago.
That's okay--no one on TUHS saw it unless they're also subscribed to
I noticed, but parked my reply for a day to keep the list traffic volume
Hi Doug,
At 2024-06-27T13:38:09-0400, Douglas McIlroy wrote:
> Roff adopted the term "adjust" from Runoff, in the guise of.ad and
> .na,
To reassure you, I'm aware; I consulted this history for the roff(7)
page that shipped in groff 1.23.0, and was able to prepare a partial
chronology of request
Roff adopted the term "adjust" from Runoff, in the guise of.ad and .na,
which have persisted sixty decades, through nroff, troff, and groff.
"Justify" joined the roff family lexicon well before Branden's citations,
via pic's keywords ljust and rjust.
[retitling Subject: since this message is almost exclusively about
Hi Anton,
At 2024-06-25T19:44:51+0300, Anton Shepelev wrote:
> G. Branden Robinson, just quick commentincle on this:
> > So if "adjustment" is, as I claim, "the widening of the spaces
> > between words until glyphs