Re: [GNC] Change a batch of transactions from income to Expense

2019-07-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Morayweb you may try one of the tricks mentioned in On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 at 12:02, morayweb wrote: > Hi I imported a qif file but when i went into the transactions they are all > income and none of them are expen

Re: [GNC] Custom reports don't survive upgrade to v3

2019-07-03 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Macho There were API changes between 2.x and 3.x, and there'll be further ones from 3.x and 4.x Perhaps you'd be kind to post your custom .scm files on bugzilla, and the stack traces? On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 01:50, Macho Philipovich wrote: > Dear gnucash users, > > I decided to upgrade from th

Re: [GNC] Balance sheet report period

2019-07-03 Thread Christopher Lam
Or, you could download 3.6 and test the new experimental multi date balance sheets :-) On Wed., 3 Jul. 2019, 21:37 Rich Shepard, wrote: > On Wed, 3 Jul 2019, wrote: > > > The balance sheet is a snapshot in time. It reflects the asset, liability > > and equity account bala

Re: [GNC] Multi column Income Statement

2019-07-05 Thread Christopher Lam
Glad you like it. The subtotals are styled as such to highlight they include >1 account totals. Try Display/Parent account amounts include children option. On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 at 12:54, Stephen Camidge wrote: > Most welcome report! > > Flaw - subaccount totals are double size & black > > > -- > >

Re: [GNC] How to apply Over Payments or Pre-Payments to a Different Invoice

2019-07-10 Thread Christopher Lam
How about running a "Customer Report" and checking the "Total Due" bottom total? If Total Due = negative, there's still prepayment to be used up. On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 at 13:40, L. D. James wrote: > The Gnucash Business Features, Chapter 7.6.1, says you can use the > residual when paying the next

Re: [GNC] Non-profit accounts - reporting of restricted funds and of future commitments

2019-07-20 Thread Christopher Lam
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 at 12:28, Michael Hendry wrote: > Assets/Current Assets/Charity/Charity Current > Assets/Current Assets/Charity/Charity Savings > > I’d like to be able to report on both accounts as if they were a single > account (the spreadsheet simply treated these as a single account and >

Re: [GNC] Include Account Numbers on Trial Balance

2019-07-22 Thread Christopher Lam
This is not currently possible in the Trial Balance. Please file an enhancement on On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 at 09:33, Charles Peter Avery wrote: > Hello, > > I am a new user to GNUcash and I need to include account numbers on my > trial > balance report for my accountant an

Re: [GNC] Report - How to track savings?

2019-07-27 Thread Christopher Lam
Try the Cash-Flow report, select your savings as the source account. On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 at 08:43, Michael Scholz Photography <> wrote: > I'm new to GNC and try to understand how the reports work. > > Is there a way to set up a report to see how much money I saved in

Re: [GNC] Concern with the lengthy list of "Known Issues"

2019-07-27 Thread Christopher Lam
I think the UI upgrades have been an unfortunate but necessary consequence of many Linux distributions deciding to kill GTK2 and all GTK2- based apps. If jralls or gjanssens haven't spent countless hours upgrading components then GnuCash would have been dropped from all major distributions. Most U

Re: [GNC] Help with Export

2019-07-28 Thread Christopher Lam
This may have something to do with Windows 10 permissions. It's restricting apps more and more with each update. On Sun, 28 Jul 2019 at 23:45, James Fuller wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to export my chart of accounts so that I can start a new set > of books. After opening Gnucash I move to the Fil

Re: [GNC] Balance Sheet - Currency Conversion

2019-08-03 Thread Christopher Lam
Simple answer, unfortunately no. Running balance sheet (or multicolumn balance sheet) on date 30/06/19 will try the nearest pricedb entry by default, which is dated 05/07/19. If you wish to run balance-sheet using prices dated 05/06/19, you will have to duplicate the 05/06/19 prices to the new date

Re: [GNC] Last month's transactions included in Reconciliation Report

2019-08-03 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Art The answer is that the report writer likely does not know standard accounting practice. Perhaps try set Filter > Reconcile Status to unreconciled or cleared. Perhaps an enhancement is the reconcile status filter could be refined to show both unreconciled & cleared, excluding reconciled trans

Re: [GNC] QIF Import Problem

2019-08-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi I'm currently looking at the QIF importer and would be grateful for a sample datafile that contains data between matching accounts. Would you mind sending me a small QIF? eg. a couple days' worth of data. On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 at 19:52, Colin McLellan wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to switch to Gnu

Re: How to deal with the cash flow and the credit card.

2017-09-25 Thread Christopher Lam
I think the easiest way is to schedule both repayments as you expect to pay the credit cards in the future (23 and 30 of the month). Then on the main Accounts window, enable the column labelled "Future Minimum" which will warn you how close to the red line you will be :) (Click on the down arrow on

Re: Report Question

2017-09-30 Thread Christopher Lam
Edit > Report Options > Display > Maximum Bars (default 8) Set it to a higher number, the maximum is 24 On 30 September 2017 at 20:22, Joseph Hesse wrote: > Hi, > > I am using the latest version 2.6.17 of gnucash. I just ran the report > "Expense Over Time = Expense Barchart" with the maximum n

Re: Trouble with custom report options

2017-10-01 Thread Christopher Lam
This is a bug that's been fixed in 2.6.18 There's more than a few report writers now :) On 2 October 2017 at 05:55, Jon Schewe wrote: > All, > > I'm trying to create a report with some options that are disabled when > others are not selected. Be

Re: New user questions

2017-10-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Re: mileage recording I record business mileage using an unused currency (ZMK, whose display symbol I've changed to 'km') - this means I maintain one datafile rather than multiple spreadsheets, and using a different currency avoids accidentally mixing up numbers. If I visit my accountant, travell

Re: Report - Items sold, quantity and value

2017-10-10 Thread Christopher Lam
You can print a report of itemized sales in one invoice by running the Reports/Business/Tax Invoice report. I don't think there's a report which will aggregate items sold across several invoices. C On 10 Oct 2017 22:04, "Eduardo Estefano Neto" <> wrote: > Hi ther

Re: importing

2017-10-14 Thread Christopher Lam
There should be no need to delete the Trading Accounts. It only exists if you have set File>Properties>Use Trading Accounts to true, and you have transactions that involve a currency/stock conversion. The transactions in the Trading Accounts are harmless, and are even useful when performing some ca

Re: GNUCash Android Companion App Balances

2017-10-22 Thread Christopher Lam
It seems the android developer Ngewi Fet is rather active on On 22 October 2017 at 16:35, Mike Stillingfleet <> wrote: > Thank you Colin. Yes I do do regular back ups and thank you for > reminding me to do

Re: Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

2017-10-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Are you using Edit > Find or CTRL-F to search description/account, and use the resulting register (which looks like a normal register) to calculate totals? If so, I think the running balance is rather meaningless. For your particular report I'd use the Transaction Report, depending on whether you'

Re: Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

2017-10-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Edit > Find and CTRL+F are the same. The resulting search results register does not, in my view, produce very useful running balances. The standard Transaction Report cannot filter by Description. Doug Doughty has some custom reports I've kept at christopherlam/gnucash-multico

RE: cannot find report

2017-10-25 Thread Christopher Lam
You can run the standard Transaction Report, choose options: Accounts/Accounts: click a parent account, click “Select Children”; ***don’t select any other accounts*** Sorting/Primary Key: account name Sorting/Primary Subtotal: true Sorting/Secondary Key: none This will give you the total for paren

Re: cannot find report

2017-10-25 Thread Christopher Lam
or main + sub account $ 3.00 <-- this is the line i'm looking for. > > i remember vagely that i did something like this in the past but i cannot > find it anymore. > > > > On 25 Oct 2017, at 17:12, Christopher Lam > wrote: > > You can run the standard

Re: GNU Reports

2017-10-25 Thread Christopher Lam
Try the "Income Barchart" and enable Display/Show Table On 25 Oct 2017 05:11, "Ron Buchan" wrote: > Hello, > I am new to Gnucash and was wondering if it's possible to produce a profit > and loss report that shows individual months as well as a total. > *Regards* > > > > *Ron Buchan **"If you hav

Re: Bank reconciliation history

2017-10-30 Thread Christopher Lam
Don't think this information is stored in the database. I think the closest approach is use Transaction Report, enable Display/Reconciled Date, set Sorting/Primary Key to Reconciled date, Sorting/Secondary Key to None. But I don't think the 'reconciled balance at reconciliation date' is ever store

RE: Outgoing personal loan clarification

2017-11-02 Thread Christopher Lam
I’d think: 11th: Regular 2-split Assets:Cash -$300 Expenses:Payroll $300 25th: Multisplit Assets:Cash -$50 Assets:Loan:Employee -$250 Expenses:Payroll $300 The loan repayment is simply a transfer between ‘Money owed’ asset account to your bank account. Some concerns will be whether you wish t

Re: simple find transactions report

2017-11-02 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Elmar >From the default Transaction Report, choose: Accounts/Accounts: select the Expenses:Discretionary:Travel, click 'Select children' which will select Expenses:Discretionary:Travel:Lodging etc Sorting/Primary Key: Date Sorting/Primary Subtotal: none Sorting/Secondary Key: Description or

RE: Categorized credit card spend report

2017-11-03 Thread Christopher Lam
The report you wish does exist. From transaction report: Account/Account – choose Expenses placeholder, click “Select Children” Account/Filter By... – choose your creditcard(s) (either, or both) Account/Filter Type – include transactions to/from filter account HTH From: Tj Junior Sent: Saturday,

Re: Translation...

2017-11-10 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Thomas >Two major problems: > * The accounting vocabulary has been mixed up and add difficulties to >the simple work of understanding accounting concepts. An example: >the name given to the registers is, in fact, the name accountants >give to the main book that

Re: Transaction Report with weekly balance

2017-11-19 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Billsy, Welcome to Gnucash mailing list. Perhaps you can tick Display/Running Balance and it'll show both the transactional amount (+$3500, -$1500 etc) as well as the immediate bank balance (i.e. 7809+3500 and 7809+3500-1500 etc). Note the above applies only if you have chosen your bank accou

RE: Transaction Report with weekly balance

2017-11-20 Thread Christopher Lam
Well, from the current Transaction Report, If the Accounts/Accounts source is the bank/creditcard account, you’ll get all the deposits/withdrawals (or charges/payments) related to that account. Wouldn’t it work? Alternatively the Cash Flow report is usually helpful, however I’m not that familia

RE: Reconciliation Report

2017-11-30 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Rick As per Adrien, there’s no specific Reconciliation Report. You can, however, run the Transaction Report, choose select: - Accounts/Accounts – choose your Bank account (or Credit Card account) - Display/Reconciled Date - ticked - Sorting/Primary Sortkey - Reconciled Date This may help. I be

Re: How to create an asset with a reduced value compared to my regular currency (dollars)

2017-12-01 Thread Christopher Lam
This sounds like an overkill. I'd write the original purchase as: Asset:Bank -$430 Asset:GiftCard: $500 Expense:Rebates -$70 Whereby Expense:Rebates generally collects anything that was purchased at a discount, and I wish to record the original price as well as the discount. So, a discounted lapt

Re: Accounts Capicity

2017-12-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Agree the hard limit is somewhere around the number of atoms in the universe. In the past, where I couldn't get the register to accept a transaction, there was usually an invalid state due to fiddling the settings too much. For example, I was inputting transactions as usual, then changed the accou

Re: budgeting is very slow

2017-12-11 Thread Christopher Lam
This is nothing to do with your hardware, it's a known issue with budgeting on windows and so far no one has been able to diagnose why. On 12 Dec 2017 11:56 AM, "Dave & Tracy E via gnucash-user" <> wrote: > Hi. > > > > * The budgeting window on GnuCash 2.6.18 is extremely

Re: Report error An error occurred while running the report.

2017-12-13 Thread Christopher Lam
Not every report handles error conditions smoothly. It would be useful to summarise the report chosen and the options used. The report can then be fixed for the next release. On 13 Dec 2017 4:22 PM, "Dane Dormio" wrote: > I am running the latest version of GNUcash (2.6.18) on Windows 10. When I

Re: Report error An error occurred while running the report.

2017-12-13 Thread Christopher Lam
c 13, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Christopher Lam wrote: > Not every report handles error conditions smoothly. It would be useful to > summarise the report chosen and the options used. The report can then be > fixed for the next release. > > On 13 Dec 2017 4:22 PM, "Dane Dormio"

Re: Report error An error occurred while running the report.

2017-12-13 Thread Christopher Lam
Also the trace file will be useful. On 13 Dec 2017 23:40, "Christopher Lam" wrote: > Well start by stating which report caused the error. Which options did you > modify. Did you change any global or book defaults. Any particularities &

RE: Report error An error occurred while running the report.

2017-12-14 Thread Christopher Lam
Just a punt Try increasing the Accounts / Show Accounts until level to “All” Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Dane Dormio Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2017 5:15 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: Report error An error occurred while running the report. Yes, I

Re: New to GNU Cash: how do I enter a VAT Payment?

2017-12-30 Thread Christopher Lam
There are various ways. Check the FAQ to determine your preferred method. These relate to recording vat collected/paid during business transactions. On 31 Dec 2017 6:58 AM, "gnuc...@edev.c

Re: Split Transaction To Personal And Business

2018-01-02 Thread Christopher Lam
Well within the regular register there's no mechanism for inputting, e.g. $40 electricity paid and have the system allocate among splits according to a formula. There's however a mechanism for inputting in a Scheduled Transaction (known as SX), e.g. let's say 50% use is personal and 50% is busines

Re: Close Year

2018-01-03 Thread Christopher Lam
You can 'close the year' with Tools > Close Year which adds a 'Closing entry' transaction from Expense and Income accounts on a specific date to the Equity account. The benefit is that the Income & Expense balances will reflect 'balance this year' so far. It doesn't however prevent modification of

Re: Collecting payments from others then remitting to one vendor

2018-01-12 Thread Christopher Lam
You could do liability accounts for each utility bill but I like the concept of 'kitty funds' which gives you/them a real-time view of monies owed by whom. *You pay the full $30 bill from your bank, but only $10 is your share* Asset:Bank -$30 Expense:Utilities $10 Asset:Alice $10 Asset:Bob $10

Re: Filtered account report

2018-01-15 Thread Christopher Lam
Try the Transaction Report which has an Account Filter in the first tab. On 16 Jan 2018 11:54 AM, "AC" wrote: > I was looking at some of my loans and wanted to get an idea of how much > I paid in interest to each loan over their life. I've got one account > that collects the amount of loan inte

Re: Filtered account report

2018-01-15 Thread Christopher Lam
he memo field would suffice. > > Regards, > Adrien > >> On Jan 15, 2018, at 10:29 PM, AC wrote: >> >> No, that didn't work. It still pulls the interest payments from >> multiple loans and won't let me filter out the specific interest >> payments for o

Re: Where does Gnucash keep the list of accounts to match transactions to when importing OFX/QFX

2018-01-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Clint, the associations are kept within the datafile itself. There's no current mechanism for modifying these associations, however, the upcoming version 3.0 will feature an editor. On 23 Jan 2018 11:16 AM, "Clint Redwood" wrote: > Hi, > > I'm importing a number of transactions, and most repe

Re: Reports Not Responding Windows 10

2018-01-23 Thread Christopher Lam
Your account currency is R. Your report currency is $. Your data file has no R/$ price information. That's why. Edit option, change report to R. On 23 Jan 2018 16:52, "michaelwithms" wrote: I have installed Gnucash this morning. All fine except the reports do not carry totals across . i am win1

Re: Future allocated money vs Budgets

2018-01-26 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Matt I think there is merit in your idea. I think some of the logic has already been baked into the Scheduled Transactions (SX) facility. So far, we know the transactions in the database are perfect for recording *past* activity. Sometimes I'll also record transactions in the future e.g. for upc

Re: invoice+bill for same bank transaction for business

2018-01-31 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Paul We have similar in Australia called 'Recipient Created Tax Invoices' see I solve this by NOT using the Gnucash business features at all. The agency takes care of all customer payment chasing, refunds, calculating taxes etc, an

Re: Can I automate any of this?

2018-02-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Bob: Try this for an unusual solution... C On 31/01/18 15:59, bob_summers wrote: Hi, I've been using GnuCash for a few years in my business, a language academy, and it does everything I need it to, which is; generat

Re: can i use to handle VAT?

2018-02-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Joanna This is not a daft question. It is answered in The exact process may vary, but ultimately these VAT amounts must be recorded in accounts of type asset or liability. Please

Re: Future allocated money vs Budgets

2018-02-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Looks nice. My main concern with these "shadow accounts" is that they will, by default, be counted in the Net worth reports, income reports, etc, and must be manually deselected every time. In my view budget allocations are technically "outside the books" and must therefore ideally be recorded in

Re: Trading Accounts

2018-02-12 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Les Really interesting question, with a simple and a complicated answer. Simple answer: I think Trial Balance would differ if you deal with multiple currencies or stock (i.e. multiple conversions with differing dates and prices). Complicated answer:

Re: Confused by "Reverse"

2018-02-25 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Stan, You are right, reports are not always consistent in offering consistent nor flexible options. They have been growing organically for nearly 2 decades now, with no overriding benevolent dictator, and many cooks had had a hand in developing them. The most flexible by far will always b

Re: "Unrealized Losses" in Trial Balance Report

2018-03-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Richard If I understand 'unrealised gains', this is a known issue. I think any double-entry accounting system will have this issue when currencies or stocks are converted without accounting for capital gains. With stocks we expect to receive capital gains and are usually taxed on these gains;


2018-03-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Potuz This is clever- would you mind documenting the process to run reports from command line? C On 23/03/18 04:57, Potuz wrote: On Mar 22, Potuz wrote: Hello, I have a number of scripts that parse my .gnucash sqlite dbase and produce reports. I'd like to be able to compile and run thos

Re: Unrealized loss

2018-04-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Salut Alain You will also incur unrealized gains/losses upon currency transfers, eg EUR->GBP->EUR whereby exchange rates are fluid. HTH On 01/04/18 18:17, wrote: De: "John Ralls" À: Cc: Envoyé: Dimanche 1 Avril 2018 15:34:43 Objet: R

Re: GNUCash 3.0: Report Printing problems

2018-04-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Steve 2-4 can be easily solved by File > Export > Export Report to file, and opening the file in a modern web browser for printing. The report generation code exports to HTML natively, but is limited by the webkit implementation used. A modern web browser will obey the html rules better.

Re: Unrealized loss

2018-04-04 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Alain, please report bug and we can track discussion there. On Wed, 4 Apr 2018, 20:12 wrote: > I suspect there is a bug that should be reported: > > As I do NOT manage currencies other than EUR and no traders accounts > taking into account share values, I have deleted all exchanges rates that

Re: GnuCash 3.0 initial observations

2018-04-05 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Deva First you forgot to attach screenshots. I'll assist where I can: On 05/04/18 16:43, Deva - wrote: Hello, Firstly, thank you all for this new and much awaited version. I have just installed GC 3.0 on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.4 and have been browsing through what’s new and what’s impr

Re: [GNC] Quicken running balances - available in GnuCash??

2018-04-07 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Billsy There's nothing quite like weekly running balances. But there's running balance after each transaction: * Sorting/Primary Key = Date * Sorting/Primary Subtotal for Date Key = Weekly * Display/Running Balance = enabled I believe this is the closest that can be produced from Gnucash r

Re: [GNC] Additional filter option (by number) for Transaction report

2018-04-10 Thread Christopher Lam
To Whistler and Amish: /If you have upgraded to Gnucash 2.7 onwards:/ To Whistler: See attached patch - you can apply to your sources and rebuild, or patch transaction.scm in gnucash installation folder. To Amish: You can set Filter/Transaction Filter regex option to true, and use POSIX regu

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 2.6.20 Report Problem

2018-04-15 Thread Christopher Lam
Hmm sounds like Windows versions come with guile-1.8. The following change should fix this. Change line 271-272 in category-barchart.scm to: (define the-acount-destination-alist   (account-destination-alist accounts account-types   (if (equal? account-levels 'all)       (gnc:get-current-account-

Re: [GNC] Quicken running balances - available in GnuCash??

2018-04-22 Thread Christopher Lam
The Transaction Report options window is probably too small. Use mouse-wheel to scroll down, or expand the options window. HTH On 23/04/18 08:25, Billsy wrote: Thankyou for the tip - I am not able to locate the Display/Running Balance = enabled parameter in reports. Can you advise? Thanks for

Re: [GNC] GC 3.1 Mac OS X 10.13.4 High Sierra Report issue

2018-05-02 Thread Christopher Lam
> > > While I am at it, I note that the report setting to reverse account > signs on the transaction report doesn’t seem to affect the total amount any > more—it worked correctly in 2.6.19. ISTR that others have noted this—or > does that need to get a bug as well? > > > I'm afraid the previous 're

Re: [GNC] GC 3.1 Mac OS X 10.13.4 High Sierra Report issue

2018-05-03 Thread Christopher Lam
>In general, the result is as follows: >YTD Dividends >From 01/01/2018 to 05/02/2018 > >Grand Total $9,999.00 I don't really have a problem generating something similar to the above... Accounts/Accounts = Income:Dividends, Sorting/Primary Sortkey = 'account', Secondary Sortkey='none', Sorting/

Re: [GNC] Advice needed, how to handle a medical reimbursement account...

2018-05-13 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Randix; you can try using the Business features and see if they work for you, or use an intermediary 'asset'-type account (or more accurately, account receivable). 1-Jan: Income:MRA -$1000 Asset:MRA +$1000 5-Jan: visit Doctor123 Asset:Checking -$100 Expense:Medical +$100 10-Jan: submit claim

Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

2018-06-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Could you send these customised invoices as an attachment? On Sat, 2 Jun 2018, 02:34 Jordan and Reidun Staudinger <> wrote: > Hi, I have had some pretty decent looking custom invoices set up in > GnuCash for a few years now, and I've been quite happy with them. > How

Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

2018-06-01 Thread Christopher Lam
; wrote: > Here they are. Thanks! > > On 06/01/2018 05:11 PM, Christopher Lam wrote: > > Could you send these customised invoices as an attachment? > > On Sat, 2 Jun 2018, 02:34 Jordan and Reidun Staudinger < >> wrote: > >> Hi, I

Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

2018-06-02 Thread Christopher Lam
try Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Jordan and Reidun Staudinger Sent: Saturday, 2 June 2018 11:17 PM To: Christopher Lam Subject: Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade Thanks for your help with this, I really appreciate it. The new one you sent back gives a different

Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

2018-06-06 Thread Christopher Lam
t is an .scm, is not accepted by any html validator, nor navigable by emacs. Otherwise, it's fine, really! On 5 June 2018 at 20:47, Derek Atkins wrote: > Christopher Lam writes: > > > Try this one... unfortunately most of the report uses eguile which I > can't > > unde

Re: [GNC] Rebuild of Gnucash 3.1-1 on Arch fails

2018-06-09 Thread Christopher Lam
Fixed in source On 9 June 2018 at 23:51, Richard Ullger wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to rebuild gnucash 3.1-1, downloaded from Sourcefourge, > following the boost update in Arch, but fails with the error below. > >

Re: [GNC] New User, First Invoice...Cue Weird Music!

2018-06-13 Thread Christopher Lam
Isn't the second X in the first line a mistake? Click to disable (stands for "tax included in amount") On 13 June 2018 at 21:35, Eric H. Bowen via gnucash-user <> wrote: > I'm a brand-new GnuCash user and I set up a chart of accounts and used > it to draw up an invoice fo

Re: [GNC] New report

2018-06-14 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Stephen I cannot help with getting eguile reports loaded, but would be very interested in feedback from a trained accountant. What is wrong with the balance sheet, and how should it look like? Would you be kind to offer an annotated sample? The current reports can be fixed. Regards On 15 June 2

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-18 Thread Christopher Lam
nt of numbers that is the problem. Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM 253-350-0166 --- GnuPG Fingerprint: 8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8 On 06/18/2018 06:35 AM, Christopher Lam wrote: Hi Stephen Thank you

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-21 Thread Christopher Lam
or tomorrow GBP might drop back to parity, the stock might crash, and the housing market could implode. So, we may need input from others who might have a different viewpoint. Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM 253-350-0166 --

[GNC] New Balsheet (and P&L report)

2018-06-25 Thread Christopher Lam
Seeking beta testers. Or, anyone with v3.2 onwards can copy the file directly into the build's standard-reports folder:

Re: [GNC] New Balsheet (and P&L report)

2018-06-25 Thread Christopher Lam
I think we have a problem with the GPB > valuations. We haven't done any bookkeeping with multiple currencies. > So will need input from somebody else. > > > > Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM > > > 253-350-0166 > ---

Re: [GNC] Valuation of stocks, foreign currencies in reports

2018-06-26 Thread Christopher Lam
ps this can be parked for now; and merged when it is confirmed accurate enough. C On 26/06/18 17:11, Geert Janssens wrote: Op dinsdag 26 juni 2018 06:03:07 CEST schreef Christopher Lam: Hi Stephen Thank you for valuable feedback... all these issues are cosmetic / account selection, and

Re: [GNC] Forward payments

2018-06-28 Thread Christopher Lam
You are effectively doing a split transaction. Assets:Bank -$1250 Assets:Staff  +$250 (sundries) Expenses:Staff +$1000 (salary) As the staff member spends appropriately, transfer from Assets:Staff to Expenses:Various C On 28/06/18 18:31, Tony Vanson wrote: Thank you for your patience Yes, I

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-28 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Dave It's nice to have input from someone in the know. I have used the placeholder flag to tag accounts which are now closed, e.g. closed bank accounts, loans paid off, old unused expense categories. This is not expressly disallowed by the UI, and the advantage here is the account does not

Re: [GNC] Fwd: The two modules

2018-06-29 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi David It'd seem the Frozen status relates to transaction status (Unreconciled/Cleared/Reconciled/Void/Frozen) only, and is so far unused. I'm going to amend the balsheet-pnl to the desired format. This means the accounts are shown sequentially, and *every* account will also include childr

Re: [GNC] New Balsheet (and P&L report)

2018-06-30 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Dave On 28/06/18 17:24, DaveC49 wrote: Christopher, " except that Placeholder accounts can also contain transactions therefore must not necessarily accumulate their children account amounts. " I have to disagree with the above from an accounting perspective. I was not describing UI restri

Re: [GNC] New Balsheet (and P&L report)

2018-06-30 Thread Christopher Lam
r:Stock 200FUND" I dare say this strategy is much clearer than the existing balance sheet reports. C On 30 June 2018 at 17:03, Christopher Lam wrote: > Hi Dave > > On 28/06/18 17:24, DaveC49 wrote: > >> Christopher, >> >> " except that Placeholder account

Re: [GNC] Advanced Portfolio: "sell transaction causing a negative stock balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a zero balance"

2018-07-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Highlight the "transfer" buy transaction, click transaction duplicate, and accept the exact same day. You now have two buy transactions. Now highlight the first one and delete it. On Mon, 2 Jul 2018, 05:54 Anthony Joseph Messina wrote: > With GnuCash 3.1 on Fedora 28, I encounter the following e

Re: [GNC] Rethinking the placeholder account concept (was: Re: Fwd: The two modules)

2018-07-01 Thread Christopher Lam
Discussions are useful; but would anyone have an idealised template, or sample output that the balance sheet should produce? Idealy with the 'account-has-children-and-amounts' peculiarity? The balsheet in development will, ideally, replace the current (non-eguile) one. The existing one has amounts

Re: [GNC] Uninstalling previous versions

2018-07-02 Thread Christopher Lam Instructions to fix html-utilities.scm within On Mon, 2 Jul 2018, 20:11 Bruce Lang wrote: > Hi, > > I installed 3.2 but I experienced problems with displaying the reports. > > Trial Balance and Equity Statement produced an "Error in producing > rep

Re: [GNC] Odd behavior on Transaction Report

2018-07-02 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Stephen The Running balance is directly retrieved from the split data; the ordering of same-day splits is, I believe, dependent on the order of data entered. If it matters try setting one of the sortkeys to 'register order' - it may work but even if it does, the custom sorter will sort stric

Re: [GNC] Why duplicate reports in 3.2?

2018-07-12 Thread Christopher Lam
On 13/07/18 05:17, David T. via gnucash-user wrote: As I understand it, the two menu items call the same report file with different title flags, so there is no overhead in storage or codebase. Your concern boils down to the fact that both names appear in the menu. While this is annoying, it h

Re: [GNC] Reports Showing All Zeros

2018-07-20 Thread Christopher Lam
You need to change your report currency to MYR. It's currently set to some dollar currency, likely USD. Change it, either via Edit / Preferences / Reports / Report Currency or Edit / Report Options / Commodities / Report Currency HTH On 20/07/18 07:42, alhafar wrote: I am also facing this pr

Re: [GNC] Reports indentation

2018-07-20 Thread Christopher Lam
Hi Nigel Please feel free to help beta test a new income-statement. It aims to replace the current one which has numerous unfixable inconsistencies. It has no redundant subtotals, and it can compare incomes/expenses across periods. The account indenting is better, and the amount indenting h

Re: [GNC] Invoices - Extra Notes missing

2018-07-21 Thread Christopher Lam
The "Australian Tax Invoice" eguile report on my end does seem to use the Extra notes option. Perhaps you'd be keen to try the beta invoice engine? It upgrades the "Printable Invoice" to have a much more customisable layout and can use CSS. On 22/

Re: [GNC] balance sheet and account equation for Business Accounts

2018-07-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Unfortunately the current balance sheet will compulsorily convert all amounts to a target currency. If you're willing to help beta test, a new balsheet is in development at

Re: [GNC] balance sheet and account equation for Business Accounts

2018-07-22 Thread Christopher Lam
Don't need to be a programmer. Just save the link into the standard-reports folder - on windows it's somewhere in c:\program files (x86)\gnucash On Mon, 23 Jul 2018, 02:20 nor via gnucash-user wrote: > That will be great. Link viewed. However, I am not comfortable with > programmingnor > > > > -


2018-07-25 Thread Christopher Lam
You've hit the known bug - this will be fixed in v3.3 so perhaps you can try the previous version 3.1 for now, or wait a few weeks. On 26 July 2018 at 07:11, H Millar MacDonald OBE wrote: > Thanks David. The release is 3.2 and the OS is High Sier

Re: [GNC] few questions on gnucash

2018-08-05 Thread Christopher Lam
Depending on how the sales taxes are recorded, the "Income & GST report" may be able to show sales/income and their taxes. On Mon, 6 Aug 2018, 09:30 David Cousens wrote: > Julie > > GnuCash is primarily a double entry accounting system. It is used world > wide > so its functions are usually gene

Re: [GNC] transaction report missing subtotals

2018-08-09 Thread Christopher Lam
Can you attach a screenshot of the problem? Use MSPaint or something to hide any sensitive data. Also switch on "General / Add options summary" to "Always" to show us which options were set. On Wed, 8 Aug 2018, 20:08 lebyarules via gnucash-user <> wrote: > hi all > > und

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation Report

2018-08-10 Thread Christopher Lam
Which version? There was a change in date strategy for reconciliation report in the past couple releases. Would you mind attaching a screenshot? If you need to hide sensitive data, any paint program such as MSPaint can hide data. Please switch option "General / Add options summary" to "alway

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation Report

2018-08-10 Thread Christopher Lam
The reconcile report 'date' selection applies to the 'reconcile date', so any reconciled transaction whose reconcile-date falls between start-date and end-date is included. I think this behaviour applies from 3.2 onwards. Any unreconciled transactions are also included. The reasoning was that

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