Le 2025-03-05 à 21:37, Sigfrid Lundberg a écrit :
So, now my questions have changed:
How do I make sure that a URL isn't hyphenated?
And how do I enforce a break using an escape sequence rather than .br?
You could use .nh to stop hyphenation and \p to break after the next word.
If you need t
Hello Duncan,
Le 2024-09-30 à 09:03, Duncan Losin via a écrit :
Hi folks,
I have written a patch to add support for drawing arbitrary polygons
in pic using the existing syntax for multi-segment lines. They can be
shaded and filled as expected of other closed objects. Examples
attached in polyg
Le 2024-09-06 à 11:38, Norwid Behrnd a écrit :
Hello Norwid,
I would like a different font for the display of snippets of source code in pdf
the default installation of groff in Linux Debian (version 1.23.0) renders with
Courier, and improve the one of mathematics. Unsure if this a qu
"G. Branden Robinson" a écrit :
> At 2024-05-22T09:28:46+0200, Thomas Dupond via wrote:
>> Damian McGuckin a écrit :
>> > Yes. We process a database to automatically generate the invoice
>> > details which is then run through 'groff -mm' to p
Hello Bento,
Damian McGuckin a écrit :
> Bento,
> On Tue, 21 May 2024, Bento Borges Schirmer wrote:
>> I think I will stop reproducing templates for conferences for now.
> Wise move. I just tweak my standard template every time.
>> different template, such as that of ACM!
> Mine is clos
"G. Branden Robinson" a écrit :
> Hi Jan,
> At 2024-04-24T07:53:51+0200, Jan Eden wrote:
>> On 2024-04-24 00:07, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
>> > At 2024-04-21T23:52:48-0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
>> > > For mm, what I would do is set up the mounting positions to replace
>> > > Times with He
Jan Eden a écrit :
> Unfortunately, I failed to describe my requirements properly – sorry
> again. My document contains multiple relatively small tables, and each
> table should appear on exactly one page (i.e. should not cross page
> boundaries).
> I attached sample documents and the respective
Le 2024-04-18 à 07:11, Jan Eden a écrit :
there is probably a really simple solution to this, but I cannot find it
in the docs. When selecting a default font in a mm document like this –
.nr N 1
.fam H
.AU "Author"
.MT 4
.H 1 "First Heading"
Some text.
– all text is set in
Le 2024-04-16 à 12:18, Jan Eden a écrit :
You could do something like this:
.LIST USER "\[bu]\h[0.3c]"
First item
Second item
That works, thank you (although it is a bit of a hack, and I expected a
more structured option to control the spacing)!
If this is to mu
Le 2024-04-16 à 09:49, Jan Eden a écrit :
You can see what a list should look like thanks to the document
"mon_premier_doc.pdf" provided with your groff install.
On my debian system it is present at
Thanks – this document display
Hello Jan,
Jan Eden a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am currently testing the mom and mm macro packages, and noticed that
> mom uses sensible defaults for almost anything out of the box.
> Bullet lists (or lists with other static enumerators like dashes),
> however, are set with very little space between
Le 2023-12-16 à 09:44, Mike a écrit :
>> A showcase as like at a trade show?
>> I think it would be better to have easy to understand single topic
> prove-of-concepts samples, a bin to throw in and a whatever-grep-
> function for searching.
> My original thought was:
> Is there a website whe
Le 2023-12-07 à 22:35, Mike a écrit :
I was thinking of a website or web page which demonstrates the extent
of groff's capabilities.
If there isn't anything like this, currently. Has this been considered?
I have only just learned of groff. The manual is awesome (though tough
reading for me in p
Le 2023-12-03 à 07:47, hbezemer--- via a écrit :
Dear all,I would like to create a macro along the lines of:.de CITE.[\\$2\\$1.]\\$3..Which would
result in:.CITE The problem that arises is that refer sees the definition of the macro asa
citation (of course).Is there an elegant way to get this
Le 2023-11-20 à 19:55, Oliver Corff a écrit :
Dear All,
in April 29, I asked whether there is a possibility to resume one-column
text after a two-column text on the same page. Your answers, uni sono,
said what the the manual says: returning to one-column mode will always
finish the pag
Dear Oliver,
Le 2023-05-30 à 09:17, Oliver Corff a écrit :
Dear Thomas,
thank you very much indeed.
Beyond your critical correction of using a genuine tab (0x09) character
instead of \t, it was \c which does the trick.
Furthermore, my setting of tab stops had been flawed.
Using .nf is also
Dear Oliver,
Oliver Corff wrote:
> Dear All,
> the attached attempt to create a multiplication table was inspired by
> https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Multiplication_tables
> but I fail to do the right thing with regard to typesetting the computed
> output.
> I followed the groff manual, s
Le 22/02/2023 à 10:06, Kusoneko a écrit :
.b \-mfr
permet de configurer les espaces entre les phrases
ainsi que les césures de manière appropriée
s'il on suppose que
.q foo.me
est rédigé en français.
I agree with your translation, but I'd replace "s'il on" with "si
Le 22/02/2023 à 09:58, G. Branden Robinson a écrit :
Hi Thomas,
At 2023-02-22T09:52:21+0100, Thomas Dupond wrote:
I would translate it like this:
.b \-mfr
permet de configurer les espaces entre les phrases
ainsi que les césures de manière appropriée
s'il on suppose que
"G. Branden Robinson" a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> I had forgotten about this, but there is a wart in doc/meintro_fr.me.in
> that would be nice to sand off before final release.
> +The
> +.b \-mfr
> +option
> +sets up appropriate inter-sentence spacing and hyphe
hbezemer--- via wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've created a macroset (see below) which enables me to use lilypond source
> files and build
> pdf images from them.
> When using '.LILY ' lilypond gets called and builds a
> pdf.
Thank you for this! If you're okay with it, I'll add it to the groff
G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The 1.23 section of the groff "NEWS" file is about 560 lines long.
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/tree/NEWS
> Some people won't read 500+ lines of text to decide if the new groff
> release interests them, so I'd like to hear your no
ething wrong.
> >
> > Although I could just remove inline equations from the dformat spec in
> > the document, I would like to understand what is wrong.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Riza
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 9:59 PM Thomas Dupond wrote:
> > >
Riza Dindir wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to get dformat to work. What I did was this.
> I first tried to include an example dformat script into my document. I
> got the first example from the troff.org site
> (https://troff.org/prog.html). The first example for the dformat
> process
Robert Marks wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have added two files (a source file sourcepr, and its processed PDF file
> sourcepr-3.pdf)
> in the directory https://www.agsm.edu.au/bobm/groff/
> This is a slideshow for a presentation; it uses eqn, grap, and tbl, with
> some unusual fonts for display.
Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 09:29:29PM -0500, Dave Kemper wrote:
> > On 8/10/22, Damian McGuckin wrote:
> > > Do we just send them as attachments and let some poor bunny collate them?
> > > I do not want to overburden somebody limke Branden. How do we make them
> > > available?
"hbeze...@kliksafe.nl" via wrote:
> Dear all,
> For a while I've been thinking of creating a github public repository
> with user macrosets for groff.
> Per macroset I could make a folder containing the macroset, a snippet
> / example and a README(.md) file with some background on the macro
Steve Ross via wrote:
> Groffers,
> Following is the content of a "mom"-formatted file that poses a question to
> you.
> --- begin ---This is Roman font.
> .br
> This is a sentence ending with a word in the italic font
> (by using in-line escape sequences)
> before ending with a Roman font \f
Hi Branden,
G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Hi, Thomas!
> I should mention that my email to the linux-man list bounced. The
> attachment made the message too big. I guess the list config served as
> the better angel of my nature: I hate marketing.
> At 2022-01-27T18:04:4
Hi Branden,
This is incredibly better for discoverability, thank you very much to
you and Deri James.
I noticed that the PDF you are showing includes all groff related man
pages. How did you generate this PDF?
T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> And troff comments appearing in html output as html comments is something I
> explicitly DON’T want happening. My comments are NOT intended to be part
> of the finished document in any form.
I second this feeling. I'm new to this but to me groff output is
supposed to be a
Ulrich Lauther wrote:
> > .de Pos
> > \R'foo (\\n[.d]-\\n[.v]*254+1)/72000'\\n[foo]mm/10
> > ..
> >
> > which allows you to enter
> >
> > position: \n[.d] units, \*[Pos].
> >
> Wow! Works nicely.
> But why is "R" escaped only once? \\R works too.
> And I had to add a line ".sp -1v" at
Marc Chantreux wrote:
> Now what ? is it worth to create a repo and maintain it? I really would
> like to hear about Heinz-Jürgen Oertel now.
Maybe you could create a merge request with
https://github.com/sathlan/dformat ?
It would be really cool to have all the changes in the same repository.
Hi Ingo,
Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I added a link to it to
> https://mandoc.bsd.lv/links.html
Thank you :) .
> I think on your start page, you ought to add a link to
> https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/ .
Of course! It seemed so obvious but I forgot it!
> Since John Gard
Hello everyone,
No one asked for it, no one will use it, but now the repository is
available on gopher as well at gopher://froude.eu/1/groff .
If you find any mistakes in this gopher hole, please tell me, my
formatting script is terrible so there should be some mistakes.
Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 8/25/21, Thomas Dupond wrote:
> > The Groff examples repository is now available on the web at
> > https://froude.eu/groff and on geminispace at gemini://froude.eu/groff
> Fantastic! Thanks so much for putting this together.
> I see that
Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> Hi,
> in the past for technical papers I often used dformat:
> https://noxz.tech/guides/groff/papers/dformat_--_a_program_for_typesetting_data_formats__142.pdf
This is excellent, I'm always impressed by what can be achieved with
groff and pic.
> extracted the so
Douglas McIlroy wrote:
> https://froude.eu/groff/examples/reflow.html is a very cleanly written and
> interesting demo. The following comments might perfect it even further.
> It would be helpful to remark that .YY is a dumping ground, never to be
> used.
> Point out that EB need not be defin
Oliver Corff wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> a very nice collection this is!
> One little typo in the overview, "Relowing the text [...]" should be
> "Reflowing [...]".
Fixed it and some other typos (should have run aspell sooner).
> Best wishes,
> Oliver.
, feel free to email me any macro you find
interesting, I will put it online as soon as I can :) .
Thomas Dupond
Hans Bezemer wrote:
> One of the advantages is that users can submit their own
> snippets.
Wim Stockman wrote:
> Maybe create some managed wikipage
> So the community can contribute to it.
As much as I enjoy the kind words around this project, I would like to
say that my trade is not related
Dave Kemper wrote:
> These would be great candidates for the groff-examples repository that
> I keep trying to trick someone into creating and maintaining
> (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2021-05/msg00059.html). So
> far no one has fallen for it.
I'm skimming through the archives to t
> Is there a way to get bulleted list items
> ( ".IP \(bu 2" in the ms macros) without using ms and
> without getting a "scrambled" document as result?
In the book Unix Text Processing, you can find an example of exactly
this by using the .ti and .in macros:
.in 4
.ti -4
1. Going through a demo
Hi Wim,
If I may, your project looks good ! I recently learned about the .ta request
and I think it could help better your project, especially to align the opening
hours in your table.
I hastily wrote the text below, and the rendering is quite good.
|---| represent a tab.
.ta 15m +5m +3m
I also pulled the last version down and everything compiled just fine. I
observed the same
"can't transparently output node at top level" messages but no unrecoverable
error from Ghostscript.
My Ghostscript version is 9.53.3 so maybe consider upgrading ? This looks like
an error between gs
and p
This bug is acknowledged in pdfmom(1) in section Bugs :
pdfmom sometimes issues warnings of the type
...: can't transparently output node at top level
but this is more of an annoyance than a bug, and may safely be
Regards, Thomas
‐‐‐ Original Mes
Peter Schaffter did make this shell script for font installation available on
his website :
Regards, Thomas
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le mercredi, octobre 14, 2020 8:16 PM, Johann Höchtl
a écrit :
> On 14.10.20 18:41, Peter Schafft
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