Thanks Derek Atkins on all my questions. To myself, about how: *With a given Income Statement or other report open, select Edit / Report Options, then General to change date range, then hit Apply, and the report updates. *If a General Ledger report shows "Edit report options", you can click on that directly, or select Edit / Report Options, and go to Accounts tab and select All accounts. *In the Tools / General Ledger, the date range is accessed by View (rather than Edit) / Filter By / Date.
I will have a think about whether using Reconcile is something you could do as part of your own approach to "close" a period, in a way that you could later track down accidental additions as Derek suggests. I notice the Filter By / Status tab allows you to choose to select ledger entries by any combination of "Unreconciled", "Reconciled", "Cleared", "Voided" and "Frozen" statuses. I don't know what "Frozen" means yet, or whether that can be used in your own approach to closing a period. Neither Help nor the Tutorial and Concept Guide within GnuCash shows any result when searching on "Frozen" or "Freeze" as a possible keyword. Thanks so much for helping me along! I did try to look for info in the documentation but wasn't successful, before asking. --Don On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Derek Atkins <> wrote: > Hi Don, > > On Fri, May 26, 2017 4:43 pm, doncram wrote: > > Because GnuCash doesn't provide password-locking on past years' data, > > it's > > possible you can accidentally give a past year's date to a new > > transaction. If that happened, how can you possibly find and fix it? > > This is where account reconciliation comes in VERY VERY handy! (see below) > > [snip] > > Trying to see the expense account changes, I run Reports / Income & > > Expense > > / Income Statement, but the report labelled "Income Statement For Period > > Covering 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017" doesn't show the 2015 expenses. (Q1: > > how can I see an Income Statement for all time, or for 2015-2017, or for > > 2015?) > > Report Options -> General -> select the starting/ending dates. > > > Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General > > Journal, I find that works, yay! I can see the 2015 entries. > > > > Trying to see the entries in Reports / Assets & Liabilities / General > > Ledger states "Transaction Report: / No accounts selected / > > This > > report requires accounts to be selected in the report options. / Edit > > report options". Clicking on "Edit report options" seems to allow me to > > change a start date range for a report named "Transaction Report", but > > that > > has no effect. Same if I change the report field to "General Ledger". > > (Q2: how can I get any General Ledger report that I can see?) > > You need to select appropriate accounts and dates. It sounds like you're > not doing that. > > > I would like to see the entries in a General Ledger editing window and > > correct their dates, but I see no way to open such an edit window showing > > them. (Q3: How can a 2015 General Ledger entry be changed?) > > By default the GL only shows the current month. You can change the > current view by: > > View -> Filter By... -> [Date] -> [Show All] > > > Note, I do > > see that I could compose reversing entries and enter them for the same > > 2015 > > dates, to undo the accidental entries, but it would be far more > > straightforward to just correct the General Ledger entries directly, like > > can be done for 2017 entries. > > > > Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Don > > If you know the Asset/Liability account, and if you reconcile it, you > could open up that account register, go to View -> Filter By... -> > [Status] and then uncheck Reconciled. This will hide all reconciled > splits from that account which SHOULD leave your errant transaction at the > top. > > Obviously this requires that you reconcile. If you don't reconcile then > this trick wont work and it'll be much much harder to find your error. > > > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. > > -derek > > -- > Derek Atkins 617-623-3745 > > Computer and Internet Security Consultant > > _______________________________________________ gnucash-user mailing list ----- Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.