Re: [GNC] Multiple accounts

2024-09-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
he geometry and filters of all the other tabs -- other than manually reverting to a saved .gcm file? If the answer is "No, that's the only way", it's not the end of the world. I'm just trying to increase my knowledge of GC's window management. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA

Re: [GNC] Multiple accounts

2024-09-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Thanks very much, Sherman! That answers my question. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2024-09-21 15:25, Sherman Yoder wrote: >Instead of closing the individual windows by clicking on the red X up >in the right corner, click on File>Quit, if you are usin

Re: [GNC] Multiple accounts

2024-09-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
lost all my subaccount expansions and geometry of columns. I recovered by closing GC and copying a recent backup of my .gcm file over the new one in %APPDATA%\GnuCash\books. But to echo Chris, did _I_ miss some way I could have just put my detached Accounts tab back into the original GC window? S

Re: [GNC] Inactive/Hidden accounts

2024-09-21 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
to the Accounts tab; then you can just tick the boxes without getting into the Edit dialog. (Also, you'll know at a glance whether a given account is hidden or placeholder, with no need to open the Edit dialog.) To add columns to Accounts, click the down arrow at the extreme right of the col

Re: [GNC] Entering my real estate and mortgage?

2024-09-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ase (credit) 300K Assets...Checking Account: decrease (credit) 150K (down payment) Assets...Checking Account: decrease (credit) 50K (reservation) If you're doing this in an account register, you may need to click the Split button at the top to open enough fields

Re: [GNC] Another "multi-account" logical issue - any advice on how to register this?

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ge arrives. Only things that still have value should be listed in Assets. You realized there was something wrong with treating it as an asset, when you recognized that nothing had been recorded in Expenses:Postage. Standard disclaimer: this is not professional accounting advice and I a not an acc

Re: [GNC] Cash Account

2024-10-01 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2024-10-01 09:44, Chris Miller via gnucash-user wrote: > * How do "Cash", "Bank" and "Asset" accounts different from each other? > They are all assets ... > * How do "Liability&quo

Re: [GNC] Another "multi-account" logical issue - any advice on how to register this?

2024-10-01 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
;m paraphrasing, but the > basic idea is that the IRS has better things to do than worry about income > related to survey discounts. I believe the concept is "de minimis", from the adage "De minimis non curat lex", the law does not care about trifles. S

Re: [GNC] GNU Cash and Windows 10 Bitlocker

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
d, but you cannot designate a different location for them. (Sorry, I can't answer your other question.) -- Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription pre

Re: [GNC] ANNOUNCE: GnuCash 5.9 Released

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
didn't ask: Is GnuCash development a 501(c)3 charity registered with the US Internal Revenue Service? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or

Re: [GNC] Another "multi-account" logical issue - any advice on how to register this?

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ments. He has also told us that he is a Swiss national, not a US one. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] ANNOUNCE: GnuCash 5.9 Released

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
I kind of thought that, John. Thanks for confirming. Maybe that should be added to the donation page? Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2024-09-30 13:03, John Ralls wrote: > Thanks for the donation. > > No, there is no GnuCash legal entity to register with the

Re: [GNC] Another "multi-account" logical issue - any advice on how to register this?

2024-09-30 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
books of a business. As I understand things, the FASB governs accounting for _companies_. If Mr X buys something for $100 and it costs him $100 plus $8.25 tax plus $10 shipping, should he value it at $100, $108.25, $110, or $118.25? A case could be made for any of those, depending on what the individu

Re: [GNC] Database storage

2024-09-19 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
7;s true. However, by default GC also autosaves the database periodically. You can change the autosave interval, or disable autosave entirely, in Edit » Preferences » General. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing

Re: [GNC] How to treat a sale which involves more accounts?

2024-09-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
eports to show total value of all instruments. Have you ever told us which country you live in? I assumed it was not the US, but Michael or Penny Novack's advice mentions the IRS, which is the US tax agency. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] Cash Account

2024-10-02 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Thanks for this, Ross. I asked a similar question in July, but your look into the code gave a much better answer than I got. It would be very nice if this information can be added to section 2.8.2 of the Tutorial and Concepts manual. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2024

Re: [GNC] Don't autocomplete

2024-11-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
n, then go back and remove the extra space and hit Enter. (That way the extra-space trick will still work next time.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription

Re: [GNC] "Split" Button not showing - Only "Show Splits"

2024-11-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
sounds like you regard this as a significant problem. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] 1099's

2024-11-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
s more than $600 of handyman work at my residence, and I'm not operating a business out of my house, I don't need to file a 1099. (That's how I read the above, after asking in the misc.taxes.moderated newsgroup.) Disclaimer: I am not a tax professional, and

Re: [GNC] 1099's

2024-11-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ote: I am not a tax professional. Persons who are not comfortable reading and interpreting the IRS website may want to consult one. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update you

Re: [GNC] Account Register not Populating

2024-11-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
If changing to Show All reveals data, make the same change in your other accounts. (N.B. When you change ther flter to Show All, you probably want to tick the "Save Filter" box at the bottom of the dialog.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA _

Re: [GNC] Tutorial and Concepts

2024-11-23 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
diting a liability account. Then when making a payment on the credit card or loan, which is the general case of number 3 above, there's debiting that liability and possibly the interest expense account, and crediting the checking account (an asset). Stan Brown Tehachapi, C

Re: [GNC] Windows 11 Reports Blank

2024-11-26 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
here. In either case, it doesn't matter that the path contains a hidden folder. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: htt

Re: [GNC] Account Register not Populating

2024-11-15 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
user files", as shown in the attachment. They're even clickable links, and I've just verified that they open the right folder. Which GC version do you have that doesn't show them? Hopefully it's an earlier version not a later one -- it would be a pity if that useful infor

Re: [GNC] gnucash & Dragon Naturally Speaking

2024-12-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
rs, and its predecessor the let users opt out of the forced updates to Windows 10 from earlier Windows. I won't argue about whether preventing Widows updates is a good thing. But for those like me who want the updates, if at all, on our own schedule and not Microsoft's, this utility gets the

Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions cannot be processed if first in list has not had variable completed.

2024-12-28 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
k into the date field, tap the + key twice, and tap Enter. It's true that GC's Scheduled Transactions editor can't embrace every possible scenario, but it can definitely do more than might be obvious at first glance. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA __

Re: [GNC] how do i find the valid page? Thank you

2025-01-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Thanks for that, John. Using your hint I found the guide and manuals, in multiple formats of ebooks, plus PDF and HTML (the "DIR" annotation). It might be a useful bookmark for everyone: Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2025-0

Re: [GNC] How to treat IRA distribution as income

2024-12-27 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
th of these: Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] How to treat IRA distribution as income

2024-12-27 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Security benefits. Some portion of them is not income, but is a return of FICA tax you paid while working. And some _different_ portion of the benefits may be taxable on your Form 1040. You won't know how much of your Social Security benefit is taxable till the end of the year, so how wou

Re: [GNC] How to treat IRA distribution as income

2024-12-27 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
l right to me because it > seems to violate the double-entry principle. I think you're being too hard on yourself. Except for the terminology, what you say above sounds to me a lot like Sherlock's method. Your dummy account means you don't have to do a "Find" in your asset a

Re: [GNC] Confusing language of money direction in headers of Scheduled Transaction Editor Template Transaction

2024-12-16 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
the bank's books. The account that is an asset to you (money you _own_ ) is a liability to the bank (money they _owe_ to you). When you are keeping your own books, you need to use debit and credit from your point of view, which is exactly opposite to your bank's point of view. -- Stan

Re: [GNC] Wash sale recording

2024-12-18 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
vestments in a fairly elaborate Excel workbook, and only record changes in GC as quarterly totals, so I haven't really thought about how to do the whole job in GC, as you're doing.) Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash

Re: [GNC] Wash sale recording

2024-12-17 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
0 shares of the sale are wash sale; the other 50 are an ordinary capital loss, either short- or long-term depending on how long you held them. (See "More or less stock bought than sold" near the end of page 56 of Pub 550.) From these two transactions I think you should end up

Re: [GNC] Move GC settings

2024-12-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
configuration of your mail program. In place of your name on outgoing messages, it is putting just a "." dot. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscri

Re: [GNC] Gnucash Wiki site not responding

2024-11-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
or Just Me?" in these situations. That way I know whether to report a problem to the site or my ISP. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user

Re: [GNC] Why is part of a split registered as "rebate" in the Transfer account?

2024-11-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
gether and then asking on this list about one transaction after another. Asking about every tree is not an efficient way to learn about the forest. GnuCash isn't hard to use, as software goes, but it's not very forgiving to folks who just dive in without understanding double-entry book

[GNC] Closing books (was Re: Modifying the Register)

2024-12-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
each of those? Or do you close the books manually, entering one transaction per income or expense account, as opposed to using the GC menu item Tools » Close Book? That would let you control the order of entries, unlike the GC menu "Close Book". Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://Br

[GNC] Closing books (was Re: Modifying the Register)

2024-12-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
h will disregard them and just add up all the others. It's a good reminder. I remember seeing that feature in 2.6.19, the first version of GC that I used, way back in 2017. So it's available to everyone, or nearly everyone, who reads this mailing list. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA https://B

[GNC] Closing books (was Re: Modifying the Register)

2024-12-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
g transactions into the new > year? May I make a suggestion? When you change to a new topic, it's nice to change the subject line to match. This will simplify things for people in the future who may be searching the archives. It also helps out people in the present who use filtering by sub

Re: [GNC] Simple report(s) wanted

2025-01-22 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
of only two clicks to run the report again. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Report Generation problem

2025-01-24 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
evitable result of simply deleting the Retained Earnings line. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA > On Jan 24, 2025, 11:25 PM, at 11:25 PM, Colin Penner > wrote: >> I want to switch from Quicken to Gnu-Cash. The only problem that I have >> is that Gnu-Cash Bal

Re: [GNC] Report Generation problem

2025-01-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
, etc. << > because you would have closed at the end of 1st quarter. I'm pretty sure you still can get YTD figures (or figures for any period you wish) in the Income Statement report, by setting the "Closing Entries pattern" on the Entries tab of the report options. Stan Bro

Re: [GNC] Adding Interest to Liability

2025-01-05 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
ine, then click Jump at the top. The appropriate account register will open, and you can verify that the right things happened in each of those accounts. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2025-01-04 11:44, Louise wrote: > I'm not an accountant, so be gentle with me!

Re: [GNC] how do i find the valid page? Thank you

2025-01-07 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
Even better, John. Thanks! Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2025-01-07 12:33, John Ralls wrote: > The place to bookmark is > <> that has nice links to the Guide > and Manual in all o

Re: [GNC] deleting empty items in a split

2025-02-25 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
correct, the entered splits with account names are now balanced, so not only the Imbalance split but the new split with no account should now disappear. 4. Press Enter to commit the corrected transaction. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2025-02-25 12:21, John Hopkins wrote: > I

Re: [GNC] Searching mailing lists

2025-03-01 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
this list, or read it, have been counseled to use email instead. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.gnucash

Re: [GNC] Asset accounts in wrong order on Balance Sheet

2025-03-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
entering a transaction; the Account Code (if I type it) automatically changes to the associated account name. (It would have been a good idea to tell us which version of GC and which operating system you're using.) (*) You wouldn't have different non-printing characters at the start of y

Re: [GNC] Asset accounts in wrong order on Balance Sheet

2025-03-09 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
er and Hidden in place, which is quite useful when marking accounts that were active last year but are now obsolete. I wouldn't be surprised if any other field can be edited in place, but I haven't tried any but those three. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA On 2025-0

Re: [GNC] Asset accounts in wrong order on Balance Sheet

2025-03-11 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
. Ah, now I see. Yes, that was definitely a "thinko". Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.

Re: [GNC] TXF Categories

2025-03-14 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
hdraw the money, gains of whatever type are either taxable at the same rates as ordinary income or not taxable at all, depending on complex rules. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To up

Re: [GNC] Gnucash 206.21 crashing when accessing reports

2025-03-23 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 4.14)
On 2025-03-23 15:54, David Cousens wrote: > 4) Upgrade to 4.4, open your file and perform a check & repair on the I believe that's a typo for 4.14. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list

[GNC] Upgrade to 4.14 (was: Upgrade to 3.11: question)

2023-08-04 Thread Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21/3.11/4.14)
osing GC and then reopening it. That is, of course, if it hasn't already been fixed in some other way. Stan Brown Tehachapi, CA, USA ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences

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