On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 8:59 AM G. Branden Robinson
> Just run "gxditview", left-click in the big yellow canvas area, and try
> to select _any_ menu item.
Hi Branden,
I tried this on a Fedora f33 w/XFCE (yes, I know it's old; I'm lazy) and
groff 1.22.4. I can start gxditroff with no tro
Hi Branden,
I've just built groff v1.23.0-rc3 on my old Fedora 33 box,
and there were no errors that I could see. I did a ‘make
check’, and all seemed well. Here’s the summary:
Testsuite summary for GNU roff 1.23.0.rc3
Hi Blake,
You can convert the .otf or .ttf fonts, using the methods that Branden and
Kurt have already mentioned. The .woff and .woff2 fonts can be safely ignored.
They are for web browser use. They're specially compressed (for transfer over
the 'net) and have some XML bits (for licensing, I thi
Peter will probably have a more elegant (and likely more correct)
solution, but this may work for you:
Replace the “\&.” with “\h'-\w' 'u'.”. This worked for me in the one
experiment that I tried.
There is no cloud. It’s just someone else’s computer.
On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 3:50 PM G. Branden Robinson
> Hi folks,
> Given this input:
> $ cat EXPERIMENTS/simple-equation.ms
> .LP
> .DS
> .EQ
> S = "{" x | x \[mo] Z, x > pi "}"
> .EN
> .DE
> The braces show up in italics in the output (using groff 1.22.4, "groff
> -e -ms"). Isn't t
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 2:38 PM Peter Schaffter wrote:
> Is there a correct pronunciation of groff? I've been
> checking out YouTube videos on groff. The uploaders
> all say "groff" (one syllable, like "gruff"). I say
> "g-roff" (to match t-roff and n-roff).
Count me as a happy member of the
On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 6:40 PM G. Branden Robinson
> Hi folks,
> I don't like the way the roman \[lq] is kerned with
> the bold \[rs] in the attached example, produced with
> "groff -Tpdf".
> Who do I complain to? Er, that is, where should
> I look for the source of the problem? Is
On Sun, 1 Dec 2019, wong kevin (kevinwong...@hotmail.com) wrote:
> Thanks Damian for the reply. I think it's not the 'psutils'
> package, actually 'pfbtops' is a part of 'Groff' package
> (refer to: https://www.mankier.com/1/pfbtops ). I have
> installed the 'Groff' package as described by
> http
For the Norwegian characters, you'll need to use constructions like "\[o/]"
and "\[ae]". Forgive me, I'm away from my computer right now, and I can't
remember how to specify the "a-with-ring" character. Read the man page for
groff_char(7); that has the whole list of special characters. Oh, and y
On Tue, Aug 6, 2019, 12:33 PM Jean Louis wrote
> How do I create U- fonts?
The URW++ fonts (i.e., U-*) should be installed when you build Groff. One
would hope that your Gnu/Linux distro vendor would include them, but that's
not guaranteed. Worse, URW++ changed the names of their files a while
On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 7:51 AM John Gardner wrote:
> BTW, stupid question: how did people in the 70s read
> lengthy files without a pager...? When I ran Unix 7 on
> SIMH, it lacked both less(1) *and* more(1).
If more (or the equivalent) wasn't available, being
adroit with the and keys was the
On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 10:44 AM Mikkel Meinike Nielsen
> Ok so I have teste now. I have got the fonts. It looks like this
> /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/groff/1.22.4/font
As a matter of style and safety, I would suggest putting any fonts
you add into .../groff/site-font/de
Hi all,
You may remember my earlier posting regarding troubles I was having with
installing fonts for Groff. For the most part, things have worked out well
enough. However, there is still one problem that's hanging on, and that's
the refusal of Groff to properly replace an input typewriter apost
> file extension for T1 fonts, and T1 itself doesn't say anything about how
> its encrypted portion (the lines after currentfile eexec…) is stored. If
> you open a T1, PFA or PFB file, you'll notice their headers are all
> PostScript source.
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2
> using the afmtodit binary (that should be) available in your $PATH?
>> *Then I created symbolic links to the apropriate old-style file names
>> and**ran
>> configure. Success! Huzzah!*
> Needless to say, you shouldn't have to be doin
Hi folks,
I just updated my computer to Fedora 29, and downloaded the latest version
of groff (1.22.4). When I ran configure, it couldn't find the URW++
fonts. Turned out I hadn't installed them. D'oh! Installed them, but
configure still couldn't find them. I added the --with-urw-fonts-dir
You might try using "\:", which is a zero-width break point, similar to
"\%", except that it doesn't have the hyphen. I have not tested this, but
you should be able to do something like "mrphl\|\:blrphl" and the two words
should be separated by a thinspace
that can break. At least, I think it sho
On Mon, 20 Nov 2017 11:39:58 +, in message
20171120113958.48c7c20...@orac.inputplus.co.uk, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Branden,
> > > What was provided is scheduled for replacement according to ESR.
> >
> > Do you have some more information in this?
> ESR mentioned it on this list, but th
On Sun, 15 Oct 2017 12:33:06 -0400, in message
20171015163304.4ydwyl5tl6lpg...@crack.deadbeast.net, G. Branden
Robinson wrote:
> Hrm, well, let me just try that again...
If anyone cares, it looks okay to me, with one exception:
+white space or is inserted between the last glyph resulting
On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 11:43:40 -0400, in message
201709271543.v8rfhebu128...@tahoe.cs.dartmouth.edu, Doug McIlroy wrote:
> The Fedora system I have access to lacks /usr/share/doc/groff, and
> in particular the wonderful tutorial /usr/share/doc/groff/pic.ps.
> Was that omitted from groff 1.22.3, or d
On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:54:12 -0600, in message
20170818165412.0c2a3330b4867c51e2f10...@xmission.com, Dominic Jones
> I had tried using the U-P font, but I set it at the command line via
> ''-f''. I presume the fact that the document had ''.FAMILY P'' in it
> then proceeded to override t
On Thu, 17 Aug 2017 05:57:18 -0600, in message
20170817055718.b8d3688fb175223088a8e...@xmission.com, Dominic Jones
> Good morning,
> I'm trying to insert an e with a macron (unicode u0113) in a document
> using pdfmom. I've tried several ways of representing the character
> in addition
On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 21:49:08 +0100, in message
10148543.2b2auin...@pip.chuzzlewit.co.uk, Deri James wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> It ought to work if you include:-
> -P-yU
> On the pdfmom command line. This should tell gropdf to use the U-
> foundry, so you don't have to alter the actual mom docume
On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 19:53:31 +0200, in message
20170723195331.e142bd644d56abfc8b87f...@gmx.de, E. Hoffmann wrote:
> The U- do the trick.
> Now I only have to figure out how mom sets the basic font.
> the .FAMILY macro doesn't accept seem to accept U-***, I have to
> insert the .FT U-TR &c. afte
On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 17:01:01 +0200, in message
20170723170101.589b486e@e.h, E. Hoffmann wrote:
>I keep getting the error messages:
> example.mom:12: warning: can't find special character `u004F_0306'
> example.mom:12: warning: can't find special character `u004F_0304'
> example.mom:12: warn
On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 14:46:05 -0400, in message
20160418144605.a5bbde8b82c39ab43e361...@schemamania.org, James K.
Lowden wrote:
> While I'm in the groff neighborhood, I'd like to ask for advice for a
> style of layout I don't see any direct support for.
> Readers of this list might have read T
On Fri, 6 Nov 2015 09:35:11 +1300, in message
20151106093511.29117daacdac1c54130fe...@retro-freedom.nz, Koz Ross
> I'm trying to compile a document full of Russian, which Emacs renders
> without issue. When I try to call 'pdfmom -K utf-8 sourcefile.mom >
> outputfile.pdf', I get a whole pil
On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 00:12:32 -0700, in message
dee5c46f-d4b7-4426-8068-571e2eb09...@me.com, Marisa Giancarla wrote:
> Right now i have the pages defined at the top of each with ".PGFORM
> 80 1000 0 1" but i would like to move this to the command line
> arguments so i can use the same content for 8
On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 20:29:28 +0100, in message
20150708192928.4dc4828...@orac.inputplus.co.uk, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> > > > http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/groff-mission-statement.pdf
> ...
> > When I check the link, the PDF is fine. It hasn't been touched
> > since it was uploa
On Mon, 15 Jun 2015 10:20:16 -0500, in message
Peng Yu wrote:
> > pdfman < $(man -w ls) | groff -Tpdf -mandoc -c > /tmp/ls.pdf
> I got this error. Do you know what is wrong?
> groff: can't find `DESC' file
> groff:fatal erro
On Wed, 4 Mar 2015 18:41:12 -0500, in message
20150304234112.GC654@vpn.5665sherbrooke.house, SGT. Garcia wrote:
> short of wrapping text in a text blocks i can't use any of the macros
> in man.tmoc; in particular .UR/.UE and .MT/ME. is this intended
> behaviour?
I'm afraid I don't understand what
On Tue, 3 Mar 2015 20:25:09 -0500, in message
20150304012509.GB654@vpn.5665sherbrooke.house, SGT. Garcia wrote:
> On Mar 03 10:28 -0800, Dale Snell wrote:
> >
> > If memory serves, Tadziu Hoffman also has a method,
> > different from Peter's. You'll have to searc
On Tue, 3 Mar 2015 10:43:18 -0500, in message
20150303154318.GA3116@vpn.5665sherbrooke.house, SGT. Garcia wrote:
> thanks for clarifying. my question however is aiming at something
> different. i think i should have asked: is it possible to use any font
> other than the ones that come with groff.
On Mon, 2 Mar 2015 19:32:18 -0500, in message
20150303003218.GD29172@vpn.5665sherbrooke.house, SGT. Garcia wrote:
> hello,
> i guess i'm looking for a glossary. for example, what's a request?
> how is it different from a macro?
> and why would one want to read the number register. i came across
On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 20:53:42 +, in message
Jones, Larry wrote:
> Dale Snell writes:
> >
> > Same here. Alas, "This report is itself an example of a ROFF
> > generated manuscript." Adding
On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 21:14:26 +0100, in message
20150210201426.fjx1phoo%sdao...@yandex.com, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> |Am Montag, 9. Februar 2015, 16:19:51 schrieb Peter Schaffter:
> |> Groffers --
> |>
> |> I don't see any mention of this in the list archives, an
On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:31:48 +0100
Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > > So the default groff behavior of adding additional space
> > > between sentences also does not follow today's typical US
> > > typography. You would have to specify ".ss 12 0" to achieve
> > > US convention.
> > It seems ease
On Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:16:38 +
Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> BTW, do any info experts know how to have info(1) format just that
> node? -n doesn't work to visit that node, it thinks it doesn't exist
> even though it's printing that as the node name. I guess it's looking
> somewhere else for -n.
On Tue, 4 Nov 2014 01:32:09 +0100
Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> Dale Snell wrote on Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 02:21:09PM -0800:
> > On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 21:23:32 + Keith Marshall wrote:
> >> On 03/11/14 20:16, Dale Snell wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 03 Nov 2014
On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 21:23:32 +
Keith Marshall wrote:
> On 03/11/14 20:16, Dale Snell wrote:
> > On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:36:04 +
> > Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> >> BTW, your mombog.mom had a blank line at the start and the comments
> >> were lines starting `\
On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:36:04 +
Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> BTW, your mombog.mom had a blank line at the start and the comments
> were lines starting `\#' rather than `.\#'. One or the other might
> have an affect on your attempt at A3 in mom, I don't know.
"\#" is a _groff_ comment, not mom's.
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:04:27 -0400
Doug McIlroy wrote:
> Groff is open source. A conscientious author will strive
> to make source--the whole source including documentation--as
> easily portable as possible. Documentation created in the back
> room and distributed only in PDF is the antithesis of
On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:02:11 +0530
Vaibhaw Pandey wrote:
> Was attempting a OS X (13.3.0 Darwin) install. Didn't complete.
> 0. bootstrap: successful
> 1. configure warned me of a bunch of programs missing: `pnmcut',
> `pnmcrop', `pnmtopng', `psselect', `pnmtops' and `gs'.
> Of these I install
On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:23:06 +0200
Bertrand Garrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> I have made some progress on the Automake migration. The targets that
> were not functionnal yet (namely make install, uninstall, check, dist,
> distcheck) are now completed.
> I've pushed a new branch (called 'automake')
On Mon, 4 Aug 2014 18:06:03 +0200
"Bernd Warken" wrote:
> The overstrike with `\o' and `\z' preduce on `-Tpdf', etc., a plus
> sign within the digit 0 for both escapes. But both escapes do not
> work on `-Tutf8' or `nroff':
> $ echo "A\o'0+'\z0+Z" | nroff
> A++Z
> which is wrong.
On Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:01:29 +0100
Deri James wrote:
> On Tue 01 Jul 2014 17:41:24 Dale Snell wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Jul 2014 19:20:57 -0500
> >
> > I'm running Fedora 19, and I have man pages for both gropdf and
> > pdfmom. The man command displays them both jus
On Tue, 1 Jul 2014 19:20:57 -0500
Dave Kemper wrote:
> I finally updated my system-wide groff installation from 1.21 to
> 1.22.2. I notice that two man pages new in 1.22.2, those for gropdf
> and pdfmom, were not installed in the upgrade.
> I don't know if this omission is due to a problem in
On Mon, 26 May 2014 16:43:30 +0200
"Bernd Warken" wrote:
> > Von: "Werner LEMBERG"
> >
> > Please be more specific. Using current git on my GNU/Linux box, the
> > call
> >
> > groff -Tutf8 -t -man groff_char.n | less
> >
> > displays just fine.
> You are right. I just forgot to in
On Sun, 27 Apr 2014 19:45:59 +
"Snatchko,Bryan Richard" wrote:
> ?What is the difference or how do you relate? Does TeXmacs use groff
> or have its own typeset or does it use TeX, or are you and TeXmacs
> two of the same things? Maybe I will need to send this question to
> TeXmacs.
TeXmacs i
On Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:51:04 +0200
Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > BTW, you need a .br on a line between your first .EQ and the
> > second .EN. Otherwise the two equations will be run together.
> Not necessarily. It depends on how your EQ/EN macros are defined.
> In the simplest case you can d
On Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:34:02 +0800
Caleb Foong wrote:
> Hi,
> I want my equations to be in multiple lines like this:
> z = x + y
> c = a + b
> But this doesn't work:
> .EQ
> z = x+y
> .br #.sp also doesn't work
> c = a+b
> .EQ
No, it doesn't. Groff is in fill mode, so it's all goi
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:20:18 -0700 (PDT)
Caleb wrote:
> I have just switch from using tex into using groff and I think
> groff is really cool! Anyway, I have this question: I want my
> equations to be numbered, so I type
> .EQ (1)
> z sup 2 = x sup 2 + y sup 2
> .EN
> It work well using -m
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