Hi Ingo,

Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> I added a link to it to
>   https://mandoc.bsd.lv/links.html

Thank you :) .

> I think on your start page, you ought to add a link to
>   https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/ .

Of course! It seemed so obvious but I forgot it!

> Since John Gardner will (rightly) insist that examples of mdoc(7)
> code are nothing more than mere examples of roff(7) code, i would
> consider a link to
>   https://mandoc.bsd.lv/mdoc/

Link added on the front page.

> useful as well; your call.
> If you want to add a full-blown example of how to use groff to
> set up a complete conference presentation, feel free to link to
>   https://www.openbsd.org/papers/eurobsdcon2018-mandoc.roff
>   https://www.openbsd.org/papers/eurobsdcon2018-mandoc.pdf

I'm impressed by the many things groff can do.  Nice work.  I linked to
it in https://froude.eu/groff/examples/conference.html

> Even if you consider mdoc(7) off-topic, you definitely want to link
> to these two pages:
>   https://mandoc.bsd.lv/mdoc/details/recursion.html
>   https://mandoc.bsd.lv/mdoc/details/redefine_self.mdoc
> You think that is insane?
> Well, i can't really disagree with you.  :-)
> Then again, if a programming language can be used to print Fibonacci
> numbers, that *is* useful, don't you think?
>  $ man -cl redefine_self.mdoc
> ()                                                                ()
> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584

This is insane.  It is absolutely needed on the examples repository.  Thank
you for this.


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