On 13/05/2021 14:45, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user wrote:
I run GNUCash on Ubuntu LTS Linux, and when I select a transfer choice, the
background under the choice goes transparent, showing the transaction screen
below, see attached; not at all helpful!
I also see that on Arch Linux KDE Pl
I recall the discussions that took place on the mailing list years ago
when fixing up the Advanced Portfolio Report.
The 'Money In' column reflects only the actual cash You have used to
purchase the security. Dividend and interest income is included in the
'Income' column only and not in the '
On Tuesday, 28 July 2020 16:45:01 BST Chris Graves wrote:
> I just tested the file on Windows 10 with GC 4.1 and it works fine. It's
> located as follows:
> %APPDATA%\gnucash\gtk-3.0.css
Hi Chris,
Have you been able to set the scheduled transaction editor calendar primary,
secondary and mark
> Hi Chris,
> Have you been able to set the scheduled transaction editor calendar primary,
> secondary and marker colours with
>#gnc-id-dense-calendar .primary
>#gnc-id-dense-calendar .secondary
>#gnc-id-dense-calendar .markers
> I can't get these to work. The primary/sec
I enabled this new option in 4.1 and now I can't find it to turn it back off.
The bug report doesn't say where it's located.
Could someone give me a hint on where to find it please.
gnucash-user mailing list
On Friday, 31 July 2020 01:20:22 BST David H wrote:
> Reading the bug report I'm not sure that there is an option, I can't find
> one either in any of my preferences. You thought you'd explicitly enabled
> it somehow ? To be honest I preferred the previous behaviour where the new
> tab got added
On 19/08/2020 16:29, boldstripe wrote:
I would use this as my default (and may experiment further with it) but for
one thing (so far): the text colors when an entry is highlighted make the
entries difficult to read because of low contrast.
You could try playing with these css settings. Just
On 26/08/2020 14:07, boldstripe wrote:
The one color I have problems with is the text labeling an empty field's
contents: typically, the labels Num, Action and Notes. The default I see now
with Arc-Dark is light grey text on a light blue background, which is low
Those are set with
On Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 13:48 D. via gnucash-user,
> Thanks for pointing this bug out.
> It's too bad that the suggestion in the bug to discuss this change on the
> lists was not apparently taken up. The devs would then have at least heard
> from some other users about their use cases and p
On 23/08/2019 14:26, Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> heads up, folks
> morningtstar.co.uk (and possibly other European versions) have changed
> some stuff that mean some F::Q requests have stopped working.
> This isn't gnc's fault.
> If you use a quote source such as
> mstaruk
> expect it to
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 08:40:04 GMT Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> On 25/08/2019 00:06, Richard Ullger wrote:
> > On 23/08/2019 14:26, Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> >> heads up, folks
> >>
> >> morningtstar.co.uk (and possibly other European versions) ha
On Sunday, 24 November 2019 04:05:23 GMT Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> Which OS and perl version are you on? At the moment it is looking like
> gnc might need a more recent version of strawberry perl on Win but I
> can't quite work out why. If you (or anyone else) let me know your
> version stu
On 05/04/2020 06:14, Graham Menhennitt wrote:
>> Something very strange has happened to my GnuCash installation - I no
>> longer have any checkboxes. In dialogs where I'd expect to see them,
>> there is just blank space. In the reconcile window, when I hover my
>> mouse over a line, I can see a bla
On 21/02/2019 14:18, Adam Funk wrote:
> On 2019-02-13, Colin Law wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 13:02, Geert Janssens
>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> There have been additional keyboard fixes in gnucash 3.4 which I believe may
>>> fix your problem. So my suggestion: find a way to install gnucash 3.4.
Running the report today has displayed a price of
£24 + 4539353056850/4679745419433 for one of my holdings. The price
database has a price of £24.97 loaded from Finance Quote.
Edit/Preferences/General/Numbers/Force prices to display as decimals is
Gnucash 3.5 Build ID: git 3.5+(2019-03-
> The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:
> db965f39b6c5181810a064a1d1f5bb719722ac3b54dfce0cecf43ee7b38e593c
> gnucash-2.6.18.tar.bz2
> 4fa7b851b854f8b07e9fd5662374cea25658c207deaf4812884731892899ef20
> gnucash-2.6.18.tar.gz
> ba57a15d4b89dc7a6b447569e4214f96cc545c9dd3
I'm getting the following build error building on Arch. Can you help? I
had no problem building 2.6.17.
./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc \
--libexecdir=/usr/lib --disable-schemas-compile --disable-dbi \
>> I'm getting the following build error building on Arch. Can you help? I
>> had no problem building 2.6.17.
>> guile1.8
> ..
>> ../.libs/libgncmod-engine.so: undefined reference to `SCM_POINTER_P'
>> ../.libs/libgncmod-engine.so: undefined reference to `SCM_POINTER_VALUE'
> Shouldn't that b
On 06/11/17 22:43, Erik Colson wrote:
> New version 1.43 of Finance-Quote is available with the following changes:
All prices from AlphaVantage are being returned 100 times too big as
pence rather than pounds. For example, a price of £7.329 is being
returned as £732.90. This is making stock values
On 08/11/17 20:36, Erik Colson wrote:
> New version 1.45 of Finance-Quote is available with the following changes:
> * alphavantage
> * more suffix - currency pairs added
> * GBP and GBX divided by 100
Many thanks for your efforts. Stocks and bonds from the alphavant
There is an issue with prices for UK funds and investment trusts
downloaded on a Saturday and Sunday which are appearing 100 times too
small. When these prices are retrieved Monday to Friday they are
correct. Prices for stocks and bonds are not affected.
The issue is affecting the two quote source
On 22/11/17 08:21, Megagrumpy wrote:
> I probably missed this somewhere but is there anyway to get quotes on
> Alphavantage for funds?
> I am using the same fund id that I used on yahoo but get no quotes. This is
> the ISIN code followed by .L for the LSE.
> Also I successfully get all the company
On 09/12/17 17:09, Andrea Beddoni wrote:
> I have just switched to alphavantage on Gnucash 2.6.12 (Ubuntu 16.04)
> The quotes for ETFs are retrieved (i.e. IGLS) even if with a value 1/100 of
> the actual (i.e 1.32 instead of 132), however the quotes for mutual funds
> (i.e. GB00B4PQW151) are not re
On 09/12/17 18:23, Andrea Beddoni wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. Two questions:
> 1. How can I set mstaruk as a source in gnucash security editor? It
> works if I run gnc-fq-dump mstaruk but I don't have it as a possible
> source in gnucash
You can find it in the 'Single' dropdown list of the
On 09/12/17 19:38, Andrea Beddoni wrote:
> I had already tried to use the Morningstar GB option (I have also tested
> the other options listed, i.e. Trustnet) from the security editor but it
> hadn't worked. Not sure why and how to fix it.
I tested quote retrieval for your fund GB00B4PQW151. While
I Have built 3.1 on Arch Linux and upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.1.
When I started gnucash, I received no settings migration notices. The
last file used was opened with only the accounts tab displayed. None of
the account registers I had open in 2.6.21 have been opened in 3.1 and
none of my saved repo
Hi Geert,
> Can you
> - make sure gnucash isn't running
> - remove the .local/share/gnucash directory
> - start gnucash 3.1
> Do you get an upgrade notice now ?
No, gnucash starts up unmaximised, 2.6.21 would open maximised.
> Are the relevant files copied ?
No, the .local/share/gnucash fold
Hi Geert,
In case it matters with respect to where you call the upgrade notice
code from, I have built 3.1 with the following options.
Hi Geert,
> Thanks. The cmake options didn't matter. I have traced this back to a subtle
> typo when composing the old metadata path ($HOME/.gnucash) and pushed a fix
> to
> maint.
> If you're comfortable building from a git source tree you can clone our
> repository, checkout maint and bui
> This is not the case for GnuCash v3.1 on Linux Mint 18.3. You can readily
> check and uncheck the boxes. The only hassle I have had is that by default
> the credit and debit entries are not ordered by date but by reconcile status
> and when you check a box, it is automatically placed at t
I'm trying to rebuild gnucash 3.1-1, downloaded from Sourcefourge,
following the boost update in Arch, but fails with the error below.
I had 3.1 build with no problems previously. Trying to rebuild 3.1 fails
with the same error.
I've managed to temporarily build without the python integratio
On 09/06/18 17:00, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Fixed in source
> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/1f3cf845c4588e787f9b26ad06b05d7cd73326b7
Thanks Christopher.
Did I read there was a 3.2 being released soon?
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Hi Graham,
> Sorry to be a bore, but having cracked the stock quotes problem, I'm now
> having trouble with funds. I suspect the problem lies in the display
> box. Stocks are easy xyz.L or whatever, but how do I find out what funds
> should be?
> I tried putting the ISIN number in but that does
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule
> However I'm away a good chunk of that weekend so it may slip to the 25th.
> That said, you're building from source so there's no reason you can't use a
> git clone.
Thanks John.
Built successfully from latest git.
Ok, I'll check it out.
On Wed, 13 Jun 2018, 16:19 Graham Balin, wrote:
> On 10/06/2018 22:07, Richard Ullger wrote:
> > Assuming you're in the UK going by the .L you're using, Morningstar, GB
> > works for me using just the ISIN code.
> >
> > Regards,
Hi Graham,
On 13/06/18 16:19, Graham Balin wrote:
> Thanks Richard. Do you enter the account as a fund or a stock? I have
> tried both; I've tried online quotes -'single' morningstar gb and
> 'multiple - Funds UK etc' but neither seem to do the trick. Keeps coming
> up as 'unable to retrieve quote
On Fri, 6 Jul 2018, 03:50 Alun Champion, wrote:
> OS: MacOS
> Version: Gnucash 3.2
> After pasting (Cmd-V) data into a register the register will no longer
> receive normal keyboard input, just the annoying keyboard beep.
> Enter still works, as does tab but no data entry from the keyboard in
On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, 23:13 John Ralls, wrote:
> We've completed the migration of Bugzilla to https://bugs.gnucash.org and
> we're ready to resume normal bug ops there. The updates on
> bugzilla.gnome.org are still running (after 2 hours not quite halfway
> done), but that doesn't affect using htt
Hi Geert,
On 10/07/18 07:20, Geert Janssens wrote:
> This was an issue in gnucash 3.0 and fixed for gnucash 3.2.
> You can check with your distro to learn when this version will become
> available or build it yourself.
> Regards,
> Geert
As of Build ID: git 3.2-26-g38748f20f+ (2018
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, 08:57 Alex via gnucash-user,
> In the last week I've updated to "Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)". It has a
> different feel than before, I'm sure I'll get to love it!
> However, I'm having a small problem with the backspace key.
> I've been in the habit of duplicating
On 27/08/2018 04:34, Ethan Swint wrote:
> Hmm... not a lot of response from the user on this topic. I'll bubble it to
> the top this time and let it go from there.
> The main theme was that the AlphaVantage team is open to a lower-priced
> premium option that would give 120 quotes/minute for up
On 27/08/2018 15:23, Ott Kekishev wrote:
> Hello Richard,
> What version of GC are you using? I have been trying to get yahooJSON
> working in GC, but had no luck so far. I am using version 3.2. F::Q
> works for yahooJSON, but inside GC it does not fetch. Do you know what
> files are connected
On 11/09/2018 19:57, hal@tutanota.com wrote:
> Unfortunately no, this doesn't work.
> I also tried to create a dummy "buy" split for 0 shares + the fees. This
> works well for the brokerage fees when buying new shares. But buying 0 share
> simply doesn't work...
> 11. Sep 2018 19:55 by sunfis
I'm trying to rebuild gnucash from git because of a boost update in Arch
but am getting the following error. Can any devs help?
[ 58%] Building C object
cd /build/gnucash-git/src/gnucash-git/build/gnucash/gnome-
On 23/09/2018 01:27, John Ralls wrote:
> Looks like it also upgraded gcc and the latest gcc has a new warning. I
> suggest that you add -Wno-stringop-truncation to CMAKE_C_FLAGS.
Many thanks, successfully built.
gnucash-user mail
The following item appears under the fixes and improvements not
associated with bug reports...
'Set toolbar buttons to show both icon and text.
And make the icon small to recover some vertical screen estate. The
motivation for this is that Gtk has dropped the ability for users to
change a toolbar'
On 01/10/2018 13:37, Geert Janssens wrote:
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GTK3#Labels_of_Toolbar_Buttons
> Tooltips have not been removed as far as I know and they still work on my
> system.
> Geert
Thanks Geert, that looks much better.
With the text labels disabled, the tool-tips have re
On 20/10/2018 17:19, José Antonio Fernández Troncoso wrote:
> Hello,
> In my advanced porfolio report, capital losses linked to a stock account are
> added to the Income column as if they were dividends.
> Could anyone using this report provide some feedback as to whether this also
> happe
As of today I am unable to reconcile any register account.
Reconciliation was working yesterday.
When I click on the reconcile button the reconcile information window
opens with the statement date populated with 01/10/18 (1st October) and
the ending balance equal to the last balance in the registe
On 29/10/2018 02:59, John Ralls wrote:
> Sigh. No, and I thought that I’d fixed all of the timezone and DST issues.
> I’ll be interested to know if the problem goes away when you try again on
> Monday.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
Hi John,
Unfortunately I've had mixed results trying to rec
On 29/10/2018 14:06, Colin Law wrote:
> I am seeing similar problems in the UK running 3.3 on Ubuntu 18.10, from
> Ubuntu repo.
> The issue occurs if one tries to enter 28/10/18 in the statement date,
> which is why the '-' fails. Any other date is ok whether entered using
> t, +, -, the calendar
>What|Removed |Added
> Resolution|--- |FIXED
> --- Comment #21 from John Ralls ---
> Th
Could you not, having created the new account, delete the old account
containing the transactions and when prompted, select the new account to
move the transactions to?
On Thu, 18 May 2017, 15:26 Maf. King, wrote:
> On Thursday, 18 May 2017 15:07:48 BST Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Maf,
> >
> >
> >
That's strange, I don't have any issues getting crypto quotes using
yahoo json as the source.
On 17/06/2022 16:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
The error message reports "500" as the status code. That's an Internal
Server Error, so it isn't you. Unfortunately, "500" is a generic
I've been seeing that in 4.10 on Linux.
\ Original Message
On 1 Jul 2022, 01:00, < dull...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think since 4.11 (am using Windows 11 and a dark theme), I notice very odd
> random line spacing in Account list window (the default window
On 15/06/2023 20:23, Bruce Schuck wrote:
Non-production release 1.56_02 is available for evaluation/testing.
It can be installed via cpan/cpanm as
Anticipating that Ya
On 25/06/2023 02:30, Bruce Schuck wrote:
Make that 1.56_04. I forgot to merge one pull request.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the 1.56_04 update.
The price format for LSE securities using the yahooweb price source is
fixed but I'm getting a difference in precision on crypto between
On 27/06/2023 02:43, Bruce Schuck wrote:
On 6/26/23 22:42 +, Richard Ullger wrote:
Thanks for the 1.56_04 update.
The price format for LSE securities using the yahooweb price source
is fixed but I'm getting a difference in precision on crypto between
yahoo_json and yah
Hi Bruce,
When prices are updated after midnight, the yahooweb price source is
returning the current date instead of the price date. See below...
Wed 5 Jul 00:02:35 BST 2023
gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json STAN.L
symbol: STAN.L <=== required
date: 07/04/2023 <=
On 15/07/2023 03:28, Bruce Schuck wrote:
A beta pre-release for F::Q v1.58 has been uploaded to CPAN. It has the
quick fix I noted in the earlier "Yahoo Closed the Door on Finance API"
Hi Bruce,
I've already updated Friday's prices using your quick fix which worked
Hi Bruce,
Just confirming there were no issues updating prices after market close
Arch Linux
Gnucash 4.14
Finance::Quote 1.57\_02
\ Original Message
On 16 Jul 2023, 21:38, Bruce Schuck < bsch...@asgard-systems.com> wrote:
The issue is with webkitgtk 2.42 on Nvidia GPUs and not directly related to
flatpak. From the bug report
provides a temporary fix. This fixed repor
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 08:23:38 +0200
"Adam Griffis" wrote:
> Yes, I have the AlphaVantage api key set. But that's not the issue --
> I'm not pulling from AlphaVantage. I'm pulling from YahooJSON.
> If I understand correctly, the 1.60 update should include a fix to get
> YahooJSON working again,
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 11:58:37 -0400
"Kalpesh Patel" wrote:
> Richard,
> Is this happening on Windows 10 with Strawberry perl?
> There is one other user is having problem getting secure cookies on
> Windows 10 which is what this appears to be as well. It is related to
> some Perl's SSL packag
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 12:39:51 -0700
"Bruce Schuck" wrote:
> "AS=v=1&s=..." cookie.
> ### [Wed Apr 17 08:59:30 2024]cookie_jar : bless( {
> ### COOKIES => {
> ### 'login.yahoo.com' => {
> ### '/' => {
> ### AS => [
> ### 0,
> ###
> 'v=1
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 21:34:49 -0700
"Bruce Schuck" wrote:
> New version 1.61 of Finance-Quote is available with the following
> changes:
> * SIX.pm - Changed lookup for currency, added lookups for
> symbol and last. Issue #380
> * YahooJSON.pm - URLs to retrieve required cookies and
On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 06:03:22 -0500
"Fred Tydeman" wrote:
> I removed the get quote from stocks that have been sold, so now I
> only have 35 stocks.
> Last night, it took 2 hours and 45 minutes, or 165 minutes, to get
> prices. That works out to 4.7 minutes per stock.
> Anyone else seeing this lon
I'm running gnucash 4.14 on Arch Linux, Xfce with the Arc Dark theme and don't
see that issue.
Original Message
On 22/10/2024 01:47, John Ralls wrote:
> That’s been reported before: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798693
> . In that case it tur
On Mon, 03 Feb 2025 18:16:35 +
"Indiana via gnucash-user" wrote:
> Thank you David.
> I've spent about 8 hours sifting though posts and have yet to find
> anything that works. I think it is time to cut my losses and research
> how to convert GnuCash back to the previous version with the dark
On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:49:27 -0300
Gregório Miranda wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm customizing my GTK3 style sheets and have been relatively
> successful at making a dark everforest theme (see CSS in the
> attachments), but I just can't do much with the calendar shown inside
> the scheduled transactions
> https://flatpak.org/setup/Arch & https://flathub.org/setup/Arch - it
> looks like Flatpaks work with Arch Linux.
> ---
> Thanks,
> Brad - https://www.facebook.com/brad.morrison.12327/ &
> https://norcal.social/@BradMorrison
> On 2025-01-10 08:42,
I was entering a foreign currency transaction and in the edit currency
rate window I clicked on the fetch rate button.
Gnucash downloaded the rate for the currency pair but it also
downloaded rates for other currencies and all stocks.
Is this expected behaviour/known bug?
I'm running gnu
72 matches
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