pt for immediately after a deposit to Paypal.
> Even so, it is much easier to track activity treating Paypal as a bank
> account.
> >
> > Finally, I don't understand the suggestions about not having a cash
> account and immediately depositing all cash to che
Many funny comments here about the sorry volunteer Treasurer's plight, who
is never going to get out of it. With Flywire's perhaps the most hilarious
to me ("Been there as Treasurer, club meeting when I was away, members
collected meeting fees then paid venue for meals out of money collected .
To Dann F et al. -- In my opinion, the informal College Fund you describe
is neither a liability nor a short-term asset, but rather is a long-term
asset, in my opinion. I am not an expert about how personal financial
accounting should be done, where that is different from business
accounting. Bu
I said:
> I am not an expert about how personal financial accounting
should be done, where that is different from business accounting...
Another said: "If you lack the "qualifications" to be a tax advisor, don't
say tings
like that"
My response: Well, I don't think i did wrong by su
Does GnuCash recognize unrealized gains/losses of investments such as
stocks, so that they would appear in an Income Statement for a given period
and in a Balance Sheet for a given date? And if so, how/where, and can one
control the presentation?
The online documentation of the Tutorial and Conce
Hi Marilyn. I like your usage of sub-accounts within equity at least to
indicate that some balance of emergency savings should be considered, when
looking at your Balance Sheet. Like to be able to say there is X amount of
equity available beyond that amount set aside for emergency savings. Or to
Yikes, i think Adrien should not write that up on the wiki! This has
gotten crazy. No one should have to go through complicated gyrations so
that equity subaccounts can awkwardly report amounts that are unusual and
aren't very meaningful. This gets impossible to follow, so I am not sure,
but I t
Okay i think i understand more, from Marilyn Kimple's case and now from
searching about "envelope method" in gnucash-user postings (which Adrien
Monteleone pointed me to, thanks!), where Adrien and David Cousens and
Micheal Novack have a number of postings, including in responses to Eric
Bowen. En
In the recent thread with Marilyn Graves, and also in previous threads, it
has been asserted that closing of accounts at the end of a period is not
needed. But it is needed!
It has accurately been pointed out that Gnucash or other modern accounting
software does not need users to go through manua
Both fixed date and relative date locking are needed, let me chime in to
say, with reasons that may not have been considered so far. Relative (same
as number of days?) should be a mild locking, like just a notice that can
be over-ruled ("The transaction is more than 60 days in the past, are you
Thanks Adrien! My replies interspersed. Mainly it seems I use term
"closing" differently than you do.
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 6:44 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:
> On 8/9/20 5:51 PM, doncram wrote:
> > In the recent thread with Marilyn Gra
ached to
the end-of-period position achieved by these entries and all other
review/modifications. This matters a lot, especially to anyone being paid
a bonus depending upon the earnings number reported. And it needs to be
covered in documentation/teaching of GnuCash to be understandable to mor
Yeah, this is a sore point which has been running for years, and indeed
should be written up nicely somehow. Basically it needs to be said that
accountant type persons need to understand that there is an anti-accounting
vibe in the GnuCash community, which is objectively an insulting, arrogant,
n incurred)
> I don't think cash vs. accrual has any bearing on this. I can follow
> accrual methods and still want to earmark assets but not want actual
> liabilities or expenses to be overstated, or assets to be understated at
> any point in time.
> Certainly, a
tual transactions;
> none have gained any traction over the years.
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 8:34 am doncram, wrote:
>> The idea of "envelope method" then is to mirror the model of budgeting and
hose bad programmers, but
> > when you unload on "the effective collection of them" you unload on
> > all of them.
> Jim, and others, I do not approve of posts like doncram's which
> preceded this.
> As the Moderator I have intervened and will check future p
n the
organization's data files. I do think it would be really cool, if GnuCash
could accommodate this. Am I correct that GnuCash development does not
cover multiple-device systems, that the GnuCash system would not itself
include the app. Anyhow, Christopher et al., now does this sound like
Job costing, as covered in accounting textbooks and as implemented in some
software versions including desktop Quickbooks Pro (but not in some other
versions of Quickbooks), is not available in GnuCash. Job costing allows a
construction business, say, to track expenses associated with each separat
In Quickbooks Desktop 2017 by the way, you absolutely can go back and
change a reconciled transaction's memo info and categorization and date and
so on, as long as you do not change the dollar amount.
If you do try to change a dollar amount, you get the following
(appropriate) message:
Just to say GnuCash could serve churches and other nonprofits much better
if Job Costing were supported. And relatedly, more churches and other
nonprofits could use GnuCash if Job Costing were supported. Thank you
Jacob Oomen for sharing the links to your extensive past work to help
accountants f
About invoicing making GnuCash show assets (accounts receivable) when the
dues are billed (or pledges receivable), I don't see why that would be much
of a problem. Couldn't that be addressed by your entering a journal entry
to zero out the asset balance and reverse the income recognized, whenever
Hi Frederick & others -- It has often been said in this email forum that
GnuCash doesn't support inventory, but I think that's basically wrong.
What I mean is that while GnuCash has no separate inventory module as are
available in some versions of Quickbooks, say, one can use GnuCash + a
Identification are not supported at all in Q, while I think they could be
done straightforwardly in a spreadsheet.
On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 3:35 PM David Carlson
> doncram, I think that you contradicted yourself when you said GnuCash
> supports inventory control then described how diff
Hi Ken Brown, I think that you need what you asked for, a good Chart of
Accounts example, which you will implement into a new GnuCash entity. How
about the following Chart of Accounts, designed by me just now for a single
person in the United States with some regular salary income plus some
Gal - Well-stated question, except you omit description of the problem in
language of accounting as taught to, learned by, and understood by
accountants of the classical type, i.e. CPA's, students and graduates of
business programs, accounting researchers and educators. Which is to
describe the fe
Gal and Adrien -- I'm curious, does "method 1", i.e. tagging, allow for
transactions having splits with varying tags? E.g., it is very common for
one entity i work with to have a purchase transaction at Home Depot with
items to be charged to different jobs, so the total expense needs to be
split o
To Chris Gifford, you mentioned including a chart, apparently titled "MS
Money Cash Flow Forecast", but that was not attached; could you please try
posting that again?
You want to "graph future cash flow based on scheduled transactions for any
date range" similarly to how MS Money does it.
Could yo
"GnuCash does have a Cash Flow report, but it is more general" *No,
GnuCash does not have anything like the normal Statement of Cash Flows*
expected by financial statements users. A statement of cash flows is
supposed to identify sources and uses of what would otherwise be "cash"
(liquid fund
In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work with
some of the information? Surely then there are communication / information
sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your single-access
semi-complicated GnuCash system.
I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit,
On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 8:36 PM doncram wrote:
> In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work
> with some of the information?
What you want is a Cash Flow Statement, which in effect "undoes" accruals.
This is basic in any accounting system, along with Balance Sheet statements
and Income statements. Any introductory accounting course at a community
college or university, or any introductory accounting text book will cover
st skip any lines that don't apply, like
if you have no Accounts Payable or any stock sales.
Hope this helps.
Donald Cram
On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 2:54 PM doncram wrote:
> What you want is a Cash Flow Statement, which in effect "undoes"
> accruals. This is basic in any ac
Long, Michael, David, Adrien --
I think the question was a good one, and that it has been answered, despite
Long's last post suggesting it was not answered. The brief version of
answer: if you want to use your accounting system to recognize your tax
liability at the same time you recognize incom
This is exactly where Job Costing would be of direct assistance. Job
costing is now partially implemented in GnuCash (at least you can define
jobs and you can attach them to any specific expenses). Please see a new
thread on Job Costing soon.
For either a for-profit or a non-profit 501c3, what y
Hi, I recently installed and am using GnuCash (Version: 3.10 / Build ID:
3.10+(2020-04-11), on Windows). I am happy to see some functionality for
Job Costing has been added in recent years. This is very important to
develop so that many more small businesses could possibly use GnuCash. But
what i
If there's no functional bug, then there's a different bug: what is
displayed should be changed to show "report processing...please allow a few
minutes" or something like that. Surely it should not take seven years to
change what a message states. --doncram
On Sat, Feb 10,
I try to do what Pete needs, but get stuck where I need to create a Tax
In my test company, I created an Income account for Consulting revenues and
a Liability account for Sales Tax Payable. If I received the $20 in cash I
would want to enter a transaction that would implement the followin
cash and also records $1.31 of Sales Tax on
Consulting revenues.
So what Pete wants can be done. Hopefully this helps. :)
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 3:26 PM, doncram wrote:
> I try to do what Pete needs, but get stuck where I need to create a Tax
> table.
> In my test company, I c
Just to confirm clearly to Pete. What i did, which was to "edit the
invoice to show 20.00 for Consulting revenue with Taxable set and with Tax
included set to NO, and set Tax table = Consulting Sales Tax", and then
post it, created net income of 18.69 (which I could see in the Income
Statement) a
Right, i must have misspoken. Set Tax included to Yes so that it
understands tax is included in the $20. Thanks for noting that. Pete
replied by separate email that he will try all this later, after a few days
busy with something else. --Doncram
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Adrien
The advice to Anita to close a year's books, with warning present in the
that doing so will destroy usability of reports henceforth, is quite
alarming! What is meant by "closing" in GnuCash-jargon seems different
than what is meant more usually in accounting.
In an entirely manual accounting, clo
hich are harder to change)? --cheers, Don
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Mike or Penny Novack <> wrote:
> On 5/24/2017 10:46 AM, doncram wrote:
>> ... What is meant by "closing" in GnuCash-jargon seems different
>> t
Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data, it's
possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new
transaction. If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it?
Under Tools / General Ledger, i can see and edit General Ledger entries
dated in 2017.
"Freeze" as a possible keyword.
Thanks so much for helping me along! I did try to look for info in the
documentation but wasn't successful, before asking. --Don
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi Don,
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 4:43 pm,
For the accounts of the company, I think an account name like
"Liability:Loan from Marc Johansson" would be fine. If you paid for an
expense and put some money into the company's checking account the entries
would be like:
Utilities expense 35.00
Loan from Marc
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