On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:04:27 -0400
Doug McIlroy <d...@cs.dartmouth.edu> wrote:

> Groff is open source. A conscientious author will strive
> to make source--the whole source including documentation--as
> easily portable as possible. Documentation created in the back
> room and distributed only in PDF is the antithesis of open.

I quite agree.  

> I hope "Linux Libertine" is a joke that I don't happen to
> understand.

Linux Libertine is the name of a free/open typeface.  Whether the name
was a deliberate joke or not I do not know.  Possibly someone forgot to
look up "libertine" in the dictionary?


"The attitude of 'Oh, you want it should work?  That costs extra!'
is the biggest security hole in computer software today."
    -- Anon., paraphrased (anybody know the real source?)

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