Re: [GNC] Production of UK VAT reports

2018-08-10 Thread Christopher Lam
The simple answer is there is no 'VAT-done' flag. You'd either book the VAT-able transaction using posted-date, or not... If a transaction is booked in error and already processed/reported to authorities, then do another reversing transaction (IMHO; if the accountant agrees) at a later date.

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation Report

2018-08-11 Thread Christopher Lam
----- *From:* Christopher Lam *Sent:* Friday, August 10, 2018 12:19 PM *To:* *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Reconciliation Report The reconcile report 'date' selection applies to the 'reconcile date', so any reconciled transaction whose reconcile-date falls between

Re: [GNC] Help with Reports Please!

2018-08-12 Thread Christopher Lam
try Transaction Report * accounts / accounts - choose income+expense accts * display / subtotal-table - enabled * sorting / primary-key - account name * sorting / primary-subtotal - enabled * sorting / secondary-key - date * sorting / secondary subtotal - monthly if the subtotals are not s

Re: [GNC] Trial Balance report error

2018-08-14 Thread Christopher Lam Known bug, fixed for next release. This bug report has instructions for fixing in interim. On Tue, 14 Aug 2018, 19:52 James Thorpe wrote: > Dear List > > I just upgraded to the latest version on Windows (3.2) and now it seems > the Trial Balance r

Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-16 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Nancy, welcome to Gnucash user list! You can disable links but it's not obvious in the transaction report. You'll need to modify the style sheet used (edit menu) then reload the transaction report. On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 16:55 Nancy Tague wrote: > I’m a brand new GnuCash user trying to figure

Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-16 Thread Christopher Lam
a clickable option in another seems capricious. > > David T. > > > On Aug 16, 2018, at 3:07 AM, Christopher Lam > wrote: > > > > Hi Nancy, welcome to Gnucash user list! > > > > You can disable links but it's not obvious in the transaction report. > >

Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-16 Thread Christopher Lam
for you. > > David T. > > On Aug 16, 2018, at 8:31 PM, Christopher Lam > wrote: > > Um. It's historical. And nobody has requested removing links in amounts > loudly enough to warrant an incompatible change of options. If there is > demand, in which ta

Re: [GNC] Balsheet-eg.scm problem

2018-08-23 Thread Christopher Lam
I can confirm loading of eguile reports is different. Hence I could not trigger loading. Hence there's no test for them. Off they go, please! On Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 21:20 Derek Atkins wrote: > Hi, > > "Stephen M. Butler" writes: > > > I tripped over a few more typos that seemingly were unrelated

Re: [GNC] Veihicle mileage cost such in HomeBank?

2018-08-27 Thread Christopher Lam
My solution is to have an Expenses:Mileage account, with an unused/obsolete currency, and change its symbol to "km". I only record business mileage, i.e. description: "travel to client in next town", dated 01/05/2018 * Expenses:Business:Mileage +40km * Equity:Mileage -40km Thus my annual T

Re: [GNC] GC 3.2: Trial Balance Report

2018-09-03 Thread Christopher Lam
I'm afraid it's still and has already been fixed in the nightlies. On 04/09/18 00:55, John Ralls wrote: On Sep 3, 2018, at 9:35 AM, Alex via gnucash-user wrote: I'm getting an error whilst running the Trial Balance report Reports -> Income

Re: [GNC] Different Accounting Periods indifferent files

2018-09-21 Thread Christopher Lam
No, this is a system wide preference and tbh an issue that should be fixed in a future version of datafile. Then reports can choose to use system or book accounting periods. On Fri, 21 Sep 2018, 21:51 Mike stagl wrote: > I have several completely separate books I maintain, each having a > comple

Re: [GNC] Customer Summary not working

2018-09-26 Thread Christopher Lam
Please file a bug and upload the tracefile On 26/09/18 18:03, Bilal Arshad wrote: thanks for the reply, the problem if I chose expense accounts which are not tagged back to any customer the report gives an error, even if the wh

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] GnuCash 3.3 Released

2018-10-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi all While everyone is busy shaking the program to weed out any new bugs, please be aware that the invoice reports have been modified, with an aim for greater maintainability (i.e. printable invoice, easy-invoice, fancy-invoice now share the same code base and have been approximated as well a

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] GnuCash 3.3 Released

2018-10-01 Thread Christopher Lam
ntal' menu. On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 at 22:35, Adrien Monteleone <> wrote: > Chris, > > Did your new Income/Balance multi-column report make it into this release > or is it still in development? > > Regards, > Adrien > > > O

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.3 invoice layout questions

2018-10-07 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi These changes came about because of work on invoices to improve maintainability and add customizability. The v3.3+ invoice aimed to mimic previous reports but is imperfect. 1. You can now insert a company logo without using a custom style sheet. See the invoice report options, and see "Pi

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.3 invoice layout questions

2018-10-08 Thread Christopher Lam
t; my issue is fairly minor)? > > On 10/7/18 22:35 Christopher Lam wrote:> Hi > > > > These changes came about because of work on invoices to improve > > maintainability and add customizability. The v3.3+ invoice aimed to > > mimic previous reports but is imperfect. >

Re: [GNC] Feedback: Balance Sheet (Multi-Column) / Income Statement (Multi-Column)

2018-10-12 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Deva Thanks for feedback. Charts were planned but not quite finished. Period Average is actually present in the Transaction Report. Select either Asset/Liability accounts, or Income/Expense accounts, (or both). From sorting tab, select Primary-Key = account-name, Secondary-Key = date, sec

Re: [GNC] Feedback: Balance Sheet (Multi-Column) / Income Statement (Multi-Column)

2018-10-13 Thread Christopher Lam
fferent from what I had in mind, but this > version of the report should give me what I am looking for, with a little > adjustment in thought process. > > Cheers. > > On 12-Oct-2018, at 8:46 PM,> wrote: > > Da

Re: [GNC] Capital losses in Advanced Portfolio Report

2018-10-21 Thread Christopher Lam
It's hard wired because that's what the report writer wrote, and was merged into gnucash, as a voluntary contribution. It's rather difficult to modify these reports and maintain full compatibility with everyone who has used them previously and expect the report output to be predictable. Often

Re: [GNC] About report transaction

2018-11-16 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Carlos, the email subject suggests you have customised the transaction report to your needs. You may find that the option General/Add options summary set to 'always' is designed to print the options modified, so that you can recreate the same report. On Fri, 16 Nov 2018 at 12:29, Carlos E. Mora

Re: [GNC] compiling 3.3

2018-11-17 Thread Christopher Lam
These .go files are precompiled .scm files (and they're in a .cache directory) and usually rebuilt on demand. Try deleting/renaming the whole .cache folder and retry. On Sun., 18 Nov. 2018, 09:21 John Griessen On 11/17/18 5:50 PM, John Ralls wrote: > > not enough of the error block to show what o

Re: [GNC] Accounting Modules

2018-12-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Dear Stephen Most describe various transaction *types* - (1) GL ones are regular everyday money movements (2) AP/AR transactions are business amounts owed/payable and are already implemented (3) FA transactions are multiyear entities whereby a single asset/liability is amortized over time, and are

Re: [GNC] Profit & Loss report totals are zero?

2018-12-02 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Jon Please check that the Profit&Loss report currency is the same as the account currency. C On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 at 15:34, drwho wrote: > Using Gnu Cash 2.6.15, when I run Reports --> Income & Expense --> > Profit & Loss, total revenue, total expense and net income for period > are all zero,

Re: [GNC] Adding custom reports

2018-12-06 Thread Christopher Lam
There's some reports about the (gnc-build-userdata-path) part causing problems. Try the following instead: (load (pk (gnc-build-userdata-path "psl-budget.scm"))) (load (pk (gnc-build-userdata-path "my-hello-world-.scm"))) and please report back the tracefile:

Re: [GNC] Problems with v3.3

2018-12-10 Thread Christopher Lam
This is known. Generally this problem is cosmetic and does not lead to data loss. When the developers can spare the time, they will fix it. Meanwhile the best workaround is to doubleclick on the Amount header. HTH On 10/12/18 6:31 pm, Gerald Ha

Re: [GNC] Wildcard in standard report definiton

2018-12-18 Thread Christopher Lam
There's mechanism for printing report settings, but it's only enabled in the Transaction Report (General / Add options summary). Import/Export of settings is more difficult because many options are datafile-specific eg selection of accounts, report currency. The current saved-reports mechanism

Re: New PC

2017-06-07 Thread Christopher Lam On 7 June 2017 at 19:34, Edwin Humphreys wrote: > I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download > GnuCash onto the new PC, but how do I transfer my old finance details? I > have fo

Re: Reconciling an account

2017-06-07 Thread Christopher Lam
Perhaps you may share a partial screenshot of your liability account register? Zap confidential data, however, some data has already been shared :) On 7 June 2017 at 10:26, EngineInstitute wrote: > Dave, > No worries about raining on my parade. > I figured it was probably a preferences issue. I

Re: Transaction Journal View - blank "Memo" instead of Description

2017-06-10 Thread Christopher Lam
> > It would be nice if I could double-click the invoice line and open the > invoice, maybe I am missing something? > > That would be nice too. I agree. Please file a Request For Enhancement on Bugzilla. You can open the *Bill or Invoice* associated via roundabout way 1. Highlight appropriate lin

New Report ideas

2017-06-29 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Doug I'd be keen to hack scheme to modify the source "Accounts" tree which is common to several report types. Right now you select your originating accounts, and when you 'save' the report options, the account guid are hardcoded into the options. This causes issues if we modify the chart of ac

Re: For UK users: Will gnucash get ready for Making Tax Digital ?

2017-07-25 Thread Christopher Lam
I'd be quite keen to know processes for submitting VAT returns. I've never registered for VAT while I was UK resident but I'm submitting Australian GST statements quarterly. I'm enjoying learning scheme and I feel I will be able to generate a workable GST/VAT scheme report within weeks. On 25 July

Re: Accounting for contractors using GnuCash?

2017-07-28 Thread Christopher Lam
I have an interesting solution for recording mileage within Gnucash. I presume you have something like Expenses:Business:Travels already set up in your local currency. You could create an account called Expenses:Business:Mileage in currency XXX, and it will contain only mileage records. It doesn'

New Report. Suitable for VAT/GST returns.

2017-07-31 Thread Christopher Lam
lot of help from "warlord" ;; Heavily amended by Christopher Lam to calculate add calculations ;; appropriate for GST/VAT, building on efforts by Doug Doughty. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Gene

Re: New Report. Suitable for VAT/GST returns.

2017-08-02 Thread Christopher Lam
bas-report On 31 July 2017 at 20:22, Christopher Lam wrote: > Hi All > > After many years of trying to hack scheme, I've finally been able to > create a custom report building on previous efforts by Doug Doughty. Report > is accessible in Report > Business > BAS/VAT Rep

Re: Adding quantity to expenses

2017-08-02 Thread Christopher Lam
You can also abuse the Currency feature. Create account called Assets:Cheese (currency CHF sounds appropriate!). Amend its symbol to 'kg'. Transfer from USD $8 in Assets:Bank to 0.8kg in Assets:Cheese, and the commodity editor will pop up ($10 = 1kg). Eating cheese means transferring some kg fro

Re: Question on multiple layered searches and exporting

2017-08-09 Thread Christopher Lam
> > So my questions are: > > 1) Is there anyway I can make each search I do output it's results to a > new tab so I do not have to start all over after getting 5 layers deep in a > search if I screw up? > No... usually you would search transactions for quick lookups ("warranty claim... when did I

Re: New Report. Suitable for VAT/GST returns.

2017-08-09 Thread Christopher Lam This seems to show exactly what my report produced :-) And the attached chart of accounts seems to fit the bill. Just make sure you assign the correct tax account per multisplit transaction. In my updated report you can merge all

Re: New Report. Suitable for VAT/GST returns.

2017-08-10 Thread Christopher Lam
A dirty hack, but you'll probably want to change (gncTaxTableGetEntries (gncTaxTableLookupByName (gnc-get-current-book) " Input")) to (append (gncTaxTableGetEntries (gncTaxTableLookupByName (gnc-get-current-book) "Input 18")) (gncTaxTableGetEntries (gncTaxTableLookupByName (gnc-get-current-book) "I

Re: New Report. Suitable for VAT/GST returns.

2017-08-10 Thread Christopher Lam
3. VAT/GST also seem more appropriate but rather wordy. We can change if it fits the bill better. Chris On 11 August 2017 at 01:08, Frank H. Ellenberger <> wrote: > Hi, Christopher, > > Am 02.08.2017 um 17:39 schrieb Christopher Lam: > > Terminol

Tax Tables - an illustrated primer?

2017-09-02 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Users & Devs, I'd like to gather data on how Business > Tax Tables are currently being used by users. Tutorial is rather blank on this; says "set up your tax tables", "choose name, entries and percentage or amount", and in doubt, seek an accountant who usually doesn't use gnc. >From my underst

Re: Tax Tables - an illustrated primer?

2017-09-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Chicago Sales Taxes Liability:Tax:Sales:State [L] Liability:Tax:Sales:City [L] Liability:Tax:Sales:County [L] Liability:Tax:Sales:Regional [L] 6.25% 1.25% 1.75% 1% On 3 September 2017 at 19:40, Geert Janssens wrote: > On zondag 3 september 2017 06:29:48 CEST Christopher Lam wrote: > > Hi Users &

Re: Tax Tables - an illustrated primer?

2017-09-04 Thread Christopher Lam
In case table formatting is lost On 4 September 2017 at 22:13, Christopher Lam wrote: > Thank you all > > I'd think that the following would nicely summarise how we'd record VAT as > applied to Commonwealth and Europe. We'd assume that the recording of VAT > o

Re: Add icon for "Get Transactions..."

2017-09-09 Thread Christopher Lam
Ah but there exists mechanism to add keyboard shortcuts.Edit your .gnucash/accelerator-map and maybe you'll find appropriate entry. I've added Ctrl-J for Jump as Ctrl-L for Split as follows: (gtk_accel_path "/GncPluginPageRegisterActions/JumpTransactionAction" "j") (gtk_accel_path "/GncPluginPageR

Re: [GNC] Entering my real estate and mortgage?

2024-09-29 Thread Christopher Lam
If you purchased your house, and want to record the full costs, I'd use a "Settlement Account" (like a suspense account). My real-life settlement account has ~20 transactions to various e.g. utilities prorata, title insurance, real estate fees etc. 1-Jan: Reservation Assets:Bank -50,000 Assets:Hou

Re: [GNC] Specify account for realized gains/loss

2024-10-07 Thread Christopher Lam
Are you using the Stock Transaction assistant? On Tue, 8 Oct 2024, 11:05 am Jon Schewe, wrote: > Looking at the bottom > of > > it seems to me that one needs to manually edit all transactions > c

Re: [GNC] Owning stocks which are not publicly quoted - which account type suits better?

2024-09-24 Thread Christopher Lam
Interesting question... as someone who's been intimately involved in some gnucash code improvements, I have no idea how to account for "my own company stock share". Could anyone more qualified (and with knowledge of double-entry as it applies to personal *and* own company (cf publicly traded compa

Re: [GNC] How to treat a sale which involves more accounts?

2024-09-24 Thread Christopher Lam
If your instrument is a valuable item, I'd personally insert it into its own account, exactly as you'd record purchase of a property: Purchase: 1/1/2020 Asset:Bank -$1 Asset:Stradivarius +$1 Sale: 1/1/2024 Asset:Stradivarius +$4000 Income:CapGain -$4000 Asset:Bank +$14000 Asset:Stradivar

Re: [GNC] properly record short-selling

2024-11-16 Thread Christopher Lam
Not sure how to record your particular transaction with short-selling stock and foreign currency both involved. This sounds like a mess for you and for your accountant. There's a Stock Transaction Assistant which is activated when you're viewing your STOCK account and is intended to record stock ac

Re: [GNC] Stock Wizard not allowing zero balance Margin account

2024-12-12 Thread Christopher Lam
Good catch Sounds like an unusual but very realistic scenario. It would seem the next release (real soon now) will allow it. On Thu, 12 Dec 2024, 6:42 am Grace, wrote: > Hello, > > I've been recording some of my trades into GnuCash using the Stock > Assistant. > > I have one trade where the

Re: [GNC] How can I record reinvestment of Treasury securities?

2024-12-16 Thread Christopher Lam
If I understand correctly, You would typically input the transaction as a dividend payment into cash first, then immediately afterwards use all the released cash towards a purchase of additional securities. You can input them manually or use the Stock transaction assistant. Alternatively you may i

Re: [GNC] Simple report(s) wanted

2025-01-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Try the Transaction Report. Select your desired bank account in *Accounts / Accounts* Ensure the *Display / Account Balance* is ticked. Select your desired time period in *General / Start-End Date* The balance column *will* show the balance at start, and the end balance. On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 at 1

Re: [GNC] Import troubles

2025-02-25 Thread Christopher Lam
On Tue, 25 Feb 2025, 11:50 pm "alois müller" via gnucash-user, <> wrote: >NO! Because there are thousands of transactions that Gnu cash doesn't >import correct - dispite that all transaction have a debit and a >credit account!! > I usually sort by description

Re: [GNC] US Based - have income in both USD and GPB - how to enter into GnuCash

2025-03-12 Thread Christopher Lam
Here's a GnuCash answer: You *could* record into a Income-GBP, and you *could* use an Asset-GBP account if you chose to keep your foreign income in a GBP-based account. When you convert GBP to USD at a later date, you'd convert using appropriate exchange rate (and account for any forex based capgai

Re: [GNC] v3.8: Budget "total" field

2020-01-02 Thread Christopher Lam via gnucash-user On Thu, 2 Jan 2020 at 21:45, Greg W wrote: > In the most recent release this change was made: > > [gnc-budget-view.c] totals - 5 fundamental types > previous showed income/expense/transfers/totals budget totals, of uncertain > meaning. now shows in

Re: [GNC] Odd Error

2019-06-25 Thread Christopher Lam via gnucash-user
This warning originates from planned upgrades to options. If a new date option eg report date "next Easter" is created, the saved options will try store its representation, and an older version cannot understand it. This error message is meant to handle whereby previously it would crash. I'm not s

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